THE IRON DOOR | | Print | |
Friday, 11 December 2009 13:35 | ||||
The Chinese have a saying: when a wooden door closes an iron door opens. The problem is not what I lost (the ex-wife -- I'm over that), it is what the corporation did: engaging in human trafficking and robbing me of my civil and human rights. KRAKATOA IIBrace yourself: it’s coming. And David Miscavige is sitting right on top. But that’s not really the point of this article.David Miscavige and his merry band of renegades closed a heavy wooden door on thousands of well-meaning Scientologists. How many babies were aborted because of his orders that would have otherwise been born to deserving parents? How many lives ruined? How many families destroyed? How many friends disconnected? How many bank accounts drained? How many trusting people were betrayed? David Miscavige has shut a wide wooden door across the Scientology path. He bolted it shut and hammered nails into the edge. Then he pilled up dead and not-quite-dead bodies from the inside and performed every other trick to block that wooden door and keep it blocked forever. Meanwhile in a place where no one even realized an opening existed, a far larger iron door opened silently, ponderously, on hinges 7 feet thick. Some have yet to notice. They’re still looking at the wooden door. CONSPIRACY![]() The strategy we have made known from the start: to get in ethics. As LRH said, “A true group must have a management which deals in affinity, reality and communication and any group is totally within its rights, when a full and reasonable examination discloses management in fault of perverting or cutting ARC, of slaughtering, exiling or suspending that management. ARC is sacred.” The real truth of the matter is there’s nothing on the other side of that wooden door that anyone would want. All the good things are laying around on the ground in plain view just outside the wooden door. SHORT STORYIn 1986, while I was Solo I/C FSO putting others through the Wall of Fire while also auditing myself through OT III, at one point it seemed like my whole life was falling apart. I couldn’t understand why this was happening and it made me very unhappy for about 2 months. None of my goals were happening.Then in the space of one week my goals came true. In short, I got a car, a ski boat, a motorcycle, a girlfriend, and I went into the part time TTC to become an auditor. From out of nowhere I suddenly had everything I wanted. And I thought what just happened? I’d been thinking everything was going wrong because things were changing. And when I looked back I saw clearly that everything that had happened in the past two months, was necessary in order for my postulates to work. After that, I decided to hold off on drawing negative conclusions. I decided it would be more beneficial to try and see the big picture. Since I had just learned that the worst events could actually be good fortune misunderstood. See where this is going? MOVING UP TO OTDo you want to do your OT levels?With the exception of New OT VIII, all the OT materials are available online. Free. You need to be well-trained as an auditor to make it to OT. And you need to be ethical. And you need to have audited all the previous levels well to make it. I was the Solo I/C FSO for three years. I’ve helped hundreds make it through the Wall of Fire and I can tell you these things are true according to everything I saw with my own two eyes. I’ve seen OT phenomena that stood my hair on end. I’ve seen things that were terrifying. I’ve seen people turn on pneumonia and start to go insane. Don’t buy any alterations of the tech. And by having the materials yourself you will be in a position to make sure when the time comes for you to read and do those levels, you can make sure the tech you receive is standard because you’ll have your own personal copy of it. I’m not saying someone might get into trouble if you quickie or squirrel (misuse) the OT levels. I’m flat out guaranteeing that you will definitely get into severe life-threatening trouble if you squirrel. My own personal opinion is that you will most likely wind up dead if you squirrel (fail to follow the exact procedure). I don’t mean “in trouble” I mean deceased. I’ve seen it happen several times. On the other hand, if you do all the lower levels standardly (meaning ARC Straightwire, Grades O-IV, Clear, etc.) which isn’t that hard outside the Church of Miscavige; and if you are responsible and ethical; and if you are particularly well trained as an auditor; the OT levels are a breeze! Here’s how I guarantee you CANNOT make it to OT: sell out your integrity to the Church of Miscavige and audit at Flag with all their six-month interruptions of the No Interference Zone. Six month checks are Miscavige’s favorite cash cow bringing in about $30,000 per OT per annum. It has nothing to do with your case gain. I’ll say it again: You need to be trained to make it to OT. But getting trained isn’t hard. There are plenty of people around who can teach you TRs and metering. What’s more, if you do your Bridge outside the Church of Miscavige, you can do it without becoming heavily PTS and selling out your integrity. I do NOT recommending anyone