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Sunday, 04 April 2010 21:37

I know that I speak for a lot of similarly minded folk when I say that Heber Jentzsch is one of the most special people I have met and worked with. Mike Rinder feels the same way. Mike has written an article describing what became of Heber at the hands of Miscavige. I was witness to much of the pre-hole history he recounts. I was gone by the time Heber was jailed by Miscavige and Mike recounts that sad history. For those who knew Heber this will hurt. Sometimes, truth does hurt. But, at the end of the day, it is truth that will set us free. This particular bit of truth has motivated me to dedicate a portion of every day from here on out to freeing Heber until that is accomplished. If some internal personnel with a conscience comes across this, please communicate to Heber that my house is his – we’ve got a room for him on the water, in a place where he can sing to his heart’s content and reconnect to the thousands who love him. -- Marty Rathbun

What made Heber Jentzsch the most loved executive in Scientology? ARC -- affinity, reality and communication creating understanding. Scientologists loved him. Non Scientologists loved him. It just goes to show the true power of any being lies not in "force" but "understanding" and the same is true for Scientology as a whole -- reasoning David Miscavige violently rejects. Heber lived the way LRH expected Scientologists to live: in alignment with fundamental Scientology principles. Heber applied Scientology. Miscavige applied psychological warfare. When I was writing videos for Miscavige's sickening events, he constantly called Heber "Grandpa" to denigrate him. The very idea of having Heber on stage drove Mestsavage wild because Scientologists liked Heber more than they liked Dave. Heber is imprisoned at the Int base because Scientologists loved him. That is reality. -- Steve

The Heber we knew!


by Mike Rinder


After watching the AC 360 series many have wondered: “Where is Heber?”  His absence  was magnified by who Miscavige did send forth as cannon fodder to respond to his crimes:  four obviously rehearsed ex-wives who made fools of themselves by repeating lines given to them by Miscavige and received unanimous derision on the AC 360 blog;  “Teflon” Tommy Davis who has been caught in more lies than Baghdad Bob and looks more and more like (dare I say this, after he made such a big point about me selling cars for a living) a sleazy used car salesman;  and a bored, disinterested looking NON Scientologist tax attorney there to field the “tough” questions about Scientology tech and policy that Tommy couldn’t handle. As everyone knows, Heber is far more accomplished, competent and likeable than any of Miscavige’s new puppets.

So, where is Heber? Why isn’t he out there representing the C of M?

The answer is simple: Miscavige hates Heber.  He has said many times that Heber portrays the wrong image of “his” Church.  Heber is too old (but not too old to send to the Hole….).  Heber doesn’t feel the need to dress like a window mannequin for Barney’s. Heber is “stupid.”  And Heber knows too much. Unlike Teflon Tommy,  who was never at Int, Heber has not only witnessed Miscavige™ Brand Physical and Mental Abuse, he has experienced it firsthand. Miscavige cannot afford to put Heber front and center because he might just tell the truth.  And I know how that goes – me having to lie to the BBC about Miscavige beating people was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I walked out while in London. (So much for me being removed from all positions of authority and kicked out by Miscavige when he found out all the terrible things I had done – I was the International Spokesperson for the Church and on the Board of CSI when I blew.  It is true, I didn’t have a post – but then again NOBODY in management did, and it appears to be that way still as Guillaume Lesevre was presented at the “Barnum and Bailey” March 13th spectacle  as “from International Management” rather than “ED International” because he hasn’t been on post for at least 5 years!).

Heber bore the brunt of much of Miscavige’s ire over the years.  I have seen Miscavige strike Heber on at least 10 occasions.  Miscavige had dolls made in the likeness of Heber (and me).  These were very elaborate reproductions that looked like ventriloquists dolls.  Miscavige would make Heber sit with the doll on his lap and Miscavige would address himself to the doll instead of talking to Heber directly.  This was to demonstrate the “fact” that Miscavige thought Heber “wooden” and “unresponsive.”  (Anyone who knows Heber can attest to how ridiculous this is). It is all part of Miscavige’s Joking & Degrading and constant denigration of people around him, especially those he considered were some form of threat (and Heber’s popularity with staff and public was a very real threat in Miscavige’s eyes).

The dolls were even flown to the UK for the IAS event where Heber endured endless cruel bullbaiting at the hands of Miscavige. I only saw Heber snap once, when after hours of Miscavige™ Brand Taunting and Belittling, Miscavige squirted Heber’s face and glasses with contact lense fluid and then blew powdered coffee creamer into his face. This is the level of behavior of the so called “leader” of Scientology.

