Home Karen de la Carriere Blog


I was a member of the Church of Scientology for decades and was married to the President of the Church of Scientology, Heber Jentzsch. Our son was Alexander Jentzsch. When I started to speak out publicly about abuses and horrific on-going violations of human rights within the Church, they retaliated by coercing my son to "disconnect" from me. Within 3 years, in 2012, he subsequently died of neglect while inside the Church. He was only 27 years old. To make matters worse, Church of Scientology executives blockaded me from seeing my own son's body and attending my own son's funeral. David Miscavige who has run the Church of Scientology for three decades is a corrupt evil psychopath responsible for the deaths of many people who, like my own son, succumbed to oppression. This blog has been established to protect the public by blowing a whistle of fire on CoS corruption, exposing their crimes and atrocities. Follow me on Facebook - Follow me on Twitter

Karen de la Carriere Blog
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# Article Title Hits
1 Scientology pulverized, humiliated, apologetic to Bonnie Woods with love from Allen and Overy 1660
2 Dark Secrets of Scientology - Lying about the End of Life Assist 3142
3 Scientology - Breaking Free! - Jeff Walker brought the Police! 2974
4 Scientology Cult - More Truth Revealed with Karen, Janis & Mark 2904
5 Secrets of Scientology's $500,000 Bridge to Total Freedom 2937
6 REVELATIONS on Scientology Cult Payback & Revenge, Even After Death 2689
7 Scientology poster Boy Tom Cruise and his CULT BROMANCE with David Miscavige 2711
8 Actor and Ex-Scientologist Larry Anderson on His Lead Role in the Scientology Orientation Film 2970
9 Scientology's Bizarre 1996 Orientation Film: Join Scientology or Blow Your Brains Out! 2393
10 Scientology's Sleep Deprivation causing hallucinations ~~ Rachel Hasting shares with us 2386
11 Scientology Money ~~ How Cops and Politicians get Addicted to gorging themselves on the SCN cult $$$ 2478
12 The Con is on ~ How Scientology Sells Lies 2501
13 The Real David Miscavige. How does a violent thug rule the cult of SCN with sustainability? 2315
14 Did Scientology BLACKMAIL Danny Masterson? 2187
15 Scientology women at INT base FORCED to have contraceptive devices inserted into their bodies 2306
16 A $20 antibiotic could've saved my son's life. Now Scientology want to destroy me - Karen's story 2384
17 Grant Cardone SQUEALS Like a Stuck Pig: He Was Ordered 2 Arbitration When His $750K Watch Was Stolen 3485
18 Warfare + FAIR GAME of the Scientology cult on Russell Miller, Hubbard biographer BARE FACED MESSIAH 2212
20 Scientology’s devious tricks to hold its members hostage for life | 60 Minutes Australia 2389
21 Kate Bornstein, not a man, not a woman, former Scientologist now non-binary AMAZING, STUNNING 2088
22 5 Shocking FACTS about Danny Masterson saga and his GUILTY Verdict by Los Angeles Jury 2437
23 Jeffrey Augustine: What I Saw in Court When Scientologist Danny Masterson was Convicted of Two Rapes 3315
24 The Truth About Tom Cruise, Scientology HIDDEN Cameras 2671
25 The WEIRDEST Things Tom Cruise Does As A Scientologist 2171
26 Scientology Insider Shows The HORRIFIC Side of Tom Cruise As A Parent 2574
27 How Scientology violates sexual privacy - with Karen De La Carriere 1995
28 Queen of Scientology Reveals Why Tom Cruise Joined 1988
29 Scientology Insider Reveals AWFUL Tom Cruise Allegations 1834
30 Scientology is always worse than you ever imagined 1723
31 Scientology cult Core Secrets and the Bait and Switch into Exorcism 1991
32 Scientology, celebrities, & children: why people stay, & why they leave - with Karen De La Carriere 1960
33 The Life and Death of Alexander Jentzsch, 27, born in the cult of Scientology 1956
34 Lisa Marie Presley | How much money did Scientology take from her? 1985
35 The Self destruction of Scientology, the Iron fist and dark heart, what sustainability? 1889
36 Podcast: Mike Rinder Talks to Jeffrey Augustine About His Bestselling New Book “A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology” 2303
37 Scientology's Danny Masterson DOES NOT GET ACQUITTED. Jury deadlocked. Mistrial. 2130
38 The Hired guns of Scientology Academic and "experts" paid good money to puff and influence 1893
39 Scientology trial ~ The 5 crucial points of Danny Masterson’s court case 2026
40 Tom Cruise Complicit In Scientologist Abuse 1819
41 Scientology is approaching critical mass, 2 criminal cases, 3 civil law suits, all next month 2272
42 Scientology is approaching critical mass, 2 criminal cases, 3 civil law suits, all next month 2172
43 Taking on Scientology in the law courts - with Karen De La Carriere 2282
44 Scientology poster Boy Tom Cruise and strangest SCN CULT BROMANCE, Miscavige and Cruise - part 2/2 2559
45 Tom Cruise BILLION DOLLAR shill for the Scientology cult: Look at ME ME ME 1970
46 The tyrant L. Ron Hubbard & his Sea Organization slaves - with Karen De La Carriere 1843
47 Valeska Paris, Freewinds "Cruise ship" prisoner for 12 years TRAFFICKING law suit against the CULT 2017
48 Ron Miscavige and Karen discuss the Scientology misuse of POWER. ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY 2861
49 Scientology, It's Computer Division & The Sci Fi Ancient Kingdom of Chug 2241
50 Valeska Paris: Scientology Freewinds Ship ~~ Prisoner for 12 Years 2402
51 The Cult of Scientology plays the Game of Musical Chairs to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody 2276
52 Scientology poster Boy Tom Cruise and strangest SCIENTOLOGY CULT BROMANCE, Miscavige and Cruise 2119
53 Scientology poster Boy Tom Cruise and strangest SCIENTOLOGY CULT BROMANCE, Miscavige and Cruise 2748
54 David Miscavige, high school dropout and Scientology cult dictator ~~ some Truth Revealed ~ Part 1 1961
55 Scientology's Captain Bill, UFOs, Xenu, 75 million and the by-passed case to re-pay and redo it all 2223