read the OT materials before they are ready to audit the levels. That’s just idiocy. Why mess up your own case? There’s no lifeguard on duty so you swim at your own risk. It is AUDITING the levels that produces gain. You aren’t going to get ANY gain from just reading the materials. So there’s nothing to gain and only something to lose (potentially restimulating yourself). I don’t know how they got there, but anyone can download the “New” OT levels from OT I to OT VII, plus the “Old” OT Levels from OT I to VIII, from Apparently the materials have been there for some time. Just go to and search for “Scientology.” The tech on SuperPower and OT VIII is crap--it's not the LRH materials; don’t bother with it. But you can have the rest of the valid LRH tech right now. Free. In addition, there too are the “old” OT levels from IV through VIII, which are just as valid and powerful today as they ever were. Also there are repair lists. In short, you won’t need to get your eligibility from David Miscavige. Not if you have the tech yourself. There is no shortcut to OT. You just flat out can’t get there unless you are well trained, ethical and have all your earlier grades in place. The OT levels are beautiful if you behold them properly. Like the Grand Canyon. But if you step off the path, it’s a long way down. And when you hit bottom you WON’T be getting up. But the other side of the coin is the Church of Miscavige is already misusing these materials and has been doing so for many years. Every wonder why so many OTs have died of cancer? That’s why. Personally, I think it is less risky for you to have the materials yourself than to depend on an organization with blood all over their hands, faces and red roof, too. People were dying of cancer back in the 1980s. On the plus side there is something very de-PTSing about knowing you have your own copy of the OT levels. Speaking of the “Old” OT Levels, those were real OT levels. At the very worst, you can do the entire Bridge up to New OT VII completion, and then you can do the Old OT Levels, too. Also you can do the Ls with a really good Class XII auditor like Ignazio Tidu, for example, if he decided to start auditing again. SOLO DEBUGHere’s a little bonus to help you when you get to the Solo levels.As the Solo I/C FSO, I was the last port of call for all bugged Solo auditors from AOs around the world. So I received several people who had done OT II about 10 years earlier and never moved on to OT III. The first died while on an extended ethics handling. Considering ethics is the tech of survival, that ethics handling didn’t seem to be very “ethical” to me. Three others had done OT II years earlier and never gone on to OT III. One had terminal cancer. Another caught a rare disease and all his hair fell out. So the rule is, get properly set up as a case and trained as an auditor, then DON’T STOP. Okay, besides that, I was also auditing myself on those levels. So I had the unique experience of having to debug not only my own auditing on a daily auditing, but everyone else. And after handling about 100 people I discovered something. On Solo, it was fairly routine for solo auditors to audit over out ruds or violate the Auditor’s Code by getting angry in session when something didn’t go right. My predecessors had hat write ups about cramming Solo auditors on either Solo C/S Series 1 or the Auditor’s Code. I noticed that this usually did not solve the problem. And I even experienced the same thing in my own sessions. Ruds would go out and pretty soon the Auditor’s Code was out. I found the solution and when I did, I was able from then on to crack ANY solo auditor, no matter how terrible. One proviso: on R6EW, the Clearing Course and OT II especially there are technical procedures you must know. But short of that, the prime error is basic auditing: TRs (drills initially called "Training Regimens" enhance one's skill and ability to communicate). It all comes down to mistaking a pc origination as a “thought of the auditor.” In Solo, the auditor doesn’t have any thoughts. All thoughts are actually pc originations. Here is an example: Solo auditor is going along in the session and all of a sudden the meter does something unexpected. He thinks, “What was that?” Assuming that was a thought of the auditor (which it was not) the auditor just shrugs because he has no idea, and tries to go on with the session. Actually it was a pc origination. In the Tech dictionary, LRH gives the definition of an origination: “in TR-4 all originations concern the coach, his ideas, reactions, or difficulties, none concern the auditor. By originate is meant a statement referring to the state of the coach or fancied case.” (from HCOB 16 Aug 71 II) Can you imagine in a regular session the pc said, “What was that?” and the auditor just shrugged and went on with the session? Now the rudiments go out. And after that, the Auditor’s Code goes out. 1, 2, 3. So to solve this, I would simply have solo auditors write down 10 examples of each kind of origination: ideas, reactions or difficulties. Then drill handling each one. Result: any Solo auditor was able to audit smoothly from that point on. Not to crow to loudly, but my staff