But that wasn’t all that happened at IAS event time.  Heber, along with myself and Guillaume Lesevre were assigned to MEST work. It was surreal, donning a tuxedo to do an international event and then a boilersuit to do MEST work in the woods next to the Saint Hill Manor lake.  And then being thrown fully clothed in the lake (in November). Miscavige then decided it wasn’t good enough to be “hidden” by the lake and moving us to do MEST work next to the Stables where all Saint Hill staff walked to eat their meals.  It was there that Heber slipped on a log, fell and quite badly injured himself. Of course, Miscavige blamed that on Heber’s “out ethics.”  (And just a final note on the UK, not really on topic – Guillaume Lesevre and I were assigned to clean the toilets and sweep the halls in AOSHUK, watched over by Security Guards – plenty of public witnessed this).

Heber is banned by Miscavige from making any public appearances and isn’t allowed to be in Int events any longer. So, he has become a “non-person” and is kept out of sight at the Int base.

Heber was the first person from outside the Int base to be sentenced to the Hole.  He was there when I left in March 2007, and for all I know, is still there. I do know NOBODY has heard from him for years.  And while he was in the Hole, regardless of his years of service and his progressing age, he was treated like everyone else:  living in the CMO Int trailer along with 100 others, sleeping on the floor, eating standing up in an office with no tables and chairs and only leaving for 20 minutes once a day for a communal shower in the garage  (unless DM was around, in which case some days there were no showers as nobody wanted to risk DM seeing the SPs in the Hole being frog-marched by security to the garage because it would “enturbulate” him – though he demanded daily reports to keep track of “juicy” admissions coerced out of people). Heber was stood in front of the 100 people and “forced” to confess (an activity which I am ashamed to say I took part in) and then derided about his Mormon upbringing and his relationships with other religious leaders (he was labeled a squirrel). Heber never complained though he was the most senior person in the Hole and the living conditions took a greater toll on him than anyone.

And like everyone else, he was not allowed to communicate with anyone outside the Hole at all.  Not even his own family.  And that for Heber was perhaps the hardest thing to endure.  Anyone who knows Heber knows above all else his high communication level and how many friends he has made over many years.  He is loved by so many because it is impossible to know him and not see the goodness in his heart and his real concern for the well-being of others.  I believe the cutting of his comm lines was the greatest penalty Miscavige could impose on him.

And I must also note that while virtually every prominent executive left in Scientology has put their name on perjured declarations saying that all that has been exposed about the Miscavige™ Brand Reign of Terror is lies, there has been no word from Heber.  When you stoop to the bottom of the rotten barrel to trot out ex-wives to respond to allegations of mental and physical abuse by Miscavige, isn’t it odd that the person with perhaps the most credibility with Scientologists and with the media ISNT heard from?

So, why is he still there? Well, read the excellent blog by “Back to Life” recently posted on Scientology-cult which incisively explains the circumstances and mindset that keeps good people chained inside a bad scene. And beyond that, Heber is getting extra-special attention. Because of his popularity and credibility, he has to be kept out of sight. Imagine the nightmare for Miscavige if Heber was ever freed and able to speak his mind?

That is why you don’t see Heber.

And yes, something DOES need to be done about it. He is 76 years old, has served LRH and Scientology with distinction and dedication for many decades and in the winter of his body’s life should be living a peaceful existence, pursuing activities that give him pleasure.

So, if you have an opportunity, ask Scientologists, the media, law enforcement or anyone else who may have an interest:  “Where is Heber Jentzsch, President of the Church of Scientology International?”





+1 # Guest 2010-04-05 06:03
It seems to me that there are enough witnesses to the abuses that are going on to get the authorities to raid the compound that these people are being held in. It sounds as if some of you guys and show them directly where these people are being held, and can get them set free.
# Martin 2010-04-05 07:50
Heber always seemed like a Statesman to me, or at least what a statesman should be like. His conversation was easy, relaxed, always humorous and incisive. I was priveleged to work with him during and after Portland 1985 and he was amazingly generous in his praise and encouragement.

He was telling me of a moment once during the Portland crusade when John Travolta had just flown in to lend his support. Whilst there was little fuss apart from some obvious media attention, the police were flapping and barking out unnecessary orders to all who would listen. Heber went up to the Office in charge and asked him "What is it you are trying to stop?" . The officer apparently jolted out of his mental circuitry, itsa'd about this for a few moments and all was calm and good. He relayed this story in such a way I couldn't breathe for laughing for several minutes afterwards. God bless you Heber, we miss you and hopefully will see you again very soon.
+2 # Mary McConnell 2010-04-05 09:30
Heber's got approximately 42 siblings,, several ex-wives and a son that should be doing this if in fact he's hostage there.

I hope someone checked with his exwife, Karen de la Carriere at as was done in the past. Ask her what's going on.

This is what Mike Rinder, et al, should be doing if they know Heber is being mistreated or held against his will as an elderly person.

When all else fails, call Adult Protective Services. This goes for reporting any member age 65 and over.

Calling requesting an investigation will get more action than anythiing else. Once this agency gets in, it's hard to get them out.


(800) 491-7123

Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 5:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

The toll free APS Hot Line telephone number is 1-800-491-7123.

