The most Amazing *RELIGIOUS* and *ECCLESIASTICAL* anecdotes of Sea Org life. |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 21 April 2014 03:32 |
The most Amazing RELIGIOUS and ECCLESIASTICAL anecdotes of Sea Org life. This radio interview is about Sea Or life. Jeffrey summarized it nicely: I consider Sea Org members to be slaves and discuss this in part of my interview with Chris Shelton that will be released. The Cult has staked out a position whereby SO members are "volunteers" of a religious order. IMO, there are numerous ways to legally challenge this, one of which is false imprisonment -- particularly when the SO recruitment process can be shown to be false and misleading in such a way as to lead a person to sign an unconscionable contract that leads to the unjust enrichment of the Cult of Scientology via the exploitation of captive workers. This is false imprisonment under the cover of a religious order. Now that 990-T's are released, law firms, agencies, and governments can see that the Church has accumulated and hoarded money via a series of false and misleading representations made to its parishioners coupled with the false imprisonment and exploitation of SO members. There is a pervasive and institutionalized pattern of conduct awash in lies, falsehoods, contracts of adhesion, unclean hands, self-dealing, and unconscionability. No one advised in advance of the actual situation, no one who had legal counsel beforehand concerning the actual terms and conditions, would agree to such bad faith and malicious conduct as practiced and perpetrated upon persons in the Cult of Scientology. Diversity, jurisdiction, and various causes of action are now known. IMO, the corporate veil has already been breached and it can be shown that the Church of Scientology is the alter ego of David Miscavige.
Meet Vivien, born into Scientology and Consquences 1/4 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 19 April 2014 02:20 |
Vivien takes us through her early boot camp days where had to clean toilets and even remove feces from the lake at St. Hill with no Hazmad equipment, a job usually relegated to machinery. How funny that years later at the Scientology International Base, a recurring punishment of Senior Executives was to do the exact same thing. Clean the lake of feces with their hands. True story. Covered in depth in Marc Headley's book "Blown for Good." Does anyone wonder why Sea Org Members who have fled have nightmares for years ?
Survivng Scientology Radio: Mike Rinder Interview |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 17 April 2014 16:26 |
April 15, 2014: Mike Rinder Interview with your host Jeffrey Augustine -- scroll down
Program Summary:
Mike Rinder and Jeffrey Augustine discuss Jillian Schlesinger, the recently leaked Church of Scientology 990-T tax filings with the IRS, and the disaster created by the Church of Scientology in South Africa.
Jillian Schlesinger recently escaped from the notorious Church of Scientology slave labor force known as the Sea Org. Within three weeks of her escape, Jillian made of series of YouTube videos with Karen de la Carriere. These videos and Jillian’s story went viral. The Church’s Office of Special Affairs engaged in Fair Game against Karen de la Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine following the release of these videos. Mike Rinder comments on why he thinks the Jillian Schlesinger videos represent such a threat to Church of Scientology.
Jeffrey Augustine recently located and released Church of Scientology IRS 990-T filings wherein the Church declared a book value of $1.5 billion for just three of its entities: Church of Scientology International, Church of Spiritual Technology, and Flag Service Organization.
Mike Rinder describes the dramatic meltdown of the Church of Scientology in South Africa.
Jillian Schlesinger Explains the Prison of Belief 4/6 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 16 April 2014 03:21 |
Inside the cloistered life, no cell phones are permitted and these 5000 "Sea Organization" members, the so called "clergy" are denied No I-Pods, NoI-Pads, No TV, No Radio, No Kindles, No mobile devices, No library visits, No newspapers, No magazines and all calls to family are listened into by "Security." Sleeping areas are inspected by Security Guards, just like in a formal prison and if any of above items are found, they are confiscated on the spot.
Scientology Inc's Tom Cruise by Amy Scobee, Sea Org escapee |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 04:13 |
Tom Cruise receives a "Medal of Valor" for promoting Scientology to the millions.Tom Cruise praises Leader David Miscavige saying "We are LUCKY to have you !" He goes on to say that he Cruise has met all the leaders and even Leaders of leaders and David Miscavige tops them all. David Miscavige made the staff watch that OVER and OVER and OVER again.
Note that BEFORE Tom gave that message, he was given Sea Org Labor on the order of Miscavige to pimp up his real estate and airplane hangar and motorbike etc.
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