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Friday, 19 March 2010 02:17
I was around LRH at the time he spoke of  the ability to think longer range than the immediate Thursday 2pm stats. He found that management was not thinking in terms of futures relative to the heavy push for immediate stats.

He then wrote "Stat Push" PL see below. He tried to see if some auditing  processes would work on key execs.  The processes were

What are you absolutely certain will occur in the next.......   ? (3 mins)  (5 mins)  (1 hour)  (1 year) and so on.

Run repetitively to a major EP.

They are in Creation of Human Ability. This was supposed to rehabilitate  the ability of someone to think longer range. Some Execs were CSed by LRH and has these commands run on them.   LRH did not comment on the results.

(There was a famous Boston Mission ~~ the "Postulate check Mission" with David Light.
Huge enforced regging on "postulate checks".  It crashed the Boston and  New England  areas for the next 2 decades.

Alex Sibersky did  a similar number on the UK  "The Battle of Britain".  It blew off huge amounts of good hats, old timers and left the continent in a wreck that could not recover.)

LRH felt that a savage demand for PT stats was harmful. 20 September 1976 PL, Org Series 35 and Exec Series 17 is called THE STAT PUSH. Quote from this P/L:

"An order, a telex, a yell to the effect "GET THE STATS UP' is so much wasted time. Further, such an order or telex or yell has a very deteriorating effect. .......

There are some specialized actions in stat pushing. Chief amongst them is the "GI push". The usual indicator of this is "the neglect or abandonment of staff or caring about staff."

The current savage and constant regging and milking the same cows dry is hated by most Scientologists.  The never ending demand for money for the Basics, for Ideal Orgs, for Super Power Building, for the Library Scam,  for these newly invented  Statuses which appear no where in Policy is a this week grab the $$$ and run, not caring of the consequences of a thoroughly ARC broken and disaffected field such actions create.

And it rolls back to DM.

I state this because we see in David Miscavige actions that ONLY give him personal and immediate gratification. He has the satisfaction of being top dog for punching an SO member that will not hit back.

He has the immediate gratification and sense of superiority when he can scream and abuse and SO members that  cower and shiver and shake in response. He can order instant break up of marriages, he can send someone to the RPF for years and he can spit one someone and use explicit language and make the staff shrivel and introvert.  Again this is momentary satisfaction for DM.

Is he thinking in futures ?  Is he thinking of the consequences of brutality and sadism ?  Is he thinking actions like this will be kept secret and contained with the booming Internet  and speed of digital communication ?

DM cannot  think in FUTURES.

The Google newsgroup Alt.religion.Scientology has been around for at least 15  years or more.  Miscavige absolutely knew about it, and knew that sooner or later what went on at INT BASE would be broadcast  for the world to hear about.  Sure enough, heavy misconduct at INT BASE got posted furiously at Operation Clambake and got cross posted to Alt.religion.Scientology

Yet, DM, even with the exposure  ordered INT Execs to the SP hall  LONG after the INTERNET was burgeoning. The madness and insanity of group confessions with violence is as squirrel as it gets.   This was DM's creation and the Internet broadcasts it. He played his sick "INT Base Musical Chairs" even when DM  knew  the fact that his dirty little secrets are not compartmentalized within the INT BASE.  There is no such thing as every abused SO member remaining muzzled and gagged for the rest of their lives.  TRUTH will out.

Another Example of DM atrocity would be the cruelty inflicted on Rick Cruzen.  Rick was the main recording guy and recording engineer for the Golden Era Musicians as well as other Audio division functions at Gold.  Long Term Gold SO member. Excerpted from a write up by Little Bear Victor:

"Rick is one of the nicest people you would care to meet and one of the most talented staff members that DM drags around in mud all day long. While he has been the head of probably half of the divisions of Gold (due to constant transfers), the best music mixer they've ever had and just plain intelligent and caring individual, he gets the most degrading treatment by the ''boss.''

“I have to tell you an unfortunate detail about the last I know of Rick. Last I saw him before he ended up in the SP Room, he was carrying around shackles wherever he went -- I don't mean figuratively, but literally -- DM had ordered him to wear them and DM (or one of his personal staff) had the keys so they could shackle him up to a table leg or chair back or wherever they deemed suitable, so as to make sure he and everyone around him were constantly reminded of just what a "criminal" he was!" -- Posted by Little Bear Victor.

Here we have a Leader of a Church putting on  slave shackles literally to an SO member who is incarcerated at INT Base with no way of escape or ability to fight back.

