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Friday, 15 April 2011 23:19

Back in the day he was the big tech honcho from ANZO, complete with an air of confidence  and swagger, clad in his favourite black leather jacket and overseeing an expanding and thriving AOSH ANZO. Schob's desk and office was the cross roads to everything that was going on in ANZO in the mid 80's. His door was never closed to anyone. Captains, execs, general staff, new recruits and public found their way to his RTC office, for a reference, advice or just some re assurance that things were going to work out. Schobs took it all in his stride staying late every night and long after the last in the line of endless callers left.

He was the ultimate fun loving Aussie, things were never too serious, where a joke was always the first and the last order of the day, a trait he carried right to the end. This tanned strapping surfie from Melbourne had a big heart and always walked on the sunny side of the street.

Schob's had earned his stripes, he was the star auditor in a robust Sydney auditing team in the mid 70's when that org was really delivering. They had well over 100 staff in those days and were well on their way to St Hill size. There wasn't a case he couldn't crack and he had excelled through his flag internships. His worksheets were really something to behold with his stylish writing and personal flair coming through. Auditing was art to Schob's and his canvas was the worksheets.

In 1986, RTC was buckling under the take over from Deranged dave and the continental offices were taken out. Dave said it was not RTC's job to have cont offices and he was taking control. Only to re-established the cont offices 10 years later when he had subverted the entire command chart so there was only himself and his black clad groupies in position to control everything and have all the money flowing to him.

Schob's disappeared for a while and then returned to be the Senior Case Supervisor ANZO post in  mid 1987. He got to work putting C/Ses on post and seeing that they were getting people auditing and correcting them where needed. Again like when he was  in RTC, his office was a cross roads for anyone in difficulty, needing advise or just wanted a bit of Schobs to brighten their day, everybody knew the way to Schob's office. After getting the cont scene expanding with C/Ses established and delivery expanding he was in line for a promotion.  He left  Australia again, this time he would not be back  for a 17 long years and would take a journey that would leave him nothing in the end.

Schob's became the Quality Exec Int, wore commander bars and quickly got to work, getting a hang of the post and studying everything he could find on the newly computerised data files. He had to get out his 339R program, each Exec Int had to get out the program for their function and Schob's was one of only a couple of Exec Ints that got it done. His program based on his research and his own considerable experience with tech hit the conts and went in with improvements in the stats of auditor's made and quality showing up. Somehow getting this done and showing promise on the post got him removed and transferred to become the Snr Case Supervisor Gold. Made no sense to him or anyone else.

I didn't mention it earlier but Schobs had a situation with his kidneys and they were not working correctly which was a constant concern and source of pain for him. Through the years the situation was getting progressively worse with increasing pain and trouble for him. Another source of severe pain was the long separation he had endured from his wife Kathy. She was the Captain AOSH ANZO when he left Australia. After  a year or two more she found her way to the US and became staff at CC Int. In those days people from Int could travel to PAC on the weekends and see their spouse for a night. The Schobels didn't see one another much not with Paul getting busted from CSing and under medical care with those accursed kidneys.

Kathy would become the Snr C/S CC Int and hold that post for a number of years before doing her time in the PAC RPF while Paul landed in the Advanced course materials printing section of Gold. By this time they had seen very little of each other for 10 years.

Now Schobs was scooped up in the entry days of what was to become the fool's Gold en Age of Tech. He found himself at Flag on project a long side a younger guy by the name of Dan Zimmatore together they were the original sups on that project. They got some supervision in and results were there and just about the time they had reached success Dan was sent home for "out ethics" thoughts about some of the admiring pretty girls that he and Schobs had attracted.

Schobs carried on and his activities carried over to auditing. Dave's definition of an FN and shoot them all approach was whipping everyone out with the tech staff going down in windrows and the RPF filling up. The tech delivery and any progress for pc's was all but halted with no FN's called at exams for 2 whole weeks! The examiners were terrified to call anything else they would be shot. On a certain pc dave was particularly  executive C/Sing no one could get the FN to exams and with the pressure mounting in stepped Schobs. True to his character he rose to the challenge, found the by-passed charge and delivered the pc to exams with the FN. Almost everyone was amazed by his flawless communication cycle and handling of the meter, except of course for Dave who found something wrong and even despite the remarkable job Schobs had done.  

Its a particular trait of dave and his ilk, one which he has gotten away with so many times where a truly talented person will put together a sterling job and dave will find a way to inject some confusion into it and carry off with the goods like he did the real work of it. He has spent his entire life perfecting his one ability to steal other people's honest work.

Schobs was returned to Int never to be near a meter again and spend his remaining days there working on building constructions. He carried on for a year or three. Now spending more and more time in the medical officer's hands and eventually he was on a dialysis  machine draining his blood and running it through the machine every evening just to keep going. Schob's needed a kidney transplant and was on a long list to get one. The expenses were mounting and the sun was about to set on one Paul Schobel. He returned home a broken man, far away back in Australia where his expenses would be covered by welfare and no longer a concern for Int.

