Forced Confessions | | Print | |
Sunday, 21 June 2009 05:47 |
David Miscavige has many a trick up his sleeves by which he enslaves people. One of his best tricks is how he pries "confessions" out of his top staff. Here's how it works:
His ramblings as a rule don't make any sense and invariably order a given action to both be done and not done. In other words, he simultaneously forbids the action and orders it to be done almost in the same breath. The whole intent is to break people, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. These rants are laced with all manor of condemnations of the harshest kind accented with the most foul obscenities and personal criticism intended to cut not just to the bone, but straight through it. Chairman Miscavige pronounces (using himself as a model) what your crimes are. He decrees your intention was "to stop Scientology!" this and that. With his verbal axe he swings and slashes and says literally you must confess. Lastly, he orders you to fix immediately whatever submission it was that launched him into his tirade. Perhaps it was a proposal for an audio tape. An edit of a film. A fix on an organization chart. A script or a speech. Because he has pronounced you the lowest of the low, you now lose your privileges. Security guards won't let you drive. You may not go home and sleep in your own bed. You may not eat regular food, but must now live on beans and rice. So you fix the submission. But between you and Miscavige he has placed a series of staff with the duty of screening all traffic. So they review your submission before passing it on against the latest Miscavige transcripts from his tirades. If he says your intention is "to destroy Scientology" and you don't admit to that in your response, his staff will reject the submission back to you. If the submission doesn't go up to him quickly enough, Miscavige himself will come after you with another tirade and you restart at an even lower level of debasement. So you HAVE to get your submission through the gauntlet of brown-nosers and sycophants. The problem is THEY will get crushed by Miscavige if they pass on anything that makes Miscavige wrong. So it is impossible to refute anything he decrees. If he says "you intend to harm and destroy Scientology by submitting total garbage and stop me from doing MY job!" and you don't address that in your response, Miscavige's staff will reject the submission back to you. Now you're in even more trouble. So the ONLY route left open is to admit to whatever he says. So you write your response like this: "Dear Sir, Thank you so much for rubbing my nose into the fact that I was attempting to stop Scientology. I didn't want to believe it at first, but after you pointed it out, I realized it was true: by submitting an inferior product that would never work, I was in fact attempting to harm and destroy Scientology and stop you from doing your job. I have since knocked off this behavior and have gotten myself sorted out with the help of Ethics and am now realigned to Command Intention. My revised submission follows..." Now his gauntlet of people will pass on your submission and if he feels like it, he will look at your submission. This sort of thing happens continually. I've gone through this procedure repeatedly 2, 3 and even 4 times in one night. All I was trying to do was get my submission approved and do my job. I never realized these insane "confessions" might one day be used to wreck my reputation if I ever voiced any criticism of "Chairman" Miscavige. This is what is happening with Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Amy Scoobe and Tom De Vocht and many others not mentioned in the St Pete Times amazing special report on Scientology, Part One, entitled "The Truth Rundown." In fact, this is the very trick Miscavige has used to declare scores and maybe even hundreds of decent Scientologists as suppressive people, effectively cutting them off from family and friends forever. But it goes even deeper than that. Instead of refuting any specific charges (which they can't do because the allegations are true) Miscavige sent in a parade of fools, tools, two ventriloquist puppets and a village idiot to "discredit" the Time's sources. Two individuals even screaming at the journalists from point blank range. Well, what leverage do you think Miscavige has on all them? The same kind of false confessions but even worse. One of the tools who lost his temper, Greg Wilhere, notorious for falling asleep while acting as a therapist (he even did it to me)... Wilhere threatened to punch me out several times before I left in 2003. Ray Mithoff... I saw Miscavige bitch slap him. Marc Yager... I saw Miscavige strike him repeatedly in the face in a scene right out of The Untouchables: everyone sitting in Miscavige's cavernous $70 million office... Miscavige walking in between us as we sat in chairs... stopping, staring us down one by one, backing up, staring again... and when he got to Yager, without warning Miscavige erupted striking the seated Yager in the head, face and neck repeatedly and knocking him silly. On another occasion , I saw Miscavige smash and