Home Whatever Happened to Guillaume Lesevre?
Whatever Happened to Guillaume Lesevre? PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Sunday, 28 August 2011 19:13

Not to be rhetorical, since most of know that Guillaume has long since been in the paws of David Miscavige, but in terms of; whatever happened to the man?

I worked with this man. I watched him build Europe from a broken continent back in the late 1970s, to a booming, truly booming, region. He made more new orgs than practically any other continent combined, and he put Scientology on the map at a whole new level.

He was strong leader, a decent guy, and he used the technology and administrative tools sensibly and without crushing people in the process of “doing it on policy.”

He was a great man. He was someone to be respected.

And yet, he has fallen, like a soldier, into the gulag of the Int base, but worse, he has become a puppet of a man who should hold no sway over other people, whatsoever – especially over Guillaume Lesevre.

Guillaume could run circles around David Miscavige, with his eyes closed and hands tied, because here is a guy who actually built up orgs, boomed a continent and really DID it. He didn’t prance on stage like a prize stallion. He didn’t boom and threaten people. He didn’t stat push endlessly for every cent from people. And he certainly didn’t corrupt Scientology.

Yet, here he is – a mere pawn in the David Miscavige game of “how many people can I put on my personal chess board and command and degrade?”

When I saw Guillaume speak on a news program this past year, in defense of David Miscavige, I saw a broken man. He was thin, gaunt, hollow-eyed, and the animation, the character that made him HIM, was submerged. He was in fear.

Fear of who? Some megalomaniac who thinks he can press his thumb down and command everyone below him? Some two-bit dictator who calls himself the Chairman of the Board of Scientology – a title he has never earned, and to the contrary, should be stripped of.

Guillaume is now a classic example of the Stockholm Syndrome. He’s been beaten up, abused, degraded, invalidated, and humiliated to the point where his only apparent defense is to suck up to the source of all of that, and pretend to be his ally.

If there was one person whom I have always believed could have run Scientology into the stars, and who had all the right elements; charisma, leadership, compassion, presence, intelligence, drive and some reckless “who gives a fuck,” it was Guillaume. That was the Guillaume I knew back in the late 70s and early 80s. Unfortunately, he no longer can step up to that plate, because even on the day that DM steps aside or runs away (either will happen), Guillaume has sold out to the devil himself. He has compromised his principles and could never be trusted to stay the ship on the right course.  I am sad to say that, as I had hoped that he and a few others would march into DM’s office one day and inform him that he was OUT. Believe it or not, they CAN do that. If he, Heber and Marc went into Hemet, hired an attorney, drafted the paper showing clearly the corporate and tax-mandate violations, and then went to the local cops and asked for an escort, they could march into the base, inform David Miscavige that he has violated the integrity of the Church of Scientology and its very mandates corporately and with the IRS, not to mention his own personal wealth which has slipped away in some remote bank accounts (you don’t think DM makes $44 every week like other Sea Org members, right?) and then demand that he steps aside. If they waved a legal document in his face, had an attorney there, and cops to prevent DM from ordering his goons up to the RTC building to physically stop them, well, the showdown would be messy – but it would work because David Miscavige cannot legally hold onto the Church. LRH set up the legal precursors to prevent that from happening. It just has to be shown how DM has manipulated the system to make it look like he owns Scientology and has unchallengeable control over it. It’s a ruse, and a good one because he’s got a lot of good people buying it. Alas, I am sad to say that Guillaume will probably never step up to the plate to do that, but I wish it were so, because if he had snapped out of the brainwashed condition he has slipped into, he had the credentials for the job.

Needless to say, we need someone else to step up to that plate. Like Gaddafi and every other dictator, DM will eventually find his place in this world. Not because I say so, but because history reminds us that people will eventually oust him, and he will be despised and forgotten about, except in the history books as a lesson to all of humanity.

Written by Outside the Box



+3 # Karen#1 2011-08-28 19:41
We are dealing with a new kind of monster.

The current Scientology Public with the head in the sand, jumping up to applause and give delirious standing ovations ~~ are simply unable to digest that the head of a "religion" can be so abusive, so sadistic.

Cognitive Dissonance "Religious Head" and "Monster" do not go together.

