Tom Cruise asks to clean up this planet with Scientology Cuckoo's nest 4/6 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 14 July 2014 00:12 |
Tommy Davis Blathers on and blatantly lies "there is no such policy as Disconnection". Actor Jason Beghe protests his Scientology Inc handlings and the rip offs of money. Tom Cruise says he cares very very much.
Chuck Beatty discusses David Miscavige, Scientology, and Author Services Inc |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 12 July 2014 02:59 |
Former Sea Org member Chuck Beatty and Jeffrey Augustine discuss a perennial debate: Did L. Ron Hubbard appoint David Miscavige his successor, or, did David Miscavige seize power? Chuck also discusses his experiences in Author Services Incorporated and the way Miscavige used ASI to assume power over the Church prior to becoming COB RTC. Chuck describes how ASI was created as a legal way to funnel money to L. Ron Hubbard. Jeff mentions a little known fact: David Miscavige had a life-threatening asthma attack in 1980. Emerging from this crisis in a hospital emergency room, David Miscavige told Paul Grady that he had a revelation that Power is Assumed and thereafter began to assume power in the Church by whatever means it required. This is part 2 of an on going Series exposing Author Services Inc. Sea Org Clergy subject to Sea Org discipline pretending to be non Sea Org for money making revenues.
Scientolgy Inc : Tommy Davis screaming Eccelsiastically! Cuckoo's Nest 3/6 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 10 July 2014 23:25 |
Tommy Davis fled the Sea Org on the famous "Medical" excuse. He works in Austin for a financial firm. World acknowledged as a "Baghdad Bob" liar, Tommy fervently denied the church had a policy of disconnection and that the sociopath leader Miscavige never beat anyone. Tommy was not even located at INT Base so he was not in a position to witness or not witness the beatings, but listen to his hysterical lunacy. The former Church Spokesman.
Tom Cruise knows the history of psychiatry, You don't. Cuckoo's Nest 2/6 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 09 July 2014 02:51 |
Tom Cruise takes on the identity of David Miscavige in these rants. You can literally see the personality of Miscavige, mimicked and copied as Cruise goes into the Slam, Bam, Attack mode on Matt Lauer.
Scientology Inc : Sea Org Little Facts and Big FICTION |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 07 July 2014 05:00 |
Inside the Sea Org. The 5000 army of dedicated *soldiers* who believe they are going to change the civilization to a world without War, Criminality and Insanity. This is the battle cry for more coerced money donations. People wonder how they could have extorted that much money to have a billion dollars here and a billion there. If you had 5000 slaves working 80 to 100 hours a week for cents and paid little no Taxes and had full time Money extortion sales people, why YOU too could amass big bucks ! Note how they continue to make the Government and YOU the tax payer pay the medical bills of their slaves. They have done this for decades
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