Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 2 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 13 September 2013 16:15 |
How very embarrassing for the head of a "religion" to be served with a restraining order.
A temporary restraining order has been served on David Miscavige for his dirty deeds and fair game on Mosey Rathbun for being the wife of his target Marty Rathbun.
Completely out of control and with no checks and balances, Miscavige dramatizes THELEMA of Alistair Crowley. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." Miscavige orders his henchmen to do what he wants.
2013...not the year of the dragon, or the year of the rat, the YEAR of Scientology lawsuits. Time to show this Frankenstein "Church" that they are *NOT* above the law. How "ecclesiastical" is a dildo ? A rubber penis was sent to Mosey from office of Special Affairs Dirty tricks via an *anonymous* Private investigator. Ecclesiastical indeed ! Part 2 of 6 videos of court proceedings on 12 September 2013
Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 1 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 13 September 2013 02:20 |
Video #1 of 6 videos.
Dramatic video footage from Texas Courtroom at today's showdown.
Nothing like seeing the actual courtroom...
Thank you to Michael Bennitt for shooting this and for giving me the *RIGHTS* to air on this channel.
David Miscavige has gotten away with his malicious activity against for members who speak out. Today he is hiding behind 15 Church attorneys who showed up gang bang style to overwhelm by sheer quantity.
This is a repeat of the Wollersheim case. The "Church" is David Miscavige's alter-ego. Notice how they want David Miscavige out of it at any cost. The Church Lawyer says Church of Scientology International has the assets for any damages ~~ but leave Miscavige out of it !
These are the opening statements. Cameras ordered shut off for actual testimony. I will be uploading the first 1 hour 18 mins in 14 minute segments.
Scientology Inc treatment of HIV virus ~ Chiropracter for Barter |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 21:03 |
Bill Straass served as a hard working "Sea Org Member". The "church" called them "CLERGY". When a Sea org member needs medical treatment, (there are approximately 4000 of them world wide,) the "CHURCH" makes the Tax payer pay for medical treatment in all countries. Scientology Inc is Tax Exempt and does not pay its fair share of taxes, under *religious cloaking*. Not only does it not contribute its fair share of taxes but expects the State to pay for medical while it hoards money for its expensive Lawyers and Private Investigators.
Bill Straass suffered greatly for 13 years with the HIV virus after being finally sent to a Chiropracter (for no money) in excahnge for trading of Freewinds accomodations.
The "Church" of Scientology's Obsession with Money |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 10 September 2013 01:58 |
Credit to Tampa Bay Times, Thomas Tobin, Joe Childs and Maurice Rivenbark for this series on the "church"s greed and rape of their public's money.
In 2007 a re-hash of old books were released at the cost of $3000 and $5000 with such DVDs. David Miscavige bragged he made the Church $10 million dollars in one day. The fall out on staff was pretty horrific. Sleep deprivation was enforced on those that did not make their quotas. All staff, including Security Guards, OSA INT, canteen workers, you name it, EVERY staff member had to SELL for 2 1/2 hours a day in their so called "study time." Money extraction was THE prime target.
The public were scammed. Duped into high pressure from desperate andsleep deprived Sea Org Members, the public believed they were buying copies for *every* Library in the USA, then for each country in the world.
Because of limited shelf space, all libraries handle unsolicited donations the same way. They throw the unasked for books in the dollar bin, or they give them to someone, or they just throw them away or "Return to Sender." While Bridge Publications, knew these bundles of books were being returned by the truckload, none of the scammed money was returned to the Public and US libraries have a fraction of the "Basics" that Scientology Inc pretends.
Worse than that staff members charged unauthorized purchases of these Basics on credit cards, stealing $$$ and used up advance payments on account. The theft and criminality inside the Sea org took on a new level.
Mike Rinder talks to Tony Ortega about Life at Int Base and SP HOLE |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 07 September 2013 23:15 |
For those that cannot understand life at INT Base, (2 hours for Los Angeles) the length and breath of the abuse at the most senior management level, at the home of David Miscavige, Mike Rinder explains what happens. At what point they were ordered to "walk" on hands and knees like dogs til their knees bled and scabbed over. This is what happens behind the scenes from an entity claiming "moral authority" and "ecclesiastical" privileges !
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