Scientology Inc's David Miscavige BBC and CNN media deception |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 24 July 2014 03:00 |
David Miscavige, the man who runs all of Scientology with an iron fist and dark heart, LIES to media that he is too busy to interview and strings along the show by months, while micro-managing the shenanigans behind the scenes to block the show.He pretends he is the Ecclesiastical leader while actually running it all administratively, even punching and slapping the Sea Org member involved with the media daily. Marty Rathbun, 2nd in command for some 20 years and Mike Rinder,Church spokesman for some 20 years give behind the scenes data. This is mirrored from Marty's channel
Meet Mat Pesch Scientology Sea Org Veteran ~ Part One |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 21 July 2014 06:00 |
Mat Pesch was a Sea Org member for almost thirty years. After routing out in 2005, Mat and his wife Amy Scobee went under the radar and wrote the now famous "Little Dickie Bedtime Stories." These stories helped to expose David Miscavige and the greed and violence inside the Church of Scientology. Mat Pesch was the Treasury Secretary of the Flag Service Organization (FSO) in Clearwater, Florida. In this interview with Jeffrey Augustine, Mat recounts his experiences as Treasury Secretary in the 1990's. Mat corroborates the fact that Alexander Jentzsch was sexually molested at twelve years of age at Flag Land Base by Marie Warren, a 40 year old Sea Org member. After the sexual molestation was discovered by Church officials, the police were not called. Instead, Mat was ordered to find money for the airline tickets needed to fly Alexander and the Sea Org rapist out of the jurisdiction of local and state law enforcement. Mat offers his opinion that the Ideal Orgs were an "unusual solution" to Flag's enormous Advanced Payments liability
Scientology Inc. Camilla Andersson part 2: What happens in an accident? |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 19 July 2014 05:49 |
Camilla tells the story of almost cutting off her thumb. Jeffrey Augustine(J.Swift) is the interviewer. The Cult HATES paying for its 4000 Sea Org medical needs and has off loaded many a medically challenged person via Fitness Board. If not Fitness boarded, Workman's Comp Insurance or free County/State medical is used. The Church hoards a billion here and a billion there because it pays no taxes, has its work force work 80 hour weeks, live in sordid living conditions, no medical, almost no pay .No such thing as minimum wage as Sea Org are Religious Volunteers 1st amendment rights to be cruel and abusive !
Meet Camilla Andersson and hear her Story ~ Part 1 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 18 July 2014 01:07 |
Born into Scientology as 2nd generation Scientologist, Camilla is in the Sea Organization at 17. She walked out the door, literally running for her life (explained later) at 47. In this opening segment she tells the poignant story of how her private confessional information is read out to other Sea Org members in an effort to humiliate and shame her into change.
Her husband is sitting in this audience listening in on what she privately confessed to in an auditing session. Soon after he calls her despicable and divorces her. I have spoken out long and hard on the diabolical practice of the Church of Scientology using confessional data as a weapon against the person who has confessed. This data is used in Church hate websites,Confessional data is used in malicious retaliation and continues to this day.The Church also repeatedly uses such break up marriages where the husband is told what the wife confessed to and the wife is told what the husband confessed to. This video is version 2.
OSA manipulated a *Privacy* complaint of an older woman with Camilla who is still Sea Org.
A lowly kitchen helper, she would never have come anywhere near YouTube in the Sea Org
So I deleted the video and re-uploaded it without image above. Here's the new bullet proof version. I apologise to those who took time to leave comments.
Scientology Inc Lawyer private conversation and commitment |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 16 July 2014 03:29 |
The Church gets away with a LOT because of lawyers. It might spend more on lawyers than anyone can even guess. Millions, multi-millions are spent annually. Using the deliberately misleading and deceptive term Church of Scientology, (which does not legally even exist) Scientology Inc. likes to blather on about disseminating the tech in order to tell people just how wonderful Scientology is. However, the actual Scientology documents presented in this essay will prove that Scientology Inc. acts with malice aforethought to legally cripple anyone foolish enough to join this incredibly fascist and dangerous organization. The internal tyranny Scientology Inc. uses against its own members is the story of a cult taking a sledgehammer to the legal rights of Scientologists at every step of their path up what is dishonestly called the Bridge to Total Freedom.
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