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CNN vs David Miscavige PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Tuesday, 30 March 2010 10:45
Tommy Davis says that David Miscavige was "not there" when the attacks occurred. I'll tell you who was not there: Tommy Davis. Davis was only moved up to the Int base recently. The violence has been going on there since the 1980s! I know, because unlike Tommy Davis I was there non stop from 1989 until 2004. I personally saw Davis Miscavige attack several individuals, who if they fought back would have instantly been disconnected from their wives, families and friends.

Furthermore, I was never involved in any beatings. Only threatened by Miscavige, directly on several occasions because I refused to bend to his will.

Many people ask, "How come nobody fought back?" As I explained to Tom Tobin of the St Petersburg Times, "Tom, are you married? Do you love your wife? Imagine if this morning was the last time you will ever see her for the rest of your life. Sure, you'd like to beat the hell out of Miscavige, but at the cost of not even getting to say goodbye? Most men would rather take the abuse than abandon their loved ones -- since, if you get kicked out, your wife will still be there in harms way."

And the proof of that is look who the Church of Miscavige trotted out to discredit Marty? His ex wife. Guess who Jenny Linson

In the end, I did walk out. It took nearly three months to get out of there, but I did at the cost of my marriage, and everything else, and after 20 years on staff started life over from scratch at 46 with a severance of $500 from the Church of Miscavige.

Once I got things in order, I started to speak out and today run a rather large website for the purpose, which is a distinct thorn on the side of the Miscavige camp. The point is not retribution, however; it is to stop the abuse and to bring justice.

Church response to the dozens of whistle blowers who's information is posted on my website can be summarized thusly: "Discredit, discredit, discredit." In doing so, they are "following" a twisted policy of Hubbard to always attack, never defend. Whatever is said, Tommy Davis will just swear "It never happened." It is also policy to put together packs of "evidence" proving every allegation "false." But If one knows what policy they are operating on, it becomes quite easy to see through the veil.

For example, if anyone says David Miscavige beat up someone, the Church will supply pages of receipts "proving" that Miscavige was somewhere else all during that month.

Top-level staff knowingly lie in a misguided effort to protect the religion. They think if Miscavige were to go down, the whole religion would be endangered. This is sheer idiocy, since Miscavige is the snake on the neck of Scientology pumping in venom; nothing can heal or grow until the snake is pulled off.

Imagine this: Two guys bring a third man to the ER. The doctor starts to examine the patient and sees a live rattler still attached to his neck. "There's a snake on his neck!" exclaims the Doctor. Instead of pulling the snake off, the friends bring in doctor's ex wife who explains, "My snake never bit anyone. The Doctor is lying. Actually, he is the one who bit the patient."

Those staff -- Norman Starkey, Jenny Devocht and others really ARE that loony and stupid. And they got that way by following David Miscavige and taking his extreme abuse.

I don't blame anyone for the animosity they feel toward Scientology, it is actually been created actively by David Miscavige since his income depends on "fighting wars." He has the financial motive to keep things as they are, i.e., to keep Scientology "misunderstood." Scientologists who know what the philosophy is all about want desperately to help the world understand the philosophy... which means they flow millions of dollars into a "war chest" for the purpose. That war chest is what pays for David Miscavige's $500 Egyptian hand tailored shirts, his cars, homes, chefs, hair stylist and make up crew who follow him where ever he goes, and his army of Private Investigators who he sends against any whistle blower including myself.

The key is, we ex-staff know their game plan. We know their rule book and how it is being twisted. We aren't denying anything, just being truthful in exposing the abuses so they can be ended. And we, each one of us, survived David Miscavige's infamous Int Base where hellish psychological abuse was the daily fare raining down from David Miscavige, a true sociopath if there ever was one.

We are the ones he could not break. And now we are doing something about him no matter the cost.

Blood on their hands PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Friday, 12 March 2010 12:40

30% of OTs have cancer and Tommy Davis is covering it up?

For those who continue to justify the criminal actions of David Miscavige... like Marion Pouw, Mike Sutter and Hansuli Stahli... for the cowards who stand well back from the fray, cloaked in ignorance, strangers to honor... for the poster child of lies, Tommy Davis... for the broken graduates of Reverse Scientology -- Marc Yager, Guillaume Lesevre, etc... and for the mental midgets who write pathetic attempts to third party or black PR whistle blowers... for those who continue to follow DM for selfish reasons... this article is for you.