How does DM stand to benefit out of abject cruelty?  It is short range sense of power and immediate gratification.  DM cannot think in futures, especially long range futures and the consequences of his illegal acts.

Punching a guy like Jeff Hawkins gave Miscavige a sense of power.  Did DM ever think long range?  Did he think of the consequences of assault and battery?  Did he ever think Counterfeit Dreams would ever be written? Did he ever envision that his sadistic conduct when broadcast would give the Church a terrible image?

No, he has abhorrent leadership qualities.  Sadism and Brutality.  But no concept of FUTURES or CONSEQUENCES as to how he was effecting the good repute of the Church.

The PR of the Church is the worst its ever been.  It will take decades to repair.  There is no end in sight  as to  how bad it can get. If DM truly loved and appreciated LRH and the tech, he would not be creating the backlash of horrendous PR  the Church is now enduring.

Written by Karen de la Carriere/Jentzsch (posts as "Karen#1" and formerly posted as "War and Peace")
Anyone who wants to contact me privately can do so at:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Home page: Karendelac.com


# RJ 2010-03-19 04:13
Good article W&P.

Yes Miscavige being an A-1 criminal doesn't think of consequences. Ron also discusses this in an HCOB by the same name but I think there is another factor and that is that David Miscavige is intentionally wrecking the subject and good name of Scientology by his actions which could be the reason he why he doesn't care if his overt acts are reported or not.

In fact by example he is showing the world how "dangerous" the subject is.

In other words the guy is the poster child for Scientology's enemies.
# War and Peace 2010-03-20 00:50
Thank you RJ.
It is the law enforcement term called

It is a 3d concept of putting others in Danger. The general definition of
“Reckless” conduct is conduct that exhibits a culpable disregard of foreseeable consequences to others from the act or omission involved.

I see utter disregard of future consequences by DM's present time actions.
# Paolo 2010-03-19 05:44
War and Peace, thanks.

This is one of the best article I have read on the subject of authoritarism in the Church of Scientology.

A great analysis.

# War and Peace 2010-03-20 01:10

Sue Wilhere INT BASE captive tells St. Petersberg Times
"David Miscavige IS Scientology."

The threesome doing INT BASE damage control Hanusilli, Marion Meisler/Dendui and Mike Sutter prattle the same slogan ~~

"David Miscavige IS Scientology".

David Miscavige is at the HELM
At the Helm of Scientology's Explosive Growth says the fluff and froth of Freedom Mag.

DM is straight out of Hollywood Casting. You can't make this stuff up....
# Boyd H 2010-03-19 08:25
Sounds like he wants to be caved in as soon as possible.
# Thought provoking 2010-03-20 08:49
Good to see you writing!

I think RJ has made a good point about DM's behavior. His is a long pattern of abuse, not a foolish solution to a problem like postulate checks. DM is thinking in futures, very calculatedly.

As a staff member and former public I would never have supported this type of leadership had I known it was occuring. More people need to look.

The tech is wonderful but one person gaining freedom while another is enslaved is simply unacceptable.
# Thought provoking 2010-03-20 09:13
W and P,

You got me going now. It is hardest when someone you know gets caught up in the traps, then the rage kicks in.

Sadly, I knew the sweetest girl (literally) who became a friend of Heber's at a young age. She was the brightest most enthusiastic Scientologist I'd seen in a child. She joined the SO at a very young age (parents, both staff and heavily connected to the church organizations outside of the SO).

When I first heard of Heber being in the hole, I thought of her and knew that she would be crushed. About two months later, I heard that she was out and learned about her tragic story.

She was working in HCO and was slated for GOLD but along the way ran into her own counterfeit dreams. Though she never worked directly with DM she worked on his pet money making projects. She received abuse that is not uncommon in these threads and more...think young female. Even when she tried to get out telling her family her horror stories, her parents were so blinded by management that they sent her back into the SO never even considering that their daughter might be telling the truth. The next time she left the SO, she didn't go to them. They are still estranged as far as I know. Her experience was so horrible that she no longer has any desire to be a Scientologist.

Good people systematically being erased is what the future holds for those who believe the lies that DM tells.
# War and Peace 2010-03-22 00:05
Thought Provoking

Another Heartbreaking story. Even worse when Parents send her back to the SO she is escaping from. One day I hope she posts and tells her story for all to read. Even your synopsis is quite a read.