and I lived up the standard set by LRH for Flag of being able to crack anyone. As a result, our area boomed. We went from 30 bodies in the shop up to 90 and I literally had to start knocking down walls to make room for all the people. Don’t get me wrong however: this was just the magic debug. In addition, learning how to Solo audit requires many hours of drilling on exact procedures and on metering. At Flag we had perhaps the most crack team of solo supervisors the world has ever known. We had instituted a brutal internal policy that every time a solo auditor messed up in session, the Course Supervisor was also sent to the cramming department for correction. As a result, those supervisors knew every potential flub and man, they were the real stars at Flag. Not me. REVOLT IN THE STARSSomething else you will find at Wikileaks is an LRH screen play called Revolt in the Stars. LRH intended to release the OT III story to the world in the form of a feature film. His intention was to destimulate the incident. I’m not saying it’s true or it’s not true. There’s nothing in Scientology that says anyone has to believe anything. Scientology is NOT A BELIEF SYSTEM.I do know however the OT materials have power beyond anything in this world. If you want to mess with it, may you rest in peace. But that doesn’t mean all the story is confidential. Revolt in the Stars is non confidential. In the late 1970s my friends had copies of the script and they thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Revolt in the Stars is said to tell the tale of our own civilization and our own evil ruler Xenu who turned out to be a mass murderer. Funny, but when you read LRH’s description of Xenu, you can’t help but notice it fits David Miscavige in every single, specific detail... One reason Revolt in the Stars was not made into a movie because Star Wars beat it to the punch and even used some of the basic ideas in it. TOOTH PASTETruth is like tooth paste. Once squeezed out, forget trying to get it back in the tube. Two years ago when I started looking at the web and saw Marc Headley had posted the entire story of David Miscavige’s infamous Musical Chairs incident (which really happened exactly as Marc laid out), I knew it was a watershed event. It made me very angry, not at Marc, but at the stupidity of David Miscavige thinking he could abuse and destroy people’s lives with impunity. Typical of his infinite arrogance.Marc did a great thing by taking responsibility and in so doing he has changed the future of Scientology. The Internet is only about 14 years old. Once the truth is exposed online, there is no turning back. Now the reference to apply comes from one of LRH’s Dianetics Jingles that he published in the early 1950s: “Motion comes in, use and win.” We would have to use the motion Marc Headley had begun. DISCONNECTION AND DECLARESBasically tech can't go in until ethics is in. So once we get ethics in, tech will be free to go in, meaning people will be freer than ever to move up the Bridge inside orgs, outside orgs.There will naturally have to be an amnesty since at least 98% of the declares over the last 3 decades were done maliciously to silence dissent, plus it's just wrong on the face of it for a church to be running a Big Brother-style political system that mandates who people can and can't be friends with. Furthermore, the policy of disconnection violates the heart of tolerance and "freedom of religion" upon which it depends. And if that’s not enough, LRH himself cancelled disconnection. Miscavige put it back in. Scientology can't be allowed to fold back in on itself. It has to act in keeping with its own philosophy. REORGANIZATIONMy goal has always been to disseminate. I’m a marketing person. That’s what I do. I thought being in the Sea Org was necessary to make that happen. Well, today it’s not required.You don’t have to have before you can do. You can do anything you want to do in Scientology. If you want to audit? You can. If you want to tell others about it, you can. You can do whatever you want. You don’t need to sign a billion year contract. You don’t need anyone’s approval. You just need to care, to have some love for the human race. So another applicable reference to our situation today is HCO PL “The Supreme Test.” When you start from point A with the intention of arriving at point B... and Person C attempts to stop or divert you, what do you do? LRH recommends shoving Person C out of the way and going straight on toward your goal. It isn't necessary to give up on any of your goals in Scientology. It isn’t necessary to be on staff to do anything you want in Scientology. It's a movement, not the military. However in PT, the subject can't even be disseminated because the kiss of death is upon it, meaning the Church of Miscavige has fouled their own diapers so badly no one wants to go near them. Man, they stink! Nevertheless, all that can be cleaned up, especially by removing you-know-who. When I left staff in 2004 after David Miscavige started beating up other people when he was really angry at me (an SP always picks the wrong target), and after he ordered that I be sent off to some far outpost bereft of my own wife (human