The "Church" of Scientology needs Ethical Lawyers with impeccable Life histories | | Print | |
Wednesday, 01 January 2014 15:27 |
The Church of Scientology spends Millions and Millions a year to lawyers to protect them from lawsuits and indictments. Lawyers firewall them. All Private investigators are hired by their Lawyers. These PIs hire dirty PIs and the actual unconscionable criminal acts are done a "few layers" away from the source of the Order.
You know what happens when you audit over an ARC Break?
In the RPF, that is what happens in every session. The environment in the RPF is not suited for auditing sessions. But it is ideally suited for auditing over an ARC Break.
How long would you expect a legitamite
F/N to last in that corner of Hell that we know as the RPF?
How about an ARC Break F/N? Do you think it would last a little longer?
Well, when David Miscavige changed the definition of an F/N, I think he changed the EP of the RPF. The RPF under David Miscavige drives people insane, and they graduate from the RPF as improved Minions of the COB.
The American public does not believe what they see in news releases like "The Truth Rundown" because they have never seen so much insanity in one place before, and they cannot believe there eyes.
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