Home Monty Drake, Miscavige hit man
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Thursday, 22 August 2013 14:29

by Thoughtful

Meet Monty Drake, Electronic Peeping Tom

pi-monty-drake1 pi-monty-drake
Snap shots posted on the web of PI, Monty Drake.


After three years of continual harassment, it’s payback time. Church of Scientology mob boss and Chief Stalker In Charge, David Miscavige, is about to cash in his chips at the First Bank of Karma. The friendly teller behind the bullet proof glass? None other than Monique Rathbun.

Subjected to a litany of dirty tricks and vile attacks orchestrated by and emanating from Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige, Monique has filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit against CoS controlling entities, Miscavige, and also two private (sleaze bag) detectives, each with less backbone than an amoeba—Granbury, Texas private investigator Monty Drake, and Steven Gregory Sloat.


Creepy King, Monty Drake

Monty Drake leased the previous home near Monique and Marty in Ingleside, TX, aiming a motorized telescopic spy camera right into her living room and a bedroom window and then lied about who he was and what he was doing to Monique’s husband. Monty Drake says on his website that he “wants liars, cheaters, thieves and perpetrators of fraud!” Well it seems like he need only go as far as the nearest mirror and he could find exactly what he’s looking for. Apparently he has been a go-to man-whore for David Miscavige since the 1980s.


Still from Monty Drake's private detective website featuring a
shooter game where a woman gets her clothes
torn off by a predator to reveal her breasts.

Scientology-cult.com already noted that previous private detectives/harassers hired by David Miscavige and Co. were felons. What kind of person is Monty Drake? Well, good question. Monty Drake has a cartoon shooter game on his private detective website where you can look into a bedroom window in an old western town… and what do you know? A woman’s dress is being torn off to reveal her breasts. Wow! Why don’t most people have a game like that on their professional website? Maybe because they aren’t secret pervs and professional Peeping Toms? Why would a private detective have a shooter game on their website?

It is ironic that in real life Monty Drake not only lives in Granbury, Texas next to a sewage treatment plant, but he did point his telescopic spy camera into Monique’s actual windows… for something like two years. Is this a professional private detective that secretly gets off by leering into women’s bedrooms? Or is this a professional pervert with the ideal career to cover private ambitions as a peeping Tom? Either way the whole thing stinks and it’s not because of the sewage treatment plant.

Steven Gregory Sloat who’s recent arrival on the undeveloped property next door to Rathbun’s new digs in a secluded wood in the San Antonio suburbs (where they moved, specifically, to get away from David Miscavige electronic spy stalking) also lied about what he was up to. Then pretended the surveillance cameras that went up over night were there to monitor Texas wildlife… the only problem was that all his cameras were into pointing to Monique’s home. Again.  

These two jokers are also lining up behind Miscavige at the pay window, chips in hand.


Monique’s suite holds CoS representatives responsible for,

• Showing up at her home to question her while her husband is away.
• Setting up hidden surveillance cameras on the couple's homes.
• Sending a sex toy to her at work (a huge dildo) and flowers to a female co-worker with a romantic note purportedly from Rathbun.
• Following and videotaping her as she ran errands, went out to eat or took evening walks.
• Questioning her parents, co-workers and friends.
• And posting "vile allegations" on websites tied to the church.

The question is what kind of person hires thugs to stalk and harass a women? How is it that the leader of a religion could be doing this and getting away with it for so many years?


I noticed that Monty Drake tries to keep a low profile online. That doesn't seem right since he's a professional electronic STALKER.




+3 # Karen de la Carriere 2013-08-22 16:25
I am going to be blunt.
The sex toy was a Penis.
A dildo sent by a "Church"
Tax exempt 501C3 mails a rubber penis to Mosey Rathbun's work address to humiliate and embarrass her.
Such is "Fair Game" in the lunatic halls of Office of Special Affairs Intelligence who use Lawyers as a cut-a-way to hire dirty PIs to do such.
Due to the fact that so many are compiling evidence and comparing notes, I can state that this Law suit is only the beginning....
+1 # Martin Padfield 2013-08-23 06:55
Nice research - no real surprises of course. Like attracts like I guess.
+1 # KZ 2013-08-23 09:09
PIECE OF SHIT! Hope he rots in hell.
+1 # sarah 2013-08-23 11:43
Sick.David Miscavige must go, and he needs to take all his perverts with him.
+1 # sarah 2013-08-26 20:52
Monty Drake and Steven Gregory Sloat, wow your mother's must be so proud! You don't know it yet,but David Miscavige plans to throw you under the bus. Just a guess.
# I have done research on him 2013-09-28 07:18
Monty Drake has little mans syndrome for he is only 5'4". He has a chip on his shoulder because his father "Corky" walked out of his life at a very early age, never even sending him birthday cards. Monty has stated that he will never speak to his father again. Monty always wanted to be a police officer/official for the Bass brothers in downtown Ft Worth TX but was turned down, this crushed him greatly. After working for a collections agency for awhile he got a job at a private investigative company, beginning his investigative career. Yes, he never went to college and no formal training on anything, really. He always carries an investigative badge around with him that looks like a police badge. He often flashes it, letting people assume he is a cop, knowing that it is illegal to do that. Poor little Monty, inch high private eye. I have tons of stories involving Monty and his criminal behavior, also some interesting information on his wife Terri, her union official father, how her mother passed away. Might report back soon and spill some details on our friend.
# I have done research on him 2013-10-04 06:48
His best friend recounted one time how they drove to Austin, when he was one dumped by a girlfriend, to go to one of the Asian message parlor's on 6th street to find physical release. Same friend said that they actually went to a donkey show when they acrossed into the boarder of Mexico. They went for that reason and it was very crowded so they could not really see much. Then again he is less than 5'4". These are true exploits and someone should ask him to verify them when he is deposed. He also used to carry around a picture of a topless Morgana the kissing bandit in his briefcase, until his wife found it and freaked. He went to see her at a topless bar in Ft Worth where she appeared once.

I'll be back with more soon. Someone tells me there is one more best friend of his I need to talk to.

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