Life After Scientology #79: Grant Cardone Social Media Bankruptcy Hoax Backfires |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 21 April 2020 11:45 |
In this video ~~ Rom Miscavige says "Imagine if David Miscavige said Scn had gone broke and he might be going to prison and then the next day said "it was all a hoax" what would be the reaction ? Â
That is what Grant Cardone did to his 3200 investors and the rest of his followers extraordinary YouTube hoax...or was it.
This is discussed here ~~
Scientology : No more babies, my petition to have one more child and consequences. |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 20 April 2020 11:00 |
Giving insider views on why the cult co-erced abortions for 25 years. While wanting recognition as a "Church" the punishments and abuse are heinous. The cult cannibalizes its own, with brutal and sadistic "discipline" while demanding TOTAL LOYALTY ! Scientology is worse than anything you can ever even imagine (Paulette Cooper ~~ victim of vicious FAIR GAME for writing a book exposing the cult)
EXCLUSIVE: How Scientology is coping with COVID-19 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 02 April 2020 14:13 |
- The religion believes illness is a sign of someone being a Potential Trouble Source, meaning infected followers will likely choose to hide their symptoms
- Sources who spent years at Scientology's base in Clearwater, Florida, say the 2,000 staff – many of whom are elderly – live in cramped 'death trap' conditionsÂÂ ÂÂ
- Members of the church's Sea Org religious order are not making efforts to keep six feet apart from each other, seen here getting off a packed busÂÂ in's exclusive video
Scientology Inc Memo to Quarantine laws : "Go to Hell, we are a Church!" Part 1 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 30 March 2020 16:11 |
Watch Scientology Sea Org members pour out of this bus in Clearwater.Several buses a day bring the 2000 Sea Org members in buses all packed in like sardines from their housing locations to the work areas.Compressed and sitting tightly together. (Long after Pandemic announced Scientology staff were on the streets of Sunset and Vermont luring complete strangers to come into their building) Uploaded with permission of Deb Maxwell, videographer.
Scientology leader David Miscavige calls the pandemic ‘planetary bullbait’ in epic briefing |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 25 March 2020 13:19 |
EXCERPT from blog:
Over the last two weeks, Scientologists have been called in for a special briefing about the coronavirus pandemic and David Miscavige’s response to it. Scientology has been very careful not to allow this briefing to leak out to the public, telling Scientologists that they must come down to see it in person.
We now have a copy of that document, leaked to us by one of our tipsters, and so now we can see what it’s about. It’s David Miscavige explaining why the L. Ron Hubbard Birthday celebration, scheduled for March 13 in Clearwater, Florida, had to be cancelled, and how Miscavige plans to deal with the pandemic, particularly at Sea Org facilities where members are packed in tight quarters and have little to no privacy.
And we have to say, having covered this subject for nearly 25 years now, this is one of the most remarkable documents we’ve seen issued by Miscavige.
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