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Scientology Inc WAR On Psychiatry ~~ let's examine this more PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Sunday, 13 April 2014 03:07
This video depicts the recurring Battle cry of the *Church*of Scientology which is to OBLITERATE
This Battle cry has been sung for some 40 years.
However, the "Church" does not want to accept into its ranks anyone with even a mild psychiatric background.
It also shows a story of a 19 year old who lost his way while his parents served in the Sea Org.
His parents stayed on in the "Sea Organization" while he lived on the streets in Hollywood in a complete melt-down.


Scientology Inc ~~ the Ugly Face of, screaming "Nazi, go home" PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 11 April 2014 16:14

Ursula Caberta was the Government Official in Germany that Germans turned to after being raped of their finance and Fair Gamed and so on. She retired recently. Tony Ortega gave a nice overview.

In 2000 Ursula visited the United States and Office of Special Affairs had their gang bang crowd hurl insults at her on arrival at the airport. Par for the course for the world's "fastest growing religion." :) http://tonyortega.org/2013/01/31/ursu...


David Miscavige appeals to not appear in deposition ~ in Court 9th April 2014 PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 10 April 2014 23:24

Mike Bennitt summary of
Writ of Mandamus appeal. Wallace Jefferson represents David Miscavige who DOES not, under any condition want to face touch hard questions about his directing Black Ops from his execution arm Office of Special Affairs International.



Scientology Dictator David Miscavige -- Garbage In, Garbage out. PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 09 April 2014 02:58

Absolutely preposterous that they pretend "Human Rights" campaigns. This "Church" is the ultimate in Human Rights Violations. They kidnap, hold people against will, dole out sleep deprivation and demand slave labor hours of performance for cents an hour. Therefore I call it "garbage in ~~ garbage out."


Scientology Inc wealth amassed, actual TAX documents *ADDED* Mike Rinder analysis PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 08 April 2014 04:08

As the entity calling itself a "church" grew more and more greedy for money $$$$, it started escalating punishments, inhuman punishments for staff members, Sea Org members that did not rake in the $$$$.

There is a fantasy club called "It doesn't have to do with ME Club". Being assigned to that Club means you are detached and disassociated, not working hard enough, not being a "team player" not raking in the $$$. One of the punishments is rice and beans solely as diet 3 times a day. This can go on for months.

Another is to be sent to PIG'S BERTHING, where you sleep with other "PIGS". You do not get to go home to sleep in your own bed, but on the floor. The PIG'S BERTHING PUNISHMENT is pure humiliation and degradation.

The current punishment for Sea org members is "highest ever". The more stories I hear, the more I learn of the human rights violations while wealth is being amassed.

And they have in very recent years installed a new department called "Ethics and Image"

Ethics and Image indeed !

Read this and follow Tony O for the next couple of days....



We asked Mike Rinder for a statement about these documents and what they reveal. He sent us this message…

I suspect the figures listed as “book value” are the lowest valuations of assets they think they can get away with. But these are fascinating documents despite not listing income (other than ‘unrelated business income’).

The accumulation of assets is a problem with respect to exemption. The underlying theory of granting exemption is that the organization provides a public benefit, and things that benefit the public should not be taxed. But if instead of benefiting anyone it is accumulated by the organization, it violates IRS guidelines. Certainly a lot of this is property — and that is trickier to prove. Miscavige and his numerous lawyers will claim that the property is for the public benefit, because without it the church cannot provide that public benefit consisting of training and auditing. This is of course a lie, as most of the buildings are palaces that sit empty and are way beyond what is needed to deliver the alleged public benefit. As I have said before, this is one of the main reasons for the “Ideal Org” program (and for purchasing absolutely superfluous properties like KCET when there is a massive studio at Gold). While those assets could be liquidated relatively easily (if they needed to be liquidated the inevitable losses would not be relevant as most of them were from “found money” obtained through heavy handed fundraising), they make it very difficult for the IRS to go after. In effect, for purposes of the church, buildings are a tax shelter. It is why you see the obsession with buildings.

But of course these forms provide only a glimpse of part of the picture. Of course there is no weekly income included. And there is no International Assocation of Scientologists (IAS).

Even if there was a 990 for IAS Administrations, the money they collect is deposited into accounts nominally controlled by a “trust” (US IAS Members Trust). That is screened from any public scrutiny.

Similarly, assets are held in accounts nominally controlled by CSRT (Church of Scientology Religious Trust). I do not know which buildings may be in their name. Super Power could be, even though it is the main FSO delivery building…. It is possible that CSI has to include CSRT assets on its 990 book value as it is really “wholly owned” by Church of Scientology International.

This is all deliberately made confusing and opaque as there are other trusts and entities established to shield liability and keep the total wealth obscured.

What is not confusing is that these figures do not include the IAS, the single biggest repository of liquid funds in the Scientology hierarchy, known to have well in excess of a billion dollars, probably in excess of two billion by now. These documents also don’t include any of the organizations outside the US, nor even a lot in the US, including C of S NY, Wsahington DC, SFO, etc.

This confirms what many have said: Scientology Inc. is an astonishingly wealthy organization. It also confirms that given its assets, Scientology spends virtually nothing on its much ballyhooed “social betterment” and “human rights” programs. With this sort of money they could be doing more for disaster relief than the Red Cross. They claim they are, but in truth they spend a few thousands dollars to make it possible to shoot videos. They could have provided food and shelter for every victim of the Philippines hurricane and not made a dent in their accumulated wealth. Instead they flew in four people in yellow t-shirts to do photo ops.

Jeff has done a great job getting this information and making it available. It is a window into the haunted house of Scientology.

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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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