56 Scientology: sex magick, Lucifer, and the Antichrist - with Karen De La Carriere 2805
57 Scientology ~ Loathsome attributes: How they handled an in-vitro couple to make more money 2258
58 Scientology Founder L Ron Hubbard - Is it true he called himself the Anti-Christ ? Full story 2810
59 Scientology: The Life of A Child In Scientology 2604
60 Scientology, the cult of scamming for money & more money - all your money, no matter what 2711
61 Scientology, the cult of scamming for money & more money - all your money, no matter what 2440
62 L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology orders a suicide electric shock machine to get rid of a evil spirit 4425
63 Scientology mantra "Man is Basically Good" is fake. A huge part of the dogma is addressing your EVIL 2829
64 Scientology Cult operates as a business and masquerades as a Religion Part one 1/2 3027
65 Scientology covers up attempted homicide: Story of Jane Doe and how the cult hides illegal activity 3697
66 The Scientology Cult plots and schemes to plant heroin in hotel room to set up a target. 3334
67 Scientology baloney: Kali rituals and false claims of out-of-body exteriorization 2814
68 Scientology EVIL Part 1 Framing the Mayor for a hit and run Incident and working to DESTROY him 3055
69 Tom Cruise ~ did not know how all he said in Scientology counseling was recorded on audio and video 3228
70 Scientology treachery and deception in labelling those who depart and those that try to return 3470
71 Scientology Cult: enforcing obedience by confiscating freedom 2400
72 Surviving Scientology podcast: Dirty private eyes discuss killing Leah Remini? 2406
73 Scientology Cult: Karen Reveals Painfully Incredulous Bombshells! 2492
74 Karen De La Carriere speaks out against Scientology 2607
75 Cult of Scientology: "We're elite; you're raw meat" 2893
76 Scientology alleges "Religion" but uses only force, punishment with no forgiveness or mercy 2957
77 Jon Atack and Karen de la Carriere Uncover some Scientology Lies 2807
78 David Miscavige Enforcer Found Living on Clearwater Beach: Angie Blankenship 5445
79 ABC TV interviewed Leah on her cult journey and Tom Cruise stories ~ Part one 3198
80 Is Scientology as bad as Psychiatry? 2894
81 5 Most Bizarre Things About Scientology ~~the Truth about *SUPERPOWER* ~ a $50,000 con 3164
82 Jon Atack Interview: Karen De La Carriere speaks out against Scientology 2836
83 Tommy Davis, ex cult spokesman takes on Senator Xenophon and Bryan Seymour 2945
84 Life After Scientology #103 The cult of greed and POWER (Time mag 1991) with Karen De La Carriere 4205
85 Ron Miscavige on ABC's 20/20 - A Father's Story 3488
86 Scientology and Valerie Haney 2020's most outrageous story 3647
87 ABC TV' s expose on Scientology Inc's wife auditioning to find Tom Cruise a romantic partner 3767
88 Life After Scientology #98 How Do You Become a Member of the Church of Scientology? 3449
89 Scientology cult LIES shamelessly and barefacedly (Part 2) 3205
90 Episode 14: Listener Questions Part 2 2924
91 Historical piece covering beginnings of the Cult of Scientology 1/3 by A&E documentaries 3124
92 The Top 25 People Enabling Scientology, No. 12: The city of Clearwater, Florida 3419
93 SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS, Episode 10: Bryan Seymour wraps up his series axed by Seven News 3339
94 Leah Remini and Mike Rinder provide the comparisons and parallel of the NXIVM cult and the SCN cult 8609
95 Martin Padfield is a Brit who got lured into the cult at age 19 3551
96 SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS, Ep 9: Director Paul Haggis responds to a lawsuit’s rape allegations 2984
97 Episode 10: Attorney Ray Jeffrey Taking on Scientology in the Courtroom 2700
98 SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS, Episode 7: Celebrities who seek godhood through David Miscavige 3308
99 Episode 9: Steve Cannane 2739
100 SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS, Episode 6: Dirty tricks are a sacrament in this ‘church’ 2874
101 Scientology chiro Dennis Nobbe drops dead after being informed he’s going to jail 3590
102 SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS, Episode 5: A ‘church’ that used a dying woman to ‘always attack’ 2513
103 Scientology: Fair Game Episode 34: Journalist and Author John Sweeney 2722
104 Scientology Fair Game Episode 8: Fair Gaming Scientology President’s ex-Wife 2599
105 SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS, Episode 4: Tom Cruise’s dirty plot against publicist Pat Kingsley 2363
106 SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS: Episode 3 leaks online, with bizarre kidnap attempt in broad daylight 2353
107 Scientology Fair Game Episode 7: Emmy and Oscar Winner Alex Gibney 2206
108 SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS: Episode 2 spiked by Aussie network, ‘Witness X,’ is leaked online 2233
109 Scientologists Doug and Laurie Dohring, Owners of Age of Learning Inc. (ABCmouse), Fined $10 Million 3655
110 Jeff and Jay Spina who audited their BTs for YEARS and YEARS 2797
111 Tom Cruise was announced by David Miscavige to the world of Scientology: 2420
112 Scientology Fair Game Podcast Episode 6: The Leader’s Father is Fair Gamed 2166
114 Scientology Fair Game Podcast Episode 5: The History of Fair Game 2451
115 ABC News Nightline Scientology Report Part 1 of 6 YouTube 2353
116 Scientology's Tom Cruise is the Best Friend of David Miscavige 2587
117 Scientology Fair Game Podcast Episode 2: The Welfare Check on Heber Jentzsch 2656
118 Let the Scientology Fair Game Begin 2542
119 EXCLUSIVE: The real Tom Cruise — Leah Remini exposes Scientology’s biggest asset 2643
120 This is a timeless classic. 2412
121 John Travolta 'breaking' from Scientology after death of Kelly Preston 3158
122 Tony Ortega discusses present time issues with the cult in this amazing interview. 2652
123 Leah Remini, Mike Rinder reunite for Scientology: Fair Game podcast 2919
124 Leah speaks 2621
