"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were.
Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.“ John Donne (1572 – 1631)
And I could add:
“And so the birth of a child enriches me because I am involved in mankind, not limited to the boundaries of my body I can send my love to embrace the most distant rock, And so unrestrain myself to the size of life itself.”
"The operation of free theta would be the complementing of its component parts in others and in the remainder of the dynamics, since each individual has, as the components parts of his own free theta, all of these dynamics.” -- LRH, Science of Survival, Chapter 24, Ability To Handle Responsibility)
For example on the Second Dynamic the amount of your free theta is complemented by the amount of free theta that your partner invests in this Dynamic. The same goes for his/her Second Dynamic, his free theta is complemented by yours.
The same goes for the Third Dynamic. When I am part of a certain group and I change – or when you change, then this group has changed because we are part of this group. And so each of us is cause.
"No amount of rules or directives can create a group. A group consists of perpetuating and perpetuated ideas formulated into a central mores and ethic, in other words, a culture. This culture has an identity of its own. It could be compared in its highest essence to a segment of pure theta." DAB, 7 January 1951, GROUP DIANETICS
It is not me and you who have left Scientology. We perpetuate the ideas of Scientology. It is us who are the Scientologists. We keep its ideals up of helping our fellow beings. Whistle-blowing on suppressive mis-use, we are the ones who keep its spirit alive.
It is the C of S that has left Scientology. In fact they have been turned into a squirrel group, built on golden Styrofoam columns. By altering its Tech, by misapplication of the philosophy they have killed spirit of Scientology itself. Misleadingly they carry a copyrighted label. That’s all. Don’t get fooled, it is a misrepresentation!
Remember the quote from Science of Survival above. The theta on a dynamic is not that separated, as a body’s separateness from another body might suggest. And there is auditing that makes use of that.
The quotes below belong to the tech of how to deal with a Suppressive Person who exists in present time and who is still capable of causing trouble or upset for the pc.
It is not a prerequisite to be PTS before you can blow a problem. In fact, it is much easier, if you are not. It is not the E-Meter that does the blowing of a problem. It is the confront and as-isness that counts.
"Many times the suppressive person to whom the pc is PTS exists in present time and is still capable of causing trouble or upset for the pc. It is to this situation that the Suppressed Person Rundown is addressed.
"This new rundown, the Suppressed Person Rundown, produces the wondrous result of changing the disposition of an antagonistic terminal at a distance, by auditing the PTS preclear. Where this terminal was antagonistic, invalidative, hostile or downright suppressive, he will suddenly have a change of heart and seek to make peace with the PTS pc.
"A possible simple explanation for what occurs is: the pc, on running Problems Processes, comes up to cause on his problems with the terminal and when he is continued on problems, he will break through and actually run out the antagonistic terminal’s problems which he has given to him." -- LRH, HCOB 29. Dec 1978R, The Suppressed Person Rundown
The Bulletin is formulated for a pc who receives this Rundown in a session from an auditor, it might need to be adapted to your situation and circumstances. Be conceptual, understand the principle and make use of it. What I want to say, even if you would be trapped with bound hands in a downwards crashing plane in a distant country, you could still apply it.
What do you think would happen with such antagonistic terminal that has been suppressive not to just one but to many persons when all those would start to apply the Tech above?
Written by Worsel
p.s. - “At times the results of 'ordinary' Scientology tech are extremely impressive, even to me. I am by this time, quite accustomed to miracles as usual, but magic is not quite so commonplace an occurrence, even these days, and is worthy of special note.” -- LRH, HCOB 29. Dec 1978R, The Suppressed Person Rundown
Thanks for your thoughts.
The feeling of being "trapped with bound hands in a downward crashing train" related to a speech of DM in which he stated that "Scientology would be now like a downward crashing train" (into a valley). Hope that makes more sense, now.
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