People in ANZO who once knew him well hardly recognised him. The former Tech zealot,  a Mr Tech with the "we can crack any case" Mojo was a shadow of his once proud self. The degradation was complete, a travesty to behold and they  wondered was he insane or just nuts. For a while he worked on ARCX public and call in, he even got a session but Schobs would soon become public enemy number one in ANZO.

A young Asian girl felt pity for him, was kind and tried to help him out with assists. Schobs still had a certain charm and despite all had not abandoned his sense of humour. She fell in love with him and when her impure  thoughts were found out she was buried on the RPF and is still there to this day.

Schobs was moved off away from the sea org, now an apparent suicide risk and a full-time personal keeper was assigned to look out for him. All his travels and travails had brought him to living with his keeper in an old house in the western suburbs of Sydney. Basically an outlaw.

He had nothing left and on March 13th 2007 he unplugged the machine that was keeping his body running and one last time Schobs made his own causative decision and that was to bring down the curtain on this life.

There was no memoriam for Schobs -- as per usual from David Miscavige.  He deserved a lot more -- his mega possessions were shared around as he had directed and one last request -- he left a case of VB for his mates to enjoy.

Written by Chris Guider



+1 # Fellow Traveller 2011-04-16 06:51
Chris, thanks for taking the time to remember these magnificent folks some of us never had the good fortune to meet.

I said it before and I guess I'll keep saying it -- the amount of evil the wretched little man has foisted upon the multitude of well meaning folks is quite something to confront.

Bruce Pratt
+3 # Joe Howard 2011-04-16 08:35
Chris, Thanks so much for telling it like it is with Paul Schobel. I didn't know what happened to him when he left the base. He was so brokenhearted at being sent back to Oz that none of his friends had a chance to say good-bye.

The recent post on Marty's blog about what happens to Adventurers certainly seems to apply to Schobs.

I will add my 2 cents to your story: Schobs was probably the best liked person in the history of the Int base. EVERYBODY, and I mean everybody, liked Schobs, except of course the one or two who were jealous of anyone who, as you say, had a permanent address on the sunny side of the street.

In late 1998, in addition to his kidney problems, Paul had a heart bypass operation. Heidi Stahli talked to me about the shape he was in afterwards and he was in a bad way. I went to see him out at Kirby one Sunday morning and he was able to joke about the grisly details of being opened up and having his pipes re-configured.

That Christmas I made him a present of the definition of a thetan: Someone who can't be killed but deserves to be.

That was, and is, Paul Schobel. I got one session from him one time years before and he had the best auditor beingness I ever experienced.

I wish everyone left at the Int Base could read what you've written here. They would go running for their pitchforks and torches to extract some justice from He Whose Name Will One Day Be Mud.

You know a lot about the Ethics/Justice side of Int and I hope you will share more when the spirit moves you.
+1 # COLWELL GARTH 2011-04-16 12:55
+1 # Panda 2011-04-16 23:27
Yes. I thank Chris for this tribute to Paul.

I knew him well and he was always one of the very best people I knew in scientology. He was my Auditor and Twin for much of that time in Sydney and my friend for all of it.

I spoke with him several times at Flag, when he was doing the Pro TRs and Metering evolution, and many times after he arrived back in ANZO. He told me that he and Kathy had chosen to come back to Oz so that he might have a better chance at a medical solution to his kidney failure but there was a strong element of "shore story". They'd used him up and we both knew it.

I cared about Paul Schobel very much. The treatment meted out to him is one of the things that helped me break free of the CofS after 34 years of dedication.

He may have appeared to be less like his former zealous self towards the end of his life but I choose to think that he'd finally seen where this whole sorry mess was heading.

He knew the score and, like so many before him, he wasn't unhappy to think that his part in it was nearly over.

RIP, Paul.
# Paul Schofield 2011-04-16 23:56
Thanks, Chris - Schobs was a great guy and truly loved by all who knew him.

We crossed paths a few times after he left ANZO and that infectious wit had never left him - until he returned to die at AOSH ANZO a broken man.

DM vilified Schobs at the GAT release in His speech to the Snr C/ses before the actual event - something I'l never forget and I'll never forgive him for. Although He didn't mention Schobs by name, the contempt that oozed out of His mouth as He spoke about Schobs and the supposed crimes he'd committed took me by surprise that day, and it started me wondering about Miscavige then.

Unfortunately it took another 12 years before I put together the whole picture and left the Co$.

RIP Schobs - until next time around.
+1 # James Anderson 2011-04-17 23:03
Thanks Chris,
Paul was everything you've written here a special individual and one i had the pleasure of knowing before he was screwed over. He put me on post as the MAA in ANZO way back in 85/86, a great fun guy.