125 Bryan Seymour : reveals Church of Scientology's vicious Black Ops against him 3147
126 Life After Scientology #87: A Teaser on Scientology Black Ops, and meet Peter Niyiri 2747
127 SECRETS OF SCIENTOLOGY | Scientology Uncloaked 2970
128 Going Clear: The book that Scientology hates to this day 2743
129 Going Clear: The book that Scientology hates to this day 1715
130 Life After Scientology Episode 84 w/ Karen de la Carriere, The Cult's State of Mind 2813
131 Life After Scientology Episode 83 w/ Karen de la Carriere, How Scientology Reels You In 2869
132 Life After Scientology There is No God in Scientology w Karen de la Carriere 3038
133 Aaron Smith-Levin: Life in the Scientology Matrix. Why Clears Are in Danger & Other Inside Secrets 3799
134 The Story of my son Alexander Jentzsch (RIP) A Scientology Tragedy in 3 Acts 3244
135 Life After Scientology Episode #80: Scientology: More Bizarre & Strange Oddities 2774
136 Life After Scientology #79: Grant Cardone Social Media Bankruptcy Hoax Backfires 3083
137 Scientology : No more babies, my petition to have one more child and consequences. 3091
138 EXCLUSIVE: How Scientology is coping with COVID-19 3258
139 Scientology Inc Memo to Quarantine laws : "Go to Hell, we are a Church!" Part 1 3178
140 Scientology leader David Miscavige calls the pandemic ‘planetary bullbait’ in epic briefing 3310
141 Grant Cardone Lays Off 80 of His 180 Employees Without Notice: 10X Being Hammered to -OX by the Coro 5535
142 Karen de la Carriere, The 10 Most Bizarre Things About Scientology pt. 1 Life After Scientology 3366
143 What happens if you got pregnant while on Scientology Staff (and still does)~ covertly 3812
144 Church of Scientology expects snitching and ratting out of your family in "knowledge reports" 3639
145 Carol Nyburg escapes the Church of Scientology for good - part 1 3752
146 Carol was the Accomodations counseler at the Flag Land Base, and in the Sea Org for 26 years ! 3562
147 Scientology and Valerie Haney a True Story w/ Karen de la Carriere 4151
148 Where is Shelly Miscavige EXTRA Minutes 60 Minutes Australia 1 3541
149 Church of Scientology Spokesman Mike Rinder on Escaping 3247
150 Jeffrey Augustine discusses donkey ruling on Valerie Haney by Judge Burdge (He attended hearing) 3600
151 Scientology in Australia w/ Karen de la Carriere Life After Scientology Ep 71 3406
152 Scientology files anti-SLAPP, says stalking and smearing Valerie Haney is free speech 3400
153 11 year old Victoria repeatedly raped from 11years old...story from Scientology and the Aftermath 3323
154 Tricked Into Scientology w/ Katrina Reyes on Life After Scientology Episode 72 3565
155 Escaping from Scientology w/ Karen de la Carriere Life After Scientology Ep 71 3366
156 Escaping from Scientology w/ Karen de la Carriere Life After Scientology Ep 71 1673
157 Scientology 2019 -- Year in Review by Mike Rinder and Jeffrey Augustine + Predictions for 2020 3465
158 The cult of SCN robs its members blind. 3478
159 Scientology life long staff member flees in trunk of car, thrilling escape story 3884
160 I interview live streaming with Ron Miscavige Sunday morning 3281
161 Scientology whistleblower, Hubbard's son-in-law reveals a lot more on their dark secret places 4314
162 Scientology Founder's son-in-law ~~ Guy White's first podcast. He fled after 20 years IN. 3614
163 Scientology moves to dismiss the ‘Jane Doe’ lawsuit in Miami, and we have the docs 3601
164 What Happens to Children in Scientology Part 1 w/ Karen de la Carriere 3787
165 Scientology ~ the coup, how Miscavige took power and destroyed father/son relationship 3563
166 Scientology’s David Miscavige served again: 3746
167 The Rituals in Scientology Part 2 w/ Karen de la Carriere Life After Scientology Ep 65 3860
168 ABC 2020 Scientology A Fathers Story Ron Miscavige Interview Masterful Documentary 3408
169 Scientology Ramana Dienes Browning imprisoned downstairs Tom Cruise dancing upstairs 3597
170 Church of Scientology: We'll pick you up at Airport.have credit cards when you land. Vulture Culture 4208
171 Disappeared wife of Church of Scientology Shelly Miscavige, the story explained. 4869
172 Scientology tried to sell ‘Daily Mail’ on story she was a sexual abuser, Leah Remini says 3882
173 Scientology Sea Org Member Escapes The Freewinds - Part 1 4285
174 Church of Scientology ship FREEWINDS ~~ INSIDER Stories of held against will and escape 3541
175 Life After Scientology: There is No God in Scientology w/ Karen de la Carriere 3718
176 Scientology policy enabled years of child sexual abuse, lawsuit says 3855
177 Today Tonight Expose on The Church Of Scientology. Tom Cruise's anti-psychiatry 3411
178 Church of Scientology's OT 3 the core of Scientology beliefs explained in 8 mins by Hubbard 3481
179 Church of Scientology Founder says Jesus Christ was FICTION, no man on Cross 3859
180 Church of Scientology exposed by ABC 20/20. Leah Remini interview. 3130
181 Scientology Paul Haggis (2x Academy Award winner) 'It's a Cult' NBC News, Part 2 of 2 3116
182 Cult of Scientology inhumanities, brutalities and internal harshness of combating their own 2896
183 What do Scn'ists actually believe is the source of their phobias ? addictions ? Obsessions ? 3097
184 Scientology: More Secrets Revealed w/ Karen de la Carriere #58 Life After Scientology 3780
185 Church of Scientology ~~ Founder L Ron Hubbard gives GRANADA TV answering hard questions (Vintage) 4442
186 Church of Scientology shakedowns for money extortion, gangs of 4 and overwhelm 3900
187 Scientology "Whales" Turned SP w/ Karen de la Carriere #54 3876
188 What Really is the Int. Association of Scientologists? w/ Jeffrey Augustine #53 4003
189 The Church of Scientology Kiosk in LAPD Hollywood: How American Atheists Got It Removed 3830
190 Mike Rinder: Tom Cruise, Top Gun 2, USC, and Scientology the Aftermath 4272
191 Church of Scientology abuses discussed with Cult leader's father Ron Miscavige 4095
