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Saturday, 17 April 2010 00:22

There’s a big difference between hitting a body and hitting a being.

You can’t hit a being... no location in space!

The same is true of the indie field. This is our strength. We are fabian because we are not operating on the third dynamic (groups). We are operating on the seventh dynamic (thought).

Miscavige is going mad because there’s nothing to hit. No solid target.

I’m sorry. I keep getting goony emails from plants urging us to work up a “plan” and an org board. They want us to decide “who’s going to take over after DM?” Etc.

But that’s not our problem.

There is power in simplicity and our de facto plan is embodied in simplicities: “Expose criminality.” “Put in order.” “Ignore the confusion.” “Connect up.” “Flourish and prosper.” “Ignore Dave.”

You KNOW Dave is uncomfortable with that.

Check out the Know to Mystery Scale. You will find “Not Know” close to the top. Exactly how will it all play out? We don’t know. We don’t need to know. Why? Because we are operating on knowingness not “MEST” (matter, energy, space and time).

Stripped of pretense, OSA’s phony emails to me state the problem as “the independent field has no management. No leaders. Everyone’s just doing their own thing.” Apparently, this is terrible. Horrible. Heinous. Hideous. Unacceptable.

Oh, I don’t know. Some say we’ve done quite well in less than a year. You might even chalk up a first-round TKO.

Maybe dumb-struck Miscavige can’t stand a field because there’s nothing in it to unmock. He wants us to form an official organization.

In other words, he wants us to form a solid target so we can be hit, sued, taken over and destroyed.

I say, no thanks.

We don’t need an organization. After 10, 20, 30 years as Scientologists you can bet we have long since internalized LRH policy. We form up, wear hats, get products and produce change without anyone every having to issue an order or a formal org board, without any leaders, without any management.

We use Scientology and operate on LRH principles while remaining totally independent, free and able. And happy.

We are not operating on the third dynamic. We are operating on the seventh and mobilizing the fourth to get ethics in on the third.

We will not make the mistake of being pulled down into a mockup so we can be unmocked.

We are OT by design.

Written by Thoughtful



# AlexMetheny 2010-04-16 18:49
Great message Thoughtful!

You also made me think of how uptone thetans are natively ethical and don't need orders. Everyone just seems to do what they can and things get bigger and better.

How come that doesn't happen in the church of mestology??

I like your spirit of play Steve and the exterior viewpoint! Have a great week!

# Thoughtful 2010-04-17 00:53
Thanks Alex -- I always love seeing your posts on Marty's blog! You have great insight.

# Windhorse 2010-04-17 03:27
I was reading the latest comment on Marty's blog -- and trying for the LIFE OF ME -- to put my thoughts into some form --

Why bother? All I had to do was come over to your blog, read this latest OSA strategy enter and you've said it ALL!!! :-)

Absolutely -- it's the fabian aspect, the complete lack of interest in taking over, the perfect willingness to not-know HOW it's going to pan out, the light but intense intention to see abuse exposed WHILE keeping our own hearts humming with the pure joy of "gettin' to know you"

This independent movement is helping to create an enormous like-minded movement of people who have on their own lives, regained their self-respect, their footing and their friendships.

Who as individuals hold dear their right to speak, their right to stand up and their right to critical thought. With the greater desire to help their fellow man -- even if he's an impoverished nomad who will never pick up any cans -- except perhaps a can of soup.

Thanks Steve -- I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing just how many are reading it at all hours of the day.

# Guest 2010-04-17 13:52
I totally second that!

# Lise 2010-04-17 03:35
What a great article. I had never looked at it from a seventh dynamic point of view before,that is so spot on. Thanks for the cognition Steve.
# Thoughtful 2010-04-18 00:53
I've always thought the product of a writer is insight.
# Sinar 2010-04-17 08:12
Outstanding article, Thoughtful!

You have brought up some very good points about the Indies being truly Independent.

There are also an increasing amount of Success Stories and wins being shared on Indie Blogs and other social networking places, indicating that this is the way to go.

If you contrast that with how nasty, robotic delivery of lines, unreal, lying, pasty looking "top execs" trotted out on Nationwide TV recently who are part of that solid, Mesty, abusive 3rd Dynamic; the choice is quite clear!
# Marta 2010-04-17 08:18
Thank you, Thoughtful. Thanks for putting into words exactly how I've been feeling, but not had the concept clear - I've just known that talk of "organizing up" and putting form on our collective strength as it is, not only felt smaller but inherently like taking steps back. Personally, I don't have the warm fuzzies about putting even a toe in any kind of structured scientology. Staying alert, not reactive.

