Church of Scientology, History of Violence cont'd Part 2a 2b and 1c |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 30 January 2014 20:43 |
CNN's Anderson Cooper historic report on the Culture of Abuse inside of the Church of Scientology. Assault and battery is never reported to Law enforcement. Sea Org members are locked in and have no access to any phones to call 911. The Sea Org locks in members in a fortress. Sea Org members have to sign documents under extreme threat of penalty if they ever reveal what goes on inside.
Church of Scierntology fund raising. This is a promotional video for money |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 30 January 2014 04:48 |
Sometimes you wonder if this is done Saturday night Live style to make one laugh. Is it parody ? Is it comedy ? No it is not. This is real. This is asking for money and donations for an ideal org.
Scientology Inc Maximum extortion of your $$$, ecclesiastical 1st amendment rights ! |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 28 January 2014 18:36 |
Sindy Fagen, Part 2: Sindy discusses with Tampa Bay Times (formerly St. Pete Times) money extortion tactics in the Vulture Culture. It's "the greatest good" to be bled dry of all personal assets to give to the "mother church." 2011 interview.
Scientology punishment and humiliating GULAG "Rehabilitation Project Force" |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Sunday, 26 January 2014 01:37 |
The "Church" of Scientology believes in punishment and ABUSE. It gets away with it using 1st amendment rights "Religion" "Religious Discipline" " Ecclesiastical.." If Scientology Inc was benign, if it had any sense of self-decency and kindness, there would be nothing to talk about it. There would be no blogs, no message boards, no Scientology groups on Facebook that post horror stories, no twitter messages. no Internet rah rah.
All this occurs because Scientology Inc is an abusive abhorrent hate group and the Internet is in uproar about it. Please note how the "Church" wants money to make you a high level spiritual being. LISTEN to how Tommy Davis spits out on how Sea Org members Marty Rathbun, Amy Scobee, Tom Devocht were psychotic and criminal. This is totally admitting that Scientology Inc did not have a clue on turning around bad conduct, making them ,more "Ethical", making them into even ordinary human beings. This "Church" is on a jihad. It is constant warfare. It creates enemies, it violently opposes the enemies it creates and it lavishes big bucks $$$$ extorted from its public to fight the ENEMIES it creates !
Come Up to date with what is going on Legally in the Texas Courtroom~ an overview |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 25 January 2014 03:07 |
Vindictively Fair Gaming Marty Rathbun for whistle blowing on Internal atrocities, Marty and Mosey's team of lawyers have check mated David Miscavige who appears terrified of being deposed. For 199 days Marty was spied upon, followed, screamed at, intimidated, shadowed, surveilled with Church Vigilante justice. It is time that Karma leveled the playing field with the CULT"s 30 year Crime wave. Imagine how ridiculous the assertion is that ordering Miscavige to deposition would set a "dangerous" precedent to Religion in America.
President Clinton got deposed in the Monica Lewinsky issue. He was the President of the United States and did not make a song and dance about it. Miscavige runs a religious cult with plenty of internal sadism.....
In this video, Mike Bennitt summarizes and brings new Scientology Inc watchers up to speed by giving an overview.
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