192 Church of Scientology infamous "musical chairs" ritual to "Bohemian Rhapsody" and other tales 4598
193 Church of Scientology and their abuse of children, Sea org Slaves. 4070
194 Church of Scientology ex members Ron Miscavige and Karen de la Carriere share "Escape" storiesl 4465
195 Karen de la Carriere on Tom Cruise and his Role: Life After Scientology Episode 43 4702
196 Mike Rinder: Tom Cruise, Top Gun 2, USC, and Scientology the Aftermath 4800
197 Ron Miscavige Interviews Karen de la Carriere 6899
198 Church of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard's Death by Jesse Prince 8625
199 Scientology Pros and Cons: Chris Shelton and Karen de la Carriere 7575
200 Scientology 3rd Gen Nathan Rich Tells His Horror Story of Surviving Scientology 6444
201 What is Scientology? Karen de la Carriere Explains 6275
202 Former Scientology OT Robert Dam, Author of The Defector 5962
203 Marc Headley: Life at the Top of Scientology -- Gold Base Stories 5405
204 Church of Scientology escapee Peter Nyiri discusses his journey Part 5 5285
205 Former Scientology Colombian and Los Angeles Org Staff Member Adrian Vanegas 5458
206 Scientology Sea Org Member Peter Nyiri flees the cult after 22 yrs. Part 2 6443
207 Jeffrey Augustine & Aaron Smith-Levin Analyze Scientology's Fair Game Attack Against Mike Rinder 7135
208 Today Show with Megyn Kelly: Former Sea Org Member Brendan Tighe Shares His Story 6306
209 Church of Scientology Defies the Laws of the Land and Obstructs Justice 6292
210 Mike Rinder, Church of Scientology's Former Spokesman On Fair Game & Season 3 of Aftermath 7854
211 Leah Remini on Scientology and the Aftermath, Fair Game, and the Aftermath Foundation 6211
212 Church of Scientology - Katrina Reyes' Horror Story: Forced Into the Sea Org at Age 11 8143
213 Valeska Paris: Scientology Freewinds Ship ~~ Prisoner for 12 Years 9738
214 Karen Schless Pressley, Former Commanding Officer Scientology Celebrity Centre - Part 1 9164
215 Mike Rinder: Scientology The Aftermath S2 Ep 5: the Aftermath 8756
216 Petition: We Demand the IRS Commissioner Begin an Investigation into Scientology’s Tax Exempt Status 16570
217 Church of Scientology's Original Hubbard Messenger Janis Grady -- Part I of 3 8467
218 Church of Scientology Spokesman Marty Rathbun 9611
219 Tony Ortega: She's back! Leah Remini builds a case for Scientology aggression. Tonight on A&E 9922
220 Jeffrey Augustine interviews Brandon Reisdorf about the Church of Scientology 9917
221 Forced abortions, beatings, and sleep deprivation: The FBI on Scientology’s Sea Org 8880
222 Chris Shelton & Jeffrey Augustine Interview - Sensibly Speaking Podcast #88 8209
223 Mike Rinder: David Miscavige’s Office At Gold 10237
224 Joe Rogan Experience #947 - Ron Miscavige 10428
225 Church of Scientology is above the law 7675
226 Tom Cruise and Scientology Inc. Documentary ~one of the best made (Part 1) 9148
227 Church of Scientology Inc : There is no such thing as Disconnection! 8250
228 Church of Scientology and Treatment of Children in the RPF Gulag 9293
229 Church of Scientology: Gorilla, Bear, Obscene Dog and Heaven Implants 8423
230 Cult Expert Steven Hassan on the Church of Scientology 8296
231 Ron Miscavige Sr., father of Scientology leader David Miscavige – Part 1 6865
232 Church of Scientology and the Computer Kingdom of Chug 8181
233 Mike Rinder on Scientology Current Affairs 6650
234 Church of Scientology Justifications ~ Frightening Guru Devotion 6556
235 Church of Scientology ~~ The Scandal of IRS Tax Exemption Part 1 6455
236 Karen de la Carriere Interviewed by Channel 9 in Australia 6561
237 Claire Headley -- Escape from Scientology's Int Base Part 2 6012
238 Scientology Top Managers In Action 5942
239 Scientology Inc and Miscavige stop playing Intelligence 7047
240 Church of Scientology in Fear of "External Influences" 6209
241 BBC Radio interviews Karen de la Carriere 7060
242 NBC's Matt Lauer Today Show interviews Larry Wright (mirrored) 6080
243 Church of Scientology: "Culture of Blame" 5383
244 Tom Cruise shills for Scientology INC (parody) 5705
245 Church of Scientology and the Atlantic Magazine Fiasco 6118
246 Karen de la Carriere and Bryan Seymour Interviewed on Sunrise Weekend in Australia 12873
247 Maureen Bolstad My Experience in Scientology's Purification Rundown 5804
248 Scientology Inc "I am not auditing you" Confess for punishment 5542
249 The sad story of Scientology Inc Godfather Marshall Goldblatt RIP 6388
250 'Queen of Scientology' Karen de la Carriere reveals the Church's innermost secrets 7615
251 Mail Online Story on Karen de la Carriere 5271
252 There is No God in Scientology Inc (Part 2) 4957
253 Marty Rathbun reveals Lisa Mcpherson from inside Scientology Inc 5870
254 Camilla Andersson remembers Ann Tidman RIP even though Scientology Inc did not 6263
255 Mark Fisher on David Miscavige's Rise to Power in Scientology Inc. Part 2 5858
256 The Church of Scientology leader Miscavige's spiral of violence RAW and detailed 5596
257 There Is No God in Scientology Inc (Part One) 6449
258 Scientology Inc investigated by MSNBC Keith Olbermann in "Countdown" 6483
259 Scientology Inc "The War is Over" event Behind the Scenes with Camilla Anderssont 5692
260 Mark Fisher on David Miscavige's Rise to Power Part 1 5551
261 Church of Scientology LIES~~ How to resolve Middle East crisis ! 5208
262 The Church of Scientology, Warfare, Insanity and Criminality 6569
263 Mike Rinder on Why Scientology Inc Must Tell Lies 5744
264 Scientology Inc's punishment program "RPF" by German TV 5422
265 Mareka Brousseau and the Loss of Childhood in Scientology Inc's Sea Org 6891
266 Scientology Inc: Putting *Ethics* into this sector of the Universe! 5420
267 Tom Cruise, Scientologist, slams ETHICS "IN" to Top Newsman Peter Overton 6337
268 Scientology INC's David Miscavige sends harrassment team to Fair Game Marty Rathbun (2011) 12080
269 Camilla Anderson in Scientology Inc's Human Trafficking Part 3 5876
