Home Restoration of "Lost" Scientology Materials
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Saturday, 09 January 2010 13:19

The Inside Story

David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology are currently pushing the PR line of “Restoration of Lost Scientology Materials Complete.” Taken at face value, it sounds like a great accomplishment.

First of all, however, most of these lectures were never actually “lost.” Only a tiny fraction of the 1,000 or so lectures were missing and most of those were recovered in the 1980s -- almost 30 years ago. Most have been there for all these years, only it was not DM's priority to make them available until now. Why? Because "the marketing was not right." Miscavige entire fixation as regards the tech is to release or re-release it in such a way as to make himself appear as glorious as possible, as if it were only he who is providing the tech to us. Presenting them as the "lost" lectures is a witty PR spin to draw attention from the fact that Miscavige personally stopped these lectures from being released years ago.

Consider that even in the 1950s most of LRH's lectures were available on reel-to-reel tape within days. If LRH could make his lectures available with a tiny crew and minuscule resources in the 1950s, how big an achievement is it that, with millions of dollars in resources and even computer technology, Miscavige is now doing the same thing, but instead of days, it took Miscavige 30 years?

If you really look at this "achievement" the most telling issue is not “that now they’re available,” it’s how come these weren’t released decades ago? Isn't that supposed to be RTC’s prime directive... i.e., “Having the tech”?

In that light, it’s factually a very poor show that only now, 30 years late, Miscavige making these available with great fanfare at exorbitant cost.

Here's how a sane person would have handled the release of these lectures: They would have gotten them out on reel-to-reel in the 1980s, then cassette. There would have been no events, just announcements in the magazines and order forms provided. Information would have been sent describing each lecture. That would have been done in the 1980s. When CDs came out, the magazines would have announced the lectures were now available on CD. No "international" events -- LRH forbade them in 1977 because their production knock's everyone's hat off and interrupts their progress up the Bridge. He intended magazines to do that job since Scientologists could read them at their leisure.

Today, the Church the church would have made it known that the lectures could now simply be downloaded. As a result, there would have been MANY more Scientologists. Scientology would have virtually no enemies. It would be cool to be a Scientologist because the Church would not be intrusive and abusive. They would be where they belong -- IN THE BACKGROUND. And what would be in the foreground? L. Ron Hubbard's tech. And thousands of Scientologists, each one a walking advertisement for what that technology can do.

Instead, we have a five-foot-tall spin doctor who has to appear on huge stages surrounded by a dozen or so 40-foot-tall phallic symbols (columns) made of Styrofoam to make him important. Who else in history was compelled to do that? Only one person: freaking Adolf Hitler. And whereas for the last 30 years Miscavige has held these lectures back, refusing to let them be released, in one blanket statement he announces them as "lost" technology when nothing could be further from the truth. How evil can one man be?

The release consists of what are called the Advanced Clinical Course lectures, 1000 lectures given by LRH from the mid-50s to early 60s. These were advanced courses intended to train auditors in the latest technology.

LRH used to travel around the world delivering these. He delivered “Congress” to the broad Scientology public, following that with an ACC in order to train auditors.

“Congresses” were intended for general Scientology public, the ACCs were for trained people. In the Congresses LRH told many entertaining stories, talked about subjects of broad public interest and delivered group auditing.

ACC lectures were much more technical, full of fine points for auditors, including specific auditing techniques and drills. They are less entertaining for anyone not trained. That wasn't their purpose.

To maximize profits, these ACC lectures will probably be sold using the same drill as with the Congresses and the "Basics," i.e., heavy, heavy pressure on staff to sell them and on public to buy full sets. And viewed by the light of church management under David Miscavige, it's surely going to become a mess.

Org staff will be pushed off hat and hammered to sell the full sets to parishioners, every parishioner. Ethics officers will be there to deal with any failed closes. Parishioners will tire of the ceaseless hammering, some sales will be made and life will go on.

