Meet Mark Fisher, In Part one of his series, he explains a corporate sham and Miscavige violence |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 20 February 2014 14:19 |
Mark Fisher was a Sea Org member at Gold Base (Int base). In this opener of his on going series, he describes the sham of post title "Corporate Liason" and a David Miscavige assault and battery. Of course the Church have tried to slime him with a tissue of lies.
The big question is how come they had him in such a prime position if any of the rah rah is true. The Church of Scientology is a hate group that vindictively and maliciously ATTACKS with a vengeance anyone speaking out on their crimes.
The assault and batteries have not been reported to Riverside Sheriffs and Hemet Sheriff. It is considered a "suppressive" ACT (anti-social) to report Church crimes to Law enforcement or any outside authority.
Scientology Inc chilling propaganda tape that was entered into evidence. Listen. |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 19 February 2014 00:11 |
Scientology Inc chilling propaganda tape that was entered into evidence. Listen.
In this excerpt from a much earlier court hearing, a Scientology Inc propaganda rant against Public Schools is entered into evidence to show why the Church was forcing a young man to drop out of school.
The warfare and hate still exudes ~~ this time for the Public School System AND psychiatry !
"Church" of Scientology History of Violence CNN. More episodes |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 17 February 2014 03:34 |
Long term Sea Org members eventually had enough of the violence, the beatings, the assault and battery and spoke out to the Tampa Bay Times, previously called St Petersburg Times. It is still on line called The Truth Rundown. This sparked interest for a series on CNN called Scientology, a History of Violence.ÂÂ Scientologists who go before cameras are drilled and billed in practice rehearsals on what to say.ÂÂ ÂÂ Notice how they slip up by repeatedly parrotting "every square inch of his body."
These women have been dubbed "the wicked witches of the West"
The Church of Scientology and the Clearwater Police ~ a very unhealthy relationship |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 15 February 2014 22:01 |
First uploaded Dec 28, 2006 by Mark Bunker and mirrored with his permission. CWPD have continued down a dark pathway of being IN CAHOOTS with David Miscavige and Church of Scientology of Florida and Church of Scientology International while money exchanges hands. The "church" of Scientology pays Clearwater Police who are on the payroll of the Church for "over time and double time" when ever they have events or other issues. At Mike Rinder's wedding, I observed Clearwater Police outside the Fort Harrison standing guard even with a Black SUV police car ~~ all police officers making $$$ from the "church." The criminal acts within, kidnap, held against will, molestations, gang bang activities in lock down and even untimely deaths apparently get a free pass from the unclean hands of the Clearwater Police Department. "Conflict of Interest". Taking money for whatever reason by the big dominating organization in town, makes for awkward bedfellows. When hand cuffs are needed and the cop is accepting $$$ from the very group that is paying them, it becomes a dilemma.
Meet Ramana ~~A Current Affair exposes her "held against will" on prison ship FREEWINDS |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 13 February 2014 22:43 |
First aired January 2012
Meet Ramana Dienes-Browning, kidnapped and held against will on Freewinds. Joining the "Sea Org" at 16 years old for slave labor.There is a horrific punishment which is "engine room punishment" where the person is forced to clean and do other manual labor jobs for extended periods of time. Today I was reading an Email from a South African girl who also had engine room punishment on Freewinds til she would go unconscious from the lack of sleep and lack of oxygen. This is torture. Freewinds has been used as a PRISON ship for those that need to be out of the jurisdiction of the FBI and US Law enforcement. Stay tuned to this channel for more Freewinds horror stories.
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