270 Mat Pesch Revelations on Scientology Inc Money Tactics, Money Game plans (Part 2) 5964
271 Scientology Inc's David Miscavige BBC and CNN media deception 6987
272 Meet Mat Pesch Scientology Sea Org Veteran ~ Part One 7313
273 Scientology Inc. Camilla Andersson part 2: What happens in an accident? 6011
274 Meet Camilla Andersson and hear her Story ~ Part 1 5856
275 Scientology Inc Lawyer private conversation and commitment 5569
276 Tom Cruise asks to clean up this planet with Scientology Cuckoo's nest 4/6 5871
277 Chuck Beatty discusses David Miscavige, Scientology, and Author Services Inc 10188
278 Scientolgy Inc : Tommy Davis screaming Eccelsiastically! Cuckoo's Nest 3/6 6748
279 Tom Cruise knows the history of psychiatry, You don't. Cuckoo's Nest 2/6 6206
280 Scientology Inc : Sea Org Little Facts and Big FICTION 6278
281 Marc Headley: Scientology, Rancid Tacos, and Secret Bases 5765
282 Tanya's journey as a youngster in Scientology Inc 2/4 5389
283 Scientology Inc Warfare: One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest 1/6 5560
284 Scientology Inc and the Obstruction of Justice 5060
285 Pete Griffiths , #1 SP in United Kingdom, former ED of Mission of Kendall, Ireland 5495
286 16 year old South African girl in Sea Org for slave labor 1/4 6055
287 Scientology Inc, Religious Intelligence, Religious Infiltration and Religious Spying? 9493
288 Scientology inc's leader David Miscavige Meglomania 5447
289 Steve Hall's unique journey in and out of Scientology Inc Part 1 5602
290 Church of Scientology "Kidnap Contract" 5421
291 Scientology Inc former Security Chief Jackson *Thriller* edition. 5979
292 The Violence of Scientology Leader David Miscavige and Tommy Davis Lies 5950
293 Did the for- profit arm of Scientology Inc CST sell SOFT PORN? 5566
294 Jackson, Former Int Base Security Chief: The Fire, Razor Fences, and Sniper Rifles! 5860
295 Scientology - OSA Dirty Tricks 6291
296 Scientology Confidential : They are whacko but wealthy 5594
297 Surviving Scientology ~ Breaking News~attack to get videos taken down 5591
298 Tom Cruise at Scientology's INT BASE counselling Marc Headley 5757
299 Scientology Inc: Tom Cruise clip by NBC Rockcenter. As bad as it gets 6002
300 "Church" of Scientology is WINNING AND BOOMING! Law suits prove it 5341
301 Scientology Inc and David Miscavige need 100 more lawyers for Narconon Law suits 6192
302 Scientology Inc: Children beaten with paddles, molestations unreported 5673
303 Surviving Scientology Radio Episode 7 with Chris Shelton 5360
304 Scientology Inc: Sex, Lies and Videotape 5593
305 Inside Scientology Lawrence Wright reveals some important truths 5784
306 Scientology Inc Celebrities ~~ The Spin, the Hype and Schmollywood Scientologists 5810
307 Jefferson Hawkins survives INT Base life for 35 years 5572
308 Jillian Schlesinger 5/6 Inside the "Sea Organization" Scientology Clergy 5175
309 Litigants vs Scientology Inc ~~ The Law suits 5326
310 Scientology Inc Look behind the glamor and gliitter by Tiziano and Jamie Lugli 5781
311 Marc Headley – Part 2 Int Base Musical Chairs and more ! 13468
312 Scientology Inc. View from Taiwan. No Taiwainese Fluency required 5396
313 The Church of Scientology Does Not Like Its Tax Documents Online! 5785
314 Marc Headley, more revelations of ABUSE at the TOP where masterbation is a crime and assault is OK 5797
315 Scientology Inc Tax free to pollute and harm staff and the environment. 5643
316 Claire Headley reveals what happens at the pinaccle of Radical official Scientology 9461
317 Scientology Inc ~ Secrets and Dark Secrets 5826
318 Scientologists ATTACK THE ATTACKER! Revised edition 5842
319 Claire Headley Part 1 Revealing Truths. Truth will OUT ! 5474
320 Steve Mango: Celebrity Center of Scientology Inc lures in by false claims 5972
321 Scientology Inc's David Miscavige Management by violence 5929
322 Scientology Inc and its pride and glory ~~Narconon ~ more than the hype 5763
323 Vivien Born into Scientology and Consequences 2/4 5699
324 "What are your crimes?" Scientology Inc, routinely screams..Mark Bunker offers gift 6414
325 Scientology, its wealth and assets and its TAX documents ~~ Truth revealed 6902
326 The most Amazing *RELIGIOUS* and *ECCLESIASTICAL* anecdotes of Sea Org life. 5827
327 Meet Vivien, born into Scientology and Consquences 1/4 5974
328 Survivng Scientology Radio: Mike Rinder Interview 5730
329 Jillian Schlesinger Explains the Prison of Belief 4/6 6188
330 Scientology Inc's Tom Cruise by Amy Scobee, Sea Org escapee 6018
331 Scientology Inc WAR On Psychiatry ~~ let's examine this more 6964
332 Scientology Inc ~~ the Ugly Face of, screaming "Nazi, go home" 6429
333 David Miscavige appeals to not appear in deposition ~ in Court 9th April 2014 5734
334 Scientology Dictator David Miscavige -- Garbage In, Garbage out. 6374
335 Scientology Inc wealth amassed, actual TAX documents *ADDED* Mike Rinder analysis 7395
336 David Miscavige emissary John Allender "OT 8" acts out, Scientology Ambassador 6638
337 Scientology Inc: How far will they go beyond boundaries and limits? Jillian 3/6 7510
338 Debbie Cook reveals Sadism in the Church of Scientology, licking bathroom floors with tongue 11184
339 Scientology Inc Conduct :Kidnap, Hostage, Held Against Will, Lockdown 7049
340 "Too late to have an abortion?" asks senior Scientology Inc high official (RTC) 5291
341 Long Awaited Scientology Inc documentary, almost done 5808
342 Texas Judge Rules Scientology is a Business 14 March 2014 6574
343 Surviving Scientology YouTube Channel 1 Year Anniversary 7406
344 Scientology Inc extorted megabucks from Jason Beghe, Actor, now an Ex-Scientologist 4/4 7445
345 *2nd Video* Jillian Schlesinger, 2nd generation Ex Sea Org, just escaped 2/6 6062
346 Meet Jillian Schlesinger, 2nd generation Ex Sea Org, just escaped 1/6 7922
347 Scientology Inc meets Global Capitalism HQ JohnP's boss 5853
348 Tampa Bay Times :: Shush and Be Quiet. There is no such thing as Disconnection 5956