trafficking), I decided it was not going to give up on my goals for Scientology. Instead of thinking I was getting ejected from my own purpose line (wooden door) instead I found myself now having a dream job. Able to introduce people to Scientology from the comfort of my own happy home. And I don’t have to get David Miscavige’s approval for anything I want to do. Or take any of his BS. I disconnected from him and from his band of deeply criminal boot lickers. Of course any of those boot lickers can redeem themselves by just grabbing up a bunch of evidence and turning it over to the human race so Justice can more easily take its course. Getting all declares cancelled is not our objective, but it IS a necessary and unavoidable byproduct of getting in Ethics. So it will happen without a doubt. If you are declared now, take heart: that goldenrod will become a gold medal marking you as one of the brave. CHURCH OF MISCAVIGE'S ILLEGAL DECLARE ON MEMy own declare order is remarkable in that it doesn't list a single High Crime. There weren't any. Just a bunch of silly generalities.
By this process, a woman who went to Indonesia to visit her sister (the real story), eventually becomes “Indonesia: ground zero on the Pacific Ring of Fire and ground zero for volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods. With every disaster that takes its toll in human life and that’s why what’s-her-name set out on to quell the dangerous environment on a mission to reach a nation in the name of LRH tech!” Plus giving the Church 20 years of my life and one aborted child that I would have kept had I ever been consulted. That part made me a "Freeloader." So according to David Miscavige, I still owe Golden Era Productions $82,191. Tommy Davis invited me to come out to LA which I did at my own expense last March. There, he offered to reduce it to only $14,000. I told him I wasn't going to pay one penny, because I am not a Freeloader. LEADERSHIPWhat we are doing today is using Scientology to fix Scientology. In our case, we are engaging in group auditing, running out a 30-year group engram. When done, we should have the organization in present time for the first time in a long time.Someone will no doubt set a match to all of DM's goldenrod and suddenly the philosophy will start to mean something again -- like it used to when you first got in, and even better than then. But who will be Scientology’s future leaders?
Leadership is a doingness, not a beingness. The future leaders of Scientology are the people who ARE leading. Don’t expect anyone to go back on staff. I doubt they would do that for all the tea in China. Today, together, a few people have decided to stand up and lead Scientology out of the darkness. You too can be one of them if you aren’t already. Some of us have come a long way and finally made it to the top. Together, we are leading for real and we never have to set foot on the Int base to do it. We don’t need four or even five commander bars like Shorty. We got something else. It’s called, being OT. OT is about knowing and willing Cause. I know what I want to cause. And I know you do, too. SILVER LININGSo just look away from the wooden door. Look around. Notice the gigantic Iron Door that has opened.You can move up the Bridge today, for a fraction of the cost. You don’t have to be PTS, give away all your money, attend horrendous events, be degraded and used. You don’t have to swallow out-tech on your case. You don’t have to worship David Miscavige any more if you ever did. You are free to take back your most precious belonging: your own integrity. You are free to observe what you observe and have the courage to say what you observe. You are free to counter, utter or write your own opinion or counter, utter or write upon the opinions of others. You can find auditors, find training. You can train auditors if you want to do that. You can help introduce new people to the Scientology philosophy and not have to worry if IAS registrars will blow them off in the first 5 minutes. To your friends who object hotly to Scientology being a religion tell them “It’s not a religion. It’s a spiritual philosophy. The organization itself is a criminal activity ‘based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard’ -- it’s not the real thing. So actually it has nothing to do with the philosophy.” That blows charge and after you repeat it several times, it usually results in the person saying, “Well what’s it all about anyway.” That’s the Dissem Drill in action: actually handling the person’s real objection. And as a result he will reach for the tech. It’s kind of like 1950 again when there weren’t any organizations. You have to take more responsibility to get yourself trained and audited, but besides that, there are no stops. You can get trained. You can write about Scientology to your friends. David Miscavige’s declares, disconnections and illegal orders will all be canceled when his regime finally falls from grace. DOES ANYBODY REMEMBER LAUGHTER?So what really is that Iron Door. Just think about what you are witnessing. You’re here, right here and right now at a new beginning for Scientology, the Phoenix rising from the flames and ashes.
