Home Trey Lotz, Class VIII, OT VIII
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Wednesday, 06 January 2010 04:09

Declaration of Independence

Photo of Trey Lotz, Class VIII, OT VIIIIt all came to a head in the Comm Ev. 

The first thing I found out was how wrong I’ve been all along.  I found out that you can only do one 10 Aug on a pc.  I found out that you have to be a Data Series Evaluator to do a Trouble Area Questionnaire on a pc.  Or so I was informed. Who knew? 

I did defend myself.  I told them about my track in Scientology.  I had majored in Philosophy and Religion in college, and had a particular interest in Eastern Religions and psychic research.  When a friend of mine told me about Scientology, I bought all the basic books and read them cover to cover one week in late 1968.

I was so impressed.  Here was not only a philosophy that was impressive in its own right, but there was also a therapy derived from it that was brilliant.  I got my Grades, did my Academy levels, volunteer audited in Hawaii, moved to LA, did the BC, volunteer audited at the AO and then started field auditing in 1970. By 1971 I was a Class VIII.

I did two internships on the Apollo in ’75 under LRH, and another one at Flag in ’81.  In the meantime, I was racking up 1000-1400 hours in the chair year after year.  I audited Solo NOTs to EP and completed OT 8 in 1988. There were also trips to Nigeria, India and China where I helped start Dianetics groups.

In 2003 I finally bit the Golden Age of Tech bullet and went on course full time and finished my program. Meantime, I kept racking up 1000-1400 hours a year in the chair.  Any time IHELP kept comparative stats on field auditors, I was always in the top three in total production, and I was #1 in many categories every year.  The only times that IHELP Int ever kept worldwide stats, I was #1 in tithes both times.  By the time of my Comm Ev, I had logged over 36,000 hours in the chair, I had over 110 people that had either gone Clear on my lines, or who had gone onto their OT levels from my practice.  I gave them the names of 283 people I had recovered to the orgs.  I submitted a large stack of success stories and commendations.

I told them all of this in my Comm Ev.

They responded loudly and in unison:  


Four months later, one Saturday night, I was auditing when there was a loud knock on the front door.  I then heard people walking around in my living room.  I finished auditing the pc and went to see what was going on.  What was going on was that I got my burn notice.  They then proceeded to take all my certs off the wall and haul them away.  Then they rounded up all the folders I had around the house and carted them off too.  All they left were blank spots on the wall and paperclips on the floor where my auditing practice used to be. 

Well it was traumatic, no doubt, but the one thing I didn’t expect was the sense of freedom and relief that I felt to be no longer under the thumb of the Church. Over the next six months, I talked to many people and read a lot of people’s stories in order to sort things out.  I took a good look at the top of my own admin scale, recognized my true importances and loyalties, and realized that I just needed to get back on purpose and do what I’ve always done, audit.

I heard about Pierre Ethier, a Class XII in the Freezone, and arranged to get some auditing from him.  He delivered L11 to me, and that really handled any charge that had gotten stirred up by the cycle. He also generously offered to train me on how to audit the Ls.  I then got my L12 and L10 from him as well as the Ls training.  I also learned how to audit NOTs and Super Power!

I quickly got as busy as I’d ever been.  I’ve never looked back. Since then I’ve delivered over 1000 hours of auditing, including hundreds of hours of Ls auditing. My purpose is to give the opportunity, to those that want it, to finish what they started in Scientology.  Several of my pcs were pleasantly surprised to discover that there were no IAS reges on my couch waiting for them after session. As one of them told me, “What a difference being audited in a non-oppressive environment!”

Here is how I think about what happened:  It is kind of like if you were Russian and you grew up in that system. Let’s say you were fairly successful, and you more or less toed the line and got along. You applauded the Potemkin Villages like everyone else.  But at some point you got on the bad side of one of the Commissars and so you got exiled to Tahiti.  You might have some hurt feelings at first. After all, it is not that pleasant to get booted out from someplace. But then you look around and think, “Well that wasn’t a very sociable thing to do. But hey, after all, this is TAHITI!”

