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Tuesday, 29 September 2009 15:32

The world has changed drastically since the 1990s and one big reason for that is freedom of information. You are reading this now directly because people decided to make information free. No one would really argue that the world has not benefited from the achievement.

As a comparative, Tesla wanted to make energy free to everyone. He had the technology to do it. Edison wanted to meter it out and sell it for money. And so you set the thermostat to shave money off that monthly electricity bill. Where would we be today, however, if a century ago unlimited energy would have been available to everyone for free?

Today we stand at a crossroads in history. Scientology is comprised of profound yet practical discoveries which would benefit all mankind. The original genus of Scientology was as an answer to genocide and the possible annihilation of the human race by his own hands. Now indeed there are a number of environmental threats any of which could change life as we know it on earth as swiftly as nuclear war: global warming, asteroid or comet impact, the return of an ice ages, super volcanoes as Yellowstone, pollution, pandemics.

If the purpose of Scientology is to put the tools for better living into the hands of anyone who wants them, and if there is even a slight chance that our days on earth are potentially numbered, then WHY are we hording the technology?

In 1989 I had global responsibility for marketing Dianetics worldwide. I found that the price of the Dianetics book in many nations was above the average wage-earner's monthly income. When I tried to change this, to make books affordable to people all over the world, I ran directly into David Miscavige who forbade any consideration. It was hard to accept at the time that anyone calling himself a Scientologist could be so utterly devoid of care for his fellowman, but in retrospect the facts of the case are as clear as a knife in the back: David Miscavige didn't care what happened to some father down in São Paulo trying to save his daughter's life. What he cared about was money #1. And image #2.

Hubbard introduced a sometimes misunderstood concept called "clearing the planet" based on his observation that if only about 20% happy, decent people were mixed into a defeated or criminal group, the whole group gained a new outlook on life. Applying that principle to the planet at large in the aftermath of World War II, the looming threat of atomic destruction, and the grief that occasioned some 13 million murdered at the hands of the Nazis... he began to broadcast his discoveries as an answer to the doubt and shadows into which the culture as a whole had sunk.

If only some 20% were to regain their potentialities, it would be enough to rap the planet's proverbial "clear" button (borrowing from the analogy of the calculator where the button marked "C" for "Clear" erases all past additions and confusions so that correct and logical answers can be obtained). 

The objective was to regain for humankind their collective ability to lift ourselves to higher and better places instead of lowering down the stairs to our own destruction.

Why can't we align Scientology and bring it into agreement with it's basic purposes? The books, lectures and greater knowledge of Scientology could be freely available online. Organizations could still manufacture and sell books of all qualities, expensive for people who want them. Hardbacks. Paperbacks. And for those of us who don't care about paper, the technology could be had. 

By making the technology that L. Ron Hubbard originally intended as a gift to mankind actually free to everyone, Scientology would be taking a giant step toward shedding it's cult image. 

Should Scientology knowledge be free?

-- Written by Thoughtful



+1 # RJ 2009-09-29 15:27
Wow I would go for that!

Actually with POD technology you could make the cost of an actual book very cheap. Also with SIR (Source Information Retrieval) you could make the whole Scientology library available to anyone!

Not only that but for a small fee for administrative costs, you could offer courses over the net on Scientology or Dianetics and also supervise co-audits in the field.

The only brick and mortar aspect needed would be areas to train professional auditors and quals for any needed correction so that the Tech remains Standard.

That is a person could do say his Level 0 theory on the net but then he'd have to come into an org or somewhere similar to do the practical requirements and auditing which would only take a week maybe not month after endless month and sometimes years as it does in most orgs these days.

Or the person had a problem with study they could come in get that problem handled with study tech and get back to his or her home study.

However the main thing is to get as much of the tech out there and in use as possible and then sort it out later.
# JOJO 2009-11-28 16:21
"To have the correct technology" would mean people should have easy access to it. I too had the idea to publish all digital files via internet, but not for entirely free. In the BSO hat materials LRH says people must be ready to exchange something for a book. Of course, there's no need to over-price them, I'd appreciate some sort of subscription fee but also a price for a single download for new people to start with.

Although I'm basically for free tech I see the danger of skipped gradients, ARC-X, Out-PR and such if new or rarely trained people have access to Div 4 material or OT levels. This should be supervised by a group of KSW-Committee or so.

With regard to "correct" tech there also must be a central supervision that tech remains LRH and don't get altered.

As to delivering home-courses this is a good idea but also must be combined with certain study tech prerequisites. The study tech courses should be delivered in orgs to 100%. BSM should be prerequisite to basic home-courses, Books and Lectures. Fast flow (STH and M1) should be prerequisite to Auditor Training Courses to ensure standard auditing quality.

I think orgs are very important and necessary for a thriving 3rd and 4th dynamic, given that they are ARC-ful, on tech and not run by others than the ED/his execs. Scientologists need to meet personally and exchange and create projects, ... Orgs must be staffed with caring, qualified auditors and admin personnel, not with some DBs below 2.0 snapping terminals with Ron (my experience). Orgs must encourage creation and initiative and be the place to guide its members (not infantilize).

However, broad public issue of LRH tech would do a lot to de-enturbulate the 4th dynamic. It would make people cause over their lives, it would make them to students, not only "PC"s waiting to get handled. They could do something about it in their very environment. And if they needed help they could buy some org services.

Hatted people would also prevent an organization system like the COS from becoming an intransparent elite-cult again. If millions of people had access to 100 % source LRH materials and were hatted, orgs needed to service them, they found themselves in competition to remote internet services. And single management staffs wouldn't have the power anymore to suppress staffs and public on hidden comm lines.

But what shouldn't be overlooked is that very likely DM is not the Sherman tank yet. There are people behind him. And these powers-to-be are very satisfied with the status quo at the moment. If we want to install a completely new "church" it would need a very well prepared and worked out concept installed so fast that the SPs really get shattered. I don't think we have much time for try and error as we won't be able to correct or adapt much. There's a unique chance to hit the SPs with PTS/SP Tech and publics would be impressed that Scientologists used their own tech to eliminate their own out-ethics and out-tech. So I think we will get lots of respect and admiration. But it must be a fast and terminate strike this time as I don't expect that we would get a third chance in the near future. This is an ending civilization, it's 5 past 12 and this is our last chance this lifetime I guess with the remaining LRH-trained auditors and the last chance to collect the original LRH-documents to ensure standard tech.
# Thoughtful 2009-11-29 10:56
Thanks for your post. In response, I have some questions/points:

1) What makes you say DM is not the Sherman tank?

2) We don't want to install a completely new church. We are auditing the old one (pulling withholds and getting all skeletons out of the closet) to make it sane. And in response DM's regime is shattering.

3) We ARE hitting the SPs with PTS/SP tech.

4) We ARE using our own tech to eliminate the actual out ethics and out tech. See #2 above.



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