Scientology will rise from the ashes because of the free beings in the field.
If there is anything I can do to assist you in this regard, please let me know.
Old Auditor
Call me at (717) 504 8346 !
Since discovering this site I have regained renewed sense of cause. I did not realize that my intuitions re. DM and the church were shared at all.
I am relocating to Silver Springs, MD mid January.
Can we get in direct comm. via email?
Very cool and totally awesome, Dude!
What you write my friend is so sooth!
Thanks for the rehab, I owe ya one :-)
I didn't know he was so involved in those two disasters. Poor Travolta and Cruise! Poor LRH, for that matter.
Make sure you have virus software on your computer before you open. On the SHSBC Transcripts there were 4 viruses which I noticed today.
There's all kinds of stuff in there.
Swim at your own risk (which is still a lot better than trusting the Church of Miscavige). Look for a new article later today, from me, entitled "Revolt in the Stars."
"We are embarking into a new age for Scientology: of accountability, transparency and integrity. " QFT
- That Guider guy looks like death warmed over, very low toned.
- Your declare is a joke (as an X MAA) specifics were always required. SP's speak in generalities & the SP is displaying himself so obviously (Miscavige). God he must think we are dumb in that we can't spot the outpoints. The person who wrote it should be declared for messing with my mind.
- There have been so many incorrect SP declares, that they've ceased to have any ethics presence. Never thought I would talk to a "Declared" but have, and found them to be the same wonderful people they always were.
- Thanks for the wikileaks "candy". Maybe there is some hope after all. Going up the Bridge has become something only the rich do. And since the rich are being required to give all their money to endless dono campaigns, not even their family/associate are going up the Bridge.
Wow, you were charged $704 per hour for auditing by Qual Gold??? The same Qual that DM routinely made degrading comments about how they were ruining the staff and the staff were making no case gain???
$704 an hour for that??? They should be paying you for putting up with all their out tech based on DM's opinion of the place!
You are a true definition of KRC. I am honored to know you in our team.
Thank you.
Your account of how much involved DM was in the movie, Battlefield Earth, confirmed (as if I needed it) that this guy is quite mad and is most definitely a bonafide SP. B-E, the book, was an incredible piece of SciFi. B-E, the movie, was worse than a dog's breakfast! After watching the movie I recall thinking that Senior Scn Mgmt must be going nuts at what a pathetic representation this was of LRH's phenomenal book. I've been wondering for years how in the hell could this have happened! Now I know. Thanks Thoughtful. Another comm lag handled.
As a side note: you know, one of the many things the thousands (and numbers obviously growing) of independent scientologists could do, is start a movie production company that is set up as a cooperative. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the necessary talent, skill and know-how is extant (in abundance) to do such a thing. And, boy oh boy, could we ever turn out some powerful movies!
Oh yeah, Tom Cruise...I thought the guy had himself a psychotic break or some other kind of case melt-down, had gone renegade and started his personal crusade to disseminate Scn in the most counter productive way possible. I couldn't understand why he wasn't being reined in and handled ASAP. DM strikes again!! Man, finally finding out the truth sure makes things start to make sense.
Years ago a good friend of mine who had completed the FEBC (Flag Executive Briefing Course) told me that on one of Ron's tapes he had listened to on the course there was a person in the audience who asked Ron a question about the whole track. And LRH answered something to the effect that scifi writer and author of The Lensmen Series, E.E. Doc Smith, had a pretty good memory. Well, in 84' I finally came across a person who had The Lensmen Series (seven books written in 1926) and they loaned them to me to read. Now this may sound odd, but in reading this series of books two things occurred that I was not at all expecting. The first thing that I noticed after reading the books was that I had a much expanded view and understanding of Scn. I had gotten the "long view." The second thing that I experienced was that for about three months or so, I had regained telepathic abilities as well as the ability to 'BE' in places where my body wasn't and view what was going on in real time.