349 Scientology Inc ~ultimate truth given out every 10 seconds, I am Impacted! 5294
350 The "Church" of Scientology tried to manipulate GOOGLE ~~Clueless 5639
351 Oh my Goodness. Did the *Church* brace for IMPACT ? 7054
352 Scientology Inc Money extortion for selling books, Jumping Jacks PENALTY 6295
353 Jason Beghe continues his journey, sharing his very personal ups and downs Part 3/7 7554
354 Scientology Inc demands non-disparagement even if you are obliged to cover up CRIMES. 8420
355 Scientology Inc, enforced abortion,escape and minimum security and maximum security imprisonment. 10376
356 Jason Beghe, Actor continues talking from the heart -- RAW. In and out of Scientology Inc 2/7 6096
357 Jason Beghe, Actor tells his story in and out of Scientology Inc part one 1/7 6340
358 Scientology Inc Jason Beghe the 1st celebrity to depart the "Church" makes fun 6377
359 What's happening in Los Angeles? 10,000 coming ? re-re-re-opening of Ideal Pacifica Bridge 6518
360 Scientology Inc. Espionage by providing "best friend" to report to David Miscavige 5726
361 Priest-Penitent Privilege in Scientology Inc 5573
362 Church of Scientology~~ Masturbation is monetized and considered a *CRIME* Chris Shelton speaks 7488
363 Scientology Inc: Spying, Infiltration, Duplicity, Deception, Betrayal, Mark Fisher Part 2 6183
364 Jenna Miscavige talks to ABC Nightline about growing up in Scientology 6188
365 Scientology Inc RITUALS, RELIGION and CELEBRITY. Parts 1 and 2 of 6 parts. 5605
366 Meet Mark Fisher, In Part one of his series, he explains a corporate sham and Miscavige violence 7290
367 Scientology Inc chilling propaganda tape that was entered into evidence. Listen. 7775
368 "Church" of Scientology History of Violence CNN. More episodes 7589
369 The Church of Scientology and the Clearwater Police ~ a very unhealthy relationship 9114
370 Meet Ramana ~~A Current Affair exposes her "held against will" on prison ship FREEWINDS 9631
371 Texas Judge Orders Deposition of Scientology Supreme Leader David Miscavige 6039
372 Gary Weber, former Sea Org tells the story of fleeing of Church of Scientology Florida 8321
373 Mark Bunker on Scientology Injunction 6065
374 Chris Shelton ~~ Scientology Inc Ideal Org swindle Part 2. Money extortion for empty buildings 7181
375 Meet Chris Shelton. In this opener he explains the Scientology Inc Ideal Org swindle 7109
376 Scientology Inc ~ The priority of Real Estate acquisition but no humanity, staff pay or toilet paper 7552
377 Monique Rathbun v David Miscavige and Scientology Inc 3 Feb 2014 6547
378 The "Church" of Scientology believes in GANG BANG activity. What is GANG BANG ? 7509
379 Church of Scientology Fund Raising for Los Angeles Valley Org. Promotional video 7144
380 Scientology Inc is firewalled and protected by a glut of attorneys. The money extortion rackets exto 16543
381 Church of Scientology, History of Violence cont'd Part 2a 2b and 1c 5564
382 Church of Scierntology fund raising. This is a promotional video for money 5487
383 Scientology Inc Maximum extortion of your $$$, ecclesiastical 1st amendment rights ! 5787
384 Scientology punishment and humiliating GULAG "Rehabilitation Project Force" 7360
385 Come Up to date with what is going on Legally in the Texas Courtroom~ an overview 6013
386 Scientology Inc" The Gulag "RPF" punishment for getting pregnant, Rice and Beans diet. 7711
387 Monique Rathbun v David Miscavige and Scientology hearing 22 Jan 2014 6290
388 Meet Cynthia Fagen (Sindy Fagen) of Chicago, IL who worked as the IAS reg for 20 years 7171
389 1 6097
390 The Church of Scientology A History of Violence Part 1-A 5873
391 Scientology Inc policy "Attack the attacker" Warfare, War Chests, Battle plans 7342
392 Church of Scientology is above the law 6317
393 Scientology Inc Lawyers talk in private and want to get going to play GOLF 5447
394 Meet Gary Weber, Former Guardian's Office staff who has come forward 5911
395 Tommy Davis former Scientology Inc spokesman describing VIOLENCE in the "Church" Part 2 6402
396 Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and Scientology, 16 Church Lawyers for overwhelm 5942
397 Mike Riinder Affidavit posted by Daily Mail, London 6995
398 Scientology Inc abusive "Rehabilitation Project Force" 1/2 Medieval Punishment and Confinement. 6809
399 Scientology Inc's Flagship : The Freewinds, Lawrence Woodcraft, Architect and the Asbestos story 6081
400 Listen to Tommy Davis proclaiming "Religiosity" and exuding HATE as Scientology Inc spokesman 6224
401 The "Church" of Scientology needs Ethical Lawyers with impeccable Life histories 5175
402 Scientology Inc Legal and hired Lawyer review the *THREATS* to media, critics and journalists 5399
403 Lawyers do you want to make money religiously with Scientology Inc? 8240
404 Scientology Inc head to head with Debbie Cook in a Court of a Law 6182
405 Lawyers, Shady Lawyers, the Church of Scientology Needs You! 5873
406 Church of Scientology Ethics 101 5300
407 Kidnapped on FREEWINDS, Scientology Prison Ship and Valiant Escape 7282
408 Scientology Inc recurring stories of pets being killed and Pauline revelations to Riverside Council 9972
409 "Church" of Scientology ~~The Religion of Celebrities, REALLY ? 5426
410 Mark Bunker in Clearwater tells the Council about "Church" trying to evict him (and mentions me) 6373
411 Scientology Inc "WE WANT YOIR MONEY !" 5774
412 Quentin Hubbard 1954 -1976. Death of L Ron Hubbard's son. My story. 7880
413 Texas Judge Orders Deposition of Scientology Leader David Miscavige 6868
414 Growing Up in Scientology Inc. A young girl depicts how children are indoctrinated 6476
415 Full Version. Texas Court Monique Rathbun vs David Mscavige et al. 6038
416 Monique Rathbun v David Miscavige and Scientology 11 Dec 2013 Back in Court 6788
417 David Miscavige Explains Scientology's Tax Exemption - a video by J. Swift 6021
418 Scientology Inc runs an "Ideal Org" scam, money extortion for INT Landlord Office and CSI 7285
