Home Bill Straass Perversion of justice on the Freewinds
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Sunday, 18 September 2011 21:37

by Bill Straass

I was the Mechanics Chief on the Freewinds for 16 years. I served on 15-20 Committees of Evidence in my 23 years in the SO, the majority of those were on the ship. My first wife was the Dir I and R and has been the CO FSSO for the last 15 years. The following is my firsthand experiences and observations regarding the application or more correctly misapplication of LRH policy regarding justice.

In 1990 I was living in a Bridge Deck cabin with Wick Allcock. The place was always kept spotless. Wick was a very tidy and upstat long term Sea Org Officer, serving with LRH on the Apollo.    

One day when we returned to the cabin, we were shocked to find that the place had been trashed.  The covers had been torn off the bunks and thrown on the floor, the drawers had been opened and the contents dumped on the floor etc.  Then we saw the note on the table which said. “You have flunked an HCO Dekluge inspection.”  Needless to say, we were enturbulated.  Upon our investigation, we found that the Supercargo FSSO and with a CMO messenger had done the “inspection” which I referred to subsequently as “The Raid.” It was like the FBI Raid of 1977 on the Cedars Complex in PAC where 200 FBI agents trashed the place. They had done this activity all over the ship. They tried to do it in the Captains’ office but he had been warned before their arrival by some other person whose place had been trashed... When they arrived, he threw them out before they could cause any damage. I wrote a report to RTC Reports officer stating the above and that “This is the Ethics Tech used by the IRS and KGB.“ and “The motto of HCO is supposed to be “Bring Order.”

But back to the story of Comm Evs. I read all of the policy regarding Comm-Evs before I served as I wanted to do a standard  job of it.

I was the Secretary of a Comm-Ev on Brunella Gasperoni who was the Dir RAM — the post in Treasury responsible for Records, Assets and Materiel. Apparently, there was about $30,000.00 missing from the safe. There was no evidence presented that she had taken any money. Certainly, since she was responsible for the money she was guilty of something. We finished writing up our Findings and Recommendations and submitted them to the Dir I and R.

In a Comm Ev, the idea is that the committee investigates the evidence, then publishes their findings and any recommendations. There are rules. Yet in this example, I was told by the I and R that we (the Committee) were to remove Brunella from post and and if we refused, we (the Committee) would be investigated. I relayed this threat to the Chairman and he said “Tell her to go ahead and investigate us.”  This was the most minor corruption of justice that I saw.

I did another Comm-Ev on David Ashton. He had been sent for OEC FEBC training and had failed at it so he was sent back and Comm-Eved. Now, a person has no choice on whether or not he will be sent for training. Also, an organization tends to send a person that they can spare, not the best one for the job. I was never sent for training in 23 years.  We wrote up the Findings and Recommendations and sent them in for authorization.

They came back from Int Justice Chief rejected. When I looked at them I found that THEY WERE NOT EVEN THE SAME FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS THAT WE HAD SUBMITTED!

They had been altered — greatly — to add in all kinds of crap that we knew was false and for which there were NO evidence. I went to the Dir I & R (still my wife) and asked her WTF? She said that she was saving our asses as we had messed it up and that she knew things about the cycle for which there were no KRs. It was bad enough telling the Committee what to find but then to just falsify it to IJC was too much. The findings still had the signatures of the Committee members on it as the signatures were on the last page.

In around 1999 I was at the noon muster when I and three others were asked to stay behind by the acting CO CMO Ship who was Jenny Lowe. She told us that we had been personally selected by RTC to do an important Committee of Evidence. The Committee was requested by the Interested Party as he was in the RPF on the ship and was being offloaded and wanted to remain on the RPF. The acting CO CMO told us that RTC had ordered her to give him his Comm-EV and ensure that he was off the ship before it sailed in three days.

