For years now, I’ve been hearing about DM’s “interpretation” of LRH’s definition of a floating needle and the trouble it has caused both auditors and preclears.
The LRH definition as written in HCOB 21 July 1978, WHAT IS A FLOATING NEEDLE is elegant simplicity itself:
“A floating needle is a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even pace of the needle.
“That’s what an F/N is. No other definition is correct.”
That’s the entirety of the bulletin.
I’d heard that DM, via his RTC Reps, had begun enforcing an interpretation based on the word “rhythmic” that an F/N had to sweep back and forth at least 3 times, based on the definition of the word “rhythmic.” I’m guessing that the idea was to give a verifiable minimum physical universe standard for what constituted a release in the pc’s mind. Whatever the reasoning, I’d heard a fair amount about this over the years.
Then, just recently a friend sent me a revision to this is simple LRH bulletin issued on 8 October 2000, which amends the definition to:
“A floating needle is a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even pace of the needle, back and forth, back and forth, without change in the width of the swing except perhaps to widen as the pc gets off the last small bits of charge. Note that it can get so wide that you have to shift the tone arm back and forth, back and forth, to keep the needle on the dial, in which case you have a floating tone arm.
“That’s what an F/N is. No other definition is correct.”
I’d never seen it before. I read it and thought to myself, “That mother*#!@+%^&#!! He went and changed the bulletin.”
I looked down at the bottom to see who had done the revision and I saw the initials “sk.” Sue Koon. My wife at the time. She was still working in RTRC while I was working in CMU. She never mentioned this revision to me in the 3+ ensuing years before I expedited my route out from the Sea Org. Had I been strong armed into making such a revision, as she no doubt was, I would not have had the courage to tell her had our situations been reversed, so I really can’t blame her. And I can understand her shame.
Her (DM’s) justification for the revision was that LRH had added text to a revision of the book E-Meter Essentials six months later in February 1979.
I suppose that someone who has studied the numerous other references in bulletins, books and lectures where LRH mentions and discusses F/Ns would not be too bothered by this screwball revision. (LRH’s mention of fleeting F/Ns and his famous dictum about “waiting for the meter to play Dixie” immediately spring to mind.) But a brand new auditor trainee unfamiliar with these other references could have this “new” definition hammered into his or her brain with the proverbial atomic branding iron and that would become their stable datum for an F/N.
Let’s now imagine the untold amount of trouble this had made the pcs, auditors, C/Ses, Cramming Officers and the organization since.
The auditor starts the session and asks the pc is he has an ARC Break.
Pc says “Nope” and the needle sweeps back and forth at a slow even pace of the needle. He’s feeling pretty chipper and looking forward to the body of the session.
The auditor stares at the needle to make sure it sweeps back and forth once more. The pc’s attention shifts somewhat to the auditor glancing down at the meter.
The auditor looks up and says, “Thank you. On the question, ‘Do you have an ARC Break, has anything been suppressed?’”
No read.
“Do you have a present time problem?” “On the question, ‘Do you have a present time problem, has anything been suppressed?’”
One Green Form later (because if rudiments won’t fly the auditor knows to assess a Green Form) the auditor and preclear are off to the races and off the pc’s program.
One wonders how many sessions have gone completely off the rails, how many auditors have given up or been removed from auditing and how many pcs and pre-OTs have been driven nuts and driven further into debt by this single revision to this one, simple HCOB.
In fact, if you wanted to kill off Scientology and you could only enter in ONE arbitrary into ONE LRH writing this would probably be the one. The beating heart of Scientology is the auditing session and if you can wreck every session right at the beginning, on the rudiments, or on any process if it gets that far, you will have wrecked the Scientology movement.
And you wonder why no auditors are being made, why orgs no longer sell auditing but only reg donations for other stuff and why people are leaving the church in droves.
Of course, such a coup de grâce would not have been possible during the 1950s when meters weren’t used but the subject still expanded like mad all over the world. Not saying here to get rid of meters. Just that revised definition of an F/N.
Written by Joe Howard
Sorry to be picky, but I prefer natural TRs, high ARC from the auditor, attention directed at me instead of the meter, and running only reading items to a proper F/N and not overrunning.