When I stepped away and made my resignation internet public, I was surprised at the degree of release and freedom I experienced, what felt like a caterpillar shedding a cocoon - the solidification of the "org" that has become a cult. Your article today acknowledged that experience. Like a nod and tip of the hat well received, and right baqck at ya.

We are Theta.. Namaste
+1 # sergio 2010-04-17 08:50
This reminds me of an old saying from the south of Chile. "It's particularly difficult, to find a black cat in a dark room, specially if it's not there".
# lunamoth 2010-04-17 09:38
Oh this moved me! The Ideal Scene,indeed!

What a thing of beauty, Thoughtful. Thank you for pointing this out to me because I had previously failed to see it (and I never want to miss anything this beautiful)!

My first datum of comparable magnitude when I first looked at the lack of formal organization among Independents and the rest of this field, was the American revolution. I remember learning as a child about how the Americans, mostly farmers and merchants, were not trained as soldiers and were poorly outfitted for war. They fought for their freedom from behind trees and rocks, guerrilla-style, while the much better-organized, trained and well-armed British soldiers lined up in formation in their bright red coats in the middle of fields, as was the style in which war was fought in those days.

I don't have to tell you who won that war.

I see that parallel here. Apparently, the most active members of the Independents know better than to believe the enemy telling them that their strength is a weakness.

The most important thing, I believe, is that the Independent movement embodies the balance between personal freedom and responsibility that all formal organizations aspire to, and which dm's church will never achieve, because the individuals inside are no longer allowed to be either free or responsible.

This was a really beautiful post, Thoughtful. Thanks for presenting it, and for showing me the really beauty of this situation.
# Joe Howard 2010-04-17 09:52
Now you've done it. You've laid out our strategy for all to see. Now DM and OSA will be able to put their fists through their computer screens and that will be the end of us. Poof!
# Kirsi 2010-04-18 06:46
Joe, you don´t suppose... say it isn´t so.. he is not one of THEM, is he?!
# jim logan 2010-04-17 09:57
Another aspect to this that I've noticed is that OTs can create space, locate energy and matter in it, and that's Self-Determinism from the Qs.

We can assume viewpoints, extend points to view and move them about by postulate.

While there may be no ornate buildings, MEST vias, and fixed viewpoints, there is nevertheless an OT group. A True Group. It operates above DM's awareness level.
# MK 2010-04-17 10:07
# John Doe 2010-04-17 11:39
Very well stated, Thoughtful. And I might add that having a certain number of us known only by our nicknames on these blogs is a powerful "fabian" influence.

I mean, OSA, think about it. I'm John Doe, the epitome of the unknown, unidentified man. While I'm one man, I could be anyone. I could be the brother of your senior. I might be your best friend's son. Think about it...
# Idle Org 2010-04-17 11:52
The above is such a great point, Thoughtful!

It's amazing how we can indeed work together to get out effective products, yet still be individuals living in entirely different parts of the world. The internet is ultimately the tool, which, if properly used, will cause the future downfall of the cruelty in the church.

DM is boxing at shadows. There are just too many of us, sprinkled around the globe, who know exactly what we're doing.

Rather than needing leaders and an organizing board that can be taken down by DM, we operate from ethics, mutual respect, decency to one another and a very healthy dose of PURPOSE.

Oh....and.....when you can actually get good food and a good night's sleep regularly, you are far more powerful and productive. Dangerous concepts to a little sociopath.

Thanks Thoughtful! :-)
+1 # Notsaware 2010-04-17 11:56
Thanks Steve, you're right, never again made the same mistake. We are fabian! I go where I please, I audit as much as I care to audit and change place at my own choice. I couldn't care less if Miscavige doesn't approve it.
# Karen 2010-04-17 15:47

What an awesome post! What a very clear and simplistic answer to where are we going? I like it! I have always been drawn to theta goals and this is clearly a theta group with theta goals!

Watch out OSA...as John Doe pointed out...we can be anywhere or everywhere.

# Li Po 2010-04-17 15:55
Wow! Admiration!
# Scooter 2010-04-17 18:17
Perfect strategy for fighting a totalitarian foe.

Anons have been doing just that and winning now for over two years simply because there's no leadership for DM to target. No assets to attack. No "who" to sue.

And now the Indies are opening up a whole new front and flourishing and prospering because of it.

And I for one couldn't be happier with the outcomes.
# one of those who see 2010-04-17 18:44
This is an amazing post!!

"We are operating on the seventh dynamic (thought)." ..."We are not operating on the third dynamic. We are operating on the seventh and mobilizing the fourth to get ethics in on the third.