In other words, WE WERE ORDERED BY RTC TO GIVE HIM A “FAIR TRIAL” AND THEN HANG HIM. Why give him a trial at all if we are being ordered to hang him anyway?  This is the way they now operate. The know, as per LRH, that a being with clean hands generally can’t be hurt. This is per “Clean Hands make a Happy Life”.  But, if they can get you to commit overts, they can degrade you into doing anything.  We started doing the Comm-Ev.  However, there was nothing in writing to off load him, only his statement that he did not want to be off loaded. I asked the CMO for something in writing and was informed that “We can’t ask RTC for something in writing.” I asked the Interested Party and he told me that he had not seen anything in writing and that he thought that the order to off load him came from COB, but he was not sure.

Then Mr. Lowe, (she was about 16 year old) came in not happy due to our slow progress and she sat down in front of the computer and started writing the F and R’s herself!  She was going on about him being a sex pervert etc. as there were reports in the file about him dressing up in women’s clothing at INT (in his own bedroom). But she told me that she didn’t want that in the F and R’s.  She left and I struggled with what to do. Do we start writing the F and Rs backwards, i.e. we had to offload him so write that first, then find some offenses justifying the offload and then cook up the evidence (of lack of it) to show that he was guilty off the offenses??? This went on for an hour and then I snapped out of it and thought “What the hell am I doing?” I threw that away and started over.

They wanted him declared suppressive as he supposedly audited someone and falsely called F/Ns. I said OK; let’s see the folder so we can see if there are any F/N indications in it. In looking through the folder there were no F/Ns in it at all! He was pulling withholds and then not taking them to F/N.  What tech is this?  No wonder the PC blew! So I called the C/S on the case Mr. Bob Andersen  (The OT VIII C/S) and asked him. He was a trained CL IX (at least) C/S (whereas the auditor was not trained and was just an RPF “read it, drill it, do it auditor) and I got the HCOB regarding taking withholds to F/N and asked him WTF?  He said that what the auditor was doing is asking questions to make the needle dirty and then cleaning the needle. In other words he was missing withholds on purpose and then cleaning them, but not to F/N. I asked him what was the reference for this and he did not give me one.  I know of “fish and fumble” to clean a dirty needle, but to deliberately miss withholds and then not pull them to F/N seems to me to be squirrel.

The last one came as I was dying of AIDS from a blood transfusion I received in 1989 in the Freewind’s home port of Curacao which was undiagnosed.

I was an interested party in this Comm-Ev as was a number of other engineers.  There was some dust in the air and some rust particles found in the water.  There is an LRH FO which states that in the event of the above, the entire engineering force is to be Comm-Eved on a charge of “destruction of the use of property” which is a High Crime.  

There was a problem though. Our production statistics had been rising steadily for months, even years.  The “logic” used was that if you cannot hang someone who is upstat (and of course we must hang them) then the stats must be false. We were hauled into HCO and grilled on the meter for hours by the I and R about any possibility of false stats. I passed this test. The Comm-Ev was held anyway.  

When I was called before the Committee the tried to get me to plead guilty, saying that since LRH said to Comm-Ev us, that fact alone showed that I was guilty. I did not expect a fair trial, but repeatedly refused to plead guilty. When the Captain read the Finding and Recommendations aloud in the Control room he read that “The Interested Party pleaded ‘guilty’ and the Committee concurs.”

I wrote up a 20 page report to IJC showing all of the policy violated. In his reply he told me that I could request a Review Comm-Ev which I did. The Dir I and R told me that due to the seriousness of the charge, it did not matter that my stats were up. It took over a year to get the Review Comm-Ev held. I had to continue to push it even after I was no longer in the SO due to being dismissed when it was found that I was HIV positive due to a bad blood transfusion in Curacao, the ship’s home port (Which violates both State and Federal laws).

When the Review Comm-Ev was held they correctly stated that the original Committee stated that I had pleaded guilty yet in listening to the tapes, it was clear that I had pleaded not guilty. The Review Committee found me not guilty of the charge. But they recommended that a new Committee be held to determine if my stats were correct, which had never even come up in the original Committee. Since I was no longer on staff and was not expected to live very long (six doctors told my wife that I was going to die) and since my wife was still being held against her will on the ship I had more important things to do then worry about it.