In fact, it was the "three swings" rule that made my OTV an absolutely painful experience. I could actually see the auditor staring at the meter and counting the sweeps to herself.
Whence my F/N vanished. Whence came out the correction list.
This totally violates HCOB 21 October 1968R FLOATING NEEDLE, which says "One does not sit and study and be sure of an "F/N". It swings or pops, he lets the pc cognite and then indicates the F/N to the pc, preventing overrun."
Even more annoying to a trained auditor like myself, the remedy recommended in this bulleting was NEVER applied: "When one OVERRUNS an F/N or misses one, the TA will start to climb. The thing to do is briefly rehabilitate it (rehab it) by indicating it has been bypassed and so regains it."
And the bulleting also says this (get this!): "The F/N does not last very long in releasing. The thing to do is end the process off NOW. Don't give another command."
And when it came time to do my auditor internship, I didn't. Why? Because I didn't want it recorded on videotape that I was invalidating the pc's cognitions by ignoring a "fleeting F/N" (HCO B 23-Nov-1973 RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA) just because the F/N didn't sweep three times.
Why did the Golden Age of Tech produce so few auditors? Maybe it's because auditors consider themselves honest.
What Joe Howard didn't mention in his analysis was the continual abuse of auditors during the evolution of applying the "new definition". If an auditor called an F/N "too soon", he was assigned lower conditions for "false reporting an F/N".
This was accompanied by the continual abuse of Examiners for the same thing.
After a few weeks, you've "lower conditioned" your tech staff into apathy.
The "redefinition" of F/N, with the accompanying Ethics abuse and misimplementation, has ruined Scientology, auditors, preclears, Examiners, auditing, and people's hope of getting up the Bridge.
I never paid attention to DMs definition. I never had to split hairs like that. My pcs and cramees and anyone else I metered would have an unkillable F/N by the time I got him to the examiner. I didn't need no punk-ass 3 swings of the meter. My PCs would be WINNING and their floating needles genuine like LRH described. No mistaking f/ns when I brought someone to the examiner.
And if I caught an examiner sitting looking at the meter, he would get a cram from me on "Waiting for the meter to play Dixie?" HCOB. In my mind if your pc picks up the cans at the examiner and the examiner has to "wait" for the f/n, then you don't have an ep. If that EP didn't make it to the examiner, then you are toast. There is no HCOB or otherwise LRH to back what I am saying up. But I NEVER had problems at the examiner. Ever.
As a cramming officer I had a lot of auditors come to me asking me if they should adhere to the "3 swings" and I would handle the piss out of them having them clay demo what a release is.
An auditor at FCDC was running an ARC X rud on his pc in his auditing room when the door got kicked open and a Federal Agent grabbed the meter at the point of a gun. After the feds left, the D of P ordered everyone back into session. He had to audit pcs without a meter for months on end, 8 hours per day. He told me that if you can't tell when your pc is f/ning you got no business auditing.
Sorry Dan, I just have a lot of passion on this subject. DM is such a squirrely to believe that he can rename an F/N.
ML Tom
The short, sweet definition you quoted from 1978 is the one I trained with and still believe to be the best definition.
However, the revised definition from 2000 contains passages about the F/N widening as one gets off the last bits of charge, and a wide F/N turning into a floating TA that I recall being part of my late-80's training. It seems that the two references have been smashed into one mishmash. So it's not that the second definition is made up, it's just been altered. I no longer have my tech vols. Could someone verify or discredit this memory for me? Thanks.
I'm not sure but you may be referring to the HCOB 20 Feb 70 Floating Needles and End Phenomena which covers the various manifestations of FNs and the differences, similarities and identities of them in Dns and Scn processes.
I found a video by Pierre Ethier, from 2009, and in Part II he comments on the issue you may be thinking of. It is the E-meter Essentials Errata issue from 21 Feb 79, last change to it in May 79(it has that same phrase of the FN widening) and/or CS Series 20 Persistent FN.
Dan may know the data behind the E-Meter Essentials Errata sheet. I have some vague recollection about it, but he's the R Comps guy.