Adult Protective Services (APS) provides a system of in-person response, 24 hours per day, seven days per week. DPSS is responsible for accepting and responding to reports of dependent adult and elder abuse of individuals living in Riverside County. The Adult Protective Services program provides social services interventions to disabled adults (ages 18 and older) and elders (age 65 and older) to alleviate physical, sexual and financial abuse, neglect, isolation, abandonment, abduction and mental suffering.

The following types of abuse must be reported:

• Physical Abuse
• Sexual Abuse
• Psychological Abuse
• Abandonment
• Self Neglect
• Financial Abuse
• Neglect
+2 # Carol 2010-04-05 11:31
This entire story about Heber and all who have left sickens me. This has got to stop now.
I know welfare checks work especially if the person is an elder. How about we get Senator Oran Hatch is I believe is a Morman and has stood up for them and if we bring attention to the fact that Heber is a Morman and a Scientologist and the Scientologist leader is harming him perhaps this will bring some heat on the subject. Mormans stick together and help no matter what that I do know to be true. there is a radio station called coast to coast and a story or call in on the show would be good. Many people do listen to coast to coast. George Noory has the live show.
# Ex-Protester 2010-04-06 08:25
Want to explain DM in as few words as possable?
Try "covert counter- intention".Get a dictionary if necessary, but use those words in a few sentences as they might apply to avid Miscavage. Throw off your double-think blinders, and at least think like you had a soul of your own.
# Virgil Samms 2010-04-06 11:19
Heber was the definition of free. He was always handling someone and would handle flaps with aplomb.

Heber rushed to the Manor during the FBI raids of 1977. He was looking around and someone came up to him and showed him a badge. The man announced: "IRS". Heber looked at the man and said: "I'm sure you do".

It was times like that when you needed a man like Heber on your side.

+2 # Guest 2010-04-07 08:09
I recently saw this posted on another blog:

"As citizens, whether a crime is prosecutable is not our problem. That is the job for a prosecutor, and a grand jury, to decide. Not me or you."

I completely disagree.

Quite the contrary, it is anyone's problem. Many countries, including the United States provide for anyone at all to make a Citizen's Arrest when they have knowledge of a crime, and especially if there are corroborating witnesses.

In the US in particular, the perpetrator of any felonious conduct such as assault, is subject to seizure by citizens, and to Citizen's Arrest.

I see the "tell the authorities and let them handle it" attitude as encouraging passivity and an abdication of the true responsibility of citizens which is to actively intervene in lawless actions they see taking place.

Miscavige could long ago could have been arrested for real by anyone who saw him assault another. Since he often did this in the presence of witnesses, if people were fully informed of their rights under the law and the Constitution, they could have jumped him, seized him, bound him, and delivered him to law enforcement, and brought charges against him, at any time, years ago, and it would be completely legal.

It could still be done today.

Unfortunately, the government and the law enforcement "authorities", in their zeal to create a passive and easily managed "spectator" populace, have for decades been "educating" the American public away from responsible action and towards passive acceptance of crime, so most people are not aware any more of the realities of their rights to make this kind of arrest.

But our government and police authorities have worked for decades to discourage the public from even considering such action.

We are all now taught to NOT take action, even when they see a crime occurring. We are told "It's not your problem. Report it to Law Enforcement. Let them take care of it."

We are taught to passively accept crime, instead of acting to deal with it, even when we ought to deal with it. Even when we see it
happening and it IS our problem.

Miscavige could have been put away years ago. It was our right as citizens to arrest him and curtail his activities. Now he's likely
spending much time in International waters, where it would be much more difficult to get at him.

But perhaps we could hire some of those nice folks from the "famous" Blackwater organization to nab him and make a citizen's arrest of him, when he eventually comes ashore? All we need is someone he assaulted, who is willing to testify against him....

Then we could walk in and free Heber and all the others at once.

Here are some links relating to "Citizen's Arrest":




# JOSEPH 2010-04-15 02:09
Thank you Mike for this information on Heber. I worked with him in 1993 at a book convention in Miami. We had a great time and at the end of that week we sat and "talked shop" for an hour. He wanted me to work with him. He needs to know there are people who care about him and would help him anytime he needs it.
# Anonymous 2010-04-15 02:10
Which opens up further possibilities for action.
The felonies are taking place on a private property guarded by armed security. Have you got a tank?
# Anonymous 2010-04-15 02:11
The last post is 10 days old.
What's happening in terms of protests, actions?
This could also be coordinated on a facebook group called "Where is Heber Jentzsch?"
Anyone welcome there, who wants to stand up against the Church of Scientology with his/her real name.
# Rex Davidson 2011-02-03 14:55
Are there any updates on what has become of Heber?
# Criminal attorney fan 2011-05-25 14:07
You can always tell those people that were fed what to say before a trial so that it came out a certain way. Don't they know it's obvious?...apparently not. This is why we need smart criminal attorneys to keep the perspective unbiased.

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