Recently Mike Sutter and Hansuli Stahli showed an independent Scientologists a couple of Div 6 stats which were normal-trending. In so many words, Mike and Hansuli suggested that the Church as a whole was therefore in the condition of Normal, so independent Scientologists should "lighten up" on them and on David Miscavige since per the condition of Normal, "ethics are mild."
They also said, "David Miscavige IS Scientology."

Similarly, Tommy Davis has continually beat the drum to excuse any "flaws" of David Miscavige with "explosive expansion" -- measured only in terms of real estate. In other words, "David Miscavige is not guilty by reason of expansion."

Okaaay... notwithstanding that the claimed "expansion" is a falsehood -- since LRH said Scientology had nothing to do with real estate (genuine expansion would be measured in terms of auditors and clears made) -- "expansion" does not justify crimes! So their condition is not "Normal" -- it's TREASON, at best.

As a comparative, let's put this into another form: A serial rapist suspected of murder goes up before the jury. His lawyer, Tommy Davis, tells the court "My client is not guilty. His company has expanded explosively and is 5 times bigger than what it was only 10 years ago!" In what crazy universe does the acquisition of real estate justify a felony?

"There are two stable data which anyone has to have, understand and know are true in order to obtain results in handling the person connected to suppressives. These data are:

"1. That all illness in greater or lesser degree and all foul-ups stem directly and only from a PTS condition.

"2. That getting rid of the condition requires three basic actions: (A) Discover; (B) Handle or (C) Disconnect." - LRH

I recently spoke to a Class IX GAT C/S who is no longer a Scientologist who told me about the incredible numbers of OTs who had died of cancer -- not from doing OT levels, but from the inevitable PTS condition that results from being connected to truly suppressive entities: DM and his subverted groups. I also saw with my own eyes the surprising number of people who got cancer and other maladies at the Int base.

Now we have it from an ex-Solo NOTs D of P (Director of Processing) in Europe, Michael Angelo. According to his figures circa 2006, somewhere close to 30% of OTs have cancer. That is a result of the toxic environment created by David Miscavige that envelops Scientology like a cloud of poison gas: gross out-tech, gross misapplication of ethics, gross financial irregularities -- all implemented by David Miscavige.

Anyone who would condone this situation has blood on their hands, their pants and spattered across their faces. They've got blood in their hair and blood in their noses.

I'm sorry, but murder does not equate to a Normal condition -- Tommy Davis, Mike Sutter, Marion Pouw and Hansuli Stahli -- I don't care how many paper graphs you hold up in your savior's defense. Try explaining that to the families of the Scientologists who have died in between out-Tech six-month checks (cash cow #1) on Solo NOTs.

Congratulations Tommy, Jessica, Marion, Mike, Hansuli, Marc, Guillaume and all the wretched rest. You set out to "clear the planet" and have wound up as murderers. Every single one of you is a monument to stupidity, irresponsibility, and dishonor.

The difference between independent Scientologists and you is unlike you, we actually care about people. And we don't stand idly by while innocent people are being betrayed and murdered. So in that regard, in this new religion that creates death I guess Mike and Hansuli are right: that IS David Miscavige. Death and cancer IS David Miscavige.

Following is Michael Angelo's posting. I don't know him. But his figures sound accurate to me.

If Tommy Davis cares to dispute these figures, let him publish the names of all OTs who have died of cancer since 1982.

Perhaps ex-tech terminals out there will come forward and give what figures they knew of.

It isn't Anonymous and ex-staff who are killing Scientology, it is the suppression of David Miscavige and his cowed and ill associates. - Thoughtful


Hello! This thread is to answer Tommy Davis’s glibness.

I met Tommy during my second EPF in the Sea Org (actually a 2 months Boot Camp type of EPF), he was eating beans and rice every day, washing our clothes, doing the worst MEST work you can imagine, doing pumps up for hours...because he fucked up a "VIP" cycle.

At that time he wasn’t so proud to be a Sea Org Member, I can tell you.

Now, let’s talk about cancer and suicide on Solo Nots. Here are some data for you guys.

There is a tag status for each Solo Nots auditor:

Green tag: audit 4 to 6 sessions daily and comes on time for his 6 months check.

Grey tag: audit less than 4 sessions daily and doesn't come on time for his 6 month check.