And as Joe Howard pointed out today, “As for putting the lectures on CDs, they might as well have them delivered by horse and buggy. They could have put everything on a special edition iPod that Apple would have been happy to custom design and been made available for a fraction of the cost. The transcripts could be put on a Kindle and for that matter they could have had LRH's voice on a Kindle too probably. It's a worthwhile accomplishment but achieved in a very knuckle-headed fashion, which is
standard operating procedure for David Miscavige.”

Jeff Hawkins agreed. As he said, “Dan's point about putting these all on an iPod is a good one. If their intention was to get Hubbard's work out, they would simply release them broadly in the most efficient and economical way possible. If their intention was to MAKE MONEY, well, then they would release them on CD and charge $7.50 a CD for a set of 1000 CDs, and pressure every Scientologist to buy one or more full sets, which is exactly what Miscavige is doing.”

Furthermore, as Golden Era Production manufactures all the CDs they sell with equipment they already own, it is a well-known fact that each CD costs them no more than $0.12 to make. That’s a 6,250% price increase.

However, most Scientologists would consider $7.50 a bargain price for LRH discoveries.  Certainly, there’s no arguing with placing a monetary value on LRH’s discoveries. But all this takes for granted that someone else really has the right to own and withhold LRH’s discoveries from you unless you pay whatever price they set.

LRH developed the technology as a gift to mankind. By what philosophical right does David Miscavige own all rights to sell LRH’s discoveries only when he decides and only for a price he selects?

What’s missing from this scenario is purpose.

Not to diminish the importance of the lectures, but in some cases the lectures have already been released earlier on cassette tape, but now they're releasing them again on CD and calling it "new." An example is the 1st ACC -- 74 lectures released in the early 1990’s under the name, "Exteriorization and the Phenomena of Space Lectures."

Miscavige has been doing a similar trick with organizations: remodeling them, holding a Grand Opening and chalking it up as a "new org" whereas it's really only a new building. There are almost no new organizations at all. In fact, I’ve heard they've lost a few. And then there have been several cities which had two orgs -- a Day and Foundation org (two organizations sharing the same building) and in some cases those have been reduced (against LRH policy) to a single organization (to artificially jack up the total number of staff in that particular org, despite the zero net gain).

Nevertheless, these lectures really ARE important. Unfortunately, the Church’s PR release on the subject reeks of DM “spin”: using the release to whitewash his dirty reputation.

What Miscavige and ubercreepy Tommy Davis don’t understand is that good deeds don't excuse felonies. Miscavige is desperately trying to play that card, but the people buying the lie are fewer and fewer. Good deeds don't justify senseless crimes.

When was the last time a common criminal got off the hook by doing good deeds? Well, that’s all David Miscavige is: a common criminal. His out tech -- like interrupting the OT levels with relentless HCO Security Checks -- is responsible for how many deaths of those trying to move up to OT?

The truth is Miscavige committed his crimes because he's a nasty little wood pecker -- who else would physically attack his own staff who are there out of the goodness of their own hearts as volunteers? Who else would force abortions, break up countless marriages with human trafficking, use “disconnection” like a wrecking ball to destroy thousands of families, waste hundreds of millions of dollars in brainless real estate projects -- like demolishing LRH's modest home at the Int base -- the last place where his own children saw him alive -- erecting a brand new McMansion in its place costing $30 million dollars that LRH will never occupy?

Who else would spend $70,000,000 on an RTC building, when there were only about 10 staff left in RTC. To "fix" that one, by report he recently moved in 100 CMO staff, since a price tag of $7 million per capita sounds excessive to anyone. Now he’s got the investment down to a modest $700,000 per capita. Nice to know this fine upstanding manager is able to deal with the responsibilities of spending IAS donations and donations for LRH’s materials in this way.