"Tell them I am equivalent to the Pope" DM tells Tommy Davis.
+4 # Dan Koon 2011-08-29 00:29
DM's pure, unadulterated brass would be something to behold if it were not so utterly destructive of people's lives and the potential of Scientology to help mankind. The list of people he has squashed is nearly endless and is proven out by the fact of how many people who got out from under his thumb are now flourishing and prospering. Can you imagine what Guillaume wold have done with all the talent at the Int Base? Scientology probably would be accepted in most parts of the world by now. Instead, look at the mess we have. European Scientologists who remember Guillaume and read your account should wake up and refuse to support DM for one second longer.
+2 # Michael Priv 2011-08-29 10:53
Excellent article, OOB! Guillaume left a great mark but he is dead now as a future leader. He was crashed, made to agree to abandon his children and his Scientology convictions and molded into some weird valance, which he'll have to run out in the future. If it took me three years out of the Church to de-PTS enough to see the truth, how long would it take Int execs who are still on the Base? The mild troubles I went through on the Base does not even begin to compare to the mauling they have been subjected to and actively perpetrating on others. Both Guillaume and Mark Yeger could theoretically take charge but practically I don't think they can. I hope they'd have a chance very soon to prove me wrong.
+2 # Centurion 2011-08-29 11:22
Excellent observations.

Guillaume and I used to correspond almost every month. He wrote to me out of the blue and asked how I was doing, and I wrote back. He cared.

One day, I was duped into s sea org recruitment gang bang reg cycle. They would not let me leave until I almost had to threaten the guy at the door to get out of the way. I was so shaken by this event that I wrote to Guillaume and asked why such an approach was being used. I told him I did not like the deception and tactics.

His character changed totally. He was not even going to listen to me. He told me the SO had a mission and it had to be accomplished nomatter what.

I was shocked, and I never wrote him again and he never wrote back. Now I know why. If he had offered to look into the matter, DM might have kicked him in the balls and smashed a chair over his head. It was clear from the letter that he was not able to conduct his post freely, but was forced to ignore outpoints in the letter and just glibly cheerlead for DM and his thugs.

I agree that if Guillaume could be salvaged he would make a formidable head of the Church.

Thank you again for this article.
+2 # Michael Hobson 2011-08-29 17:32
Quoting Centurion:

His character changed totally. He was not even going to listen to me. He told me the SO had a mission and it had to be accomplished no matter what.

The date of this email exchange please? it is very important to place this sort of report on the time track so that notes may be compared.

Michael A. Hobson
Independent Scientologist
+1 # Centurion 2011-08-30 09:34
Quoting Michael Hobson:

The date of this email exchange please? it is very important to place this sort of report on the time track so that notes may be compared.

Michael A. Hobson
Independent Scientologist

My best recollection would be about 1995-96. I wish I had kept the letters.
+2 # Les Warren 2011-08-29 20:25
I met Guillaume once when I was DCO ASHO Day. That was back in 84. He was very much in comm and seemed to have a sincere caring for our org and its future. My next comm cycle with him was in 2005 and he was a robotic jerk.

I couldn't believe I was talking to the same person. That comm cycle was part of my doubt formula when I determined that there were no more "thetans" in Int management.

Les Warren
+2 # mimsey borogrove 2011-08-29 21:47
I think the idea of someone waltzing in like that is a pipe dream. Moxon would never allow it, and don't think he wouldn't be there in a flash.

If that were so easy, why hasn't M&M or Arron or some of the others done it? You need janet Reno. She'd get the job done.
+2 # RJ 2011-08-29 22:11
Guillaume as ED Int could have comm eved Miscavige's sorry ass any time he wanted.

If you like at the Org board you'll see that "Dept 21" which he megalomanic Miscavige claims to be is actually *under* ED Int

The fact didn't is as far as I'm concerned an incredible failing on his part.

In the HCOPL "Conditions, How To Assign" Ron explains what happens when one fails to assign the correct condition to a junior.

Back in the Ol'days even the AG who many thought the "G" stood for "God" was still considered a junior under the Org's ED.

No Guillaume's biggest failing was he failed to apply policy and hold the form of the Org.

He doesn't need to do any legal gymnastics he just has to grab his hat and remove that little embarrassment that as far as I'm concerned people have been taking seriously for waaay toooo long.
+2 # Tara 2011-08-29 23:44
I didn't know GL except as some far off executive of my religion. I would have imagined he'd be a powerhouse to get that position.

I do know that people obviously can be so damned humiliated and degraded, over and over that they just totally become someone or something else and figure there's no way back. This is DM's MO. I liken it to pulling what the PC feels is just the most horrible and degrading overt ever ever. I've been on both sides of that chair with that gut wrenching feeling that there's no way in HELL it could be accepted - NONE.
The stories of degrading crap done to people - others to others, others to self, even self to self where GL is I'm sure have pushed him and the others so far down in the mud that they feel they can't ever come back up. It's sad really. Because we know they can rise again and we would accept them, no matter what they did.
+2 # mimsey borogrove 2011-08-30 07:50
If you want my vote, I'd get Debby Cook to run the joint - IF, and after what was done to her, and that is a big if, she would want to touch the post with a 10 foot pole.

A good question that I haven't the time to research is, can/do people suffering from Stockholm syndrome or abused spouse syndrome fully recover? If so, perhaps he could retake the reigns.