Orange tag: Not allowed to solo audit because of out ethics situation.

Purple tag: Not allowed to audit because of illness or sickness.

Black tag: Disaffected with the church.

See the way it works? One starts the level with a Green tag then, depending on his "ability to be Cause over Life" one keeps his Green tag or, follow the dwindling spiral to Black tag.

There are about 5,300 Solo Nots Auditors worldwide and about(depending on their current status):

1,000 Green tags
1,100 Grey tags
900 Orange tags
800 Purple tags
1,500 Black tags

The 10,000 on Solo Nots is just a dream. There is only 1,000 of them auditing regularly.

I was Solo Nots D of P Europe and i personally met the following Solo Nots Auditors. They were all with advanced cancer:

• Roberto B. – Italy
• Antonella B. – Italy
• Beppe G. – Italy
• Lisa B. – Italy
• Sonia B. – Italy
• Pierluigi G. – Italy
• Maria M. – Italy
• Bernard C. – Switzerland
• Jo R. - Switzerland
• Tasa D. – France
• Helene M. – France

There is more, but I do not remember their names.

Before I blew the Sea Org in November 2006,two of them died of committed suicide; Jo R. and Beppe G.

I don’t know if the other ones are still alive.

The majority of the 800 Purple tags and 1,500 Black tags are with cancer.

The majority of the 900 Orange tags committed financial irregularities to be able to “pay for services and/or donations” to the Cult.

Rex Fowler is a typical Orange tag product of the Cult.

You all know the PTS/SP tech “theory”, right?

How many of them had to disconnect from their family and friends because they where the ”SP”?

Why, after an entire bridge people are still sick, ill, criminal, commit suicide, etc..?

Maybe they didn’t find the real SP yet..... or, if they did, they invalidated the read.

At one point every body on Solo Nots had to do or re do the PTS/SP Course GAT.

And the SNR C/S FSO Richard Reiss (pushed by RTC, of course) was constantly harrassing the Solo Nots C/S "because they didn't apply the PTS tech at 100%" during their C/Sing.

Well, a cancerous tumor is not detectable by a SN C/S as far as i know!

I can attest! Beppe G. had a cancerous tumor the size of an egg in his brain while at Flag to "Attest to OT7"! I went with him to the Clearwater Hospital. He was sent back to Italy right away by RTC....

Imagine the Flap if Beppe died in the middle of the Solo Nots HGC!

These data should be widely disseminated. It’ s not a joke. These guys are really in danger.


Going Down in a Hail of Bullets PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Sunday, 24 January 2010 11:53

(Caution: this is a rant).

The ethics of DM and is "Church" continue to reach new lows. As a result, they have become a vacuum for trouble and that's putting it extra-super mildly.

On December 30th, OT VII, Rex Fowler, a minister of David Miscavige's Church allegedly pumped three 9mm rounds into the head of his ex-business partner, killing him, who had resigned on November 23rd apparently after Rex was persuaded to "donate" $200,000 to the Church of Scientology or an associated charity -- surely this was the result of illegal crush regging. I'm sorry, but this has David Miscavige/IAS fingerprints all over it. The company had not been doing well the previous year. The ex-business partner who was not a Scientologist stopped in December 30th to collect his severance, a paltry $9,900, and was allegedlymurdered instead.

This is what burns me up. Out-ethics has consequences. People ARE dying and have been dying for decades due to what David Miscavige is doing. How many OTs have died from cancer due to out-tech "HCO-style sec checks" which LRH forbid in HCO PL, SECURITY CHECKS FORBIDDEN, not to mention violations of Policy and Ethics?

Stacy Moxon committed suicide in 2000 after being held captive at Int along with all the rest of us for 2 months. She was brand new, still in her teens (as I recall) and just couldn't take it. She had just gotten married prior to coming up to the Int base, and had not been allowed to see her new husband. Desparing, she committed suicide Sunday morning June 25, 2000. The crone, Marion "Wichiepoo" Pouw, a real termagant if there every was one, destroyed Stacy's suicide note per my inside source. And it certainly makes sense of the story and all the circumstances. Her father KENDRICK MOXON is an attorney who works for David Miscavige, the man who's orders resulted in the death of his own daughter. Kendrick -- maybe it's time for you to stop being a Miscavologist and start being a Scientologist and a father. How many more people have to die because in your confusion, you continue to follow the herd instead of your heart. Where is your knowingness? No doubt it is screaming in the pit of your soul. Can you not hear it because you have fogotten how to listen? Or can you not hear it because you refuse to hear?

