Day 2 In the Courtroom PURE RAY JEFFREY Part 2 AND 3 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 15:39 |
14 minutes of pure Ray Jeffrey and why he will file a motion for sanctions against the "Church." The Al Capone of "Church"s will try any tactic, the most infamous entity for dilatory conduct is the "Church" of Scientology says Ray Jeffrey. Deflecting attention away from Dildo Dave, the "pope" of Scientology that micro-managed every inch of the vigilante and illegal conduct ~~ the "church" tries to slime the lawyer defending Monique. Privilege communication excuse is THE most laughable justification from a Church that takes priest/penitent privilege communication and broadcasts it on the Internet.
Instead of using LEGAL remedies and following the LAW, the "Church" who considers itself above the law engages in criminal activity 24/7/365. Kidnap, Held against will, beatings, punchings. body slammings, sleep deprivation, locking up members in isolation cut off from outside world. Even in the law courts, sleazy underhanded LIES and tactics.
Day 2 In the Courtroom Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and CSI Part One 1/3 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 17 September 2013 03:16 |
No one in the world violates "privileged communication" more the "Church" of Scientology. Flagrantly plucking juicy tit bits out of confessional folders and broadcasting the data on their hate websites against whistleblowers, they are now sobbing afoul that Marty Rathbun, never an attorney and a witness to this case must not speak up. Where was David Miscavige when Marty's mother's mental condition, his brother's mental health from his pc confessional folders was made into Internet business? Ah the righteous indignation. Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the baddes of them all ?
Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 5 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 16 September 2013 02:13 |
*New Video* Day one of hearings. Part 5 This is 5/6 Yes, the *CHURCH* stalked, surveilled, Fair gamed, yes, yes, we did it all but we were protecting our ORTHODOXY ! You have to hear it to believe it ! The criminal CULT believes it has the right to use vigilante stalking, to preserve its ORTHODOXY ! This lawyer mumbles as is hard to hear even with volume turned up. CSI lawyer argues that CSI could Fair Game, because look ~~ there is “hate” against the Church on Marty’s blog...... What a donkey ! Has he read the Church hate pages ? No one can propagate *HATE* like the Church of Scientology. With sprinklings of data from Confessionals told within the sanctity of a “session.” Riddled with hatred, David Miscavige and his henchmen continue to run several 100 hate websites and they whine about Marty’s site having Hate ? LOL. 300 hate Websites on Marty with tax free money paying these web designers, web hosts and web upkeep. The Religion that vampire suctions every last dime from every last parishioner and does not sue for Trademark violations but executes *VIGILANTE* justice as dictated by Fuhrer David Miscavige, pleads “Trademark” justification. Dildo Dave will go down in history as a Religious *head* that sends a male penis to a woman anonymously ! Credit to Mike Bennitt for videoing this before recording devices were ordered switched off.
Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 4 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Sunday, 15 September 2013 03:30 |
This is not just some hearing about a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order.) This is high stakes. This could unravel all the phoney "corporate shell" hall of mirrors hocus pocus dummy corporations set up to avoid large sums of money won in litigation and so on. This is High Stakes. Their corruption and duplicity is visible. Absolute hogwash on separation of CSI and RTC. They swap personnel (Sea Org members) all the time CSI feeds and pays RTC bills.
Listen to the lawyer spout out these LIES
David Miscavige does not know Marty Rathbun David Discavige does not care about Marty Rathbun. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the lying and lies in a court of Law is a wonder to behold.
This law suit could even cost them the loss of their Tax exemption. Every single law suit in future will name Miscavige. This is a blue print of all suits to follow. All law follows previous case law. No wonder they sent 14 lawyers. Anything to protect Miscavige and his unclean hands. How ridiculous to pretend Miscavige does not run the show. Everyone in the world of Scientology knows he runs it all with an iron hand. Pretending he does not think or have Marty Rathbun in mind is the ultimate joke. "he is busy opening new Churches". Yes, money gouged from predatory regging opens new buildings. These court hearings were a tissue of lies presented by Church Lawyers. Criminal Church has a lot to hide !
Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 3 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 13 September 2013 20:24 |
Continuing coverage of Rathbun vs. Miscavige in Comal County, Texas. The Honorable Dib Waldrip presiding.
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