Who else would spend tremendous sums weekly to fight his legal wars... wars in most cases HE started in the first place? For example, in 1985 a plaintiff was willing to settle for $1.2 million dollars. Against the advice of all legal terminals, Miscavige said “No way.” Result? The legal battle wrangled on for another 10 years at a cost of more than $100 million dollars. That is DAVID MISCAVIGE.

He’s a PR wizard, now releasing 1000 LRH lectures most of which have been totally available all along, and hiding the crime with the label, “lost lectures.” Once again, the Data Series enables you to see through the smoke and mirrors because that, my friend, is a point of illogic, an “outpoint,” called “falsehood.” They were not “lost.”

With whistle-blowing turning the tables on his game, David Miscavige is pretty desperate to come up with "reasons" to explain why he had to commit his crimes -- you see it was necessary to beat up all those people because he was trying to get out the tech and achieve this monumental achievement. LRH called that a DED. It’s from the book, Scientology: History of Man. Goes like this:

“An incident the preclear does to another dynamic and for which he has no motivator -- i.e., he punishes or hurts or wrecks something the like of which has never hurt him. Now he must justify the incident. He will use things which didn’t happen to him. He claims that the object of his injury really DEserveD it, hence the word DED, which is a sarcasm.” -- LRH

The simple truth is most of these lectures could have been released decades ago. DM's excuse was the sound wasn't good enough. Well, if there's a great discovery, is the quality of the sound so important that you don't make the lectures available at all for 30 extra years?

I say no. I say if the purpose is to help as many people as possible as quickly as possible, you’d get the tech out however you can, and make it as inexpensive as possible. Today, there is no reason to make lectures available on CD when they simply could be downloaded digitally, online at near zero cost. Instead of doing that, Miscavige is going to sell them on CD and jack up the price by 6,250%.

What monumental waste. The whole concept of Scientology was to enable people to break the endless cycle of life and death. So why delay release of the tech by 30 years in a matter of life and death? To me, that says “the guy in charge doesn’t care about you or me. He’s got his own personal agenda.”

David Miscavige’s wastefulness is most acute in terms of the tens of thousands of potential public he has offended by his actions and turned away from Scientology.

The vast majority of people searching for answers aren't going to go anywhere near an organization that acts like the mafia, who’s spokesperson lies on national TV, denying the practice of disconnection, and who told Martin Bashir on ABC Nightline it was offensive to be questioned about core Scientology information. He’s the spokesperson! He’s supposed to be asked those questions.

I met Martin and spoke with him. He’s a decent person. His job is to ask tough questions. Tommy’s job is to answer them.

(Martin, if you really want to know about Scientology, ask me. I’ll give you honest answers that make sense because unlike Tommy Davis, I posses the personal integrity and responsibility to answer any questions about Scientology.)

Personally I love the tech because I’ve been able to do so much with it. It is disgusting that the importance of this release is tainted and discolored by the enmity so many people feel toward David Miscavige and his regime.

It's like Bernie Madoff rushing in to take credit for something really positive, after being exposed as a Ponzi thief. It produces a strange admixture of elation and revulsion: I am elated that the lectures are all finally available. I'm offended that David Miscavige has gotten himself alloyed into the mix.

Finally, the point needs to be made that Miscavige claims to have personally edited all these lectures, and we already know he has been active in removing anything he deems "politically incorrect" and things that would cast his own regime in a bad light. That means all the work to edit and release these lectures will have to be done again, once Dumb Monkey is thrown out.

That wouldn't keep me from listening to the lectures. I recommend anyone listen to them because the discoveries LRH covers truly are useful.

Written by Thoughtful




# Boyd H 2010-01-09 09:05
I'd think all the corners of all the warehouses would be checked by now. How many more hiding places could the tech be located? It should all be released at once but it's Miscavige's excuse to hold events with the purpose of solidifying his political base.
The central message of events through false and misleading stat and expansion news is "I am indispensable".