Merrill Mayo was the one LRH worked with on E-Meter Essentials and that added bit of data was what he dictated to be added to the book at that time. Of course he had been saying the same goddam things about F/Ns since the 1960s and so was really adding nothing new. For DM to squeeze that into a bulletin LRH had written 6 or 7 months previously to fit his personal agenda is something he will have to deal with one day.
The poor pc (and auditor) having survived the session, now are off to the examiner. It starts all over again. PC is chipper and smiles at the pretty examiner. Examiner so worried about calling the meter that she has her attention mostly glued there waiting for the needle to sweep the required times.
PC begins to introvert. No F/N, especially with the new definition. ARGHHH.
BTW, I did start to hear what I thought was a new (I'd never heard it before) examiner r/factor: "Thank you. Your needle floated." Floated? FLOATED!? WTF!?
Bruce Pratt
The DM alterations required auditors and Examiners to not indicate "Your needle is floating" if in fact it was not floating at that exact moment. The indication that "Your needle is floating" became a False Report if it wasn't in the middle of a "sweep".
So the patter "That F/Ned" or "Your needle floated" came into vogue, partly as a way to not getting assigned Lower Conditions unnecessarily.
Just sayin'. Not defendin'.
This is a wonderful "indication", ah, er, sayin'.
That validates some suspicion I'd had regarding the thing. Not being trained in anything but how to suppress certain originations and keep my mouth shut, I'd let this slide.
No read.
“Do you have a present time problem?” “On the question, ‘Do you have a present time problem, has anything been suppressed?’”
No read.
Did you not forget the "Invalidate" button?
"You've been GATted!"
Boy, I can't tell you how many times I've gone into session looking forward to digging into some chunk of case and handling it only to get bogged down in rudiments. Many times, we never made it into the meat of the session. I became so frustrated after a couple of years of this that I just stopped going. It was too painful having wrong indication after wrong indication and tons of BPC build up.
Then there were the trips to the examiner, the physical gymnastics of blankets, shoes, no shoes, etc. and watching the examiner waiting for the meter to play Dixie. Next thing I'd know I'd be red tagged. What a flipping circus!
As an auditor trainee, I got tired of being flunked for calling an F/N that I knew was an F/N -- they're very distinct when they happen -- but that hadn't completed 3 full swings. :S
Yep, this is truly the single most destructive thing that's been done, IMO.
Piecing together the time sequence on all of this
(I am open for correction and debate)
1)In the early 1990s Miscavige batters Ray Mithoff, declares him SP, smashes him to pulp, sends him to the RPF for 4 years and assumes a "Senior CS INT/Dean of Tech position, with absolutely ZERO training as a CS. His tech training consists of 0-IV academy training in 1971-72 at St Hill UK.
2)DM monitors sessions at the Flag Land Base through the video feed in a hub he sees Lisa McPherson getting audited and DECLARES her CLEAR. See Marty's blog
3) Lisa Goes Type III and we all know the story there.....
4) DM now knows his "knowingness" of Lisa McPherson clear status and misinterpreted FN was bogus. In a knee jerk reaction, he now changes the definition of FN to 3 needle swings.
Before finding out the Truth Rundown I had been parked on the Bridge for the last 4 years, mainly because of this issue.
Auditing had gotten so horrible, especially at Flag and AOLA. You did your best to "keep your TRs in" as a PC so your needle would float long enough to count.
The ruds example you gave was the exact scenario I went through. After going through this repeatedly it began to continually read on Missed W/H, building up tons of charge from Protest. Auditing became a match between me and the auditor because it seemed like they would put on their tough-guy confessional TRs once they were convinced you had a withhold. You'd offer up anything to run just to satisfy the. It really shakes your certainty and prohibits gain. I had been a very smooth PC before this definition changed but auditing deteriorated quickly after this.
I had decided that I wasn't going to get any more auditing until they fixed things...guess it will be awhile yet!
In addition, at the org where I was training, some people had taken the "back and forth, back and forth" bit literally and were actually looking for FOUR swings of the needle!
