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Wednesday, 07 September 2011 13:36 |
Blog item for today:
In the late 1990s, I remember David Miscavige complaining bitterly about Europeans, especially German Scientologists. No country was more vocal against the Church than the German media and government. Miscavige knew exactly what was wrong.
"The German Scientologists are PTS" he belowed -- meaning they were potential trouble sources because they were connected to suppressive (toxic) people. Truer words were never spoken. The only problem was the "suppressives" were NOT Ursula Caberta and the "German government" -- no, no. The suppressives were in the Church, namely David Miscavige and his supporters -- the VERY people who for decades spread carefully worked out propaganda that modern Germany, and particularly the efforts of Urusula Caberta were a throwback to 1930s Germany. And that was and still is utterly false.
The truth is Ursula Caberta was a decent, hardworking, intelligent and caring member of the Hamburg government who started receiving requests from people who were being abused by David Miscavige's corrupt empire. She looked under the rock and immediatly came under heavy attack from the Church.
Sound familiar?
Anyone who looks under the rock is falsely villified.
For some time, Marty has been interested in setting the record straight and naturally he isn't the only one. The Church's black propaganda campaign has been so thorough and so relentless, involving numerous visits to the US State Department by the "likes" of Tom Cruise, John Travolta and other carefully cultivated (by Miscavige) "celebrity Scientology tools" many Scientologists in Germany actually came to believe the "government" is against them. It's a lie.
The government, like any group of law-abiding citizens of the world, are against criminality, abuse, torture, extortion, human trafficking, and the destruction of families -- the stock in trade of David Miscavige. It has been the Church of Scientology, all along, that emanated the untruth that the actions of the Church were a reflection of Scientology philosophy. And why has Miscavige made that his central them? He's covering his ass. Blaming his actions on LRH. Blaming his criminality on the philosophy. And in the process making Scientology the philosophical pariah of the century.
I am here in Germany. I took the week off and came here on my own dime (not cheap) to support what Marty and Mosey are doing and to help rally Independent Scientologists to pin the tail on the actual donkey for once instead of pinning it on those who have actually been trying to stop the abuses of the Church and protecting lives and property.
A handful of rag-tag Scientologists from the Church were quietly protesting outside dressed up like the Inquisition. How ironic, since it is they, not us, who have blood on their hands.
Tonight, the television airwaves in Germany are LOADED with reports, video excerpts and news items from Ursula and Marty's lengthy press conference today, held at Hamburg's equivalent of the Ministry of the Interior. And there is more to come.
Get it: the German government supports our mission to expose the crimes of the Church and stop the insanity.
That's a big deal. It's unprecedented.
If you are an Independent Scientologist helping to decry the abuses and criminality of the CoS, the German government has your back. That sure beats what we have in the US State Department where key government politicos have allowed themselves to be covertly bought off by a few subverted movie actors.
There are many more examples around the world of what has happened in Germany. Broadly speaking, wherever you hear the Church of Scientology complaining BITTERLY of "religious discrimination" and "religious bigotry" -- the reverse is true.
The bigots are all in the Church.
LRH said the mission of Scientology was to create a "safe environment." The Church instead specializes in creating a threatening environment. They drive families apart. They crush every penny out of their hapless supporters. And they spread the worst lies imaginable about anyone with the courage, integrity and moral fibre to help expose the truth. And when I say those last words, think of the German people. Hey, last week I heard the Church of Scientology created a new hate site just for me. Of course that probably had nothing to do with me dropping everything and coming to Hamburg on Tuesday in support of Marty, Mosey, the Independent Scientologists of Europe, and our new friends -- the German government.
So take a closer look. Take a closer look at anyone who the CoS says is an enemy.
The worse the CoS says people are, the better they might really be.
Steve Hall
Blogs -
Friday, 01 July 2011 09:39 |
By Thoughtful
“A disaster is something not predicted or prepared for.” — LRH
In 2010, with the success of and the retribution against whistle blowers that the Church of Scientology is famous for, I began to be more concerned about the subject of security. So, I postulated finding someone who could help and sure enough I did.
