The fifth step for handling a dangerous situation is, “Reorganize the activity so that the situation does not repeat.” Indie Scientologists are starting to ask how might we do that for Scientology?
Dialog began some time back on this and on Marty’s blog and others. And as with any dialog, some ideas have merit, some don’t. That’s all fine... part of “putting in order” for which the operating datum is continue to put in order and let the confusion blow off. LRH says, don’t try to stop the confusion, just keep putting in order. Checks and BalancesLRH created a system of checks and balances to see Scientology into the future, a system that was subverted and then nullified by David Miscavige.
WDC -- the Watch Dog Committee was supposed to comprise the watchdogs over Scientology. They're all gone -- taken out, one by one, and destroyed. However, that doesn’t prevent someone else from picking up the hat and wearing it.
By refusing to allow anyone at the Int base to wear the hat of WDC the way LRH envisioned (since the first action of a real WDC member would be to stuff David Miscavige into a cannon, point it straight down and fire!) Miscavige has abdicated WDC’s power. As LRH says in HCO PL, Why Hatting?, “When a person is secretly afraid of others, he instinctively will not hat them or hats them wrongly and tends to transfer or move them about.”
Power unused is power abdicated.
So who wears the hat of WDC now? Actually, you and me.
When there’s no one on post to wear a hat, it becomes everyone’s hat. Power abdicatedLRH established the Executive Strata of experienced Scientology executives to monitor key functions -- these are hats LRH actually wore. By refusing to allow anyone to wear those hats, again, David Miscavige has abdicated that power.
Same with RTC: to maintain the purity of the tech from an external position well off management lines. Who wears that hat today? Well, it sure isn't RTC. Re-defining floating needles and instant reads; forcing in squirrel six-month checks into the No-Interference Area; administering HCO style security checks to public Scientologists as “eligibility”; turning HCO into a dog and pony to sell books; turning LRH’s canceled disconnection into an active political weapon to silence dissent; selling status in the IAS and illegal straight donations for Super Power, etc., when LRH forbade straight donations without exchange; creating an atmosphere of brutality and intolerance while pretending to stand for “human rights” and “religious freedom”; (and the list goes on) RTC is doing more to push tech OUT than any suppressive group in history. More than "the psychs," more than the FBI, more than the CIA, more than anyone. Ever.
And regarding religious freedom, there is no religious freedom in the Church of Scientology today. Unless you toe the line and donate and cheer wildly at events and sell your soul, you can be declared. You are not free to disagree or express any constructive criticism. If you even write a KR, it triggers heat-seeking RTC missiles into your very living room to strip the certificates from your walls, like they did with Trey Lotz. If you change your mind about wanting to be associated with such a group, you WILL be declared and disconnected from your friends and family.
Psssst -- Dave, that is not religious freedom.
Here is what religious freedom means: what is true for a person is what is true for them. If they don’t agree with anything in Scientology or if they change their mind one day: that is their freedom. You don’t take action against them. They are FREE to believe as they choose. And they are free to express their opinion.
The CoS needs to stop lying by saying it supports “religious freedom” because in fact the Church of Scientology is one of the most intolerant groups on earth. As Just Bill pointed out once, they actually have become a hate group. We have them surroundedSo now, let’s get down to the real subject of this article. The apparency is that DM and those in charge within Church management have power; while Scientology's ex-patriots have nothing. In reality, what the Church execs have is a bunch of labels.
They have labels and all they can do is hand out labels. "You're an SP," "She's out-ethics," "He's not in good standing," "He's a Patronus Maximus Petunianovis Double Diamond Grande with a Shot of Expresso." What happens when one day no one gives a damn about their labels?
Well that day is fast approaching and on that day, the Church of Miscavology will suddenly have zero influence.
A rough parallel for what we as a group are discovering is in the LRH formula “8-8008”: the attainment of infinity by the reduction of the apparent infinity of the material universe to zero, and the increase of the apparent zero of the individual’s own universe to infinity.
There was a day when I thought if I were to be declared my world would end. Strangely, after I was declared (for daring to route off staff from the Int base) on that day, life began. I soon regained my perspective, my sense of right and wrong, regained my integrity, regained many OT abilities, started having fun again, got fit, got remarried, and finally started OT V... a step I’d been waiting to do since completing OT IV at Flag in 1986. And even though I’d made millions of dollars in the interim for the Church through marketing campaigns, print ads, TV spots, flyers, brochures, films, marketing videos, tour videos, release videos, gigantic displays and other creative products that are my specialties not to mention three websites for the Church including the old Dianetics website online from 2002 to 2008, somehow the Church (i.e., David Miscavige) could not allow me nor any other Int staff to move one single step further up the Bridge -- the whole purpose for which the Church exists!
