Greetings from Germany | | Print | |
Wednesday, 07 September 2011 13:36 |
Blog item for today: In the late 1990s, I remember David Miscavige complaining bitterly about Europeans, especially German Scientologists. No country was more vocal against the Church than the German media and government. Miscavige knew exactly what was wrong. "The German Scientologists are PTS" he belowed -- meaning they were potential trouble sources because they were connected to suppressive (toxic) people. Truer words were never spoken. The only problem was the "suppressives" were NOT Ursula Caberta and the "German government" -- no, no. The suppressives were in the Church, namely David Miscavige and his supporters -- the VERY people who for decades spread carefully worked out propaganda that modern Germany, and particularly the efforts of Urusula Caberta were a throwback to 1930s Germany. And that was and still is utterly false. The truth is Ursula Caberta was a decent, hardworking, intelligent and caring member of the Hamburg government who started receiving requests from people who were being abused by David Miscavige's corrupt empire. She looked under the rock and immediatly came under heavy attack from the Church. Sound familiar? Anyone who looks under the rock is falsely villified. For some time, Marty has been interested in setting the record straight and naturally he isn't the only one. The Church's black propaganda campaign has been so thorough and so relentless, involving numerous visits to the US State Department by the "likes" of Tom Cruise, John Travolta and other carefully cultivated (by Miscavige) "celebrity Scientology tools" many Scientologists in Germany actually came to believe the "government" is against them. It's a lie. The government, like any group of law-abiding citizens of the world, are against criminality, abuse, torture, extortion, human trafficking, and the destruction of families -- the stock in trade of David Miscavige. It has been the Church of Scientology, all along, that emanated the untruth that the actions of the Church were a reflection of Scientology philosophy. And why has Miscavige made that his central them? He's covering his ass. Blaming his actions on LRH. Blaming his criminality on the philosophy. And in the process making Scientology the philosophical pariah of the century. I am here in Germany. I took the week off and came here on my own dime (not cheap) to support what Marty and Mosey are doing and to help rally Independent Scientologists to pin the tail on the actual donkey for once instead of pinning it on those who have actually been trying to stop the abuses of the Church and protecting lives and property. A handful of rag-tag Scientologists from the Church were quietly protesting outside dressed up like the Inquisition. How ironic, since it is they, not us, who have blood on their hands. Tonight, the television airwaves in Germany are LOADED with reports, video excerpts and news items from Ursula and Marty's lengthy press conference today, held at Hamburg's equivalent of the Ministry of the Interior. And there is more to come. Get it: the German government supports our mission to expose the crimes of the Church and stop the insanity. That's a big deal. It's unprecedented. If you are an Independent Scientologist helping to decry the abuses and criminality of the CoS, the German government has your back. That sure beats what we have in the US State Department where key government politicos have allowed themselves to be covertly bought off by a few subverted movie actors. There are many more examples around the world of what has happened in Germany. Broadly speaking, wherever you hear the Church of Scientology complaining BITTERLY of "religious discrimination" and "religious bigotry" -- the reverse is true. The bigots are all in the Church. LRH said the mission of Scientology was to create a "safe environment." The Church instead specializes in creating a threatening environment. They drive families apart. They crush every penny out of their hapless supporters. And they spread the worst lies imaginable about anyone with the courage, integrity and moral fibre to help expose the truth. And when I say those last words, think of the German people. Hey, last week I heard the Church of Scientology created a new hate site just for me. Of course that probably had nothing to do with me dropping everything and coming to Hamburg on Tuesday in support of Marty, Mosey, the Independent Scientologists of Europe, and our new friends -- the German government. So take a closer look. Take a closer look at anyone who the CoS says is an enemy. The worse the CoS says people are, the better they might really be. Steve Hall
I look forward to more from Germany.
Long live sacred Germany.
BAM! Miscavige
Thanks for the overview. Keep the news coming. Amazing times we find ourselves in.
Keep on keeping on my friend.
ML Tom
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