Dan Koon | | Print | |
Tuesday, 09 March 2010 15:59 |
Dan Koon played the part of Joe Howard in the Professional TRs film, the film LRH personally created to set the visual standard for auditors worldwide. In that regard he is perhaps one of the greatest human treasures of Scientology. Dan was coached on his TRs by LRH himself and worked under LRH's direction. I first met Dan in the summer of 1984 when I went to the Int base for the first time. We became the best of friends in later years, and worked in marketing as writers in 2002. Dan left mid the great exodus of veteral Sea Org members from the Int base one Sunday morning in late 2003. About a month later, I made it known that I was going to leave. Today, almost the entire power structure of Scientology has left the Church due to the abuses and insanity of the man at the top: David Miscavige. These videos were shot by Indie Scientologist, Tatiana Baklanova, Scientology's first Sea Org member in Russia. Visit her website at http://freezone-tech.info - Thoughtful (Steve Hall)
Part I
&Part 2
In fact, I strongly recomend you to read from the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures - References - p 61 (in new edition of lectures relised as a part of Basics). The chapter called "Self Analysis in Scientology" November 1952 has Processing Instructions and Sample Session. It contains extremally helpful data!
Paul Adams - thank you for the ack! :-)
Thanks, Seth
Your leaving the SO without incident is a testimonial to your ability to postulate an exit and act upon it.
It is in such stark contrast to so many efforts to leave in which the departees allow themselves to be coaxed back to the base so they can route out "standardly".
I'm glad that life outside church walls has been good for you. Your technical expertise can be an enormous asset to the independents of all persuasions.
I was glad to hear of your work on the Basics and on GAT. I would like to hear more of what you know to be worthwhile in each of these areas and I am sure that others want to know also.
As you may know I am researching the history of the tech and of the church and would like to get your insights on some areas that have not been made public before. My goal is to get the exact time, place, form, and event regarding significant changes in the tech and in the church with the hopes that all of the workable tech and policy can be recovered and put to use in the field.
If that aligns with what you are doing, I could certainly use your help.
Good luck in your new career(s).
Art and writing are powerful tools for communicating.
David St Lawrence
Old Auditor
Thanks. I'd be glad to be any assistance I can be.
I'll contact you at your site.
For certain the research, development and compilation of the tech is an interesting subject! I was fortunate to be involved in a slice of the pie.
It is interested you were so involved in the production of GAT. Regardless of potential merit I think the whole ethos is wrong minded but another point. The stats show it clearly I think.
You knew LRH very personally over a period and I would like to know what your thoughts might be on LRH coming back. Could it happen, would it happen? How would anyone know?
When LRH dropped the body what was his intention for Scn then, do you think?
If he came back what would we experience of that? Like if Christ came back into the Christian Church do you think the pope would say "Welcome". That sort of idea.
I am earnestly interested in your views on these points.
he was going to be off the lines for 10 or 20 years. Someone who was close to LRH near the end relayed that LRH said that he was not coming back but that he was going to do the Running Program and then split for saner pastures. My own viewpoint is that LRH left enough material for us each to sort out our own salvation and that we should not insist that he be here to hold our hands every step of the way.
in the end of the Mission Earth Volumes every single program and order the SP had issued ever were revoked. Since this being a Science Fiction Book, do you know of any comparable LRH-reference that would make this a part of justice tech?
I am saying "Thank You" for your contributions to the aims and purposes of Scientology, both in and out of the Sea Org, and for the countless numbers that have benefited from the work which you have done. You indeed have performed in the full spirit of Help. Persons such as yourself as well of members of the military are rarely acknowledged adequately for the work they do and have done for others. I make it a point when the opportunity arises to express my thanks and appreciation to active members of the military as well as veterans, whether it is the war in the middle east, VietNam, Korea or WW II. Likewise, people such as yourself who have sacrificed and dedicated much of their lives for the benefit and better survival of others deserve and should receive a big THANK YOU AND WELL DONE. Carry on.
Firstly, you are well a hero to me and my past fellow TTC boys...It seems some time now since I saw that Pro TRs training video and to be honest I miss it dearly...I loved being on the TTC but well I guess things did go wrong and to leave was the only option for me.
I am glad you are doing well and it is great to hear you talk about things so openly...
There are many many things I would like to speak to you about, however the main two things for now would be that 2 years ago I was encouraged to purchase the basics as they had been 'corrected'? Are these altered tech by DM orders or are they ok to study? Thus the other point is, is the golden age of tech from LRH? as there was many mistakes in drills we encountered with the simulator etc?
Best Regards
Thanks for your questions. The Basics are absolutely fine. I don't know about specific edits and for certain there were some that needed to be made based on a review of original manuscripts. Keep in mind that many of LRH's books he dictated, didn't write. The tapes or platters or whatever sometimes got out of order. At any rate, the really great thing about the Basics is the lecture series that go with each book. Together with the books, it's a fantastic course of study, especially if you do it in chrono order. Also, the glossaries are much much improved.
As for GAT, yes, that program came from LRH. See the article I wrote about this elsewhere on this site. Any errors in the drills you can blame on me as I did most of them. After the initial release we (RTRC) sent out corrected drills based on reports that poured in from all over.
That said, the implementation of both couldn't have been more arrogant and poorly done. The blanket invalidations of whatever people had studied before and the blanket invalidation of all earlier auditor training was simply disgusting and the only way DM knows how to market anything being rereleased. Just come up with as big an alarming statement as you can to make everybody redo whatever it is you're releasing is the totality of his marketing acumen.
I invite you to see the new video of Dan Koon, that was made on May 02, 2010:
You will see it as a last post, right on the top of all, as it was just added.
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