I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life.

Trey Lotz
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+1 # Mary Jo 2010-01-06 00:03
WELCOME! Another power tech terminal joins the ranks! It is a treat to know you and an honor to have your valuable knowledge and incredible expertise available to us. What is also so amazing about you is the quality of your care and love. Thank you Trey.
+2 # Old Auditor 2010-01-06 01:20
I knew how well you serviced your PCs and I resolved to become a field auditor after I completed my training and carry on the grand tradition.

Somehow, I got sidetracked and became a mission holder for many years, but managed to keep auditing and producing winning PCs while the rot set in in the management levels above me.

I am amazed that you held out as long as you did. You are doing scientologists a big favor by telling your story.

You are an extremely valuable resource to the Independent Scientology community. Keep up the great work!

Old Auditor
# Guest 2010-01-06 03:38
HI. I have certainty Davy will be out and ALL ethics actions that have happened under him will be canceled.
The COS today give out SP declares like that are giving out candy. This gratuitous misuse of declaring someone totally removes the correct impact Ron intended by doing such. It make an SP declare a laughing stock.
It is just another example of misapplication/alteration of correct technology that is so rampant in the COS today.
# RJ 2010-01-06 04:39
Trey, its so good to see you flourishing and prospering after all that suppression from the Cult of Miscavige.

I heard about your story on the grape vine and I was appalled! It was like something straight out of Kafka!

Wow I didn't know you could only do one 10 Aug or you had to be a Data Series Evaluator to 7 Apr or 3 May!

Yeah right!

Whaaat eveeer!

Yet of course you can have no valid certs whatsoever call yourself COB and redefine what a Floating Needle is and package a bunch of squirrely drills and force actual auditors to do them.

Sure that's okay.

If there's anyone who deserves a burn notice it's Miscavige.

Anyway, welcome to Tahiti Trey :-)
# Dexter Gelfand 2010-01-06 05:23
Trey, your actions, viewpoint and disseminations are all exemplary of an actual Scientologist and a great being. It is a pleasure to know and associate with you, and to know you are there. The Church's loss is the world's gain.

By all means, simply continue- as you always have, and you always will.

Best, Dex
# Anita Warren 2010-01-06 08:50
Thank you, Trey. You have made the world of Independent Scientologists a much better place. Your presence is felt, enjoyed, and appreciated. You are an inspiration and an OL.

# thought provoking 2010-01-06 09:25
Thank you for posting your "horrific" story. Scientologists need to know the truth as unbelievable as it may seem.

It's time they all WOKE UP.

You are an amazing auditor and I am glad you refused to give up your hat!
# Ignazio 2010-01-06 09:27
Well done Tray. I'm sure DM is planning how to call the next IAS status to extort more money. I thought to suggest one to him for that purpose. The super Dupe Meritorius Platinum Moronic Excalibrated.
# Roger Boswarva 2010-01-06 09:27

I saw your presentation at the FZ Convention in Pasadena. I was impressed by it and by you . . . now I know hat was behind the powerful presence you presented.

Well done on coming to know what the true deal is . . . as I said in one of my pieces on ESMB "this is the way they (the COS) treat their friends and best people!"

You've shown yourself to be a true star!

Well done.

+1 # Sharon 2010-01-06 10:40
Congratulations Trey!
I hope you are aware that the email provider you are using, @relaypoint.net is run by the church members. Your emails could be relayed to the CoS.
# Kathy Braceland 2010-01-06 11:12
Nice Trey,

I've known about your impressive track record. I'm glad you're still auditing.

I have 2 people emailing me about wanting auditing...how's your schedule? Can I give them your email address?

# Chris Black 2010-01-07 05:37
Hey Kathy,

It's Chris Black from Edmonton Org. How are you doing? Glad to see you around. If you get this and have a chance, email me. I've attached my email address, but if it doesn't show up, Trey's got it. Man, long time!

