Life After Scientology Episode 83 w/ Karen de la Carriere, How Scientology Reels You In |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 08 June 2020 14:00 |
In today's video, I answer the age old question,: WHY DO PEOPLE GET LURED IN TO THE CULT ?
How do they get recruits ? What is the technique ?
The technique is quite CUNNING.
It makes the newbie explain in great depth what they WANT
(and also what they DON'T WANT (the ruin)
Then the cult sells them the pitch they can give or provide what they want
I explain more here ~~
Life After Scientology There is No God in Scientology w Karen de la Carriere |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 04 June 2020 11:28 |
The cult of scientology heavily asserts their religiosity in the law courts and their paid public relation releases. They even call their brick and mortar Real Estate "Places of Worship" which is absolute nonsense. There is no worship, their fraudulent "church services" which is basically reading a Hubbard bulletin or policy letter. No new people who walk in are EVER told that there is NO GOD in Scientology. The question is evasively answered by saying God and the Creator are the *8th dynamic* and only revealed by doing the higher levels of the SCN bridge. Mirrored from Rom Miscavige's channel (where it first aired a few months ago ) with his permission.
Aaron Smith-Levin: Life in the Scientology Matrix. Why Clears Are in Danger & Other Inside Secrets |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 22 May 2020 14:13 |
This podcast is about the often arbitrary ways in which the Church of Scientology works in real life as opposed to its PR. For example, after spending $50,000, or more, to reach the State of Clear, the new Clear is given a secret letter from L. Ron Hubbard telling them that they are in danger and get onto the OT levels as fast as possible or else!
But how can this be if a Clear no longer has his or her Reactive Mind? A Clear is supposed to be at "Cause Over Life" and able to handle anything.
However, they are told they in some kind of danger and won't discover why until they do OT III.
Jeffrey Augustine asks Aaron why it can take up to 20 years to move from Clear to OT in Scientology. This is a great question. Aaron explains why this happens to former Sea Org members who are treated like pariahs and lepers.
Aaron discusses how David Miscavige used the Golden Age of Tech I and II in an ideological manner to purge older Scientologists who were loyal to Hubbard and not Miscavige.
Aaron also offers fascinating insights into young 2nd generation Scientologists who attested that they were past life clears as early as 12 years of age. Aaron's insights into this and the consequences it caused inside of Scientology are extremely fascinating.
The Story of my son Alexander Jentzsch (RIP) A Scientology Tragedy in 3 Acts |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 11 May 2020 09:56 |
Today is Mother's day so Alexander's death is especially poignant for me
The Scn cult forbids pregnancies and children and Alexander was born just before the hard and fast rules.
I did petition to have one more child but that was blocked.
The only child I had was dead at 27 years old due to the toxic policy of DISCONNECTION.
Chris Shelton tells Alexander's Story and kindly gave me permission to put on my channel
Life After Scientology Episode #80: Scientology: More Bizarre & Strange Oddities |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 05 May 2020 13:36 |
Today I did another show with the father of David Miscavige, Ron Miscavige. We covered Corona Virus ~~ if it got into the Sea Org.We also covered the staff hierarchy and how a Sea org member is not permitted to marry to anyone lower in the food chain i.e. in a lower Org. We covered a little on Jeanie Sonenfeld and Jefferson Hawkins..what happens after decades of serving in the Sea org
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