No one has any business going to these events.
# John Doe Poster 2010-01-09 09:05
Very good points, Thoughtful. I love the idea of a special I-Pod and Kindle version transcripts. Instead of having to build a new library room in your house to hold all this stuff, you could actually fit it all on your desk!

I would add that on the kindle transcripts, there should be a function that would allow a user to click on a word in the transcript and get the glossary or regular dictionary definition right then and there.

BTW, slightly off topic: Has anyone heard any plans to "re-do" all those archived LRH books on stainless steel and titanium, etc, with the new, "corrected" versions?
+1 # Thoughtful 2010-01-09 17:17
I designed and built a huge exhibit for CST in 1993 -- it was called the "Preservation of the Tech Exhibit." The purpose was fundraising and it raised well over $2 million dollars. I worked with the CO and D/CO CST through the project and learned all about CST and their activities. In the late 1980s, they finished archiving all the basic books, then realized they had to start over because what they'd archived was not "standard" since new editions of LRH's books came out in 1989, etc. So they redid all the steel plates at vast expense. It happened again as more materials were re-issued, namely the Tech Vols, followed by the R&D Series. Then again with the release of new OEC Vols and Management Series in the mid 1990s. In 1993, they told me they were planning to sell the old plates as scrap metal. This is all part of the "brilliant" management of David Miscavige who has never done the OEC or FEBC. I don't know what percentage of donations from ASI has been wasted in this way, but it's a LOT.
# Keepin\ Up 2010-01-10 09:27
Thoughtful....since you've lit on the CST subject and know more than any of we readers of your blog probably, I always wondered why in the world 3 underground hidden vault locations were needed? New Mexico, Calif and one other that escapes me. I mean if one was correctly built, why would one or even two more?

And was the creation of the preservation of the data idea really from LRH and was it to go to this extent of building secret vaults? Is there a virtual mini-city all self contained to function "down there"?

Any shedded light is appreciated.
# RJ 2010-01-11 13:29
Thoughtful Steve,

You've pretty much said what Miscavige doesn't want most Scientologists to know.

I'll add that this information has always been available on Ampex Tape. It's not like it was ever lost. Hoarded yes!

But not lost!

Here's another point. Though it is nice having this information. The fact is none of it is required in the making of an auditor. According to the checksheets that the Ol'man himself, issued for the Levels, SHSBC and VIII. Though they contain essential information they are not essential to training Auditors.
# Li Po 2010-01-15 00:31
Yes indeed, the problem is not really this BS PR about "the lost tech", it's the mis-use of those data (including some of the basics) while enforcing them as a kind of "new bridge". Pardon me for the long quote, but I think it's worthwhile
"The materials of Scientology are designed to communicate. That is all very well,
but TO WHOM - AND WHEN? Certain of the materials of Scientology can be
communicated with ease to people that never before heard of the subject. Certain
others can be communicated to people who have been in association with
Scientologists but who are not auditors. The higher level of material and data can be
communicated to people who are in training to be auditors. Certain other material can
be communicated to people who have been trained as auditors. And if we do not
recognize this fact, and if we do not follow it, then we are going to produce a
confusion With Scientology, and we are going to turn people away from Scientology,
and we are going to defeat Scientology in doing what it is trying to do. (...)
Bluntly, you cannot avalanche data on to the heads of partially trained, poorly
comprehending people, or people who have no real conversance with auditing at all.
And if you try to do so, you will fail, and Scientology will fail, and the people in the
area will not have the least idea what you are trying to do. And they will walk away
from your meetings, and they will walk away from your group sessions completely
confused and vowing to themselves to have nothing further to do with Scientology.
And they will not tell their friends about it, and people who should be brought in to be,
helped will not be brought in to be helped. And so a great many people, by this
misunderstanding of the uses of the materials of Scientology are being denied the
benefits of Scientology simply because these materials have not been handled with
PAB 36 The use of scientology materials - OEC 6 pages 143/144

By the way, full study of the basics include f.i. the PDC. Some green scientologists without any auditing experience will get troubles...

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