The 10 Most Bizarre Things About Scientology pt. 1
Looking at what we swallowed and believed that was BIZARRE.
Starting off with the Super Power machines.
MIllions of dollars of gouged money from public were used to develop these machines to improve "perceptics"
such as smell, touch, sight, balance..etc.
Vials of smells that did not evaporate, banana, peppermint, apples, some smells were similar like oranges, tangerines, orange peel, orange juice
BUT until you could name it correctly you do not get a PASS.
How is this religious ?
How is this spiritual ?
How is this ecclesiastical ?
Then there is the rig for balance which hurls you around, up and down in various pitches like a 6 Flags Magic Mountain ride.
This is religious ? Makes you enlightend? More empathetic ? Wiser ?
Super Power completions get cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and die as anyone else in the population...
Super Power Indeed !