A friend introduced me to a gentleman named Ruben Puente who needed a website. Turned out that Ruben, a native Texan, had some 38 years of on-the-street law enforcement and security management experience. Ruben helped me, and so I want to introduce him to you in case you also might need or want some help.
Ruben is a retired cop, but not just any cop. He has a 26-year career with Texas Law Enforcement in the Dallas area and retired as a police commander. He holds an Active Peace Officer license and a Security Consultant license qualifying him for investigations, consulting and training.
Fluent in two languages (Spanish and English) he is an active instructor in law enforcement and a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association and ASIS International.
He is a graduate of several Law Enforcement Executive Colleges and curricula including the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration’s Management College and School of Police Supervision, the “LEMIT” Leadership Command College.
Ruben graduated from the 210th Session of the FBI National Academy, Quantico, VA — elite law enforcement training attended by invitation only.
Ruben earned a BS degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1985 and earned a Masters degree from Southern Methodist University in 2001. In May of 2001, he also completed his Advanced Graduate Studies in Dispute Resolution at Southern Methodist University. In August 2011, he will earn his second Masters degree in Criminal Justice and Security.
Ruben’s corporate experience included a term as Senior Manager of Corporate Security with Frito Lay North America, where he was responsible for a workforce numbering 49,000 employees in regional offices, manufacturing plants and distribution centers throughout the U.S.
He was also Senior Manager overseeing corporate security operations for Major League Baseball, Office of the Baseball Commissioner, headquartered in New York City. There, he was responsible for the personal safety of top executives and star players; through training and consulting he created a safe security perimeter.
Unlike “private investigators” with no law enforcement experience, Ruben has been on countless drug busts, apprehended dangerous criminals, and conducted hundreds of investigations as a police detective — murder cases, white-collar crime, you name it. He worked for decades interviewing witnesses and suspects, dusting for fingerprints, finding evidence, analyzing statements and his specialty — obtaining confessions.
Ruben is an expert with a subject called “micro-inequities” the subtle body language that indicates when someone is telling the truth. Perhaps you’ve heard it said that 90% of communication is body language. Well, when you know what to look for, tiny unavoidable indicators like flinches, twitches, darting eyes, coughs and itches are beacons lighting the roadway to truth. This kind of linguistics skill comes from interviewing thousands of witnesses and suspects. And what it really means is Ruben is tri-lingual: Spanish, English and body language.
I briefed Ruben on the Church of Scientology and he has studied their dirty tricks, harassment, hate crimes, stalking and cyber stalking. He’s read articles and watched videos on Marty’s blog and on and spoken to key Independents who are being actively harassed.
The word “security” means “the state of being free from danger or threat.” The derivation comes from “securus” which means “free from care.” And when you are dealing with suppression, being “free from care” merely requires doing something about it.
I hired Ruben to conduct a threat assessment on my home, personal life and business. This gave me peace of mind because I understood what my risks were and were not. He helped me put together a security plan for each area of my life. And although the risk was rather low in some areas of my life, the time to get prepared is when the risk factor is at 2 or 3, not when it jumps to 12.
At my home, Ruben took photos and did a full security analysis with recommendations that I implemented for security lighting and discrete 24-hour video. Ruben told me what kind of equipment to get and I was able to install it myself over a few weekends.
He also gave my wife and I security training — and if you are going to get trained, doesn’t it make sense to learn from an expert? On the force, Ruben was responsible for training officers and keeping them from getting shot so we felt like we could really trust what he told us. On-the-street experience is invaluable. For example, Ruben showed us where a person would hide in an ambush and explained what would happen and what to do. And should we ever walk in on an armed intruder, Ruben taught us a key defensive tactic guaranteed to delay anyone from shooting. Tricks of the trade like these can keep you alive when seconds count.
Something you may not know about “private investigators”: Many of them are retired desk jockeys who have no on-the-street experience. They have never stormed the home of armed felon, caught murderers or stopped a robbery in progress with guns drawn.
Here in Texas, I had someone bothering me occasionally who I was pretty sure was working for the CoS. So I hired Ruben to investigate him. What he found was interesting to say the least.