Heber was roughed up badly in the SP Hall according to an earlier post of Marty on his Blog.

COB took out anyone who was popular, who others looked up to, who threatened his total 100% dominance...witness what he did to former CO FSO Debbie Cook.
# Another Surfer 2010-03-22 09:41
I sometimes wonder if DM secretly thrills to the fact that his actions are being reported to the general public.

The legend of his bullying and sociopathic behavior might work to keep people who are IN cowed in terror; perhaps he is so self-aggrandized that he thinks these stories prove he is a force to be reckoned with to those on the outside.

These stories are so emotionally wrenching. My heart goes out to all who started with the best of intentions, with such hope and energy, and then suffered so much.
# Thoughtful 2010-03-22 09:58
You can also see this in the way Tommy Davis smiles smugly to himself. For example on the recent ABC News "Four Corners" broadcast from Australia, Tommy was asked if he put private investigators onto the media he stammered and said he wouldn't know anything about that. But actually he was smiling smugly all the while, and overdoing it. I think he wanted everyone to know that yes, he has that "power"... demonstrating your point that the DM culture is so inverted (which is the right word)... so inverted, they think "that's giving it to them!" every time they do something senseless, brutal or cruel. While the rest of the world is horrified, their reality is so unreal they think they are setting a good example. They think they're eventually going to bring the world "up" to their reality level. Yet the world actually is so much higher, the average individual needs a telescope to see down that far.

Another example was with DM's interview on Nightline years ago. He bragged and said he won a Grammy. Actually, the Grammy went to the interviewer, and DM was widely regarded as a freak for the way he acted.

LRH said that out ethics people don't perceive the real world. They perceive a delusional world, which they themselves create around them.

You hit the nail right on the head.
# War and Peace 2010-03-24 03:32
Another Surfer ~~

Well said. These are emotionally wrenching reports because, mostly in loyalty to LRH, the SO members will stick it out and suffer and endure it.
# Sinar 2010-03-22 17:26

Great article and very spot on. One of the Super Power rundowns has to deal with predicting the future as well.

Very obvious that DM has not had it. He seems to be more careful now though, hiding behind seemingly impenetrable walls, sheets during idle org openings, security cordons at events, as extensive damage control actions.
# War and Peace 2010-03-24 03:40

You absolutely nailed the Tommy Davis performance. A recently departed SO member made this VIDEO

It captures in images your comments about Tommy Davis above.
Someone Emailed me the link and said that the video was made by someone previously in Cine in Gold ! Yikes !
# War and Peace 2010-03-24 04:01
Good post. I always read yours on Marty's Blog as well.
Be well dear Sinar
War and Peace
# Planetary Clearing 2010-03-28 13:35
Who is War and Peace? A person? I don't know - can someone help me out here please? I like the story but how do I know it is true?
# War and Peace 2010-03-30 18:33
Planetary Clearing

Do you understand Internet slang ?

# Misha 2010-03-28 13:36
Just want to throw it out there: could it be that he is a PTS to somebody higher up? Being that crazy and obvious is more of a PTS trait. Is he connected to the government, IRS, any deals he made to put him in a PTS situation? Does anybody know?
+1 # War and Peace 2010-03-30 18:31

There is such a thing as a Tyrant, An Abuser, A Dictator, A Sadist, A Bully, An SP.

This type of identity does not have to be connected to anyone to have such traits. DM does not have PTS traits, he has SP traits loud and clear, a self-evident truth as described by the many who have experienced him.
# Guest 2010-05-01 10:10
When I was on the Int RPF in the late 1990s, Rick came out to join us.

Rick composes a huge number of the themes for decades, in the movies, for some of the Ron's Journals.

I loved one particular theme from one of the early Ron's Journals, and one morning when us RPFers were cleaning up in our dorms, I whistled the tune/theme, intentionally, to see if Rick remembered it.

He did. He lit up for a moment, me whistling his tune creation.

I loved that little melody, I whistle it even today at times.

Rick Cruzen, if you ever see this someday, THANKYOU Rick for your music work.

LRH said that a tune will reverberate down the years, and it is true.

Melodies DO stick in my mind.

Rick is so far from a criminal and SP, he's such a mellow guy, he's unfortunately the perfect punching bag for a DM type bully.

No body can stop a person's artistic creations from having an emotional impact.

Thanks again Rick.

Thanks for this story and thanks Steve Hall for allowing this dialogue.

Chuck Beatty

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