Home Thoughtful's Blog Posts Nation of Islam tests Scientology waters

Nation of Islam tests Scientology waters
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Monday, 04 April 2011 03:07
by Thoughtful

As you may have heard, Louis Farrakhan is encouraging his members to discover and utilize Scientology to help each other and to make a better world.


For the few hundred people who have so far learned a little Dianetics, that is great news.

But that doesn’t mean Independent Scientologists should back down in our efforts to force the Church to follow the fundamentals of its own philosophy… on the contrary, there is now even more reason to step up our efforts to protect the public at large.

The CoS must apply real LRH Scientology all the time and universally.

Inside skinny

Here is the embarrassing (to the CoS) inside skinny. The orgs, being moribund due to having driven off older Scientologists thanks to the org’s continual illegal and corrupt practices, are beginning to experience a new influx of Moslems who want to study LRH. Most of them are studying Dianetics and some are moving on beyond that.

But if you really want to know what’s going on at org level, then you need to talk to staff. And I have.

Every Moslem on course in any Scientology org is tagged in the computer as “NOI” meaning “Nation of Islam.” The tag means “HANDS OFF!” to all staff and that order comes straight from the top (David Miscavige). NOI people are not to be crush sold for illegal Idle Org donations. They are not to be crush sold for illegal donations to the IAS. They are not to be crush sold for donations to the Super Power project. No one can touch them. But it's mandatory for everyone else!

How do I know all this? I got it straight from a Class V org staff member who quit the CoS only days ago and has joined the ranks of Independent Scientology. It was a great chance to peer behind the curtain and have a look at the Wonderful Wizard... so wonderful that in this particular Ideal Org -- announced in grand style last year by David Miscavige -- two weeks ago the power company nearly shut off the power because the org was unable to pay their electric bill. But in true Miscavige style, they made it go right: hitting up the staff members themselves (who haven't been getting paid) for money to keep the lights on. Way to go David Miscavige and his Idle Org program! That's really taking Scientology to the streets. Or maybe into the gutter. Not only that, but in answer to a query as to why there aren't any public coming into the org, the Public Contact Secretary said, "The FSMs just don't come in any more." I wonder why?

Tagged as NOI

So what do you think is happening with these people from the Nation of Islam?

Well, since they are actually being allowed to go into the CoS and do their services without interruptions or distractions -- the way LRH intended new public to be treated --  they are in fact experiencing Scientology the way LRH intended. So in the main, I have it from my source that they are actually pretty pleased so far with Scientology. Their experience has been good. 

Now can you imagine that?

With a gigantic new influx of students and pcs and money, the CoS is finally doing what we’ve been trying to get them to do since early 2009.

The only problem is, the CoS is doing it selectively.

If you are not part of the Nation of Islam, then you are fair game and the IAS sales crews will even show up at your home or business demanding you give every last cent and then some as happened with Rex Fowler, correct me if I’m wrong. So that’s pretty messed up.

The CoS needs to treat everyone according to how LRH set down in Policy. The guiding reference for how to treat new people is HCO PL Gradient Scale of Personnel Procurement.
  • New people are supposed to buy and read books.
  • Book buyers are encouraged to get auditing.
  • PCs are encouraged to get onto training.
  • Auditors are encouraged to become Field Staff Members or field auditors or start groups or join staff.
And that’s how it works per LRH.

Notice no where does LRH ever say anyone is to be regged for straight donations for anything for any reason. The ONLY source of CoS income is (click to see the LRH reference) sales of auditing, training and books.

So to those members of the Nation of Islam who are now discovering LRH tech, welcome. But do not go into the Church like a wide-eyed virgin, trusting that everyone is going to follow LRH.  Watch your back because the guy who took over the Church of Scientology after LRH has a very, very, very bad record of physical, mental, and spiritual abuse.

Always observe to observe and have the courage to say what you have observed. Per LRH, what is true for you in Scientology is what’s true for YOU. And if you see something that does not make sense, speak up. You’ll be glad you did.

Miscavige brand VIP treatment

For the rest of us, here is what I predict sly Miscavige will do. He will make sure these public get the “ideal experience” normally reserved only for VIPs. He’s been doing it for years. It is, after all, his op basis:

1. Apply standard Scientology to gain people’s trust.
2. Once trust is established, employ Scientology in reverse to damage their integrity, break their will and make them into Degraded Beings*.
3. Extract everything possible out of them and never give a second thought to their personal welfare.
4. If you can’t break them, then discredit them.

*From HCOPL, “Alter-Is and Degraded Beings” of 22 March 1967:

“A degraded being is not a suppressive as he can have case gain. But he is so PTS that he works for suppressives only. He is a sort of super-continual PTS beyond the reach, really, of a simple S&D and handled only at Section III OT Course. …

“In an area where suppression has been very heavy for long periods, people become degraded beings. However, they must have been so before already due to track incidents.

“Some thetans are bigger than others. None are truly equal. But the degraded being is not necessarily a natively bad thetan. He is simply so PTS and has been for so long that it requires our highest-level tech to finally undo it after he has scaled up all our grades.

“Degraded beings are about eighteen to one over Big Beings in the human race (minimum ratio). ...

“This is really OT data, but we need it at lower levels to get the job done.”

So what the NOI people are actually experiencing is NOT standard Scientology at all. It is artificial. What these NOI people don’t realize is that they are being treated differently from everyone else.

