16 year old South African girl in Sea Org for slave labor 1/4 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 28 June 2014 03:52 |
While Scientology Inc. continues to lie about observing Child Labor Laws, it actually has used children and teenagers for decades. Tanya explains why. She also describes the grim life in the Sea Organization with half hour meal breaks, 15 hours a day of work. Workers are treated as slaves hence the term "Human trafficking" is associated with Scientology Inc. The Leader lives like a Saudi King, millions are extorted to bury titanium plates in Nuclear vaults, while the little worker like Tanya is enslaved with ungodly schedules and total and utter CONTROL.
Scientology Inc, Religious Intelligence, Religious Infiltration and Religious Spying? |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 26 June 2014 21:49 |
A private Investigator's average cost is $75 to $125 an hour. Figure out 8 hours a day. Figure out the *Church* hires minimally 100 Private investigators internationally. Their Private Investigator bill annually is a staggering amount. Millions are spent to SPY on their targets. This is quite aside from Lawyer, legal bills. Data is gotten from Private Investigators to then form programs to *Utterly destroy the target* per the OSA Network series written by Hubbard, which is the Bible of the branch of the Church called Office of Special Affairs International which is the re-incarnation of the Guardian's office..
Scientology inc's leader David Miscavige Meglomania |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 24 June 2014 23:31 |
David Miscavige rules the length and breadth of Scientology with an iron hand and dark heart. He rules supreme. His lying lawyers in the Texas law court recently alleged Miscavige is not the administrative head by *ecclesiastical* makes every Scientologist on planet earth see the outright lies spoken to a judge in a court of law, Some 4 years ago David Miscavige ORDERED that Los Angeles public were to cough up $10 million in donations in one week. It was an order Straight from C.O.B.(Chairman of the Board) which is a self-bestowed title. Ecclesiastical rulers do not give out Money targets. The $10 million was gotten. The Flag Land Base in Clearwater was given a target of $40 million to be gotten in one week by David Miscavige Both Los Angeles and Clearwater made their targets from money coercion and extortion.
Steve Hall's unique journey in and out of Scientology Inc Part 1 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 23 June 2014 15:30 |
The first and earliest site on the Web where Scientologists themselves stepped forward to expose the internal abuse, corruption and criminality of the Church of Scientology was the site created by Steve Hall: http://www.scientology-cult.com/
Steve spent 20 years in the Sea Org (mostly at INT Base) and he shares his thoughts and stories in his first interview.
Church of Scientology "Kidnap Contract" |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 21 June 2014 05:29 |
Before you take a single counseling (auditing) session in Scientology Inc you sign a large sheaf of documents. You do not get a copy of what you signed. More than the likely the Church is too embarrassed to let you have a copy and is fearful (with their craving for good "PR") that these documents will get posted on the Internet. Jeffrey Augustine explains more... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooBM3bmw_uE
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