Priest-Penitent Privilege in Scientology Inc |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 26 February 2014 02:23 |
Scientology Inc reveals confessional data in malicious hate sites along with lies made out of whole cloth. There is a HUB where multiple Execs of a Church have ability to tune in to these auditing sessions that the public feel is a PRIVATE confessional. These folders travel up and down the spectrum. OSA staff routinely examine them, all the malicious DM hate sites are lies with some foundation taken from private pc folders. Here's who has complete access to the folders D of P Tech Sec D of P for interviews Ethics Officer Qual Sec Qual Consultant Cramming Officer Qual Examiner FESer Senior HCO in CLO Senior HCO in ILO CMO rep local CMO in CLO CMO at INT OSA Rep OSA INT OSA INT Invest OSA INT CS RTC Rep (local) RTC REP in ILO RTC office at INT Base Office of COB Int Base: other terminals. (Senior CS INT office is more or less non-existent but whatever replaced it) The above are not one single person. Each time that post terminal hits the skids, blows, gets RPF'd and so on over the years, a new person replacing the above post has similar access. There can be as many as 3 different D of Ps in 18 months. Priest /Penitent ? Confidential folder ? Don't be silly. It can be read up and down the length of the organization and frequently is.
Church of Scientology~~ Masturbation is monetized and considered a *CRIME* Chris Shelton speaks |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 25 February 2014 04:10 |
Scientology Inc despises and criminalizes 2 things:
Homosexuality Masterbation
 The "Church" wants to know every detail of EVERY sexual occurrence you ever had. When, with whom, for how long, what did you do and what are the details. Scientology Inc feels all knowledge of every fact of every public and staff member is OWED to them for their data files. This is used against the person on hate pages (with a lot of LIES and embellishment) made by the Church in vengeful retaliation.
Scientology Inc: Spying, Infiltration, Duplicity, Deception, Betrayal, Mark Fisher Part 2 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Sunday, 23 February 2014 04:41 |
Mark Fisher was spied on for 22 years by David Miscavige and his henchmen. He tells the story in Part one and Part 2. This is how the public's money is spent. The Church of Scientology has a 501C3 "religious" tax exemption to act out with malice and retaliation, to hound and spy on past members. These spy operations are run by the Office of Special Affairs (OSA)Â a division of Church of Scientology International. It's religious ! It's ecclesiastical !
Jenna Miscavige talks to ABC Nightline about growing up in Scientology |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 22 February 2014 16:48 |
For some 25 years babies were slaughtered with enforced abortions in the Church. Harsh "ethics" penalties were doled out for having gotten pregnant ! World wide outrage on the Internet, media, law suits had the Church rethink this policy and they knocked if off for PR reasons. The reason for this is that children detract from slave production. Family time was cut off because it took away time from producing for the mother church. Jenna Miscavige's childhood was not unique. Children in Los Angeles were deliberately and maliciously located 2 hours away from their parents making a visit to see them a 4 hour round trip. Nightline expose 2008. See it in 2014. Nothing has changed.
Scientology Inc RITUALS, RELIGION and CELEBRITY. Parts 1 and 2 of 6 parts. |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 21 February 2014 15:08 |
Rituals, Religious and Celebrity. The bizarre order from David Miscavige who dresses his beagle dog in Naval Uniform with insignia and demands that staff salute his dog. Yet another report that David Miscavige beats his staff. Watch spokesman Tommy Davis setting up BBC journalist to explode. and lie through his teeth. It is highly illegal within the Church to report to Law enforcement. All illegal acts must be covered up and handled internally. Scientolgists who report to media and Law enforcement are declared anti-social personalities Suppressive Persons.
It is bizaare and congnitive dissonance that the head of a "Religion" can have gangster thug violence as part of his nature. David Miscavige has been reported as a violent abuser, smashing, beating, throttling, strangling, body slamming numerous times. Watch this entire series, all 6 parts it has been on numerous network channels and the BBC. Scientology Inc has never sued for libel on Miscavige violence although it threatens ahead of TV airing that it will.
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