I thought if I got a label it would be impossible to move up the Bridge. I thought I’d lose all my friends. Once I got the label, I started to move up the Bridge for the first time in 23 years (and in a safe environment, too) and now I’ve gained friends around the world and they are the very best kind of friends. What’s more, I’m completely free to market the reality of Scientology instead of David Miscavige’s perverted criminal corrupted unreality. And I’m communicating to people world wide.
In March 2004 I got a label. Now, almost 6 years later, I’m wondering what on earth was I afraid of? Monsters!![](/images/stories/lg/fiend.jpg) | Monster from 1958, "Fiend Without a Face"
One of my fondest memories as a kid included watching “Fiend Without a Face” one Sunday afternoon in the summer of 1964 while on vacation with my family at Padre Island, Texas.
I was six years old and I literally could NOT get enough monsters! The Blob, the Birds, the Mummy, Killer Shrews, giant ants, radioactive aliens, dinosaurs, Triffids, flying saucers, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, Dracula, Hunchback, Phantom of the Opera, the Crawling Eye, Wicked Witches, flying monkeys -- I loved them all.
“Fiend without a Face” was great because this 1958 movie (which you can rent from Netflix) was the first movie to do gore. The Fiends were invisible, intelligent, murderous brain-like creatures with a spinal cord for a tail. When killed they oozed and gurgled up puddles of real fake blood!
Deliciously scary when I was six years old. Not so scary as an adult. As adults we aren’t afraid of monsters.
So what are we afraid of?
(Oh man, this is embarrassing).
What? Grown men and women... running scared because of what? Being chased by a label-spewing organization? No teeth? No claws? No scales? No tentacles? Just words?
That’s it?
What the hell were we thinking?
Well, as a veteran of countless monster movies, I can tell you exactly what happens next. Trapped, out numbered, eventually the humans have to turn and face the monster!
Here’s a copy of the script:
[Knock, knock]
Scientologist: Who’s there?
Voice behind the door: [breathing heavily] Give us your money and worship David Miscavige or else!
Scientologist: Or else what?
Voice behind the door: Or else we gonna spit out a hideous, venomous label on you.
Scientologist: [derisive laughter] You don’t scare me David Miscavige.
Voice behind the door: Wha... what’s happening? How’d you know it was me?
Scientologist: [opens door] SHOO BITCH!
Voice behind the door: [screams, runs away faster than Tommy Davis can blow from an interview on national TV]
See -- it’s usually something simple that stops the horrible monster. In Day of the Triffids, it was plain old sea water. Dracula got a wooden stake. In our case, ignoring David Miscavige will do the job.
How do I know? Miscavige said so in an interview with the Saint Petersburg Times in 1998: “People keep saying, ‘How’d you get power?’ ” Miscavige said. “Nobody gives you power. I’ll tell you what power is. Power in my estimation is if people will listen to you. That’s it.” Delusional power vs. de facto powerOur power is de facto, but that doesn't matter. Power is power. So the important thing is to recognize we have power and continue to use it by putting in order.
Real power lies with those who have knowledge, responsibility and control. Together, we've created this community-based indie movement in only a few months.
You have power. Your opinions matter.
And since we’re on the subject, remember that first step of the Power formula: don’t disconnect.
So what are David Miscavige and Tommy Davis doing? Disconnect, disconnect, disconnect, disconnect, disconnect... It is literally their only stat still going “straight up and vertical” as a matter of fact: number disconnections. Well, actually that’s not true. Another stat that is straight up and vertical is “millions wasted on off-Policy real estate projects, lawyers, spies and international PR events to glorify David Miscavige.”
Recent verification came in from an Indie Scientologist who writes as StarsAwait, that org statistics have NOT reverted. He got the word from old friends in the CLO who sadly confirmed org stats have continued to downtrend unabated since 1990. Apparently the Golden Age of Tech and the Golden Age of Knowledge have combined to produce the Golden Age of Rigor Mortis: no transparency, no accountability, no ARC, no auditors being made, no Clears being made.
Our people on the ground in Clearwater confirm the parking lots are empty. The streets are deserted. Staff members look like beaten dogs. In my day at the FSO you could still go to the store for a snack, get a donut on Gulf-to-Bay, shop downtown. But not any more. Flag staff are in virtual lock down. No one may go anywhere without permission.
I get it. Scientology is going to bring Total Freedom through Total Slavery. That makes sense. Seems like I’ve seen that somewhere before?
I recently received a report that tours reg’s are routinely asked by Scientologists when they go out on tour “What about these reports of David Miscavige beating people?” Scientologists are demanding to know what’s going on.
When confronted on this same question by the Saint Petersburg Times, Tommy Davis tried to excuse the physical abuse of Sea Org members by saying Sea Org members are “tough sons of bitches.”