Most “private investigators” are qualified to do only minor investigations. They aren’t certified for consulting or training. They don’t have friends throughout the law enforcement community. Ruben is the real deal. If anything unusual happens, I have someone to call. His services include,
- Personal protection training
- Safe storage, concealment and use of firearms
- Personal, home and business threat assessment
- Home vulnerability assessment
- Security technology recommendations
- Civil and criminal Investigations
- Confidential surveillance
- Suspect investigation
- Police liaison
- Latent print examination
- Statement analysis
- Witness interviews
- Police report investigation
- Forensics/Evidence collection
- Cell phone and computer forensics
- Crime scene analysis and reconstruction
- Crisis management contingency planning
- Policy and procedure evaluations
And with some 38 years of real-world experience protecting people and apprehending criminals, Ruben’s network of contacts and life-long friends in the law-enforcement field are embracive.
In my own life, being prepared has brought peace of mind. LRH explained when a crew is prepared for anything, “anything” seldom happens. And if it does, it rarely becomes anything worse than an emergency. I’ve seen many examples of this over the years.
True to form, since getting prepared in 2010, I have had almost no harassment. We have friends throughout our neighborhood and they are briefed on my status as a whistle blower and briefed as well on the tactics of David Miscavige’s systematic retaliation efforts involving harassment, hate crimes and stalking.
I’ve visited the local police departments and the FBI here in Dallas and briefed them, and gotten their advice on what to do if I need their help.
Once I got prepared I no longer felt “at risk.” I’ve got the FBI, Dallas Police, a top-notch private investigator and the neighbors on my side. I’ve got numerous security systems in place in my personal life and where ever I go. I know what to do.
The old boy-scout motto was “Be prepared.” LRH said, “A disaster is something not predicted or prepared for” — thus by definition, if you predict what could happen, and if you prepare for disaster, disaster never happens.
If you want to make sure nothing happens, get prepared. Get prepared because you want nothing to happen.
If you have any attention on your own personal, home or business security, be proactive. Visit your local police department; they’re there to help you. Give Ruben a call or visit his website. He really dislikes bullies. You can visit his website at Or email him at
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Ruben has not paid me to write this. I’m writing it because he is a friend and I’m excited to share a new resource with the Independent field.
If you have any slightest concern or worry, that is the indicator that you need to do something. That is your intuition. Get your security in and have more peace of mind.
Blogs -
Saturday, 18 June 2011 15:19 |
by Thoughtful
The first mainstream book to expose the truth about David Miscavige
Something has happened — Janet Reitman’s new book, Inside Scientology. This book has opened doors that few serious journalists have dared peer behind, much less open wide.
Dozens of Scientologists and former-Scientologists representing a panorama of opinions, pro and con, contributed their knowledge and data, and many are quoted throughout the book. Among them (in no particular order): myself; Dan Koon; Sinar Parman; Mark Fisher; Steve “Sarge” Pfauth; Tom De Vocht; Don Jason; Jason Knapmeyer; Amy Scobee; Mat Pesch; Jeff Hawkins; Bruce Hines; Mark and Claire Headley; Stefan and Tanja Castle; Jason Beghe; Greg Barns; Chuck Beatty; Mike and Donna Henderson; Anne, Jeffrey and Anthony Aylor; Nancy and Chris Many; Jesse Prince; Maureen Bolstad; Kendra Wiseman; Jenna Miscavige Hill; Astra Woodcraft; Caroline and John Brown; Jana Daniels; Donna Shannon; Gale Irwin; DeDe Reisdorf; Glenn Samuels; Teresa Summers; and many more whom I have yet to meet, such as Karen Pressley and Art Cohan. (If I left anyone out, please let me know and I will add).
Melanie Stokes and the late Alan Walter provided firsthand insight on the infamous Mission Holder’s conference and the dismantling of the mission network in the early 1980s. Larry Brennan explained the corporate restructuring of the CoS.
Janet also found a wealth of information through the writings of others on And through posts on Moving On Up A Little Higher, she used information from Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder, although neither granted Janet an interview. Some of those posts included, “Funeral for a Friend” and “Miscavige Black Ops Squad Hits Corpus Christi,” “The Reformation,” and “Murder Outs.” She also used “What Impinges: Survey Results” published on both websites in which Mike so aptly described “the vulture culture.”
