David Miscavige caught red-handed by Anonymous | | Print | |
Sunday, 07 April 2013 14:52 | ||||
When Lucas Catton, former Executive Director of Narconon, spoke out in this week's edition if Rock Center on NBC, the Church of Scientology retaliated in their usual psycho-killer-on-bath-salts way by quickly getting up a hate site (www.lucascatton.org) to defame Lucas Catton. Only in the rush to get the site online, they forgot a couple of important details and David Miscavige promptly got caught, as the Dead Boys said, "with the meat in his mouth." Yes, Miscavige flunkies apparetly left a second live domain pointing to the same website: www.free2believe.org While the OSA worms remembered to cloak ownership of their new hate website in the WhoIs database, they forgot to change www.free2believe.org which was had been listed since April 2005 as belonging to the Church of Scientology. The bust was made by DeathHamster, an active member of Anonymous since 2008. Results were posted WhyWeProtest.net (click to visit). As you can see in the screen shot below (posted April 5, 2013 at 1:17 PM), the address for the website was listed as 6331 Hollywood Boulvard which is the Hollywood Guarantee Building — home to OSA International. Here is the WhoIs data as it appeared before the bust was announced:
Domain ID: D106112807-LROR Of course the CoS jumped on this to hide the connection as per usual and so the free2believe.org no longer points to the Lucas Catton website. So that not only shows David Miscavige's massively corrupt Church of Scientology is directly behind a global consipracy of cyberstalking involving efforts to incite hate and defame whilstleblowers, but since they were caught retaliating against a Narconon whistleblower, Miscavige's goon squad has thoroughly incriminated themselves as complicit in the "Narconon" deaths and abuses which are the whole point of the whistleblowers. Thanks to DeathHamster and Anonymous for a successful investigation. — Thoughtful |
Dirty tricks, fair game, covertly putting up sites against whistle blowers.
Nothing was learned from the Paulette Cooper days.
OSA INT Intelligence is as dirty as it gets, execution arm of David Miscavige.
Praise Xenu!
Oh, and just for accuracy, I was the president, not the ED.
Thanks again!
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