Carol was the Accomodations counseler at the Flag Land Base, and in the Sea Org for 26 years ! |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 17 February 2020 11:23 |
I hooked up Carol to Ron Miscavige, knowing she has stories to tell.
Carol was the Accomodations counseler at the Flag Land Base, and in the Sea Org for 26 years !
26 years ! Great stories
Scientology and Valerie Haney a True Story w/ Karen de la Carriere |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 10 February 2020 11:07 |
Valerie Haney isn't some ex-member with a grievance, she is a Sea Org member that was personal staff for David Miscavige for some 3 years and Shelly Miscavige personal staff for another 3 years. Born in 1979 she lived at the Clearwater Facility from ages 6-12, no formal schooling, working for the cult from 8am til midnight.I try to share her story with empathy.
Where is Shelly Miscavige EXTRA Minutes 60 Minutes Australia 1 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 06 February 2020 14:47 |
The world wide interest in how cult leader David Miscavige could make his wife *disappear* is asked . Why does the Autstralian and US Government allow continuing Tax Exemption to the cult ~~ virtually endorsing its "religious cloaking."
Some extraÂÂ TAKES that did not make it to final show.ÂÂ Really interesting.
Church of Scientology Spokesman Mike Rinder on Escaping |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 05 February 2020 15:04 |
20+ years cult spokesman, 2nd generation, born into it all, Mike arrived at Apollo at 17 years old. Departed the cult with only the shirt on his back in the UK after some years of sadism in SP Hole.
Jeffrey Augustine discusses donkey ruling on Valerie Haney by Judge Burdge (He attended hearing) |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 03 February 2020 12:00 |
The lazy Judge anxious to thin out his load without a clue as to the issues, ruled that Valerie who had left the cult and does not subscribe to any of its doctrines, has to submit to internal arbitration Jeffrey examines the ruling and describes what happened in Court
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