Hope to talk soon,
+1 # Boyd H 2010-01-06 11:31
Wow, you've made more Clears than lots of orgs EVER have, probably more WDAH too. The force used to shut you down was proportional to how much you helped so you got it KGB break-in style. You're lucky they didn't bring chain saws. Thanks for helping us out Trey, it's an honor having you here. Your input on F/N's or whatever sweeping out-tech is going on would be much appreciated.
# G. Schutte 2010-01-06 11:33
You thought you were going to hell and you ended up in Tahiti - Damn! Not a bad deal!
# Terril Park 2010-01-06 11:33
Welcome to Tahiti Trey, and don't forget the sun tan lotion. :-)

In retrospect it seems the reason you were gotten rid of is that you were just too tough
as competition.

Glad to see you're even tougher competition now. :-)
# Louise Williams 2010-01-06 14:03
It is obvious that whoever has been running the "Church" since at least 1982 when the Mission Holders were all basically kicked out, does not want the good productive people to stay. I am so glad you are in the Freezone now, and so much appreciate the superb auditing I am getting from you. Yea!
# RJ 2010-01-07 05:52
You put your finger on it Terril.

I noticed an interesting phenomenon after the Orgs instituted Gawd Awful Tech or GAT internally and that PCs began shifting from the Org to the Field to get auditing, because the "auditing" (if you could call it that) at the Orgs sucked.

Of course this lasted till around 2003 when Clown On Board realized he screwed up (what with many Field Auditors like Trey for example doing more auditing than most HGCs did by himself) so he decided to make all Field Auditors suffer along with the staff and they were all forced to do GACK..er I mean GAT as well.

Now if Davey was somewhat sane instead of a psychotic SP. He would have realized this sudden surge of auditing stats in the Field was due to the big fat ostrich egg he laid with GAT.

Well the results are sort of what you'd expect from a megalomanic narcissist.
# Sherry Katz 2010-01-06 12:57
Hi there Trey! My god..I've known you like forever..and of course, your reputation as a major "force in the field"(bit of double innuendo here!). I am glad you have posted your story here and that you're doing so well doing what you love to do. When I saw your declare at Pasa Org in, I think, 2007 when I was the Tech Sec it seemed such an unreality. Little did I know at that time just how much of an unreality it was! The best to you in the New Year and always. Sherry Many-Katz
# Tom 2010-01-06 14:27
I am so happy you found the way to happiness. Now double those hours! ;-)
# Chuck Beatty 2010-01-06 14:44
Good for you Trey! I well remember in the 80s or 90s, you were several times Field Auditor of the year internationally. While I'm no longer a Scientologist (I returned to atheism and materialism philosophically), I'm glad you are doing your thing. You're a natural therapist type of person. I believe auditing is simply therapy. I remember you finishing up your internship(s) in 75-76 at the FLB, and also later in 81. I think the critical ethics dictum Scientology failed to apply on so many they have incorrectly declared SP is page 381 of the 2007 edition of the Ethics Book, where they fail to "...weigh the value of a person in general against the alleged crime even when proven." Your years of successful therapy delivered IS something. Likely a good number of your happy customers will follow you out.
# Joanna 2010-01-06 15:49
Thank you so very much for coming out and sharing this story. Wow!! It is totally astounding the exceptional people that have been attacked by the Church, and yours just blew me away. Well, you know how it goes, Suppressives get rid of the best staff members... :-)

Big hug, and welcome!
# Michael 2010-01-06 16:12
"We don't care." That says it all.

Well in the real world we DO care and, as Dex said, the church's loss is our gain.

It is a privilege to have you in the freezone and the success stories from your pcs I see are a testament to your adherence to the priceless technology we have.

Great to have you there Trey!
# Roberto Sánchez Núñez 2010-01-06 18:45
Thanks for sharing all this with us Mr. Lotz.

You are bringing "lots" of wellbeing to many people.

