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Monday, 30 November 2009 21:41

I am publicly declaring my desire for a disconnection between myself and the CoS organization who is destroying any semblance of what the original intention of LRH is.

Therefore, those of you reading this who are still "in" as a staff member of any kind or a public of any status - that being "active or inactive" you are on notice that I no longer desire communication from you or a connection to you of any kind.

I realize that there are some of you who have no idea of what is actually going on within your own group. I also realize that many of you hear or see the information of what David Miscavige is doing, but ignorantly disregard this as SP data, can't be true because it's on the internet, criminals accuses others of things he himself is doing, etc. ad infinitum. I further recognize that many of you who are still "in" have wanted to leave for years, but for whatever reason(s) you have not and therefore have succumbed to an SP - this being David Miscavige. Many of you whose purpose it is to seriously save the planet or clear the planet move forward while knowing this data and think, "If I can clear the planet, then this will handle" all the while moving an SP org forward. Not okay.

None of the reasons above are good enough reasons for any of you to turn off your critical thinking skills, abandon the ability to see both sides, or any other variance of the kind only to make yourself feel better.

Because of your current condition, I cannot be connected to you. I am only exercising my integrity. I hope you follow my example and do the same - that is, leave David Miscavige's org and come into the independent zone. Until you do I do not want a connection with you.

This is true,
Rob Thomas




# MostlyLurker 2009-12-01 06:09
I consider disconnection one of the worst practices of Co$. Of course here is another story because nobody forces you to disconnect like they do in Co$, and truly independent self made decisions are seldom wrong.

But may I suggest you another attitude:
"more communication, not less, is the answer". Communicate your point of view to as much a as Scientologists you can find, and be ready to accept their communication in return. Honesty and Truth do not fear communication but Lies do, and those wonderful people entrapped in Co$ lies, when they will start to wake up and look around, they will need all your communication and understanding.
+1 # Rob Thomas 2009-12-01 19:01
I think disconnection can also be a bad thing especially with family.

I like your suggestion and use it on other people but not the sheep I addressed above. I wrote this out of frustration of the reverse bigotry I have received from too many idiots just because I left that cult. When I told them why I left they all gave me the "as long as you don't fuck with my religion we can be friends" bit. So I will let them have their "religion'.

I am tired of dealing with sheep. They are on their own. They need to be responsible for waking themselves up and it is not my responsibility to give them data anymore since it is everywhere now.
# dagny 2009-12-01 07:11
Dear Rob,

While you have the right to do as you wish, I don't know you personally so have never "been connected" but I would like to say that this type of handling never worked for me in the church nor will it work outside of the organization. It seems that by your action you are granting credence to the policy of disconnection. I vote for not carrying on the bad habits and handlings.

Don't you think it may be wise to take responsibility to enlighten your connections in whatever manner possible to help them see what is going on? How many people could you reach by maintaining ARC?

Just a thought.
# Thoughtful 2009-12-01 22:12
It isn't "disconnection" that is wrong, it's "enforced disconnection by a group on its members without their consent." If A insults your spouse, you have every right to exclude that person from your contacts. When criminal B murders someone society has every right to "disconnect" that person from society. If person C betrays her friends, they have every right to have nothing more to do with her. "Disconnection" isn't wrong. It's all around us and it's part of life on every level.

Rob is just getting in ethics. His comm is directed toward those people who still side with David Miscavige, who are condoning criminality and the subversion and destruction of Scientology. I think Rob is standing up for what is right and that takes courage.
# LO 2009-12-01 12:41
Dear Rob,

I do fully understand what you mean. But pls. observe the emotion that your post is emoting. You may be right, but please take on a higher emotion. As Marty says take the middle way and don't go into the extremes on the other side.

When in doubt communicate. It is an universal solvent! Nevertheless it's your holy right! Have a nice day!
# Thoughtful 2009-12-01 22:15
Rob's disconnection is not directed at you. Don't forget OSA and others monitor this website 24 hours a day. They read every word of this website. I thought he exercised considerable restraint in how he worded it. Rob is setting a good example.
# Rob Thomas 2009-12-02 05:51

Anything else would have been MIS emotion or misplaced emotion. It is real. It is how I felt at the time.

I am not taking an extreme. I am exercising my right to not want to deal with them. The other extreme from the side of communicating would be calling and arguing with each of them.

I haven't gone on Nightline. Marty did though, is that extreme or is that communicating? I want to to duplicate you.
# Rob Thomas 2009-12-01 19:04
It never worked for me either. I am basically saying "adios" to them. That's all. I felt a duty to help enlighten them but they don't want it and I don't think it is fun making horses drink water.

I am not interested in them and not interested in the idea of ARC with them until they drink the water.

I appreciate your viewpoint.
+1 # dagny 2009-12-01 15:17
I do totally understand the frustration Rob.

Even though it seems the people you are speaking to in your post didn't fully get or acknowledge what you were imparting nor its importance, I am sure you planted a seed. A seed that just may grow as they start observing things on their own (although not as fast as you would like).

Having been a church member for 30'ish years and at the top of the Bridge I, too, would probably not have been willing to sit and listen to someone - not even my closest friends. After all, we have been quite well trained in that regard :-)

Someone simply asked me if I saw the St. Pete Times articles about "these guys" that left the Sea Org and were talking to the media. I had not seen the articles but promptly went to have a look. What I read was just enough to validate some things I personally had seen but did not say anything about. Things suddenly started making a bit more sense. Of course, "those guys" in the articles were people I knew or knew about.