This is how Miscavige creates people he can use. It’s called, “Fake ‘em out.”

What does Manipulator Miscavige plan to do with them? Who knows. One possibility is that the CoS has finally “come to their senses” and decided to stop being suppressive. If so, they must follow Steps A to E. Since they haven’t even vaguely started to do that, this is definitely not in the realm of possibilities right now.

Other more plausible possibilities based on past performance include,

1. Miscavige is going to unleash his IAS hit squads and drain these people of every last cent as soon as he has won over their trust.

2. When the time is right, Miscavige will send in his body snatchers to recruit their unwitting children and once on staff, employ Scientology in reverse to turn them into degraded beings.

3. Miscavige plans to use the Nation of Islam against his enemies and the media. Think Eric Cartman, the overweight, spoiled, lazy, foul-mouthed, mean-spirited, racist, sexist, anti-semitic, sociopathic, narcissistic, and ill-tempered fourth-grader living with his mother in the fictional town of South Park.

4. Miscavige is hoping to gain subsidies and financial support directly from the coffers of NOI.

5. All the above.

As they say down in Africa, “The leopard does not change her spots.”

Written by Thoughtful


# Alanzo 2011-04-04 06:51
There is no way they can keep this up. They are servicing people who already have another solution. Threatening a being's eternity *is* the way that Scientology keeps Scientologists paying and in line. With people from the Nation of Islam, this can not happen.

Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam is not a solution for them. It is a desperate attempt at something, anything, to get a stat.

Question: What did they have to give up to get it?

+1 # Got It 2011-04-04 09:06
Thoughtful, Thanks for bringing up the Nation of Islam. However you all including Marty are missing the point. Marty had a blog about "Farrakhan has got it". I thought well maybe Farrakhan can change. No Farrakhan has not got it. If you read what he has to say recently, he is still an extreme racist and hates Jews and is not fond of Christians either. He believes that skin color, being white is reason to hate someone. That is as bad as whites hating blacks just because of their skin color. We are thetans period. I believe LRH would roll over in his grave to have such an evil man preaching hate in Scientology. Earlier in Scientology Sec checks were used sparingly. A guy like Farrakhan would have gotten the full treatment and than most likely not allowed on lines. He can speak eloquently preaching hate much better than Miscavige. Of course Miscavige must love this hate monger. Don't for a second think that Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam are nice guys. Read what the Nation of Islam stands for in detail. You can just read Wikipedia to get that Farrakhan is quite evil. It is imperative on this planet we don't get reasonable with people like him and his "Nation of Islam". It is interesting what you perceive as Miscavige intention toward using the "Nation of Islam". This is about all he can get now is a hate monger to join Scientology.
# Thoughtful 2011-04-07 11:58
Yeah, hey -- I will be the first to admit I know nothing about NOI. Thanks for cluing us in.
# Hazel 2011-04-04 09:13
Perhaps Farrakhan is getting Field Staff Member commission on all the NOI candidates?
# Got It 2011-04-04 12:13
Steve, as an addendum: Miscavige and Farrakhan deserve each other. I feel sorry for those still members of both cults. There are now two evil ones working together.
# Fellow Traveller 2011-04-04 19:20
Wow. Thanks for the skinny, Steve.

The context really adds dimension to this scene. On the one hand this is great. On the other, fascinating that such segregated, apartheid, discriminatory (did I miss any potentially inflammatory references?) practices are being practiced by the various "churches" of Scientology.

And of course, that being the more complete scene, begs the presently rhetorical only question, just what in the world does this mean long term?

Bruce Pratt
# Lise 2011-04-05 05:40
Interesting. Got me wondering how it will all work out for dm. One of the first outpoints I noticed at the beginning of my scn tenure was the NON acceptance of other religions DESPITE all the policy etc that says “We embrace ALL religions”, I found this to be completely untrue. In one instance there was a lady in the TTC with me at AOSH ANZO who got her CSW disapproved to go to church on Sundays, the “reason” given was because she couldn’t “make up the time”, I spoke out for her loudly and was put into ethics for nattering. The more involved I got in scn the more the NON acceptance showed.
From what I know about Islam it seems to be a very devoted religion and I find it hard to believe that dm will be very successful getting Islamic people to disconnect from their religion en masse.
# worsel 2011-04-05 20:21
I do not believe that the Nation of Islam-people will get standard tech there.
Even if arbitraries like the 3-swing-wait-F/N, the reg-squads or the Wall of Basics should be lifted for them the very fact of their different treatment has already entered a hidden element into the communication. It is a kind of dishonesty.
I would not be extremely surprised to find the first of them connecting to the Independents soon.
# Sidewinder 2011-04-06 00:37
Some of my friends are moslem. Its a fatal
mistake (even to try) to discuss their religion or religious codes. Beware to doubt it! They know that I am SCN and they appreciate my "wisdom" often asking me for advice, but they would not even THINK of visiting an ORG. It would be treason based on their code. Dianetics
is of course a good entry because its not marked as a religion. But earlier
or later they need to shift to SCN.

So don´t worry about DM´s Opinion Leader, Farrakhan, its just annother PR machine.
# marty rathbun 2011-04-07 06:31
Good article. I think NOI are being used as PR fodder by Miscavige. Just as he turned Marketing into PR, and then virtually every other division, his entire approach to everything has to do with bolstering his own PR so as to increase his power and repel any "rivals." He is using NOI people as a loss leader -- "use" is the operative word.

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