grind Yager's and Guillaume Lesevre's heads together. Guillaume was left bleeding from his ear and had to leave to get medical attention. Meanwhile the two ventriloquist puppets, Tommy Davis and Monique Yingling weren't anywhere even remotely close to being on those lines. They weren't at the Int Base. They didn't work on management lines. Davis was working at Celebrity Centre in LA, stroking Scientology celebrities since he himself is the son of actress, Anne Archer. Yingling is a lawyer and gets her income from the Church. I never saw or heard of either one coming to the Int Base, ever. Having Tommy Davis and Monique Yingling make any sort of statement at all about Miscavige's beatings is like asking a tree in China about a murder in Detroit. How would they know? They weren't there! But let's take it even a step further. Unlike Tommy Davis and Monique Yingling who were not there at the Int Base, I was there during Marty Rathbun's supposed "reign of terror" in 2003. It never happened. Throughout the entire year, I met with Marty one time and he was cordial. Guess who sent him to see me -- you guessed it: David Miscavige. And guess who else was there, running the real reign of terror: David Miscavige. He made 2003 into the worst nightmare of my life. In fact, for years, I still had nightmares about that time. That was the year chain-smoking Miscavige threatened to strike me with a heavy glass ashtray and started beating people right in front of me, the top people in Scientology. The worst of those beatings was received by Mike Rinder -- Marty was not there for this one but it was savage in the extreme. According to Miscavige's rules, it was MY fault that Mike was beaten. True to his level of sadistic insanity, Miscavige took out his aggression on the wrong target. Though visibly dazed afterward, Mike never uttered a discouraging word to me. And it was in that moment that I decided I'd had enough. I decided to say no to a concussion, not because I was afraid of getting hit, but because I had already decided that if Miscavige hit me I would defend myself or die trying. And the way it was rigged there, if I or anyone had touched Miscavige, we would have been turned over to the police and Scientology's top executives would have testified to Miscavige's "innocence," just as they did only days ago with the journalists of the St Pete Times. In short, my life would have been over. So I simply left. The St Pete Times has done a heroic job. God save the Free Press: we have a newspaper that supports true investigative reporting, through journalists and men of real courage like Joe Childs and Thomas C. Tobin. Don't miss the engrossing video interviews of Amy Scobee and Marty Rathbun where they reveal so much. PS - And what of the "village idiot" I mentioned? Who else could it be except Danny Sherman, Miscavige's personal speech writer and giggly-snide Yes-man. It was this dark beacon of Reverse Dianetics standing tall with the brownest nose of all, who offered St Pete journalists a touching story of Miscavige spotting an injured sparrow, talking to it and checking back later to see if it lived with the telling comment, "It was immensely tender.'' I'm sure. I'm also sure his out-blurt began with the words, "Given that..." Out of some 6.8 billion people on Earth, most will conclude that Danny Sherman is either a) A revolting mentally-deranged fruitcake, b) An asinine jackass with a secret fixation on small broken creatures, or c) the worst character reference in the history of the human race. PPS - And just so I don't forget her, need anyone point out the astonishing hypocrisy of Cathy "Zombie" Rinder who took this opportunity to let Mike and the rest of the world know that their 24-year-old son has cancer. Would Miscavige's application of the infamous disconnection policy have anything to do with Mike's inability to know the latest facts? I so wonder. And further, since Hubbard pointed out that one's connection to real suppressive persons are the cause of illness and accidents, what unknown source of stress could so disrupt this young man's world that he has become sick? I so double wonder. Hubbard said in his first book that "a change of environment" is valid therapy. You'd think an actual caring mother would secret her son to Mike's side in an effort to save his life. But NOOOooo, not Cathy Rinder. SHE mearly sees an opportunity use her son as a billy club. Cathy, your mother certificate is hereby revoked on behalf of the human race. PPPS - Is it possible that anyone on earth would have answered the serious allegations set forth in this breakthrough story by stringing out a more unsavory, broken down, messed up, group of Miscavige-Mini-Me's? Each individual stands not only as a testament to the destructive power of Reverse Dianetics, but as living proof that when discussing David Miscavige, one is truly dealing with insanity itself, defined by Hubbard as, "the overt or covert but always complex and continuous determination to harm or destroy." Remember that definition. It will guide you like a lighthouse. Written by Thoughtful |
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