419 Lisa Mcpherson (RIP) is remembered. Mark Bunker briefs the City of Clearwater 6200
420 A young girl tells about her Life and Exit from Scientology ~threats of "Suppressive person" declare 8570
421 Mike Rinder Texas Declaration 3 Dec 2013 9515
422 Scientology Inc, a David Miscavige assault and battery revealed in depth. Marty Rathbun departs 5356
423 The Church of Scientology is homophobic and Anti-Gay but accepts Gay Money for counselling 6428
424 Where is Shelly Miscavige ? (Airplane message) Missing wife of David Miscavige of Scientology Inc. 7588
425 Scientology Inc staff beat an Anon Protestor. INT Base style, SP hole style 5886
426 Mark Bunker on This and That and Knowledge Report on Scientology Inc 6343
427 Scientology Inc Octopus Tentacles engulf departees of the Sea Organization - Jeff Hawkins 6803
428 Tom Cruise and Scientology Inc Documentary Rarest footage (Part 2) 7490
429 Tom Cruise and Scientology Inc. Documentary ~one of the best made (Part 1) 6494
430 Scientology Inc :Tampa Bay Times in THE TRUTH RUNDOWN. Int Base Musical Chairs 7130
431 Scientology Inc: Lawyers and Legal. Money is not an issue. Deep pockets. 5821
432 Scientology Inc Registrar Hy Levy (RIP) Unburdens his conscience 11565
433 The "Church" of Scientology vs Valeska, 17, imprisoned on Freewinds for 12 years 5596
434 Helicopter footage Mike Rinder, Mike Bennitt over SuperPower Event in Cl;earwater 6936
435 Scientology Inc, and the $20,000 Orange E-Meter and GAT II 7141
436 Scientology Inc ~~The Nightmare of Sea Org Life Part one. Jefferson Hawkins 6121
437 Scientology Inc ambushes and stalks Marty Rathbun at Los Angeles Airport (LAX) 7297
438 Scientology Inc Legal and hired Lawyer review the THREATS to media, critics and journalists 8680
439 Mike Rinder and Bryan Seymour Part 2 Scientology Inc stalks Senator Xenophon 6589
440 Jeff Hawkins and The Wicked Witches of Scientology Inc 6428
441 Mike Rinder is questioned by Brian Seymour on the Today/Tonight Show 6668
442 Mark Bunker tells the story of Anonymous vs. Church of Scientology 6822
443 Scientology Inc. enforces the break up familes, ABORTIONS FOR 25 YEARS 5934
444 Mark Bunker debuts on this Channel - The story of the Lisa Mcpherson 6407
445 Jefferson Hawkins, 35 years in Scientology Inc "Sea Org" Part 1 7709
446 Scientology Inc vs Lori Hodgson, a Mom - Hospital visit to son denied 6531
447 Church of Scientology Ethics: The Facebook Police 6305
448 Super Power has been promised since 1978. Scientology Inc Fundraising 5968
449 Church of Scientology Handed a Legal Defeat in Laura DeCrescenzo Forced Abortion Lawsuit 8505
450 What Scientology extorted money buys. Private Investigators, Stalking, Lawyers, Warfare. 6459
451 Scientology Inc Lawyers admit to 199-day intimidation of the Rathbuns "Free Speech" 6742
452 Scientology Inc Sea Org Member meets with Church Lawyer for instructions 5689
453 Public Message to Tom Cruise - Please Forward 7099
454 Office of Special Affairs (OSA) in cahoots with Priesthood of Punishment 6/6 6186
455 Scientology Inc baby slaughter enforced for 25 years 6907
456 Brian Culkin Part 4/4 of this Series, after one year in Scientolgy Inc , he felt suicidal. 8229
457 Child snatchers part 2. Your children belong to the "Church". You DARE not say NO 5772
458 Leah Remini and Tommy Davis will be deposed. Court hearing October 8th 2013 8426
459 Jeff Hawkins, 35 years on staff, Sea Org, explains the THEM vs US in Scentology Inc. 6212
460 Scientology Inc. Financial Fraud, Thuggery, Pushing the envelope. OSA plays 5/6 6902
461 Federal Judge denies Scientology Inc motion in Garcia Lawsuit 6231
462 Scientology Inc."Office of Special Affairs and the Church's Financial Irregularities 4/6 6701
463 Brian Culkin explains the money exortion and how this makes the Org toxic 3/4 6264
464 Brian Culkin in Clearwater "Everyday, everyday, no less than 7 people asking me for money" 2/4 7203
465 What happened to Brian Culkin in one year in Scientology Inc Part 1/4 9131
466 Waiting for SuperPower and Miscavology Fund raising Funnies 6500
467 Mike Rinder on Indoctrination and Survival 5953
468 Scientology Inc's highest level of completion, OT VIII George Baille displays grace and savoir-faire 12544
469 Lori Hodgson story continued. Scientology Inc - Child snatchers Part One 6874
470 Scientology Inc. the Relentless Pursuit of Money and More Money 6753
471 Day 2 In the Courtroom PURE RAY JEFFREY Part 2 AND 3 6311
472 Day 2 In the Courtroom Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and CSI Part One 1/3 7178
473 Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 5 6154
474 Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 4 6287
475 Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 3 6702
476 Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 2 6166
477 Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 1 8081
478 Scientology Inc treatment of HIV virus ~ Chiropracter for Barter 6949
479 The "Church" of Scientology's Obsession with Money 6884
480 Mike Rinder talks to Tony Ortega about Life at Int Base and SP HOLE 8905
481 The "Church" of Scientology trying to manipulate GOOGLE :Clueless 7548
482 Scientology Inc's ship Freewinds. Misconduct. Maltreatment Employer Malfeasance 7821
483 Dancer Manuela ~ the Intervention to RESCUE from Sea Org 7868
484 Scientology Inc Department of Lying and Fair Game OSA 2/6 6581
485 The "Church" of Scientology Tax Scam 6951
486 A Romeo Juliet love story 6712
487 Scientology Inc recruits 15 year old to help the World and save the Planet 7640
488 The Most Dangerous Job in the Church of Scientology 8203
489 Scientology Inc ~~Spy, Stalk, Fair Game. Office of Special Affairs 7128
490 Lori/Hodgson 2/6 A Christian's view of the Church of Scientology 7166
491 Lori Hodgson ~~ A Mother's Heartache 1/6 7233
492 Scott Campbell -- Nightmare in New Mexico 11995
493 How Scientology Knows All About You 8880
494 Surviving Scientolog Video 9629