I think I had red-tagged once before GAT. Afterwards, it became a regular occurrence. I recall one time I was TRIPLE red-tagged - I didn't F/N at Exams after some word clearing (that I actually thought was OK). I wasn't doing that badly after the correction list, but again didn't F/N at Exams. Then I again didn't F/N at Exams after the subsequent review session. Instead of taking me back in session, however, some Qual terminal decided to go through footage of the Examiner's video, and decided that the last exam HAD been an F/N after all. So the F/N was indicated to me after the fact, even though by this point I was pretty pissed off.
One night I saw an intern looking at one of his own videos in the Internship. DM was there giving this guy a hard time, saying, "You know you're going to get roasted, don't you?" Apparently, the intern had called an F/N that DM didn't agree with. (I couldn't see the screen from where I was, so I can't say whether the pc F/Ned or not.)
So DM said to this guy, "Right, we're going to do a special GAT drill right now." He got his CMO coterie to set up two chairs and get some Tech Volumes off the shelves. He said to the intern, "This is what happens when you do that," and he said, three times, "Has a withhold been missed?" each time dumping a heavy pile of tech volumes in the intern's lap. Then from nowhere, he produced a bottle of water and threw it in the intern's face, saying, "Your needle is floating!"
Then DM said to him, "You're going to do the same drill on the Qual Sec," and the CMO lackeys ran off to refill the bottle with water. DM watched while the intern did the same invented drill on the Qual Sec.
Next day, one of the CMO brown-nosers found me in the corridor, and said, "You were in the Internship last night, weren't you?" She was really concerned about what I had witnessed, and was prepared to do anything necessary to "handle my viewpoint" on it.
To illustrate your point about this thing killing auditors. I can tell you there is a guy who was a very gifted auditor, won international auditor of the year in fact, but is now declared suppressive and no longer audits because "every FN he ever called" was not an FN by DM's wacky definition.
And the org in the UK that declared him called all his PCs and offered to recredit their accounts with money because "they had been audited by an SP".
Not one of them would accept any kind of "re-credit". And even worse, the auditor thinks he did mis-audit PCs.
Makes my blood boil.
Now what could an SP do to put an auditors attention back on the meter even though his TRs were in?
I believe you hit the nail on the head!
PS: I believe that auditor was called Joe Howard also ! :-)
I have no idea how the hell DM plans to make students swallow that one, if indeed it is true.
No doubt the sets, props, costumes and make up, not to mention the lighting, camera motions, etc., etc., etc., will be vastly improved over the original. I doubt the directing will be, however. That film has a kind of goofy naivete and charm that has not been even remotely captured by Mitch Brisker in the other tech films. The only other film that comes close is An Afternoon at St. Hill.
To shitcan the last remaining LRH directed tech film just because one knucklehead like myself is speaking out seems to me to be a gross affront to LRH's ability as a film director to make even an SP do correct demonstrations of TRs.
This sell job will truly be a test of DM's bs'ing skills and the degree of PTSness of those on the receiving end.
It's true as you describe it. I sat there on a ruds question, felt good, saw the auditor watching the needle, I knew it had floated briefly, then he sits there longer. WTF! My attention was no longer on "feeling good" it was on my auditor intently studying his meter.
This happened a lot at the examiner's booth too ... boy never had so many red tags in all of my auditing and I didn't even feel bad. I am sure that 9/10 times I was likely tagging because of this stupid definition.
Anyway, I wasted a ton of money on endless rudiments because everytime I felt great and the auditor stared at his meter instead of acknowledging my win, it just stacked up more and more charge. Wow, no wonder I went from correction to correction.
No wonder after my auditing I didn't want any more.
At first when this Bulletin was changed, I honestly blew it off, then it became enforced with the notice that an Auditor would be assigned Doubt on 1st offense, then the 2nd would result in a comm ev for "Falsifying Worksheets".
The fact is that if you were an Auditor in a higher Org whether it was Management, or an Advanced Org or FSO you were subjected to heavy scrutiny after this BS change. You ever heard of the term "Fishbowl"? Well there you have it.
I look forward to your next insight blog on the DM reverse definition of an "Instant Read", that will be another exhale.