Written by Bill Straass



# RJ 2011-09-18 23:25
Hi Bill,

I've on several comm evs myself.

On the ones I was on. We always presumed innocence. In fact despite various execs request or more accurately *demand* to find one interested guilty. We concluded that he was innocent of all charges.

I think this was the last committee I ever sat on.

After that it was pretty much presumed that if an interested party was charge with a crime or high crime that they must be guilty as charged or "guilty" of some nebulous charge like failure to keep in all 10 points of KSW.

(I mean who hasn't been guilty of that at one time or another?)

The fact is there was a certain point at PAC and I'm sure in other sectors and areas of Scientology that a comm ev, court of ethics or even a B of I became a formality or a ritual that already had a preordained conclusion or result.

Worse they began to compose "committees" that were chaired by people who were not at the same level of training as the accused.

Personally I don't think anyone in particular to blame.

I think this is all being done for the sake of some misconception of "expedience".

Like quickie tech.

(See C/S Series 77)

They now have quickie "justice" which is really no justice at all.
# Thoughtful 2011-09-19 07:11
RJ, My ex-wife of 16 years at Int spent 15 of those years as an MAA up there. I know intimately how the ethics lines work. MAAs report up to RTC in all such matters of ethics and justice. Juniors in RTC, in turn report up to DM. NO one wants to report up that "so and so" was found innocent, because if they do, they get cremated by DM. Most of the ethics cycles are originated by DM, believe it or not, when he says "he's out ethics" or "they ought to be comm eved." It is indicative of DM's own particular style of intense micro-management and the blanket guilt he assigns to everyone outside of his own skin that ethics and justice has been utterly corrupted under his watch.
# Bill Straass 2011-09-19 08:19
I agree that no one person is to blame. It is just the "bank dominated mob that LRH talks about in KSW.And you have to find the person guilty of SOMETHING, so that the persons who called the Comm-Ev can save face, or you will never get the F and Rs approved. And yes, it was also a matter of expedience. Thats why the Nazis used gas chambers. In examining the problem Heinrich Himmler determined that shooting all of those people degraded and reduced the effectiveness of the soldiers that murdered those people. So, even the head of the Gestapo knew something that DM has not grasped. That by using his own people to commit these injustices he will reduce their effectiveness until the cannot do what he wants. And like the Nazis, when that happens, and the persons forced to unload the gas chambers can no longer do so, he will just place them next in line to be gassed.
I knew that I was dying spiritually even before I found out that I had AIDS. I knew that the end was near, that this could not continue much longer.
It was actually a relief to find out I was dying of AIDS. I could die a hero, which I preferred to living as a coward.
# RJ 2011-09-19 22:33
I agree Bill it's the bank dominated mob in many cases.

The lynch 'em mentality.

BTW after finding this terminal innocent the IJC accepted the F & Rs as they stood but none of us on the committee were ever asked to sit on another comm ev for some reason.

Reminds me of when I was in Qual and used to to refuse to execute the executive "C/S" of sec checking such and such a staff member.

They'd just go around me and find someone else more malleable.

Same with the convening authority selecting committees in many cases.

People like us become unpopular because of our soft headed and hearted concept of justice.

Thoughtful Steve.

I got what you're saying about der fuehrer but the fact is that any concept of fairness and justice escapes the lil' rodent because he's stuck in the "special project" or as I call it MAFU for Mission All Fucked Up (as well as earlier on the track as any other SP) and considers that he still has ultimate ethics authority.

However much I'd like to lay this at his feet.

This problem with justice has been a long term problem that existed long before Miscavige hit the scene and was the reason why the Ol'man declared an International Amnesty in '79 and posted an International Ethics Officer.

As far as I'm concerned Miscavige and his Scientology wrecking crew are just good at resurrecting and continuing *un* successful actions like digging up the stinking and rotting corpse of the "Auditor Expertise Drills" and then calling it the "Golden Age of Tech".