In addition to and Moving On Up A Little Higher, Janet also drew from other authoritative websites including, Leaving Scientology and Ex-Scientology Kids.
Janet also garnered key information from luminaries including detectives, attorneys and key law enforcement personnel, not to mention journalists such as Joe Childs and Tom Tobin of the St Petersburg Times.
I don’t know how she pulled it off, frankly. It was a Herculean task. I myself received 101 emails from Janet, most of which I answered in detail. How she managed to digest all that information… amazing. In addition, my telephone interviews with her in 2009 were something like 6 hours, as I recall.
Dan Koon and I spoke almost daily throughout 2009 while I was building And we often spoke about Janet’s book. Since she was interested in our data, we saw her book as a chance to make the truth about David Miscavige known more broadly.
As you may know, LRH’s opinion on journalists was not too high, having been burned I guess too many times by “writers” who already had their hatchet sharpened and angle written before they even interviewed him.
As Janet pointed out, LRH was a showman and a storyteller. That is something we Scientologists overlook because against the value of the tech, such personality faults are trivial… because the only thing we rate as important is the workability of the tech. Against that, others factors simply cannot be compared.
However, journalists routinely stumble upon LRH’s personality faults and his human errors and never actually duplicate the value of the tech. They weigh in so heavily on personality faults the net effect is to invalidate the whole subject.
I’m sure some of those journalists were simply trying to be fair. Others were paid to write a hatchet job by vested interests — happens all the time. A few were simply malicious.
In retrospect, perhaps the correct handling by LRH when caught in a white lie such as not really being a “nuclear physicist” would have been to freely admit the error. Easy for me to say. I wasn’t there. The remarkable thing is LRH was there. He carried Scientology a long, long way alone. He helped tens of thousands of people. Millions today are thankful he lived. Instead, LRH stopped communicating with the media, violating one of his golden rules: “Motion comes in, use and win.” No one is perfect. I appreciate him none the less.
In Inside Scientology you’re going to get a good dose of LRH’s faults. Are these things healthy for you to see? Yes. If you are so shaky on Scientology that learning about LRH’s faults is going to knock you out of orbit, then it’s bound to happen eventually. You might as well get it over with. Not all of his alleged faults are true by any means, but many are.
And if you survive learning something about LRH’s faults, the bright side is you will be all the stronger for it because nothing can trip you up.
Others of us are immune to personal criticism of LRH for reasons already stated. We aren’t Scientologists because LRH was a good guy. We are Scientologists because the technology works and it enables us to solve problems nothing else can fix. But with a subject like Scientology, of course the founder’s life is going to remain under the microscope for centuries to come. So get used to it. LRH wasn’t perfect. So what? Who is?
Another thing you will find in the book is the OT III story. If you haven’t heard of it, well, you might as well get used to that too. The data was leaked out on David Miscavige’s watch and it isn’t going to go away. However, contrary to popular belief that LRH said the data can make you ill, the fact is only mis-auditing the level can make you ill.
These sorts of issues more or less go with the Scientology territory. Here’s what doesn’t work: sticking your head in the sand. Here’s what else doesn’t work: trying to censor freedom of speech. Here’s what does work: go ahead and learn about LRH’s failings — they have nothing to do with the workability of the tech he developed.
As I have said before, if a car designer lied about where he went to school, does it mean the car he designed won’t work?
So when it came to “talking to the media” in 2009 (meaning Janet Reitman), Dan and I discussed the matter and it was basically a no brainer: By speaking out, could we in fact make Scientology’s PR any worse?
No — nothing could make Scientology’s PR any worse!
We also felt it was significant in that we were presenting a new viewpoint: that the philosophy of Scientology had almost nothing in common with the inexplicable and ever offensive behavior of the Church. We made it clear the organization was in fact being run by a madman, who’s actions were criminal at best.
Janet Reitman Photo by Deborah Lopez |
Dan spoke with Janet in April 2009 and told me about her. I sent her an email in April 2009 introducing myself. By that point Janet already had a rough draft of her book, but she said it was in desperate need of improvement. It was missing crucial points, both contextual and factual. The last third of the book was to deal with a subject nearly every other writer had shied away from, and continue to shy away from to this day… David Miscavige, his rise to power, his deeds and even life at the infamous Int base!