Please keep them coming.
The solution to it is simply to ignore what DM says and listen to LRH. The reason given for the RTRC revision of the F/N issue is utterly bogus.
Haydn, by the way, your auditor friend can contact me at joehoward
Dan...Thank you AGAIN for blowing more charge for me. In true aussie style: You're a top bloke mate!
The 78 HCOB gives the correct def for an FN. However, there are materials dating from the earliest days, when it was called an 'idle' needle, all the way through in this place and that place that are DESCRIPTIONS of the various manifestations of the Floating Needle. For example, one is given in the comments section here, the FN that 'pops' from HCOB 21 Oct 68R FLOATING NEEDLE. How about the 'fleeting FN' from HCOB 23 Dec 73RB, Dry and Wet Hands Make False TA: "A “fleeting F/N” where the pc F/Ns so briefly the auditor misses it and overruns."
Joe, you have nailed this attack on the FN. That coupled with the perversion of 'instant read' is a direct assault on the technology of Scientology and its results.
How about this from 2 Aug 65 Release Goofs:
"1. Overrun
The first goof relating to Releases is the one done for 15 years—running past a free, floating needle on any type of process. THIS is the goof that held back all Scientology. And if it continues to be done, known as well as it is now that you mustn’t, one can only consider it suppressive—not just ignorant—as who now doesn’t know you wreck a Release by running past the floating needle?"
Fellas, break out the Tech Vols, search them for any and all data, FROM LRH, on FNs, do False Data Stripping on this suppressive alteration of the data. PLEASE! Right now I'm going in session and I'm sure I'm going to FN!
You go in for you 6 month check and get your sec checking. You go to the examiner, get an FN while your folder is send to RTC to check the video on the end ruds. One of the end ruds, per RTC, didn't F/N (per the new definition) and you are sent back in. You say to the auditor, (because by now you are familiar with the way it works) "no F/N on a question?"... Auditor says, yeap...and proceeds with the session.
Here is the outpoint. The auditor never went to get a correction, the pc saw that the auditor kept taking pc's in while the pc waited to go back in for the correction.
What has happened...You don't get a correction on a missed F/N before you continue auditing pc's? Has something else been altered? Anyone know?
Flag cannot continue to claim to be The Mecca of Technical Perfection any longer.
It CAN claim to be The Mecca of the Stat Push, however.
From there, well, it's eventually going to be all bullshit now in'it.
The destruction of Scientology is DM's false purpose and destructive intention though that may not be the exact wording that will RS when he voices it.
Unfortunately, Per 28 November 1970, PSYCHOSIS
"All insane actions are entirely justified and seem wholly rational to them. As they have no reality on the harmful and irrational nature of their conduct, it does not often register on an E-Meter."
further down:
"All characteristics classified as those of the "suppressive person" are in fact those of an insane person."
Do you really think DM reads on destructive intentions?..Probably not.
This is the best article you've written so far or right next to it. Seems to handle lots of charge for a lot of auditors and PCs.
Definitions or mis-definitions of reads seem to cause a lot of grief and have far reaching effects!
One such as you recall, the mis-definition of an Rock Slam caused hundreds if not thousand SO members to be assigned to the RPF in the late '70s. This had far reaching effects and stopped & slowed down the production of Tech films which LRH wanted in order to make good auditors. Sue was in the RPF that time as well.
This one on F/Ns has potential to cave in the entire Bridge (if not done already). I'd not seen the revised Y2K definition compiled by Sue.
It reminded me that an F/N or actually the miscalling of one by the RTC Rep at the Sandcastle made me realize that for me, the Bridge was impassable & destroyed in '01. She gave me an "exam" and called an F/N when I was totally seething and completely furious after a TIP based on a DM (micro managing as an my Qual Staff section Officer)ordered me to do the levels while I was on the SHSBC - had to do 5 hrs study which also was impossible on my regular SO schedule post. It was a crazy order,out of the blue order that did not seem to solve anything - seemed to be doing well on post.
F/Ns do indicate the end phenomena and ended my 25 years on the bridge at that time.