Killing off the GO and then reanimating it as his own personal killer zombie OSA and more relevant:

Institutionalizing *injustice*.

That's why I figure the guy is working for some adverse agency like CIA or SMERSH.

He's not only managed to destroy the subject but totally reverse its polarity.

That said.

The application of actual justice requires sane individuals who are familiar with the policies relating to the subject.

More importantly someone who has had and continues to get case gain.

You'd be hard put to find anyone within the organization these days answering to the above.
# Tara 2011-09-18 23:32
Thanks for the write-up Bill. It's freakin painful as hell to read but I know it was 1000s times worse to live.
Again, I want to say how glad I am you are alive and well!
When I started seeing this so-called justice dramatization start to play out around 1998 is when I left. That shit definitely comes from the top - David Miscavige. His dramatizations run rampant on the OTs and that's who started dramatizing on us peons down below. Again, it's painful on so many levels.
And again, I'm happy you're out and alive!!!
# Karen#1 2011-09-19 02:24
Thanks Bill for portraying Freewinds Ethics!

How loudly the "Church" screams the word SQUIRREL at Indies. They only have to look at their own performance at Flag Service Org and Freewinds.

In 1967 an Australian Board of Inquiry gave a very negative report on Scientology known as the "Anderson Report"

This resulted in a Scientology Mocking rebuttal called "Kangaroo Court."

It has been slang in the Scientology culture as a mockery of JUSTICE

But from what you have just written up ~~ It seems that Freewinds holds nothing but Kangaroo Courts !
# Bill Straass 2011-09-19 08:24
Dear Karen. I thought that you were an animal lover! How can you degrade kangaroos by comparing them to "Justice" as practiced in the "Church". There are a bunch of Aussies on the Freewinds. They could get upset.
# Karen#1 2011-09-19 20:02

Point well taken.

By the way it is super cool that you whistleblow on Freewinds.
It is horrific that they take no Employer responsibility for the blood tranfusion while you were ship crew.

Were you there during the Re: Colm McLaughlin saga and is there any update as to his status ?
# Bill Straass 2011-09-20 08:07
Yes, but I wouldn't say that they took no responsibility for it.
They sent my dress white uniform to me with my officers insignia and all of my campaign ribbions etc. I wondered why thid was(since the uniforms are the property of the org)until I figured out that they sent it so they would have something to bury me in. Although it is more likely that I got the HIV from a blood product that I was given to handle my bleeding tendacy. ( I am a hemophiliac). I was given actual injections of this stuff by the ship's MLO Julie Powiesnik, as well as when I was in the Curacao hospital when I had the ulcer in 1989. The Captain and Julie tried to boot me out then so that they would not be responsible for me but the ship went into drydock in my abscence and the propellors leaked oil into the harbor 3 times after that. As I was the Mechanics Chief and responsible for all mechanical repairs Bitty Miscaviage (who I think was D/CO CMOI at the time) ordered me back to the ship.
Now, as to your question about Colm McLaughlin; The (saga) must have happened after I was removed from the vessel. He was there when I left and was married to Janet, formerly Janet Light and formerly Janet Stevens, the wife of the Interested Party Andrew Stevens who was in the RPF on the ship in the Comm-Ev above. When I joined the SO in 1979, she held the post of COMMODORES STAFF CAPTAIN. She came to the FSO several times to give the staff briefings. I keep think about and remembering more things. I would like to see you and discuss these things in person some time. Currently, I am in southern Oregon taking care of my mother. After being gone for 23 years in the SO, it is the least I can do.
# RJ 2011-09-19 22:57

I read the Anderson Report or the Victoria Inquiry and though a lot of it was based on fact.

Much of it was also fiction and to an extent was indeed a Kangaroo Court.

Like Bill said about the so called "white glove" inspection that replicated the FBI raid.

The Church seems to dramatizing the tactics of its former enemies.

In other words has snapped terminals.