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Massive Ponzi Scheme

"So, on the model of an elaborate Ponzi scheme, Scientologists are coerced to 'invest' in the dissemination of Scientology... The Cob makes a show of carrying through, but in reality he pulls the funding..."  Learn More...

$70 Million Fraud

"The money is still coming in (approximately $70 million so far). The bank interest is about $200,000 per month and there is still over $200,000 in new donations per month... so you can see the strategy here..."  Learn More...

$100 Million Swindle

"The total amount spent to build his own office building (for Little Dickie and the few staff he has remaining) was right around $70 million... He spent another $30 million on the house next door (which is unoccupied)..."  Learn More...



"Specifically, on four separate occasions The Cob physically assaulted and violently battered individuals in my presence, sending a strong message that anyone in the room was likely to be next. Three other times he threw heavy objects at me or at my staff..."  Learn More...


"Assaulting staff members at the Int base became routine with many individuals being physically attacked over and over and over again. We are talking about repeated blows to the face, choking, dragging to the ground, ripping clothes, hitting with heavy objects and so forth..."  Learn More...

Human Trafficking


"Only when you see the history as well as the present will you see the whole picture, the fingerprints, the moving force behind it all and its sheer madness..."  Learn More...


"staff are "off-loaded" to far flung areas to work in "small, failing" organizations, bereft of their spouses and families..." Learn More...


"Little Dickie in his twisted sociopath mind sees normal, productive people as “threatening” and therefore sees a need to destroy them..."  Learn More...


"According to David Miscavige, demonstrated by his own actual statistics, 98% of the population is suppressive..."  Learn More...


Climate of Fear - Reign of Terror

"Ever-increasing savage actions created a climate of fear. You could be screamed at, ridiculed, spat on, embarrassed, threatened ferociously or beaten. You could lose Scientology, your friends, family, parents, split off from your spouse, no money, no job, cast out into the world penniless and alone if you ever dream of defying The Cob" Learn More...


"For example, through his destructive policies Miscavige forced hundreds of female Sea Org members at International Management to get abortions when they got pregnant. When the media started to investigate that, he came up with the solution: he ordered that husbands and wives at International Management get divorced...."  Learn More...


Shaking Down Scientologists for Cash

"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

Opinion poll

Is David Miscavige a crook?
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