In fact Stacy's death was one of many that had occurred at the Int base. Another was a 16-year-old girl who was decapitated when she ran into a front end loader hired by Int base execs to frantically clean up road at 11 PM because David Miscavige was suddenly on his way up to Int and heads would roll if the road was not beautified. A third was Joe Harrison, long-time Scientologist, Sea Org member and carpenter from LA who lost his life in 2003 while working on Building 50 -- David Miscavige’s $70 million private office/monument to greed and egomania -- as a direct result of Miscavige’s trademark policy of sleep deprivation (classified by the CIA as torture).

Yesterday, the St Petersburg Times ran the story of actor Larry Anderson who has resigned from Scientology due to out-tech in his auditing, lies from David Miscavige and DM's gross mismanagement. The article included audio recordings of Tommy Davis and Jessica Flashback -- his

Hearing about these things fills any real Scientologist with outrage. The loss of life, the blighting of hope, the lies and deceit emanating from Tommy Davis and his contemptous shrew-of-a-harpy side kick, Jessica Flashback in their utterly misguided love affair with David Miscavige are bringing the avalanche. Tommy Davis had the audacity to call Larry Anderson a liar -- caught on tape! While Jessica the Harpy (a rapacious bird of prey with a woman's face) tried her claws by asking Larry Anderson, "Are you, like, broke?"

OTs and Scientologists are running into the safety and sanity of the Independent movement. The damn is bursting. The tipping point is being reached.

Please step up your efforts to put in order.

And speaking of putting in order, as a Primary Target, may I suggest you get Twitter on your phone? It's free. Social networking gives us the power to alert YOU instantly to breaking news as the battle for freedom and truth rages on.

Written by Thoughtful


David Miscavige: Suppressing LRH Books PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Sunday, 17 January 2010 15:08

A reader on Joe Howard's (Dan Koon's) new blog on www.RediscoverScientology.com which was launched last night (click to visit) asked about the 10% price increases instituted by LRH in the 1980s. Instead of stopping once Church prices had been correctly adjusted for inflation, the Church continued to increase prices affecting not only services, but even the price of books.

In 1989, after learning the ropes in marketing as a project manager for two years, I took over as the "Dianetics Route Marketing Officer" in Central Marketing Unit, responsible for all marketing relating to the Dianetics Route internationally.  One of my first self-determined actions after getting on post was to review the prices of LRH's Dianetics books internationally because they had somehow been allowed to spiral upward out of control.

I confronted an unbelievably suppressive situation. At the time I thought the situation "had somehow been allowed to happen" and must have been due to oversight and neglect. In some of the poorer nations the price of a Dianetics book was higher than the average wages for an entire month! Can you imagine a normal book made of paper costing over $1,000 today? Well, that's what it was like for people living in other countries where normal wages in US dollars were as I recall less than two bucks a day.

Even a small hardback book like Advanced Procedures and Axioms was priced at $36 in the US. So no one was buying them. DMSMH was bigger, but more important, so it had somehow been given a special "low" price of only $32 each. Tack on shipping and taxes, and by the time these books reached Haiti, Papua New Guinea, Eastern Europe, the Far East or anywhere in Africa the prices were astronomical. No one could afford to buy one. Even in the US the prices were way, way, way, way, way, way, way out of line.

My investigation found there was absolutely no valid reason for the prices to be so high. Books didn't even cost that much to produce! The LRH pricing formula and policies were not being applied. "Someone" had continued the 10% price increase that started in 1980 until book prices were astronomical.

BEI (Books Exec Int, who's name was Sandy) told me she had tried to adjust the prices of books about two years earlier, and got herself flattened. After that, she gave up.

Undeterred, I submitted my solution. It was a huge proposal, fully researched, which I spent a couple of feverish months working on... only to have it resoundingly rejected by guess who?  

You guessed it: Adolf Hit... I mean, David Miscavige. The submission was forwarded through CO CMU, Bill Dendiu, and Marketing Exec Int, Ronnie Miscavige, (they both approved it). Both were driven out of the Church long ago by David Miscavige. Ronnie took my pricing submission "up the hill" and personally presented it to David Miscavige. Well, Hitler went atomic and said "No way are we going to degrade LRH's books" -- which was a non-sequitur smoke screen since no one was suggesting to do anything except what LRH advised, which was make his books affordable.

