Murray and Exilda Pearlman, OT VIII, CL VIII | | Print | |
Monday, 04 January 2010 16:15 | ||||
Declaration of Independence
We are proud to come out as Independent Scientologists. We have no Kool-Aid drinking family members. So we do hereby declare ourselves Independent Scientologists and formally resign from the Church of Scientology as run by David Miscavige. Exilda and I do have some track. She is a Permanent Class VIII C/S interned and certified by LRH. She got in Scientology in 1964-did the Briefing Course at Saint Hill and the Class VIII course at AOLA in 1970-71. She interned at Flag for a year in 1973-74 and – LRH C/Sed quite a few of her folders. She interacted with LRH quite a bit. He was a playful bloke back then. She was on staff from 1966 until late 1979 at the LA org as an auditor, Qual Sec and Senior C/S when she left staff. She did OT VIII in 1994 and went back on OT VII about 2 yrs ago. I got on staff at the LA org in 1968 and went Clear in Dec of 1969. I went to Flag and did the OEC-FEBC course and also had both L-10 and L-12 in 1971. LRH was my C/S on L-12, it was than called L-10MX as it was experimental. It certainly was one of the best experiences of my life. You could tell LRH was having fun with developing L-12. I held many posts during my tenure at the LA org through 1975 and when I left Flag was personally appointed by LRH as the HCO AS (Area Secretary) LA org. I than worked with the GO for a couple of years doing Social type things including CCHR through 1977 and than did Cl 5 of the Briefing course which was all material through 1971. I finished OT V in 1995 & had routed onto OTVI - I got some set ups at Flag about two years ago. The auditing during LRH’s time was definitely better than the Golden Age of Tech auditing.
Why we are Independent Scientologists now has been written on your Website over and over. The gross out tech including ethics and admin by Flag and the orgs because of David Miscavige setting himself up as a dictator. The Golden Age was when LRH was alive and his tech should be followed. You know when someone comes up with some wild story I always say "does this person think I am an idiot?" One of the idiot out-points was the Basic Book thing. That is a Classic "do I look like an idiot?" Or better yet does LRH look like an idiot, which he attempts to make LRH look like. Oh yes LRH had these books on his desk and knew they were filled with out tech for years. The Blind leading the Blind. Give me a break. The gross injustice and ethics cycle with my son which is a story for another time. The watching of the tech being perverted starting with the Golden Age of Tech. The greed of money for money sake. The Church is now the true definition of a Squirrel Group. We look forward to the time when the tech is restored and the organization is back set up as LRH intended. Our friends are those Scientologists and others that are looking for the truth and finding it for themselves. Murray & Exilda Pearlman Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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