The "church" sends 3 *OT VIIIS* (highest spiritual level achieved) Izzie and MaryAnn Chait and John Allander to LAX to ambush Marty Rathbun.
The Church subscribes as a "Travel Agent" and has complete access to travel data which gives it the intelligence to know when and where its *ENEMIES* and *High Value Targets* are. Many a critic, ex Sea Org member has been met at an airport with mudslinging comments greetings them, as a *HATE YOU* action by the *Church*.
When Ursula Caberta visited the US from Germany, Scientology Inc orchestratred a group of people to meet her screaming "go home Nazi" In certain ways, the Church of Scientology is similar to the Westboro Baptist Church in the venom and attacks it spews. And Oh, are they ever so offended when someone like she shines the light on their actions.
In this video John Allendar is the aggressive camera man stalking Marty as he returned his rental car at Enterprise Car Rentals. How did the Church know Marty would be there at that exact hour ? The Church knows all travel plans as it impersonates a Travel Agency ! OT VIIIS Mary Ann and Izzie Chait were sent to heckle Marty along with Jim Lynch, David Lubow. Jim Lynch that babbles on about interstate theft dropped dead after working 2 more years for the *Church.* The slurs and vicious accusations (all bogus and hot air) are par for the Course from the Taliban Radical Scientology.