Mail Online Story on Karen de la Carriere |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 22:21 |
Mail Online story on Karen de la Carriere
From Wikipedia: MailOnline (also known as is the website of the Daily Mail, a newspaper in the United Kingdom, and of its sister paper The Mail on Sunday. MailOnline is a division of DMG Media, part of Associated Newspapers Ltd. It is the most visited newspaper website in the world, with over 189.5 million visitors per month, and 11.7 million visitors daily, as of January 2014.
Maiil Online Twitter followers: 697,000
Church of Scientology Twitter followers: 14,600
Karen de la Carriere Twitter followers: 16,200
Mail Online Alexa US rank: 58 Alexa US rank: 68,085
Mail Online Alexa global rank: 58 global rank: 154,917
There is No God in Scientology Inc (Part 2) |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 06 September 2014 17:01 |
The video is not a debate on whether there is or is not a God. It is about Scientology Inc evasiveness on admission that it is Church without a God.
I am in touch with so many who served the Church 20 years, 30 years, 40 years and exited. They are in very very rough shape, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
The *Church* that was supposed to make them higher and enlightened spiritual beings battered , abused and clobbered them. Some have PTSD symptoms from serving in the Sea Org with sleep deprivation and imprisonment.
And all along they were made to believe they were *saving* the planet ! Clearing the planet! Oh my.
Marty Rathbun reveals Lisa Mcpherson from inside Scientology Inc |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 05 September 2014 02:37 |
On November 13th 1998 State Attorney Bernie Mccabe charged Scientology Inc and David Miscavige on 2 felony indictments on her death. Office of Special Affairs, damaged control specialists moved heaven and heal to wiggle out of the charges. Much cover up, lies and spin. Marty Rathbun tells some of what happened from the inside. David Miscavige was personally supervising her counseling and authorized her to attest to CLEAR. An advanced Religious state ! Subsequently Lisa took off all her clothes and walked naked down Fort Harrison Avenue. More of the story is told by Mark Bunker on my channel here:
All credit to Tampa Bay Times for these interviews. 2009 interview mirrored. All important history will get mirrored on this YouTube Channel.
Camilla Andersson remembers Ann Tidman RIP even though Scientology Inc did not |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 03 September 2014 02:14 |
This history covers a bigger picture within Radical Official Scientology. It is how they cover up a death. Death is treated as an embarrassment, distasteful, "Bad PR" Annie served in the Sea Org decades. Find out what happened when she died.
Mark Fisher on David Miscavige's Rise to Power in Scientology Inc. Part 2 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 30 August 2014 21:07 |
Lots of previously undisclosed stories, Tom Cruise Stories. Hierarchy insider stories and always... continuing purges. Just another coup. Just another Purge. Just another bloodbath in the mentality of power and paranoid cosmic psycho-politics in the "Church" of Scientology. Good history from Mark Fisher.
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