Texas Judge Orders Deposition of Scientology Supreme Leader David Miscavige |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 13 February 2014 04:58 |
Vindictively Fair Gaming Marty Rathbun for whistle blowing on Internal atrocities, Marty has check mated David Miscavige who is terrified of being deposed. For 199 days Marty was spied upon, followed, screamed at, intimidated, shadowed, surveilled with Church Vigilante justice. It is time that Karma leveled the playing field with the CULT"s 30 year Crime wave. Imagine how ridiculous the assertion is that ordering Miscavige to deposition would set a "dangerous" precedent to Religion in America ! President Clinton got deposed in the Monica Lewinsky issue. He was the President of the United States and did not make a song and dance about it. Miscavige runs a religious cult with plenty of internal sadism. In this video, Mike Bennitt summarizes and brings new Scientology Inc watchers up to speed by giving an overview.
Gary Weber, former Sea Org tells the story of fleeing of Church of Scientology Florida |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 12 February 2014 05:05 |
This is the culture. One leaves the years of slave labor within the "Sea Organization" penniless and without any resources. More lately a farewell check of $500 is give the departing Sea Org member only if they sign their life away on a bunch of bogus documents which state they will *NEVER* ever reveal anything that went on in the Sea Org. This is because they have a lot to hide. Stay tuned to this channel to find out what the "church" of Scientology is so anxious to hide.
Mark Bunker on Scientology Injunction |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 10 February 2014 21:15 |
2/7/14 - Mark Bunker gives an update on Scientology's attempt to have him evicted from the condo he is renting in Clearwater, Florida. Denis deVlaming has prepared a motion to go back to court to try to revoke a permanent injunction in place since 2000.
Chris Shelton ~~ Scientology Inc Ideal Org swindle Part 2. Money extortion for empty buildings |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Sunday, 09 February 2014 05:14 |
Scientology Inc has been reduced to a money extortion racket which it is permitted to do with IRS 501C 3 Tax exemption. Chris Shelton continues to share his journey of the Truman Show. Chris Shelton Part 2 of the Ideal org scam.
Meet Chris Shelton. In this opener he explains the Scientology Inc Ideal Org swindle |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 07 February 2014 04:23 |
Chris Shelton served on staff from the age of 17 to 43 years old. He departed 1 year ago. This video is the first in an on going series. Chris Shelton worked on for years and directly with the Ideal Org strategy so he knows whereof he speaks. On the vasts sums of money extorted from one and all, there is no accountability, no transparency and Scientology Inc never reveals how much it has taken in and what it does with it. It does not report the accounting to the IRS or anyone else.
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