We will not make the mistake of being pulled down into a mockup so we can be unmocked.

We are OT by design"

Thoughtful, I am totally blown away. The intelligence and asthetics of you and the people that post on these Indie sites is really wonderful. i am so honored to be among you.

I was a kid in the 60's but by the time I grew up that Spiritual Feel in society was gone. Then, I found Scientology and thought "oh, this is where everyone went." Happy once again-found my group. Then, the church changed and I quietly walked away. I had so many questions...So, one day I typed on a search engine "where is Ray Mithoff?" And started reading and found this site and Friends of LRH and Marty's site etc..And I thought "oh, this is where everyone went!" And teary eyed, I say hello!
# Kirsi 2010-04-18 06:46
You took me by the thetan throat; what a beautiful reply to Steve´s outstanding post. With his insight he always manage to get under my skin, too.

Now over 500 000 hits, me too pilgrim here daily. Because I feel like it and because I EXIST.
# Karen 2010-04-18 09:20
Welcome home...you are with friends now!
# Thoughtful 2010-04-18 13:35
And you guys in turn inspired me to expound this thing about the dynamics, which turned into a year-end review which Dan Koon (my worst nightmare) has been pounding me to write for a month. Thanks to all, and I hope it produces an even stronger sense of pride. All my love,
# Moving Forward 2010-04-17 18:46
What a great message and I really want to thank all of you guys for being here, for being a theta stable datum as my world turns topsy-turvy. Even though I don't really know any of you, it's great to know I'm not alone. I'm new to this whole idea of being an independent and it's a scary, yet liberating feeling (even if I can't be public at the moment). At least, like John Doe said, maybe it'll keep them guessing!
# Thoughtful 2010-04-18 00:51
Welcome Moving Forward. You are on the right track and that track is all about discovering and uncovering what YOU think is right and wrong about the Church, etc. Most Scientologists are so suppressed, so laden with false data, they can't even conceive of contacting their own opinions on the matter. But therein lies your integrity.

So drink deeply and be reinvigorated as the Scientologist you always wanted to be stands up and looks around for the first time.
# Karen 2010-04-18 09:23
Very well communicated, Steve.
# Moving Forward 2010-04-18 12:46
Thanks for the warm welcome... What you said about needing to uncover what *I* think is right and wrong about the Church reminded me of a cognition I had a few weeks ago.

I realized I'd been harboring a lot of upset and disagreement that I'd had to try to hide even from myself because I didn't want to be 'disaffected'. Because of these disagreements, I had felt I must be just so terribly out-ethics. Just being able to confront and acknowledge that these things I was disagreeing with *should* be disagreed with blew charge. It's not mutual out-ethics, it's not my own overts; these things I was seeing were just wrong.

It's ironic because one of the first things that really indicated to me about Scientology was the concept that it's not true unless it is true for you and the emphasis on maintaining one's own reality and personal integrity. There is a great reference on one of the messenger-only courses where LRH says that if you are compromising your own personal integrity, it means there is something out-ethics going on. I was able to apply that datum successfully many times personally, yet had to blind myself to it so often when it came to the actual scene.
# Ed 2010-04-17 19:48
The USA was built on freedom of speech. The internet was too. D M has been creating a cult that violates freedom of speech. That is why I have never supported D M. It is true that this website is a seventh dynamic activity. I respected freedom of speech before I knew what the seventh dynamic was. Keep up the good work, Thoughtful!
# sergio 2010-04-18 02:31
Thank you for everything you do.
# Misha 2010-04-18 07:06
Your message is loud and clear, Thoughtful, and essentially correct in my opinion, However, I am not sure that (A) organization and order of some kind are not needed for survival and (B) that everyone who brings up this point of organization is a plant. I am bringing it up right now but I am not a plant, for example. Being fabian means not really being there as a target for the enemy but it also means that you are not there for your friends either. Let's say you got a new person interested in Scientology and want them to have some introductory services as well as some Book One and possibly a Purif. How do you know where to go and who to ask? If there was a LOOSE and INFORMAL org board out there on the net, posted up to some degree and broadly publicized, you'd know who to ask. You just shot an email to the Independent PSS Int to obtain the data and connections you need and report on your progress too and you can expect some help in debugging things if needed because PSS has some weight among the Independents. Or, lets say, you want to organize a 3D project to clean the Bay Area beaches and want to reach other Independents in the area or even outside the area. I personally have no idea who is who or who is where so if I wanted to contact people in my area, I would come up with only other people I know. Or lets say you are bogged on your auditing, you need a better C/S (or just any C/S since your auditor is your only C/S) or an FES or a repair session, where do you go? Or lets say you are in comm with an auditor who wants to get you in as his PC but you met the person and have some misgivings, who do you consult? Organizations continue through time because they provide services crucial for survival of their members. The only problem is creating an organization so loose that it is beyond attacks by the OSA and DM.
# one of those who see 2010-04-18 22:16
Kirsi and Karen. Thanks so much for the wonderful welcome. And hello and a hug to Moving Forward too!
# MissedGarbage Watcher 2010-04-19 21:47
That's really cool, Steve.
Let's move on.
# lunamoth 2010-04-20 09:59
This is pretty brilliant, Steve.

