Monique Rathbun v David Miscavige and Scientology 11 Dec 2013 Back in Court |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 18:13 |
Judge Waldrip to Lamont Jefferson, DM's lawyer: ""Mr. Jefferson how does somebody personally oversee the matters of the church without having any personal involvement?"
David Miscavige Explains Scientology's Tax Exemption - a video by J. Swift |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 18:13 |
J. Swift quote excerpted from Tony Ortega's "Underground Bunker" blog: “I made this particular video in 2007 and posted it anonymously on YouTube. However, the Church immediately got it taken down. Back then, before Anonymous changed the rules, the Church routinely got away with taking down critical websites and videos,” J. Swift tell us. “My goal in making this video was to create an atmospheric look and feel in order to showcase the lies and dishonesty of David Miscavige. This video shows Miscavige spinning a very tall tale about his phony heroism to gullible Church parishioners.”
Scientology Inc runs an "Ideal Org" scam, money extortion for INT Landlord Office and CSI |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 03:58 |
The locals are fleeced, not knowing Radical Official Scientology has amassed a billion dollars in their Building fund. They take out 2nd Trust Deeds and give it to the Church. Then the Church of Scientology International (CSI) owns the real estate and RENTS it back to the local Church. This money is scammed off the top before staff pay or any other vital needs. Local. Orgs do not contribute one dime to medical needs of the staff. Run like a business, the Church takes all the privileges of "Religious exemption" while mis-treating staff who get a pittance for pay for long hours. The money goes up the food chain and the lower level fish barely make it.
Lisa Mcpherson (RIP) is remembered. Mark Bunker briefs the City of Clearwater |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Sunday, 08 December 2013 03:55 |
Mark Bunker has recently re-located back to Clearwater where he can educate the City Council and the new generation officials on the Church's dark history. The Church of Scientology is currently engaged in a nationwide conspiracy to impede and obstruct municipal, state and federal taxing authorities, by adopting a religious and charitable guise to avoid payment of taxes. It is masquerading as a church by fake religious status. At best, it pays a pittance of its fair share of taxes. It is subsidized by the tax payer. It acts like a business, walks like a business and quacks like a business. he Church of Scientology has been engaged in repeated violations of the individual's rights by subjecting members to forced periods of confinement and interrogation and the performance of degrading acts. Google Lisa Mcpherson Scientology to learn more.
A young girl tells about her Life and Exit from Scientology ~threats of "Suppressive person" declare |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 07 December 2013 03:30 |
This young girl was in Scientology's Sea Org in her younger years. . She describes what happened when she asked to leave including the *church* asking her for *crimes* and private sexual incidents.
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