Janet said she wanted to look at LRH as both a man and as the founder of Scientology, and she also wanted to look at DM. Unlike so many before her, she had the courage to ask, “Who is this guy (DM) and how did he get where he is? And, what is he doing with his power and position? Is he truly a steward of the church, or is his controlling instinct destroying the church?”
She needed someone to help shed light on his character, particularly the early years 1984-89. She wanted to understand how this hostile takeover of sorts really worked. Who was Pat Broeker, and did he have supporters or a Pat Broeker “camp.” And conversely, was there a David Miscavige “camp”?
In speaking with Janet over the phone, she seemed honest and rational. Yet, like moths to a porch light, few journalists are able to avoid mischaracterizing LRH and the tech and Janet is no exception. In my opinion, she does mischaracterize LRH and fails to appreciate the tech. Joe Childs and Tom Tobin, well, they are exceptions and for that I hold them in high regard.
Still, I decided if she got nothing right but at least helped expose DM, that would be a step forward since mischaracterizations of LRH and the tech itself are nothing new.
Her book includes a huge section at the back entitled “Notes.” She stressed that not a single one of the people who contributed information like myself “had every spoken publicly prior to my interviewing them, nor had any of them pursued legal actions against the church or written a book.” Except where specifically noted, all references to these people, their stories, and their quoted words came from her own interviews and conversations with them. Inside Scientology is probably the best definitive work on the Church yet produced. It does what the church's book, What is Scientology? never could: namely, tell the truth.
Yes, David Miscavige micromanaged the writing of What is Scientology?
Janet spent five years researching and writing Inside Scientology. Some contributors, like Mark and Claire Headley began to help her as early as 2007. Included in the book are factual but harrowing tales of abuse and escape.
Of course, as with any work of this nature, the reporting is colored by the input. But as an Independent Scientologist, it’s incredible she got so much right. We are recognized as “part of a new ‘Independent Scientology’ movement: people who’ve remained true to the original theories and teachings of L. Ron Hubbard, though not to the current management of the church.”
Janet reveals the FBI is currently investigating Scientology over the abuse allegations made by numerous Sea Org staff; the agency is also reportedly investigating David Miscavige for “inurement,” or allegations that he has personally enriched himself with church funds… perhaps his $100,000 stereo system, or his numerous cars and homes.
Janet takes the reader into life at the Int base and documents the massive exodus of senior staff and executives throughout the 2000s. She covers intimidation and efforts to buy the silence of ex-Sea Org members. For example, David Miscavige’s personal lawbot, Elliot Ableson, handed Stefan Castle a check for $25,000 to keep silent.
Considering that Janet is not a Scientologist, she is remarkably fair and evenhanded, but not perfect. Then again, who is?
Some errors: I think her history of LRH is slanted toward the idea that LRH used marketing and advertising to promote the religion. Well, duh. Since the beginning of time, everything uses marketing and advertising to promote anything. Early Christians used word of mouth, testimonials, letters of recommendation, tours, rallies, talks and more. So to me, it’s a silly point to make and just seems to suggest that Scientology expanded because of good marketing, instead of due to the value of tech.
Likewise, she says the E-meter is not a new invention “contrary to Hubbard’s claims” because it is actually a variation of a Wheatstone Bridge — a fact every Scientologist knows because LRH said so himself. But it’s a small point. There are other such minor errors here and there. She quotes ex-Scientologists such as one who knew LRH in the 1950s and later decided his only motivation was “money.” Okay, whatever.
But on what I consider really, really important — the subject of David Miscavige and his rise to power, his abuses and excesses, Janet Reitman wins with a TKO. Here Janet finally published what even the St Petersburg Times failed to print: that David Miscavige’s handwriting was allegedly all over Lisa McPherson’s auditing files. Janet covers the whole saga, weaving together data from eyewitnesses.
