Home DM's fifth column fails again
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Wednesday, 03 November 2010 08:46

Following up on the attack on Marty's website yesterday, now someone going by the name LT has shown his true colors by sending out some idiotic propaganda this morning in the form of an email from " This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ."

He says "We, the Independents, have been deceived." Oh yeah, right... "There is no large-scale independent movement as Marty as tried to sell us." He says he's "really disturbed" because the Indie movement is really only 7 1/2 people using hundreds or even thousands of pen names.

You know, there is stupid and then there is David Miscavige.

There is missing the boat and then there is missing the entire ocean.

Obviously the CoS robots are under orders to not-is the size of the Indie movement because, as per usual, their reliance upon DM's convoluted Frankenfurter brain + his complete inability to select the correct target + the idea that the Indie movement is actually helping people (which drives him wild)... instead of using LRH's Data Series has led them to a wrong Why. Apparently they think the only reason the Indie movement exists is because "We, the Independents" think it is a "big movement."

For once it's actually true that size doesn't matter. The size of the Indie movement is irrelevant. What does matter is our message.

The reason the Indie movement has caught on and continues to grow is because it is based on a correct Why.

The handling for the Church is to blow the whistle on the subversion of the Church of Scientology by a corrupt self-appointed sociopathic dictator. The program is to get in Ethics. The purpose is to reopen the Bridge which has been slammed shut by out tech, out ethics and off policy actions all emanating from David Miscavige.

It all started with Scientology-cult and it continues to grow. Scientology cult was the first application of LRH's multiple viewpoint system where Scientologists could blow the whistle and start pulling the overts (exposing the crimes) of the Church of Scientology. To date, we have impinged and have forced large changes to take place: including getting them to knock off some of the forced abortions, and extortion of ex-staff through illegal freeloader's debts. Yet the organization continues to commit continual new overts daily. So we have a lot more ethics to get in before the this organization shows any faintest glimmer of sanity.

Scientologists have joined the Indie movement because they agree with the purpose as stated above; because they are sick and tired of the abuse and corruption and stealing of their money; and because the fundamentals of Scientology include "doing something about it"; making a safe environment; and having the courage to state what you have observed. Scientology is all about auditing; so we are auditing. It is about truth; so we are simply embracing that.

The Church of Scientology is NOT what LRH envisioned. It is about as off purpose as it could possibly be, handing out free lightbulbs to passers by in San Francisco to lure them in for a "tour." Raping parisioners for every last cent and stealing their children, too. They have no routes for new people in because DM has poisoned the Church's image and because today the Church has failed to deliver so the public stay away in droves. So much so, that now DM orders his Golden Era Productions to hire hundreds of non-Scientology "extras" (actors) to fill in empty seats at the last 2009 IAS Event.

The torch of Scientology and all it represents has passed to Independent hands.




# John Doe 2010-11-03 20:31
Amen! Glad to see you back, Thoughtful!
Hell, there are more than 7-1/2 independents in my friggin neighborhood!
# RJ 2010-11-04 00:50
Seems Miscavige and his crack(ed) team (of psychopaths) is getting desperate :)
# Summer Wind 2010-11-11 17:09
The right why always opens the door to a handling. And for me it also blows tons of charge, so as you might guess, life is good for me now, better than it has ever been. No thanks to the Church of Miscavage.
# farcyder 2010-11-04 03:34
It is interesting to see the correlation between the supposed attacks (self generated) of the CofM and the subversive way in which the blind followers attack the free voice of the internet.(seems like a PTS type 3 action) When i was in the CofM i noticed that the focus was moving continually away from Tech terminals to sales of the new book movement, Its really sad to see that this is still going on and really good people are leaving or just not taking the reging calls any longer and staying away. I am not a senior exec i am just a lowly public who has became very disillusioned when i just saw SP declares fly on tech terminals and delivery of LRH failing due to lack of support on the tech side.
We used to say there was a condition below confusion called mexican haha, (please note this was an SO line and i mean no disrespect to any mexiCANs) I declare a new condition below confusion and thats the Miscavige condition.
# Samuel 2010-11-07 09:08
Steve, correct, your site was the first to point to DM as the real who. It was your site that has opened my eyes! Kudos to you!

Though size is not all and the message and purpose IS the important thing, here's some "size data" on the "MaSteff" (pronounced mastiff :) sites:

Unique Visitors in September 2010 on these sites:

Marty: 13,571
Steve (this site): 6,600
Jeff: 4,992

A crowd stronger than any IAS event every month on every site (without hired extras).
# Chuck Beatty 2010-11-07 10:00
For sure what DM's done as Scientology leader is NOT what LRH said in LRH ED 339R Int and in his final years of writings.
A real Exec Strata "think tank" would be coming up with solutions and NOT the crap DM has done.

Official Scientology's only hope is do LRH ED 339R Int, get Exec Strata functioning and sorting out Scientology's major problems that DM has caused.

There's a lot to fix.

allowing a re-manned up Exec Strata and WDC and Int HQ, with members smart enough and free enough to dialogue on your chat site and on Marty's site and Jeff Hawkin's site, someday Scientology has to grow up and integrate normally with society.

Only the independents seem to be integrating. I've always hoped your actions would rub off on official Scientology, and spur them to reform.

# 2ndxmr 2010-11-08 03:02
I think the culture in the SO has become so infected with dm machinations (hatred, force, criminality) that major repair work would be needed on most everyone in a management position before we could see a return to sanity.

The hollering and raging to get done impossible or idiotic targets has to end. Raping the existing field will have to end. Scientology orgs will have to be struggle as they rebuild their fields properly with auditing and training that is safe to receive and safe to deliver.

The task is mind boggling in magnitude but it has to start with that feeling of safety. Amongst other things, that means dismantling whatever is in place that can be used to make an unsafe environment.
# Misha 2010-11-07 12:01
Right on, Thoughtful! The Church IS off-purpose, low-toned as an organization and is exhibiting psychotic tendencies and even Type 3 behavior patterns thus fully mimicking the Grande Farmagio el capo himself. That is just the truth. But in you saying that the size of independent movement does not matter you are kind of conceding to the enemy's allegation that there no wide-spread independent movement. I ran into German, Italian, Australian, Russian, Ukrainian and American independents without even half-trying. I bet the movement that you started is more wide spread than meets the eye. The only problem is that it is not a very focused movement because "whistle-blowing" does not give a specific PURPOSE or a PRODUCT to work for. But people do blow the whistle, read the blogs and deliver courses and audit and there seem to be more of us that we realize.
# Simon 2011-03-02 16:19
Anyway, the matter that the CofM has left the field help us in a bigger way. The filed is ours now. :-))

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