Is an inspiration and a source of power to see such ethics presence.
I bet some folks would love to see some of us "vanished".

I see we are forming a very theta group. A simple one. No additives, no complications and no arbitraries. Freedom to help.

Thanks again.
# veritas 2010-01-06 21:19

Ironically, it was precisely the fantastic stats that would/should give ethics protection in a theta environ that unleash the Wrath of Con in an organization with opposite agendas.

Yikes, what a scene and what an invasion and violation. Fortunately your auditing skills weren't in the paper & gold seal certificates ...and no one can take that away from you, or the world. THANK YOU for persisting and getting through that horrendous travesty and trauma!

Thanks also for sharing your travels, stats and experience, some of which I wasn't aware! Very cool!!
# Kate 2010-01-07 05:39
You are absolutely the BEST auditor I've ever had. After 32 yrs in the church, you are better than any Class 9. Certs be dammed. You have the skill, dedication and true purpose and I'll support you in any manner I can. Very well done for picking up the pieces and launching your practice in a new unit of time. We are extremely lucky and blessed to have you on board.
# Lise 2010-01-07 05:51
It never ceases to amaze me on just how many injustice cycles have been done on people especially the upstats. I just can't think with it.

I had a Comm Ev from hell in 2005 and I was seriously under the illusion that mine was unique and usually they went very well. Mine just happened to be the bad one.

I'm wondering is there ANYONE out there that has ever had a decent Comm Ev?
# Guest 2010-01-07 05:51
Quoting Sharon:
Congratulations Trey!
I hope you are aware that the email provider you are using, relaypoint.net is run by the church members. Your emails could be relayed to the CoS.

Thanks Sharon.

Relaypoint was a company started by Scientologists in the late 90s, but they went bankrupt in 2001. The accounts were taken over by a non-Scientology company who has administered the accounts since then.

# Bruce 2010-01-08 02:26
It is really wonderful you are there. And auditing standardly, LRH's Tech.
Your command of the Tech is very impressive. And your delivery of it gives one the feeling that "anything" can really be handled.
Thanks for disconnecting from the SPs and continuing to audit.
My wife and I wish you well on the rest of your journey.
"Constant alertness and willing to fight back".
I bet the Freedom feels great.
Enjoy it.
# Eldon Braun 2010-01-08 05:03
Trey, someone mentioned that your affiliation with that black PR site was announced in 2007 by the stooge webmaster, Joel Phillips. Was that false? If so, did you at least demand a retraction.
# Guest 2010-01-08 14:39
Quoting Eldon Braun:
Trey, someone mentioned that your affiliation with that black PR site was announced in 2007 by the stooge webmaster, Joel Phillips. Was that false? If so, did you at least demand a retraction.

Dear Eldon,

I appreciate the opportunity to clear that up.

I don't know anything about the RFW. After I left in 2007, somebody
fabricated that statement saying I was now the head of RFW and they used an old photo from the Scn website.

I'd never heard of RFW or Joel Phillips before that time, and when I checked the website out, I was disgusted by it. I never had anything to do with West Coast TItle, and I have never run a nutrition business either. The whole thing was really somebody's idea of a joke, a complete fabrication. Considering some of the things that it says in there, like the reference to 'LSD paint balls,' it's hard to imagine that anyone would take it seriously.

I didn't demand a retraction because, although it was about the RFW, it didn't come from there. It was some 3rd party hacker that did it.
And also, as I say, I didn't think anyone would really think it was real. Since I was already out, the RFW would never say that I was now running it. That post actually ridicules RFW more than anything else.I have no idea where it really came from.

RFW is an OSA operation, and they will post any entheta they can get their hands on in order to black PR critics. It's a hate site at the level of sophistication of the kind of Junior High School graffiti that you would find on a bathroom wall.