+1 # AnonLover 2011-04-18 23:37
My heart goes out to all who knew Paul and called him friend or considered him family and are just now learning what happened to him.

This is so sad, and so telling. Too many people in the sea org have been chewed up and spit out, it leaves almost speechless at the horrors of it.
# Petey C 2011-04-19 01:45
I knew and loved Paul way back in the early days at FOLO ANZO when he first joined the TTC in the mid 1970s. He was a fun guy, a decent man, and a good buddy to hang out with. I hate to think about his life towards the end. Poor bastard. Here's to you, Paul, wherever you are.
# Misha 2011-04-19 10:59
This is just a m.f. shame, Chris! Thank you very much for the requiem of course but why didn't we know that Paul was out and that he was alone? We could've helped. I would line to help Paul in any way I could. He was the great guy, full of life, a true Scientologist. He was one of my most favorite people. His true requiem is the affair with a young Asian girl before he died. That's Paul! All about life.
+1 # Lucy James 2011-04-19 13:39
Paul Shobel was one of the most wonderful auditors I had ever had. I was heart broken to hear that he had been shipped off to Anzo as a "security risk". Thank you so much Chris for writing this accurate detail of the man. He was truly loved by all who met him!
# barney rubble 2011-04-21 09:29

Thanks for the Memorial of Paul, I remember him when he was QEI. Very nice gentlemen. Would be great if there was a picture of him available.
# Jim Logan 2011-04-21 18:13
What a wonderful eulogy for an amazing thetan. Thank you Chris. Thank you Paul Schobel. But only a half ack...we're just getting good at this game, mates :-)
+1 # TroubleShooter 2011-05-02 09:23
Wow, Just ran across this article Chris and thank you so much for letting us know. Paul touched the lives of 100s of people literally all over the world. Mine was one of them. I remember after reading about Why Finding how badly I wanted to have it. I told Paul this. He made a deal with me that if I produced a particular product he wanted from me then he would do it on me. Fact is he was THE ONLY person on the entire Flag Land Base who was qualified to do it. No one else had done the full training and high crime checkhots on the entire Base to do it but Paul was there and he told me he would. Welll I produced the product he wanted 2 days later and walked up to him and said ok, when do I get my why finding? He laughed and told me to be sessionable just after dinner that night and so it was that I got an amazing look at myself with some powerful tools used by someone with confidence and simplicity. A qn here an ack there and half-ack here and Bingo-bango the blowdown FN congintion relief laughter and recovery of some simplicity. I'm grateful for having had the experience of knowing Paul. Chris, you provided the real service of Scn - communicating about someone loved far and wide and giving us a chance to say good-bye for now.
# Iforgive 2011-06-16 09:02
Chris man, thanks so much for writing this. I knew Paul as a senior from his time at AOSH ANZO and I know you as a friend from back in the day - and I wanted to share that this account brought a tear to my eye. I have got to have been the lowest on the totem pole at the AO while he was there and he was all class with me. Nothing but friendly, helpful and approachable. Exactly what I needed to survive during that time - an inspiration. I managed to see him once in his last months, on the street outside the AO, I was ex SO at this point and not planning on walking in the door. I saw him outside at the end of the street and I walked up and shook his hand and he was the nicest guy you ever met - all over again. He told me he was just about to check out - said exactly that, and I said, well if I dont see you again you are a good man and I am very happy to have known you. That I am sure I will see him again somewhere up the road. He ack'd me and we laughed and - fuck - well, its was a nice moment because he is Schobes you know?? He maintained his grace and humor despite everything. here were people in the AO that would rather spit on me for leaving and this guy is just Mr Class.
Anyway, thanks for your good work too both in and out.
# Dan Koon 2011-06-16 14:17
Beautifully expressed. I wish I had had the chance to say good-bye to him. Schobes was so broken up about being sent back to Oz that he didn't even say good-bye to his friends. It would have taken all day and probably stirred up a mutiny at the Int Base. I can't think of anyone who was better liked than him. What a treat to have known him.
# steve spargo 2012-11-30 04:39
Paul was a great guy. I never forgot a piece of advice he gave me while I was on one of my many ethics trips. He told me that you have to fight for your position in space, keep fighting and never give up. When I think of him, that's the moment I remember. His passion and strong determination to help me was so clear.
# Gatchild 2013-08-29 09:55
Paul was my supe on the pro TRs after the FSO supes were removed from post because of "no products". Granted, they were simply executing RTC orders. Paul had my twin and I through a video pass in no time flat. Many of the trainees looked up to him, and I remember going to him with a personal problem which was resolved with a few light-hearted comments.

In short, Mr. Schobel was the epitome of how I wanted to be as a technical terminal "when I grew up".

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