Mike Rinder on Today/Tonight | | Print | |
Thursday, 22 July 2010 09:16 |
& Here is part 2: & Marty's comments (from his blog)I just read the 12 page response signed by Tommy Davis. It indicates that Mike Rinder has David Miscavige rolling the marbles. It is the biggest crock of unadulterated bullshit they have produced to date. Notice the Miscavige propaganda, now referring to the Church as something LRH “inspired.” He’s clearly positioning the church as a creation of Miscavige. Well, it is accurate as far as the black dianetics it peddles day in and day out now. But, I noticed – they are steadily writing LRH out of the church’s history. Aside from the barrage of FALSE statistics, notice what statistic they are citing. 10 of the 12 pages are about PROPITIATION/PUBLIC RELATIONS programs the chuch is allegedly running. Very little about the church itself. The letter is very telling, it describes a PR outfit covering for the very activity Mike Rinder so articulately described. |
I loved the professionalism of this program. Mike did an excellent job. However, I wish he'd drive a bigger wedge between Scientology and DM's Church of Scientology and pumped up Scientology a little more.
Mike did just that by superbly answering a long list of well constructed questions over interviews that lasted some hours. His answers left no doubt about the who for Scientology's troubles. The problem, if you can call it that, came about when the producers had to edit hours of footage down to eleven minutes or so. All in all I think they did a good job.
Hopefully the TV station now uses the rest of the footage and airs a full length show dedicated to this subject. I had the honour to sit and observe these interviews in Oz and I tell you, if they would just play them back as they are with minimal editing they would have a fantastic show and a great deal of truth would finally be told.
There is *nothing* really stopping him repeating what he said to Bryan Seymour, is there? And saying lots of other stuff too. In fact it would be a great idea to document what he can in that way ASAP, just in case he accidentally cuts his throat shaving or something.
I understand he may be restricted in what he can say if there is some police investigation going on, but you said he had a lot to say to Bryan so there is obviously a lot of material he is able to detail. He could even go on some Indy's radio show and be interviewed there and have people call in. There is certainly no shortage of internet media outlets these days.
We have actually become our own media source.
I shouldn't end without saying that I agree with Marty's summary. I think it is spot on. The first 10 pages are actually sleep-inducing boring "event style" hype - very verbose, no meat to it, hot air. Then come 2 pages of "Stats" - not real stats but bragging "claims".
Actually, Tommy Davis, thank you - for at least you gave a few numbers. For so many I personally KNOW them to be false (in the meaning of "I've PERSONALLY SEEN them to be different).
I just happen to have a strong interest in exposing and documenting that Fraud is committed intentionally by DM & Co. (I prefer this abbreviation over your so very humble - is it boot licking? - long version, namely: "... ecclesiastical leader of the religion, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center (RTC), Mr. David Miscavige").
My first attempt is on this site and is called "83% Whopper".
Yes, I do continue along this line - thanks for asking.
My intention is to expose this fraud based on C of M data so public, staff and SO can and will look at it. So, thanks for a few more and so many repeated "numbers".
From his interview it was plain to see that Mike Rinder did care about the future of Scientology while working within the Church and continues to do so now.
Mike Rinder has pointed a finger at himself for having been drawn into abuse of others while now trying to get things corrected. How more responsible can he be?
If every person who had knowledge of crimes committed went public or went to the authorities then people like Mike would not be expected to do more.
There are many many 'exes' who don't post anywhere but still carry the hope that the Churches get corrected. These people are watching events and who is saying what.
If Mike Rinder has success in his attempts to correct things then maybe others will come out of the woodwork. Or maybe others will realise
that their own tacit agreement about things "done" or those deeds of their own they are "not so proud of" is no reason to sit back and watch Mike Rinder with a critical eye.
So good on ya Mike Rinder.
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