This is another aspect of what I totally detest about the GAT. Students get sucked into believing that (for example) since they've completed the "perfect" Professional Metering Course, they know all there is about needle phenomena. ARC break needles (as described in HCOB 5 October 1968 ARC BREAK NEEDLE) are not in the list of 28 needle phenomena found in E-Meter Essentials.
And, because of the PR and the students' blind belief in the PR, they're in a condition where they don't know what they don't know.
I was in PAC late 70's and I recall how conveniently that RS definition filled the RPF to do the renovations of the (then new)Complex. It didn't dawn on me until the renos were done, or very nearly, the mistake was found and we started getting folks off the RPF. This was one of the "writings on the wall" for me.
A real F/N is accompanied by good indicators. An ARC break needle is accompanied by bad indicators.
Too bad the meter simulator can't have a little smile or frown presented automatically.
Then maybe the RTC rep might have learned something on the "perfect" Golden Age of Tech.
Look up the reference on "ARCX Floating Needle." A person can have a floating needle when they are that upset. I've experienced it and sat there saying to myself that the auditor was calling an F/N on an ARCX floating needle and I was not about to tell her what she was doing wrong and she could just go f herself, You know? LOL.
This arrogant little SOB needs to be crammed on KSW#1 and told that he has one simple little policy to enforce. Get the hell off Management and tech lines and just do your job!
Christ an 8 yr.old could do a better job enforcing that PL.
Any Scientologist not yet independant reading this...please WAKE THE F%#& UP !!!!!
After Flag ruined my family's life and took all our money, it took years to put it all together. These out tech 'MISTAKES' were NOT accidental. I'll never set foot in that evil place again.
Well done on spotting this piece of extreme out tech conceived, in my opinion, to maximize profits. The attitude at Flag is when auditing goes wrong, it's always the PC's fault. Therefore, you must have O/W's and you must buy more Sec Checks. My ex husband and I can't believe we fell for it.
Good point, and caved-in pc's take so much longer to go up the bridge, too, which is good since you can't have EVERYBODY getting to OT VIII and finding out it was all a sham!
(Nice to see you here, sweetie)
Thank you, that is what I thought, but wanted to make sure.
There's a body of techniques, and places on the Bridge, where a being with this particular affliction can be handled. Handled to where the reads are there. The reference is perfectly true, they may not read, at first.
Check out the 2 Aug 69 issue, LX Lists.
Is this altered issue posted somewhere on the net you can direct us to so it can be printed out. This alteration actually uis worse in my experience for a fast pc as the auditor goes out of comm with the PC and instantly there is no session.
(Revised 8 October 2000 to include the full LRH definition of floating needle. LRH originally wrote this HCOB on 21 July 1978. In February
1979, when updating the book, E-Meter Essentials, he augmented the definition with additional text. The full text, as it appears in E-Meter Essentials, is hereby issued in this HCOB. Revisions in Script.)
A floating needle is a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even pace of the needle, back and forth, back and forth, without change in the width of the swing except perhaps to widen
as the pc gets off the last small bits of charge. Note that it can get so wide that you have to shift the tone arm back and forth, back and forth, to keep the needle on the dial, in which case you have a floating tone arm.
That’s what an F/N is. No other definition is correct.
L. Ron Hubbard
Revision assisted by
LRH Technical Research
and Compilations
I am not very good at grammar.
Does anyone see a how a comma in the back and forth, back and forth, is being understood incorrectly?
For instant reads it was "end". Someone "corrects" Flag by picking a definition that better fits(incorrect definiton). Then Flag trains auditors and enforces this new definition.
Instant reads def has " the precise end of the major thought...".
So around 1999 or so, Flag started training auditors that the correct definition for end was defined as something like: "a final part or section". Therefore if you took an actual instant read it would be latent and instant reads are now prior. The definition for instant read became "...within the last syllable of the major thought..."
On FN's it was the word "rhythmic".
The auditor in training gets majorly confused and then in a confused state accepts the stable datum that he "had an MU".
These guys were using simulator F/Ns as the standard for what an F/N ought to look like, and actual F/Ns were getting missed all over the place.
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