One good thing to come out of the Victoria Inquiry was that it convinced the Ol'man to issue the Reform Codes and get rid of heavy ethics along with disconnection and fair game.

However any reform that did occur and any good will that accompanied it has been pretty much wiped out by the coup.
# Michael Priv 2011-09-19 09:23
Thank you, Bill. I am amazed that through it all you still saw your way clearly as far as the actual justice devoid of PTSness, politics and brown-nosing. Most of us didn't, me in particular. I took part in a couple of comm evs that I am not proud of in my tenure in the Sea Org. I disagree that there is no one to blame. All the fingers are pointing at DM again. DM is one man. How did he manage to impose his own case on the entire international movement of Scientology and stifle it half to death already? That was made possible by all of us faceless no-one's who are not to blame. People always in the final count deserve their governments. So very well done to you and everybody who held the line and huge flunk to all the rest of us for being DM's personal hoods now and then, helping create the situation that we now face.
+1 # Roiger 2011-09-19 10:45
Amazing. I, myself, have chaired 7 Comm Evs in the Class V sector.

While it's always difficult to ascertain guilt with "Knowledge Reports" obviously full of prejudice, hearsay and conjecture, the last Comm Ev I chaired really had me saying WTF?

As LRH writes, as the Chairman, I abstained from voting the guilt or innocence of each charge unless there was a tie. Most charges were deterimined to be guilty and even admitted as such by the Interested Party, seemingly making our job easy.

Being a Committee of Evidence, it was well up to us to deterimine the correct Recommendations, which we did. It apparently was not harsh enough for the East US Continent CLO (LRH COMM EUS, however. It was fine by the local Convening Authority(LRH COMM CINN), but the Findings and Recommendations went back and forth and back and forth with disapprovals. We were finally forced to find this person a Suppressive Person. Nobody on the Committee thought this guy deserved that as there were lots of familial ramifications to a finding such as this, but it was the only way that it would be approved.

Even the Convening Authority had no authority. By the way, I always enforced the gag rule on the members of my Committees, but inevitably, somebody above the Committee (read that LRH COMM) would spill confidential Comm Ev data to org executives.

These actions thoroughly disgusted me and really started me doubting the "church". We took being part of Committees of Evidence very seriously and pulled all-nighters on EVERY Comm Ev that I chaired. Then I realized that it was all BS and the Committees ALWAYS get run over by the Nazis at the Continent or Int level. And this was well after the entire HCO staff of CLO EUS was taken out and gotten rid of. It's a shame because the actions go against everything LRH wrote on the subject.

# Thoughtful 2011-09-19 10:52
Mike, Love that: "...run over by the Nazis at the Continental or Int level." So true.
# Simple 2011-09-19 11:49

Thank you for your postings. They do help, coming from someone who has had the opportunity to see the insanity from many sides. The more people speak out, the more others realize that they were not the only ones experiencing such BS.

I often wonder what LRH would think of all this, and what he would say.

# Bill Straass 2011-09-19 17:56
We knw exactly what LRH would say. He said it already in a PL. He would say that the org is full of SPs and he would step outside, lite up a cigarette and sneer.
# Bluebonnet 2011-09-19 14:45
I found it hard to figure how the committees I spoke to came to the F & R's I was shown...couldn't get my own copy...
I wonder if the staff members mind that those lies are published with their names on them. Of course maybe that's why on one can get a copy, they might be disturbed to find out.

Thanks so much for speaking out.

# Bluebonnet 2011-09-19 15:53
That should be 'Of course maybe that's why one can't get a copy, they might be disturbed to find out'
# poet13c 2011-09-19 16:08
Thanks, Bill. I'm glad you made it out of there, and that you're ok.
If you get time to write, I'd love to read more or your recollections.
# Anonymous 2011-09-19 17:46
I had a com/ev in scientology back in the early '80's. I thought it was a Kangaroo Court, and that is the exact time that I became aware that existing Church was a complete waste of my time. I am sorry if this offends people, but any group of people this far out ethics is a criminal gang, not a church.
# RJ 2011-09-19 23:08
I knew how you feel Anon.