# Ann Howe 2010-01-08 20:25
Thanks for sending me this. Your ordeal may have been traumatic but the cyst was successfully removed and we are all the better and luckier for it. I have know the church was off its rocker for some time (20 yrs) but was unwilling to approach the alternatives. When you recovered, I was very pleased to find out about it. I have known you for almost 25 years and am certain of your standards and loyalties. Your new found freedom has rekindled my purpose. I was quite surprised at the change in my attitudes concerning the bridge. For the first time in decades, my dreams of bridge progress are renewed. I am revitalized and I haven't even picked up the cans again- yet.

Thanks Trey,

Ann Howe OT 4
# Nicki 2010-01-09 09:14
Thank you for posting this message, Trey, and for continuing to produce as you have over these many years...You are truly an example of a Scientologist!
# Bruno 2010-01-09 10:16
By the end of 2001 I joined The SO on my own.I've been rapidly drafted to the Super Power line-up. What I discovered there cannot be easily described. During the basic courses of my TIP (Pro Trs and metering courses)I've been put in front of a bunch of incredible out-tech. As I refused to accept it I've been led to leave in June 2003 after a very heavy justice cycle.
I met there the worst SPs I've ever seen in my entire life (I'm 60): COB and the CO NWC.
As I feel a little isolated in France, I would appreciate to get in touch with whoever can help me start in France a "de-miscavization" campain
Thanks in advance from an orthodox scientologist.
# The Oracle 2010-01-11 13:32
There are times we become so immersed with what we do not know, that we forget the things we do know. There is much we all knew, before we became curious and interested with what Hubbard knew.
One of those things we all were taught, is that you cannot keep a good man down. And here you see Trey as evidence!
# Joseph 2010-01-12 15:06
It is a great thing you have done. When I audit my pcs, I take precautions to protect their safety. LRH said we have to have a balance of FORCE and reason. Back in 2000 I-Help TRIED TO CANCEL MY CERTS AS WELL. I sent them a copy of "THE RIGHTS OF THE FIELD AUDITOR" and told them to stick it up their candy asses, fact. Remember LRH said in KSW "The finest organizations in history have been tough. dedicated organizations. Not one namby-pamby bunch of pantie-waist dilettantes have ever made anything. It's a tough universe. The social veneer makes it seem mild. But only the tigers survive-and even they have a hard time. We'll survive because we are tough and dedicated." LRH So, realize this that a madman in their last dying days will become desperate and even more destructive and when they blow they do it as destructively as possible Ref C/S Series 22 Psychosis. So as you apply the Tech in the field let the enemy know that you have the right to protect yourself, your property and your pcs. Remember to use the laws of the land as well on these psychos. My practice is in Flordia and we have laws for trespassers called "STAND YOUR GROUND". If these punks for micabbage-head knew that, those cowards would not even think twice about doing what they did to Trey. Joseph
# Thoughtful 2010-01-12 22:05
This website advocates ONLY non-violence, following the wisdom of Martin Luther King.
# Clare Rubel 2010-01-20 05:13
Dear Trey,
No greater misjustice has ever been done. Thanks for doing the right thing.
# Rebecca Jessup 2010-01-24 17:08
Trey -- Don't know if you remember me, I've been out for decades now -- but I was glad to see your name among the liberated. Welcome & congratulations.

Rebecca Jessup
# Tara 2010-04-12 12:44
Thanks for speaking up and out! :-)
# Wendy Smith 2012-04-26 00:15
Trey, I see you still up there, still making it. At least you had an official Comm Ev. Mine was just an "Investigation." I am so glad to know that there is still an LRH Auditor out there, and LRH auditing and training. I am sick and tired of others, doing something else. I wouldn't mind at all hearing from you, you might find it of considerable interest, too.
# Trey Lotz 2012-06-02 23:38
Hi Wendy,

I would love to get in comm. Please email me at .
# Guest 2013-03-09 19:27
hi Trey,
We were around asho in the mid/late 70ies and remember your name from then or maybe ao later. good to see you came out stronger. Mission holders conference is what blew my wife and I offlines. still have the tech but not the church.
keep up the good work.

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