I’m sure pre-Civil-War slave masters in the old South would have liked to use that one when questioned about their practices. Slaves were whipped in front of their own children; their backs lacerated to the bone... “Well, them slaves -- they’s tough sons of bitches!” Thank you Slave-Master Davis. Now we all understand why you and Master Miscavige think it’s perfectly okay to violate human rights. Sea Org members are not people, they are “sons of bitches.” Nice to know -- Mr. International Spokesperson for David Miscavige -- deep down under the skin how draconian you really are.
The book Scientology 0-8 includes LRH’s index of withholds from 1962:
“If the pc doesn’t think it’s very dangerous, they give it to you directly and straight.
“If the pc thinks it’s a little bit dangerous, they explain around the fringes of where it might lie.
“If the pc thinks it’s rather confoundedly dangerous, it’s getting just a little bit grim, maybe on the jail borderline on that chain -- the pc will criticize.
“If it is so dangerous that the pc believes he is right up to the point where, with a jingle-jangle the patrol wagon arrives, the officers pick up the battering ram, they knock down the front door, they come crashing in with the handcuffs and leg irons and drag him screaming off -- they give you the motivator.
“The person will die before he will reveal himself.”
Funny isn’t it, that Tommy Davis is already up to step 4, giving out the motivator that Sea Org members are just “tough sons of bitches” so apparently they require beating because normal communication just doesn’t work with these people. I mean it is so hard to get good slaves these days without attitude. You know, people who would give up every dynamic, endure sleep deprivation that even the CIA classifies as torture, work for 40 cents an hour 7 days a week, abort their children when ordered, submit to all manner of human trafficking, banned from even visiting the 7-11 for a soda, prohibited from calling parents or family without someone listening in... and who would do it all without that attitude. Those kinds of uppity slaves just require beat downs. To make it worse, most of the time they won’t beat each other, so that just forces David Miscavige to beat staff personally like I saw him do on four occasions.
Help us pull the Church’s withholds. Get the crimes out in the open. Criminality has nothing to do with Scientology, so stop condoning it.
The tide has turned. The power has shifted.
The Internet is no longer considered taboo by active Scientologists. Virtually everyone is reading what is being posted here and elsewhere.
As LRH said, not even 16-inch armor plate can stop truth. Written by Thoughtful
Great video. Can you imagine if LRH were here how he would be taking advantage of lightning fast comm lines and information distribution systems??? Instead we have DM saying "Don't look".
Wow. It sucks to be dave.
It's still the same drill, just like the Dissem Drill. You may have to have more tools in the belt to deal with what's out there, but it's the same drill. Works too.
I'll give you a hug for an OT Debug,
Or I'll give you a bar of Zest,
To get rid of your enmest,
I'll put you in a games condition,
With a mighty midget that's on a mission,
I'll take away your barriers of course,
But then postulate them with double force,
I'll turn to your face and end up laughing,
Because we're people unplugging people,
Like The Matrix captain.
I dislike the taste of boots, spitting it out may not please everyone. But I got thirsty for freedom.
Thanks for the excellent article.
Loved the script man!
Have your people call my people and let's do lunch sometime :-)
I gotta admit I loved monster movies too when I was a kid couldn't get enough!
Davy, reminds of one of those B grade Ed Wood classics like Plan B from Outer Space. A bad actor in a big role who thinks he's a "star".
Or one of those 'Gong Show' rejects that just goes on and on and on....
Who just won't stop even when the gong is going like a fire alarm!!!
Talk about a horror movie!!!
and you keep writing please.
So simple. So true.
History is replete with stories of individuals who operated with power derived from the public good, and then once the existing regime was toppled, appointed themselves "ruler for life". Julius Caesar, Napolean, etc.
It makes sense to me. But I guess LRH policy is "not used any more".
Yes, we have the power, and it isn't flowing to DM.
I recognize this as CASE GAIN, and as further de-PTSing. Thank you for that, Thoughtful, as you are one of the sane, stable terminals who keeps putting the truth out here to be viewed.
I can feel when real charge is being bled off, but more than that, I'm now aware that " the room has gotten brighter," so to speak.
I'd like to request a favor: I want everyone to get a free account on Twitter and "follow" me (iThoughtful) so we will have instant comm line. The potential power of that is huge, especially if we get into any heavy weather. We are inviting the lightning down on ourselves. So such precautions can keep myself, Marty and others protected. Strategically it is key.
Best, Thoughtful (Steve)
So far the best and most enjoyable Read on Site.
FLUR - Fantastic video. Thanks for sharing
Thanks Thoughtful you're a very valuable friend to have!
Write a declaration of independence and Marty and I will publish it. Follow us on Twitter for instantaneous comm re what's going on.
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