I myself was an interested party on a comm ev that I considered a complete travesty of justice.

Fortunately it was wiped out by an amnesty that came out the same day that the F&Rs were published :)

If it wasn't I'd probably be writing what you'd just written.
# Anonymous 2011-09-20 09:17
What is true for you is what you have observed for yourself, and when you loose that, you have lost your mind. Please notice what Marty said, in Germany, about his beating of his friend Mike Rinder just before he escaped from the church. He said he thought his mind wasn't working correctly.
Scientology is both a philosophy and a religion. Philosophy encourages people to think for themselves.Religion tells people what to think.
Members of the Sea Org have done some very strange things, because they are mindless. They have given their minds to the church when they allowed the church to tell them what to see and think.
# Scott Campbell 2011-09-20 19:17
Yeah, I noticed the old trick of "signatures on the last page" in justice actions that I was on or presided over too.

A convenient way to change the F&R's.

Thanks for reporting on this, old buddy.

L, Scott
# John Doe 2011-09-21 19:56
The Scn justice system is one of the main reasons I would not want to live in a world controlled by Scn.

I have served on committees since the 70s and have been comm ev'ed myself, more than once. Very few of these were fair.

The bias of the Convening Authority was always a direct, major influence in the outcome of most comm evs. Comm evs called by very senior organizations or persons were basically a farce, because the interested party was nearly always resoundingly found guilty, even if the original committee didn't think so, the Findings came out that way. Bill's post also reflects this.

I don't want to hear how "justice tech wasn't applied properly" because "misapplication" was the far and away norm. This is an area of Scn that needs serious examination and rework. It is seriously flawed, or, at best, incomplete to allow so much abuse as the more usual experience.
# RJ 2011-09-21 22:10
I can think of several areas where Comm Evs are flawed.

1)Most committee members are unhatted in or unfamiliar with Juriprudence and think that the burden of proof is assigned to the accused instead of the other way around.

(The usual wrong headed think I've run into is that the person being comm ev must be guilty because he or she is being comm eved.

Even in cases where the interested party has requested a Comm Ev to clear their name.

This happens in the "wog world" a lot unless the judge specifically instructs the Jury about "burden of proof".

You'd think being Scientologists we'd be beyond that sort of thing but...


Another one is accepting all KRs as "evidence" without backing by an actual live witness despite what Ron says explicitly in the HCOPL "Urgent, Urgent Urgent, False Reports".

(In the comm ev where we found the Interested Party innocent we found the actual "KR" it was based on was nothing but a pack of lies.

After examining the witness.)

Another one is succumbing to pressure from the convening authority to find the person "guilty".

I have to admit that I personally never ran into that as a Chairman or member on a Comm Ev but I remember a B of I we were requested to do for Int Management where they wanted us to come to some forgone conclusion before we even investigated the situation.

My question was:

Why even bother to do a Board of Investigation?

Anyway we surprised them by coming up with our own findings and couching them ;)

Probably one of many ways us NonSo Staff
who worked in SO Orgs endeared ourselves to the SO staff :)
# Bill Straass 2011-09-24 10:02

Yes, you are right. Although the SO are the "elite" of Scientology staff they can sometimes operate like the "schutzstaffel" (SS) which were the "elite guard" of the Nazi party. The work to clear the planet is often reffered to a a "war". Toward the end I knew that I was more likely to be killed by "friendly fire" than the enemy. But, as there seemed to be no escape, I could only follow the words of Proximo, the owner of the gladiators in the movie Gladiator, who said "GO, AND DIE WITH HONOR.
# Gus 2012-05-29 00:42
Hello Bill,

I hope this finds you in time, it's about your HIV infection, please check what the medico and the big pharma industry does NOT want you to know, here:


It works in 8 - 10 weeks most and is available here:



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"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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Is David Miscavige a crook?
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