There are many other pluses, and of course a few minuses. She ends the book with the opinion of Natalie Walet, a college-age Scientologist currently taking courses at Flag. Natalie rejects defectors’ claims that the environment was too corrosive. “So it really floors me that people saw DM doing this, if he did this, and didn’t do anything. Shame on them for not fixing it.” Well, Natalie (she hopes to become a judge one day — God save us) what the hell do you think we are doing?
Personally, I think all clueless 23-year old Scientologists who “have heard terrible things” yet who are themselves doing nothing to correct those “terrible things” should simply decide they know best about everything and dismiss those who are actually working to correct the situation. Please feel free to assume we are just complaining (when in fact, we are actually using Scientology to audit the 3rd dynamic). I mean, why actually take responsibility for Scientology when you can just kinda play like you are taking responsibility for it, right, when in fact you are just doing some courses and not applying what you are learning? Kewl, right? Right? Just let the whole thing pass right over your head.
All told, Janet Reitman’s Inside Scientology is a must read. She has sent an enormous boulder crashing through the glass house of Miscavige; those pink legs sticking out… well, I think you know whom they are attached to. It’s a strong statement that ultimately will help further our cause as Independent Scientologists. Read the book for yourself and see what you think.
Written by Thoughtful
Blogs -
Friday, 10 June 2011 20:00 |
Ed Bryan: Scientology spy, messenger of hate
In crime and law, hate crimes (also known as bias-motivated crimes) occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group, usually defined by racial group, religion, sexual orientation, disability, class, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, social status or political affiliation.
"Hate crime" generally refers to criminal acts that are seen to have been motivated by bias against one or more of the types above, or of their derivatives. Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, offensive letters or email (hate mail).
Ed Bryan |
If you’ve been reading the comments in Marty’s blog, you know that at 7:15 pm, Wednesday, June 8, 2011, Michael Fairman (the well-known actor) was seated at his computer quietly reading Marty’s blog when the doorbell rang.
At the door were three “Squirrel Busters” and a camera. “Michael, I’d like to speak to you” one of the busters asked, rather pleasantly. Not having a camera in hand, Michael replied, “No, get outta here — I’m calling the cops!” and shut the door in their faces.
Two policemen arrived minutes later. They were given a brief history of the “Squirrel Busters” and grasped the situation immediately. They understood the Church of Scientology was engaging in a hate crime in retaliation against whistle blowers.
The police provided the tools and communication lines to deal with the CoS agents. They said to report the incident as an intentional HATE CRIME using visceral epithet “squirrel” and visiting for purpose of harassment. Calling an Independent Scientologist a “squirrel” falls into the same category as racial slurs.
The event was filed as an incident with the Van Nuys Police Department. The officers were also made aware of what had happened in Santa Monica last Tuesday, that the Church of Scientology was also behind those hate crimes, and that video evidence exists.
Michael went on to brief the Senior Lead Officer at the Van Nuys Police station so that all police stations in the San Fernando Valley will be apprised of what occurred. Should there be another visit or series of visits, the record will show the original filing so that legal steps can be taken. The police explained that the laws which apply to the paparazzi also apply to the aforementioned events.
Right on schedule, the very next day, about 7 pm, three people rang Karen de la Carriere’s doorbell on OSA’s behalf asking to see her. They said, “We are making a documentary.”
Because she knew in advance they were coming, she had a reception committee on hand to welcome them. The Church agents arrived in a black Acura SUV, California license plate 6EYN337. The license plate allegedly revealed the owner to as Ed Bryan, an OT VIII who owns Bryan Exhaust Hood Cleaning, 2808 North Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504. Attached to the back driver's side of the car was a magnetic sign that read "Squirrel Busters Productions." Like Michael, Karen got in her report to the LAPD.
Additionally, once Marty saw the photo that Karen's PI friend turned up, Marty recognized Ed Bryan as having covertly eavesdropped on his conversation on him while in California. "This is the guy who was in the booth behind us at the restaurant," Marty added in an email. "He was with a woman I did not recognize. I asked others at our table if they had ever seen this guy, because his face looked familiar. So, Karen, that reptilian loser spied on our dinner at P. F. Chang's in Santa Monica a couple weeks back. These people are damaged; very damaged."
Last Updated on Saturday, 11 June 2011 17:08 |