Church of Scientology LIES~~ How to resolve Middle East crisis ! |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Sunday, 17 August 2014 18:49 |
Tony Ortega's blog released the incredulous LIES by Sylvia Stanard at a religious conference: There is one message the Church repeatedly tried to get across in recent years Look at our Real Estate ! Look at the demand for Scientology requiring more and more luxurious Taj Mahals ! We couldn't be as bad as the world is saying, because, see the rise in our Real Estate portfolio! Sylvia Stanard works in a Public Relations office in Washington DC as an Office of Special Affairs Professional Liar.
The Church of Scientology, Warfare, Insanity and Criminality |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 15 August 2014 02:37 |
A segment mirrored from A & E Investigative Reports who made this documentary on Scientology. All credits to Arts and Entertainment Channel It is important history, this clip shows how very much Scientology is stuck in its criminal activity, destroying lives, fair gaming, dead agenting, constant warfare, erecting web hate sites (revealing confessional private data). The insanity inside includes seances, weird group confessionals and beatings while held against will as in kidnap, hostage taking. The Cult continues to descend into further insanity by all reports that I receive. I have been gone 4 years. It is worse inside than ever
Mike Rinder on Why Scientology Inc Must Tell Lies |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 12 August 2014 00:09 |
Mike Rinder discusses the Scientology PR flack Sylvia Stanard's recent speech about Scientology at the Chataqua religious conclave. Stanard lied about Xenu, Disconnection, and other matters of substance. Stanard was evasive and refused to honestly answer questions. Mike Rinder makes the point that no Church of Scientology spokesperson can tell the truth -- and Rinder knows as he was the International Spokesman for the Church of Scientology for over twenty years. Mike Rinder makes the point that all the Church of Scientology can do is to evade, duck, and deflect the hard questions and does so by focusing on its real estate portfolio as proof of its expansion. If Scientology were really that bad would we be purchasing and opening all of these new Ideal Orgs?
Scientology Inc's punishment program "RPF" by German TV |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 09 August 2014 21:55 |
Enough Germans who had been raped of their net worth and endured other atrocities within the Sea Org in Copenhagen and INT base reported their experiences to the German Government and German media. Eventually a camera crew was flown to the USA and an Investigation was done to find out why the "Sea Org" carried on with such escalating abuses.This is a clip from "Missing in Happy Valley" film which discusses Scientology's militaristic inner core, the Sea Org, the Rehabilitation project Force (RPF) and David Miscavige. Mirrored from 2007 film
Mareka Brousseau and the Loss of Childhood in Scientology Inc's Sea Org |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 07 August 2014 05:45 |
Mareka Brousseau was born a third generation Scientologist. She discusses her childhood and the harsh conditions in Sea Org nurseries. Mareka signed a Sea Org contract when she was nine years old. Mareka's mother and stepfather are Haydn and Lucy James.
Mareka's husband John Brousseau gave some amazing insights on Tom Cruise to
Tony Ortega
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