When Ronnie brought the submission back to me he looked shell shocked. He was apologetic and didn't have much to say about it. I could tell he had gotten blasted because he, being on-Source, had supported the handling.

That was proof that the suppressive book pricing -- i.e. denying LRH tech to millions of people -- was NOT an accident that "had somehow been allowed to happen" as I thought originally. Clearly Scientology was being suppressed from the very highest level: David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board RTC was counter intending dissemination, personally stopping people from buying LRH books on an international scale by making them so expensive no one could afford them.

Anyone attempting to handle this was branded for "intending to degrade LRH books" -- a total lie, of course. And within a year I was inexplicably assigned to the RPF. Today I know I had put the bullseye on my own forehead by spotting DM.

If you are on the fence about David Miscavige, think about the people in places like Haiti who were reaching for the tech but couldn't afford a book. Miscavige has zero compassion, zero interest in helping others, zero interest in the humanitarian mission of Scientology. And he's made anything to do with Scientology abhorrent to the world at large. How would you feel about an organization that offered "freedom, only $1,000 a book."

At the 1989 SMI Mission Holder's Conference, about 200 people came representing "pioneer areas." They asked myself and MEI about the prices saying, "No one can afford to buy even one book!" Instead they would pool their money to buy one book, then pass it around until the pages were tattered and worn. All because of one man's insatiable avarice... or worse. 

LRH said "Books are Dissemination" so when you strike at books, you are striking at the very heart of Scientology and that's what David Miscavige has done.

If you were around then, I'm sure you remember the prices. There was no reason for it. In fact, the orgs were absolutely LOADED up with book stocks, which was another Miscavige ploy in the early 1980s to get the book sales (stats) out the roof to trick LRH into trusting Miscavige.

The guy is so foul there ought to be a picture of him in every urinal. You could replace the skull and cross bones on toxic waste with a photo of David Miscavige and have a warning that was truly appropriate.

Miscavige didn't want people reading LRH books. He never gave a DAMN about the poor, or helping people to create a better future for themselves. Where would some of these countries like Haiti be today if only they had been allowed to buy LRH books in the 1980s when they originally wanted them?

The situation was so suppressive it made me sick for a few weeks. But I never gave up, because giving up on the human race is not an option. I know you feel the same way or you wouldn't be reading this now.

Today we know what to do and we're doing it. We're saying NO! to suppression. Independent Scientologists together are greater than David Miscavige. It is a group situation and even a 4th dynamic situation and you are helping to make it go right.

Written by Thoughtful


New Website Announced PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Friday, 25 December 2009 13:24
For sometime I've been planning to bring online another website. The purpose of this new second website was to help get Scientology back on course by acting as a compass pointing to Scientology's philosophic core.

Additionally, many independent Scientologists have expressed a need for a website without the word "cult" in its domain name, where they could send their "dependent" Scientologist friends who were still under the thought-control of the Church of Miscavology. The first person to suggest this was one of our writers, Flur Fornow. Additionally, FriendsofLRH.org is back online, bigger and better than ever.

The new website is still under construction by SteveHallCreative.com, but it's usable now.

Christmas is all about the joy of giving, and so I wanted to give it to you.

The Iron Door of Scientology is opening; 2010 is going to be one hell of a year.

Introducing: www.rediscoverscientology.com

Again, this website was just born today -- Christmas Day, 2009 -- so it is going to grow. You simply won't believe one of it's features (soon to be released). In short, that feature alone is going to rock the Scientology world (in a good way).

Scientology-cult.com is all about whistle blowing: Using the technology of third-dynamic auditing to audit our group engram with the objective of returning the Church to sanity.

RediscoverScientology.com website is all about re-alignment: Reestablishing the core of our philosophy, replanting our roots so they can grow.

Scientology-cult.com is about rehabilitating a criminal organization: the Church.

RediscoverScientology.com is about enabling the Phoenix of Scientology to rise from the ashes.

Thank you for all YOU have done this year to open the Iron Door that has been closed for so long.

Please look over the new website and feel free to comment here with any ideas you have.

Written by Thoughtful

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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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