Anyway, my point in going anecdotal is that what is happening in and with Scn at this time, lines right up with this "long view" that I experienced after reading The Lensmen Series (that, so far, has been a stable gain). What is occurring now with our religion, is NOT a bad thing. It actually has the potential to be a very good thing. Whether or not the "potential" good will become realized is totally dependent upon how we respond to the circumstances at hand. In other words, what the Iron Door opens into is completely up to us.
I totally understand your point in your postulate story Thoughtful.
In 77' when I purchased DMSMH and read it, my future changed (in a big way!). A couple of weeks ago when I happened upon this site and began reading one article after another and then went on to other related sites to read some future again changed (in a big way!). I'm diggin it. :-)
BTW, the world really does need the scientologist. And we have so much that we can do for the world. We actually CAN better conditions. I'm working on that in my local community.
Looks like it was written by a 12 year old. The generalities in it are outrageous. Count this as another "lost Tech". What happened to the good old days when we had Time, Place, Form and Event golden rods, with real facts. Been about 20 years, I think.
I also appreciate the fact of validting the OT materials, and your comments about your experiences getting others through them. I did mine "in the field" and have had major life changing wins. I am extremely thankful that I was allowed to "take as long as it takes" on OT II, with no pressure to complete. As a result, OT III literally "fell in to my lap" and was a very smooth level to audit. Can you imagine a world were being who wanted to, could avail themselves of this technology when and where they were ready to?
That is what I see on the future track. But as always, we must pay the price for this freedom: constant vigilence and constant willingness to fight back.
Thanks again.
Also, I had no clue that You-Know-Who was involved in the production of BE. The amount of outpoints that are coming up in connection with DM and RTC are mind boggling.
The movie was a big disappointment. I was upset after I saw it because it was a total alteration of the story and a degrade of LRH.
Thanks Steve, you're doing a wonderful job in running out the 3rd dynamic engram. I feel really refreshed since discovering your site.
BTW: I too, had to sit through and watch BE 4 times because our entire base was ordered to see it over and over. Now I know why! At least I got some sleep in the last 2 showings.
Thanks so much for this one.
Damn.....I'm still smiling. Could just be a good future yet for Scn and the human race.
Idle Org
I can't help but marvel at all of the Scientologists out there who have been inactive, who are suddenly being allowed to communicate (for reals) about Scientology. If they are half as happy about it as I am, then the world has had quite an increase in theta these past few months. Now that IS therapeutic for all!
You've outdone yourself over and again! Great article - it frees everyone from the oppressive monopoly of "eternity" which are only empty promises of the CoM.
The recall on having to watch Battlefield Earth multiple times evoked some mixed emotions for me. On one hand it was great to have a movie outing - on the other hand, I and many of us watched other movies and didn't have to comply to that ridiculous "order" as we went with DM to watch it.
I think this tech which comes from Terl of "Leverage" is still being used in dealings with CoM currently. Tommy, Jessica and Kirsten just didn't have enough to turn you back into the fold and gag you. Not sure if the current trio is going to have more...
Please continue!
Please keep this on the front page. Everyone must see this. This is the one post I tell people who are out to go look at. If they are not sure, I send them to If they are sure, this is the post.
Wow. Thank you so much.
You truely are a great writer and this is a really good article.(A-R-C in abundance) Bob
I would like more data on how you sovled ots flubbing. after i read IRON DOOR and you and your team being the best sounds wonderful. we want to help more ots in our area and your successfull actions would be appreciated.
pls get in comm with me.
Just re-read this brilliant post. Now that I've completed the NOTs case (new OT VII) I took a little vacation to do L12 with Trey and decided to get going on original OT IV. You know, the one LRH wrote. The one that "proofs up a being against any chance of being implanted in the future."
What a friggin trip this level is. With the NOTs case out of the way and the real OT levels available, true spiritual freedom is at hand.
I've been off on a persistent F/N for nearly 4 weeks now (with no insane pressure to keep auditing in violation of the HCOB on Persistent F/N) and I get more and more strength, ARC and cogs every day as the F/N continues to widen.
I can see why miscavige disappeared these OT levels. He wants implanted beings. The levels ensure he will never reach his goal.
See you soon.
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