Apparently, in your case anyway, that includes providing the insight in a very succinct manner because that's what you just did there.

And the value of this insight to me is that this can be extrapolated out to apply to other art forms as well, and it sums up many of the effects an artist seeks to produce; changing minds, revealing hidden beauty or hidden truth, increasing ARC - these can all come under the heading of "insight."

I love to get into a conversation with you on this subject sometime, but for this thread that would be a bit off topic. Another day!
# 2ndxmr 2010-04-20 10:02
Great article, Steve.

Last August when I started reading Marty's blog I was wondering how long it would take OSA to turf DM. Having been a 10 year staff vet and knowing the general quality of our org staff (pretty damn good, including DSA), I naively thought OSA only needed a bit of data and they'd put ethics in on DM.

Having been thoroughly disabused of that idea over the following months, I, too, wondered what kind of structure would be required for the future Scientology. Initially I didn't think Joe's "New Paradigm" (free access to all materials via the internet) would work. Why? Because in my staff history I had seen how it was tough to develop and keep a field together with a decent org - how could it possibly be done without one?

The unhandled ser fac is one of the things destroying Scientology from the top down. If anyone has had a ser fac opened by R3SCA and left unflattened they will know the enormous power and rage that can be unleashed from that charge. I do. But because I was also trained I was able to recognize the urge to drammy and quash most. So I had no trouble believing DM could go into a full drammy and that that drammy would filter downward by a contagion of abberation, leaving the Church in the sorry state it is today.

Reading the blogs by Steve, Marty, Jeff and others over the months has definitely rehabbed many abilities that had waned for me over the years. This (theta internet blogs) has become a great venue to destimulate, to cognite and to experiment with the next great step in Scientology.

The internet path is, IMO, now viable especially, I think, because none of us will any longer accept a ser fac drammy by anyone in authority and because we will natively use LRH to be the guide in proper conduct and action - and comment about it when it doesn't occur.

That's not to say that leadership isn't needed. Perhaps that leadership can come in the form of guidance by blogs, as is happening now. Perhaps it will evolve to something new. If the past year is anything to go on, the future will be exciting!

# David St Lawrence 2010-04-26 20:51
We may not be operating on a Third Dynamic that the CofS or you ex-Sea Org execs will recognize, but we are in fact operating as an Internet-powered network of loosely connected individuals and groups that is a 21st Century version of a third dynamic.

To the bricks and mortar world, Internet organizations are as fabian as they need to be. They are independent of time and place and their response time is measured in minutes at times. Their reach is worldwide, so that a strike at any node in the network or any terminal belonging to a node can be broadcast to every terminal on the planet before the hour is out.

I agree that we work on the Seventh Dynamic more than on the Third alone, but I suggest that our new third dynamic has all of the attributes that are necessary for survival against a heavily financed and oppressive top-down organization.

The dinosaur we face has sacrificed independent theta for obedience to an all-controlling Big Brother. (right out of Orwell's 1984)

Our strength is in our spiritual alignment (our seventh dynamic) which is constantly being adjusted as we run out the third dynamic engram we have experienced.

We have a great game to play and a considerable theta advantage at this point.
# Meisha 2010-04-29 07:43
You know, I went to my local org with the hopes of connecting with them and getting started right away. I spent about an hour wandering through, looking at the various displays. Every person I wanted to talk to was too busy and ignored me. I felt shoved to the side. Unhappy I left. I did a google search for Independent Scientologists and immediately joined the Freezone group. My life is full of wins and I am as happy as I thought I would be applying the tech to my everyday life. I am finally happy.

I read your post and really felt energized by what you said. That was the sole reason for me entering into the Independent zone. Independents are warm, welcoming, and full of life. They are happy and reflect that in every part of their being. This is something no one can take away, which I think is more beautiful than words can actually describe.

Thank you for the lovely insight.

# ludovico 2012-03-03 02:29
Best of luck...the freezone of shining thought!

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