However sad it is that Guillaume has allowed himself to be worked over by DM, he, like the rest of us, did nothing to stop it when he had the chance. So he, like everyone else, is waiting for someone with the balls to boot DM out.

Lets hope that person isn't worse.

+3 # Barney Rubble 2011-08-30 20:18

FYI, Debbie Cook took a nice settlement from DM's legal people to shut up and go away- in other words she sold her soul to the devil=thus not a candidate to take over-not!
+3 # Barney Rubble 2011-08-30 20:23

Great article which brings up a lot of good points on GL.

Unfortunately, anyone still on the Int Base is so broken down, they will follow their dear leader to the end. Those who had any self-determinism have left, those who are still there have made the decision to stay and serve dear leader.

SAdly it is what it is.
+1 # mary 2011-08-30 08:16
Great article. Yes, those around DM are cowed and ill. Perhaps they are holding on hoping one day things will change, that they need to be there to hold the fort down
+3 # poet13c 2011-08-31 18:13
Yes, that's right, Mary,
"...behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding."
True for GL and the church.
Another of DM's suppressive tricks is the misapplication of ethics tech, driving in the anchor points of otherwise decent thetans who are willing to accept responsibility. But as Ron points out, O/W tech is only a limited theory, there is more to life than Grade III Release.
GL can be salvaged, but I fear that DM will prefer to wait.
+1 # poet13c 2011-09-01 02:03
Oops, that should read, Grade II Release, sorry.
+2 # haldey 2011-09-03 05:27
Quoting mary:
Great article. Yes, those around DM are cowed and ill. Perhaps they are holding on hoping one day things will change, that they need to be there to hold the fort down

Very intresting comment I thoight personally Guillaume was a worthy leader in Europeas proven by results
Would love to find a way to get him out
+1 # Watchful Navigator 2011-08-30 20:31
I don't know what to make of the prospects for his salvage, but I wanted to point out that the guy started to make me sick with his "Tone 40" videos to staff punctuated all over the place with "You WILL...(do this, do that)" - always yet another DM cross-order, like forcing staff to go off-hat and become reges.

Authoritarian. Made a mockery of "Tone 40 guiding to a higher survival objective." Counter-intention expected and anticipated. But now that I have the bigger picture, it had David MisSavage's trademark suppression all over it.

Now I wish I had met or known the man when he still had ARC. Because he became something described by a word I don't want to put here. His performance defending DM on TV was highly unflattering.

I am sure he could do a good job running Scientology after fully destimulating from DM's abuse. It is guys like him that got a lot of the good things going that once did.
+1 # Watchful Navigator 2011-09-15 10:55
Well, it took me awhile, but now I know what was behind that sinking feeling about the idea of re-instating this guy in Scientology leadership in any capacity. I just remembered that Guillaume LeSevre put his pen to the infamous "no kids" policy and in doing so, sold his soul to the devil. Given the trememndous quantity of abortions committed and families torn apart, there is no place for a man like that over our group - even having done such an act under great pressure - who would compromise his integrity so. He has truly betrayed our trust and he knows that LRH and Mary Sue would never have condoned it.
+3 # scholar 2011-08-31 00:08
I had the same experience writing to him in 1998 after an extortion cycle that included threat of battery. He always wrote back before and cared but I never heard back after that one. I was very surprised and bewildered by that. I never wrote again.
+1 # Paolo 2011-08-31 10:03
Guillame Lesevre was already a robot allowing Dm to bypass the hell out of him back in 1987.

He was a camufolaged hole throughout his tenure of the ed int post. Too bad he didn't grab power.

# haldey 2011-09-03 05:25
I would be happy to here from the writer Outside the Box I can and witnessed this about Guillame I personally know him and have a good understanding what he did in europe He was my boss.
Please contact me at
+1 # katrin 2011-09-09 04:54
Great article! I knew Guillaume as well during the late 70s and early 80s. But I know him as beeing quite stat pushy. He has this special look due to the different colours of his eyes, like a Husky. He was a dynamic person and he showed integrety all the time. This is what he has lost. He lost his integrity. What is Vanella up to?
+1 # hannah 2011-10-11 12:32
Where is Vanella Lesevre?
+3 # Lucy James 2011-10-19 09:54
So well communicated. I use to see Guillaume each year St Hill when he would come over for the annual IAS event. As each year went by he looked more gaunt and more beaten down. This story is sad but true.
+8 # Chiara 2011-10-30 13:24
I'm Chiara, Guillaume's daughter..My father is a good man, but he will never see the truth
+1 # Denis Seignez 2012-01-16 08:02
Hi Chiara , you don't know me but i would like to know what happened to your mother Vanella . I was working under your father's leadership in Copenhagen Denmark .

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