The Scientology Money Project has already gained serious attention from government agencies, journalists, cable news networks, major networks, Pulitzer prize winners, and even an Emmy winner.
The Scientology Money Project has also gained the attention of Scientology's Office of Special Affairs.
Using inferential methodology, I can tell you of recent behind-the-scenes developments in which Church operatives are seeking to accomplish at least five goals:
1. To discover how I obtained the 990-T's. The answer is simple: IRS Form 4506-A. Click the link to the IRS website or scroll down to get a copy on my Scribd account. The 990-T's are easy to obtain.
2. To persuade me to take down the 990-T's from this blog and place them elsewhere, a so-called "neutral website." I answered this in my last post when I said "no." My plan is to add all publicly available 990's and 990-T's to this blog as I obtain them. IMO, the real goal of OSA is to get the 990-T's off the internet. This will never happen. The horses are out of the barn.
3. To discover how much I know about the money and legal labyrinth of the Church. The answer is this: What I know comes directly from publicly available documents. The labyrinth is being unraveled and its core elements exposed.ÂÂ Everything will be made known in due time.
4. To persuade me that a US Congressman is willing to help me further my goals if I will only tell an intermediary everything I know. I checked into this and am not handing anything to any intermediary. No thanks. I can contact members of Congress myself. If you are a Scientology critic or former member, you must always be extremely wary of friendly strangers who suddenly appear and offer to help. There is >90% probability they are OSA-connected. They are Trojan Horses.
5. I can reasonably infer that Church members have already begun to ask OSA about the 990-T's. OSA is apparently ordering Church members to disconnect from those people who gave them the 990-T's. This is not surprising as the Church's toxic policy of Disconnection includes disconnecting from inconvenient people, facts, and knowledge.
The Church wants its members to remain ignorant and uniformed of their rights and power. Case in point:ÂÂ Scientology non-profit entities that do not have religious status, e.g,. the social betterment groups, have a legal obligation to make their 990's widely available to their membership and to the public. With the exception of CCHR, it appears that there is wide noncompliance. To its credit, and in compliance with IRS Code and US Treasury regulations, CCHR posts its financial data and 990's online:
501(c)3's with religious exemptions do not have to file 990's. However, they must file 990-T's. Scientology religious entities have filed 990-T's but nevertheless appear to be in noncompliance on making 990-T's widely available to their membership and the public. Why the noncompliance Church of Scientology?
Here is the applicable IRS policy:

Download Form 4506-A here: