Home OSA: Informants and Re-Purposing
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Wednesday, 28 October 2009 11:54

Image of a lipstick kissThousands of Scientologists have thrown off their chains... you know, the ones with the little "DM" on each link? But some wonder what will happen if they publicly declare their independence? Will OSA try to do anything to them?

OSA is a bit short handed. Dozens of ex-staff from the Int Base including Scientology's top two lieutenants have taken off the gloves and gone on the record about abuses by David Miscavige at the Int Base covering real crimes such as assault, blackmail, extortion, human trafficking, forced abortions, you name it. Tom Tobin and Joe Childs of the Saint Petersburg Times exposed more criminality with their massive 4-part blockbuster entitled "The Truth Rundown" with evidence it was David Miscavige's own off-line orders to the Flag C/S that resulted in the death of Lisa McPherson. Church staff in France were just convicted of fraud and people are going to prison. Tommy Davis, untrained, unstable and over his head, just blew another national TV interview in the worst way with Martin Bashir on ABC's Nightline. A new book is coming out that exposes Miscavige in shocking detail. Academy Award winning filmmaker and Scientologist Paul Haggis just resigned from the Church. OT VIII, Geir Isene resigned from Miscavology along with many others. They've also got lawsuits over non-payment of wages and human trafficking. And so much more.

OSA has neither the time nor the resources to stop this avalanche. And of course, the real avalanche hasn't even hit them yet. 

All I can say is hell hath no fury like a planet scorned.

Funky Town

Since most of the competent people left OSA long ago, leaving only Miscavige flim-flam artist and loose cannon, Tommy Davis, to prop up David Miscavige's broken-down empire, what you can expect is to be visited by a certain number of fools. OSA gets accomplices (people who have ignored you for years, but suddenly get friendly) to sidle up next to you. And suddenly you're hearing from someone who has a story "just like yours" or as near as OSA can cook it up. For example, if you sent someone into a Church and the person was mishandled, they will tell you the same story happened to them and express some consternation about it. If the IAS regs forced you into debt and took all your savings and retirement and now you are upset about it, what do you know, the same thing happened to them. Or if your daughter joined the Sea Org, didn't like it and left and now she's declared a suppressive person and you were told you must disconnect, what a coincidence! The same thing happened to them!

This sort of funky, contrived reality is called "getting on your good side."

Actually it's a two step process. Step one is to offer some strange excuse for contacting you out of the blue. Wolfie Frank (ex-SO and well-known OSA informant in the LA area) called me to say he was going to be headed down to Texas and might like to come and say hello while in the neighborhood. I said, "Oh, what are you coming to Texas for?" He said, "Oh, one of my best clients is a company down in McAllen, Texas. I've been working with them and may need to visit them." I said, "Oh, I have friends in McAllen. What is the name of the company?" Wolfie said, "Huh... um... actually, that's a good question. Let's see, what is their name? I usually just call the guy, so I... I, huh, don't know the name of the company. I think it was like... a guy's name or something..."

Needless to say he never made any trip down to Texas to a company that doesn't exist.

Love Bombs Away!

Man, if there's anything I love it's retro stuff. You too? One couple who have ignored me for years called because they just wanted to flow me some "LOVE." Woo-hoo, suddenly '60s peace symbols and love beads were swirling around my head. The gushing Love Bombers said, "Well, (forced laughter)... I've just decided to (forced laughter) LOVE everyone... (forced laughter) life's too short to get involved in mud slinging! (forced laughter)."  (Forced laughter is 1.1 per Science of Survival).

Mud slinging? Who was talking about mud slinging? See, you get these little non-sequitur bits on the ends of strings. (You're not supposed to notice).

This love bomb approach is to "set a good example" (I guess assuming that they are role models for me) "We just love everyone! (forced laughter) Gosh, there's so much negativity, we're totally into the positive! We're not into protests or anything (forced laughter)."

"Protests"? Who said anything about protests? I told them I'm not protesting. I'm blowing the whistle on rampant criminality and abuses within the church. I'm not a "protester" I'm a "whistle blower" there's a big difference. 

Re-Purposing You

What they are really trying to do is little by little, divert you away from what you're doing onto something else. Always with little indirect hints and suggestions. But if you know anything about the tone scale, picking these off is like shooting a target taped to the end of your gun.

Another ploy is the "confused" approach whereby the person acts confused by "everything going on" and then announces happily, "Well, I'm just going to concentrate on building up my business. I want to make a lot of MONEY! Life's too short..." Here's an actual example from... yesterday: "My own certainty of LRH is rock solid, but frankly, I'm not certain what to do, so I've just decided to end cycle and go on with my business building and living life!" I'm supposed to take a hint and just "end cycle."

Then there is the "confused, needs some of your help" reason for someone calling who otherwise never speaks to you at all. "My firm is thinking of hiring someone and since you know all about it I wanted to get some advice..."  They proceed to ask you a question or two that any 4-year old could answer himself by just typing in the question on Google. At that point you realize what they're doing... wait for it... wait for it... (you know it's coming). Abruptly the conversation shifts onto re-purposing you. Feel free to yell, "BINGO!"

If your confront is really up, you can recognize these people by their earmarks of,

  • Complete irresponsibility
  • Glee of insanity

If they were a movie, they'd be rated "K" for kook.

Here's an actual email received today. This is five days after Paul Haggis's resignation letter hit the media, while scientology-cult.com had 485 visitors online reading Paul Haggis's letter:

"Hey guys, Great job with everything thus far! Getting DM out and LRH back in is the way to go! A lot is happening right now. The Today Show just did a segment on Scn. Any chance you can update your home page content to include this? Believe it or not, the Paul Haggis thing is already ancient history in this fast-paced, high-tech world. I'd like to be able to send more and more of my Scn friends to your site, and keeping the content fresh on a daily basis is vital now that we LRH purists are rising quickly in power. Keep up the great work! Bryan"

LRH said criminals are stupid. This last letter really proves it. Paul Haggis... ancient history? Hum, seems like I know of 485 visitors online this very moment who would disagree.

Anti Re-Purposing Spray

So to recap, OSA's re-purposing program goes like this:

1) Loony excuse for someone to call you who has ignored you for years.

  • Emulating your own story or experiences
  • Love Bombs away!
  • Just happened to be in the neighborhood
  • Confused about everything
  • Needs business or technical advice (but not really)

2) Small talk followed by attempt to re-purpose you by

  • Setting a "good" (horrible) example
  • Friendly advice
  • Adopting a stable datum 
  • Acting as a role model (pleeease!)

Re-Purposing OSA

Since they do it to others, they are susceptible to it. So I'm going to re-purpose the OSA staff reading this:

The world is trying to tell you something and you should listen. Look beyond any fixed ideas and realize there is a world out there that you are a part of. It is your own 4th dynamic. That 4th dynamic is telling you in so many ways that you as a Scientologist and group member are out ethics. Instead of wearing your hat to get in ethics, Miscavige has perverted your purpose to stopping people who are trying to get in ethics on him. That isn't the purpose LRH gave you. You aren't investigating allegations of crimes because you think "Critics always attack when we start to expand." Well, LRH never counted expansion in terms of real estate funded through illegal donations. The fact is Scientology is shrinking. The Church is being attacked because it is off purpose. Staff have been made into IAS regs, yet LRH forbid straight donations. He had a label for it: criminal exchange. 

You personally are not only letting Scientology go down the tubes on your watch, you are trying (and failing) to prevent more ethical people from doing something about it. You've sunk down to the level of an inept secret police for David Miscavige.

Look past your fixed ideas and just look, look, look. Don't think, look.

You personally can be a part of the solution. Collect evidence of crimes and come forward while you still can. You aren't going to destroy Scientology by doing so, on the contrary supporting a criminal regime is destroying Scientology. Since when does improving conditions start with lying? Since when is extortion, abortions, human trafficking, and endless sleep deprivation part of the road out? The way out isn't to negate, deny, not-is, or avoid. The way out is the way through, and if that means coming clean organizationally, then that IS what we have to do.

Doing so may mean the difference between regaining your personal integrity and going to prison. Stop being a victim and take responsibility for yourself.

Written by Thoughtful



# RJ 2009-10-28 13:10
As always Thoughtful Steve.

You da man!!!!!

Yeah the main reason I've been sitting on this expose on the "Life Styles on the Rich and Famous IAS" or "Miscavige's Elite Deviants" is cause I'm waiting for the Paul Haggis nuke to die down but it looks like the radioactive fall out continues so much so that instead of calling it the Church of Scientology or more accurately Miscavigology we should just call it the Bikini Atoll.

Too bad Tommy never grew up learning "duck and cover" he could sure use it right now :-)

Yeah OSA or as I like to call 'em GO Lite "no taste and less fulfilling" is really a joke. I mean now I'm gonna have to now clean the coffee off the computer screen.

You should put a warning label on some of your articles like "Do not read with a mouth full of hot liquid" or "tie your ass securely on so you don't laugh it off" :-)

Keep up the good work Ace.

# Joe Howard 2009-10-28 14:20
Funny someone who worked at the Base just contacted me last night wanting to meet this weekend who comes under "confused." We'll see how it goes!
# Boyd Hutchins 2009-10-28 22:30
It's these weak handlings you've listed out above which mean no real handlings or dead agenting is coming up anytime soon.

The best dead agenting Miscavige could muster has already occurred, and that is these theetie weetie generalities you've listed out above. No answer to the downstats, GAT slowing auditor training with out tech drills and no read it drill it do it, basics revamping the bridge with a huge new runway before auditor's can sit in the chair, lecture deletions, unusual financial solutions of IAS, Ideal orgs etc, F/N redefined, 75 million dollar RTC building etc etc, can't summarize the whole argument in one post.

NO SUBSTANCE! Only "read the freedom mag" which doesn't tackle any of this stuff. OSA get real, we want substance.
# Boyd Hutchins 2009-10-28 22:43
OSA, when COB walks in the room just say "I will NOT stand up for this punk".
# Axiom 2009-10-29 03:55
Another great article,Steve! :-)

Re OSA, LRH´s expression."namby-pamby bunch of panty-waist dilettantes comes to mind."

Not only are we winning by our own actions but also by OSA´s stupidity when exposed like in this excellent essay!
# Sherry 2009-10-29 11:43
Dear Steve,

This article is completely brilliant. Very useful. Thank you.
+1 # Patty Pieniadz 2009-10-29 15:33
Thank you. I've never seen anything so perfectly written to those still stuck inside.

I was in Scn for 27 years. I left 9 years ago when I realized I had become afraid of the very thing I loved. Scientology.

Being afraid of Scn was such a huge and glaring outpoint to me, I decided to use my data series tech and ruthlessly started following the outpoints. I forced myself to have the courage to follow the string till I found the truth.

Thank you again thoughtful. VWD!

# Kat 2009-10-29 15:39
I got an unknown person today contacted me via yahoo IM. Said he is an independent but I have no idea who it is. I edited the Nancy Many video yesterday and today I got a contact.

2nd time this year an unknown contacted me this way.

I have no idea how to classify this and the timing is what is making me wonder about it as I was the video editor.

# Dave Gibbons 2009-10-29 22:19
Spot on, Steve.
I've had the whole program run on me and all it did was reconfirm my opinion that OSA is peopled by idiots!

Here's the clincher, the old (haven't seen you for 10 years) "friend" that just happened to be passing by was the former DSA who seemed to have forgotten that we'd worked together on DSA cycles in the 80s!

The coincidental appearance of a Recovery Auditor on my doorstep the following week seemed just "too coincidental". :-)
# TheProphet 2009-10-31 16:14
They still live in that world where they think sitting down in private with someone and telling them stories will be enough to convince them that they are right, you were mistaken.

Welcome to the information age.

Sadly, this works quite effectively for people who have been convinced that the wog world is full of crimes and lies, those that truly believe that criticism against the church is always false and must have been invented by criminal minds, and therefore never read it.

With fast and easy access to people who have first hand knowledge of the matter, such lies can be quickly dispelled. And it even seems incredible to those of us who truly are free that they spend their time inventing and presenting such clearly false pictures of reality.

The Internet is certainly not truth, but it is an anvil on which the truth can be hammered out, and where lies cannot survive for long. Between all the haters, extremists, trolls, paid agents, apostates, rejects, humanitarians, true believers and people trying to do the right thing, the truth can indeed be found if one looks for it.

But within the limited worldview of the CoS, where free speech is a PR slogan at best, lies can not be countered and the truths that may be found suffer for it. When people are faced with the facts, they naturally find it hard to believe that anything so bad can have any good in it, they become bitter or disenchanted or reject it entirely before even experiencing it for themselves.

This is why openness, transparency and honesty becomes not only the right thing but even a practical necessity for any organisation seeking to survive this age.

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