The seed had been planted and it grew.

Your friends just may come around yet.
# Rob Thomas 2009-12-02 05:52
I get your viewpoint. Maybe I DID plant a seed. I would say that not listening to another who is trying to help you or me wouldn't really be "good training". It feels more like "good conditioning". You and I lacked critical thinking for a while when we were in so we stayed in. It was only until we had another round of information that we woke up and realized we were in the Truman show as Tory puts it.

Scientology was designed to rid someone of conditioning and the effects of it. Instead we were conditioned.

I expect for them all to come around. I don't see how any organization such as that one can last.
# Thoughtful 2009-12-01 22:18
Great point Dagny!!
# LO 2009-12-03 12:12
Dear Rob,

I've been thinking it over what you said and my answer to it. Honestly said I don't know what to answer. As far I can understand you wouldn't even want to communicate to me as I'm still a member of C.O.S.. Would you be so strict ?
I'm in a process of confronting the matter and in fact I'm withholding from my fellow Scientologists as I know they don't understand, nevertheless I can accept their belief and stay in comm. (business, friendship)and they accept i don't go to church or up the bridge and they don't want to handle it. Brrrr its difficult to come to a reasonnable idea.....so...i continue to think it over and hope that I'll be able to give you a sensible answer in the next days.
Nevertheless I admire your courage for saying what you think. Could be, that's my problem ???
+1 # Rob Thomas 2009-12-04 21:26
LO, if i am a man of my word then YES I should be "so strict". If I can't discipline myself and "keep my word once given", then I might make trouble for myself and for others and be regarded as someone who doesn't mean what they say.

I congratulate you for being able to face what you are facing. I was in the same phase you were. Perhaps it is strict, but you are in a different condition that the bulk of the people I am addressing above. They can't even LOOK and in that regard as you and I once were, they are TRAPPED. It sucks. You didn't know this but in 2007 when I finally stopped pretending to be a group member (possibly as you are now) and told my wife at the time after she asked if I was ever going to Tampa Org again, "Never, I am done with SCN". We got a divorce. So when your wife chooses a cult over you after 8 years of marriage, you get to point where saying what you think becomes the orders of the day. I left and came back home to Dallas and she stayed in clearwater with our "friends". Out of over 100 people only 1 called me to ask how I was doing and that was Jerod Hanson. He is the only friend I really had there.

I found that saying what I thought, especially to the top of OSA - Kathy True, my C/S - Amy Devoe and my auditor - Sheldon Goldberg and then my ex wife felt GREAAT! It hadn't been done for 6 years. Talk about freedom? That was how i got out so easily and without golden rods or any of that other stuff. They were all jaws on the ground. They had no responses because I was so fully self expressed and so IN integrity that they knew it, probably admired it(although they may not know it) and wished they could do the same.

I am hoping this is true for everyone addressed above. But I am not interested in draggin them to the water and then forcing them to drink it when they hate water.

Each person takes responsibility for getting in. I say the same for getting out. Based on my experience only.

As for that being your problem: take a look. Is it?
# Boyd Hutchins 2009-12-04 22:04
I think it's a good message.
# Aja Clare 2009-12-05 14:30
I gave you a mental "high five" on that post, Rob Thomas! Exactly right!

Your announcement echoes exactly what I recently decided, myself. I started to rehab my
own integrity at precisely the moment I decided that I REALLY didn't have to accept any communication that I myself did not want (sound familiar?). And I did NOT want the comm that had been coming at me (and it was "coming at me," not to me)from the c of s for years.

I stopped accepting it. I calmed down. My life calmed down. I could see the outpoints more clearly and I could think my own thoughts about them, my thoughts and decisions no longer scrambled by the constant noise. I began to de-PTS!

So I say, good for you! May those who are don't yet see the value of this decision one day have the clarity to make it for themselves.
# Rob Thomas 2009-12-06 14:25
Thank you do much!!! We rock!
# Boyd H. 2009-12-14 18:11
Rob can you give an update on the state of Tampa as of 07'? I know not all of the ideal orgs are flaps but some are and others are nothing to really brag about considering there was lots of SO missionaires in there, which usually brings upstats for a time. Is the mest itself helping noticably? I heard Tampa was mainly recycling Flag public onto the basics, and that their testing center is dead, which should mean something about their div 6 reach.
# Rob Thomas 2009-12-15 18:25
I have confirmations from anonymous ex-staff who left within this year year that their orgs are dead. empty. Just as they were in 05, 06, and 07 when I was actually in there. The testing center is dead because they declared their best body router - Matt Argall. No on else will ever be able to do what he did. I suspect it is the same for Plant City. Their div 6 reach sucks. Non E. The stress test is wierd and the public avoids it like the plague.

The mest helped nothing as far as I am concerned. Interesting question, by the way. New bldgs are against what Ron wanted. So are events. The mest is helping one person - DM. It is helping him create a huge real estate dynasty that he could run off with and no one could do anything about it. I suspect this will happen soon. I suspect he is a billionaire with these real estate holdings plus the money I suspect he is siphoning off of the IAS.
# Boyd H 2009-12-17 11:53
Thanks, that's what I thought. I saw a vid of the empty test center in plant city I think. It's the one in that small dense outside shopping center, empty with two staff standing in there looking doing nothing. It's such a via, they take their test, then you've got to get them into the org - a total unknowns. No wonder LRH doesn't write about test centers outside the org.
# Rob Thomas 2009-12-18 13:11

The "out tech" became more and more prevalent the more I left the group.

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