“I the LORD thy God am a jealous God.” - God
In the face of absolute power that allows neither dissent nor even a difference of opinion, what results is the God Complex. Who knew?
“Everything I think, everything I say and everything I do is RIGHT!” says the voice inside his head. Plus everyone else says so. Never mind that everyone else can be banished for any infraction real or imagined so of course they're going to agree with anything. Never mind that these double-thinkers are themselves products of Reverse Scientology and so no longer have their own viewpoint from which to view anything.
The problem is, when you are never wrong... when no one ever contradicts anything you say no matter how idiotic or harebrained, it really gives you an inflated opinion of yourself. And boy, that opinion just inflates and inflates and inflates over the years until, poof, one day you're God. Weeeeelll, no wonder David Miscavige needed to pay himself a six figure income over these last 20 years while every other Sea Org member gets less than $50 a week. And no wonder Miscavige was recently confirmed by two independent sources to get more sleep by FAR than any other Sea Org Member in the world. Heck, I remember being forced to work 20 and 21 hours a day. I had no idea ole Wile E. Miscavige was sleeping at least 8 hours a day, every day. Assault someone, and it was their fault. Banish someone, and they deserved it (even if they didn’t). Rewrite Scientology and it’s a Golden Age of Tech! Spend $10 million glorifying yourself in Freedom, and don’t even include a photo of L. Ron Hubbard. And the next thing you know, what with graft, ponzi schemes, corruption, criminality, hobnobbing with Tom Cruise, forced abortions, forced divorces, mass disconnections, blackmail, hobnobbing with Tom Cruise, extortion, mind control, hobnobbing with Tom Cruise, human trafficking, embezzlement, hobnobbing with Tom Cruise, racketeering, assault and battery, well... the LORD thy God really is an jealous little ____ indeed.
Now the complex really starts to kick in as the most fawning line up to worship at the altar, as in these recent headlines in Miscavige’s own 80-page diatribe: DAVID MISCAVIGE at the healm of Scientology’s explosive growth David Miscavige, the driving force behind Scientology’s explosive expansion Mr. Miscavige redefines the term ‘religious leader’
And who’s standing at the head of the choir, singing louder than anyone? David himself, flanked by alter-boy Tommy Davis. Nice robes! Nice shades! Nice black SUV!
Someone recently chirped if it wouldn’t be possible for everyone to “just talk.” Weeeellll, you see it’s like this: When you're dealing with a hardened criminal who chews people up and spits them out every day for breakfast, "just talking" is not the proper handling.
Here IS the handling: whistle-blowers with the guts to expose his crimes.
In Bernie Madoff's case, he didn’t get 150 years in prison because someone tried “just talking” to him. Al Capone didn’t go to Atlanta State Prison because someone tried “just talking” to him. In Miscavige's case, I don't know what he'll get, but the man belongs in prison and those who are currently CONDONING his crimes may one day be looking at jail time themselves if they don't WAKE UP.
As Marty Rathbun pointed out recently in his article entitled 1984, “DM played right into our hands with some very ill-advised haymakers in response to recent truths being shared. One was in the form of 250 pages of declarations sworn by twenty-five inmates of the Hole.” Fawning, cultic and creepy, they have taken the God Complex to a new level.
From Marc Yager:
“Statements made about our religious leader are inseparable to the religion itself...”
From Mark Ingber:
“It is with considerable asperity that I look upon the handful of ex-Scientologists who are yapping vile lies to the media about Mr. Miscavige. That is not an attack just on Mr. Miscavige. It is an attack on L. Ron Hubbard and the Scientology religion.”
But leave it to Sue Wilhere to boil the matter down to total A = A = A:
“Mr. Miscavige is Scientology.”
Marty's point, if you want to re-read his blog, is that these kool-aid junkies are actually saying the unbelievable: that to expose the serious criminality of David Miscavige equals an attack on Scientology, since -- in the words of marvelous Sue Wilhere -- "Miscavige is Scientology."
Let me get this straight: Sue Wilhere, Yager, Ingber and others are saying Miscavige and all his crimes, his graft, his 24 years of ponzi schemes, his extortion, countless incidents of assault and battery, blackmail, mind control, human trafficking, embezzlement to the tune of millions of dollars, many lives lost, hundreds of dead fetuses -- one of whom would have been my own son or daughter... and many more lives ruined... ALL THAT equals Scientology?
Does it really?
The dead rotting corpse of Joe Harrison, long-time Scientologist, Sea Org member and carpenter from LA who lost his life in 2003 while working on Building 50 -- David Miscavige’s $70 million private office/monument to greed and egomania -- as a direct result of Miscavige’s trademark policy of sleep deprivation (classified by the CIA as torture)... after quiet, sweet, good-natured, gray-haired Joe Harrison, friend to all, enemy of none, his lonely widow and young daughter bereft in Los Angeles without even an explanation of what really happened to Joe or why he was so sleepy that he forgot to put the kickstand up on his motorcycle, and lost his life only yards away from the golden entrance of Golden Era Productions where golden Security Guard Danny Dunagan watched him drive off early one golden morning to his death... and no one left to tell the tale... (I don’t know what you call it, but in my book, death resulting from torture is murder)... THAT equals Scientology?
I remember Joe's massive aluminum tool chest, padlock on it, full of special tools he'd collected over a lifetime, I remember how it sat in David Miscavige’s own building -- for weeks after Joe’s death. Each week it gathered more dust. No one touched it. An executive over the construction was mildly surprised when I pointed it out and told him that Joe's tools ought to be sent down to his wife and daughter. "Oh. Those were Joe's tools? That's Joe's stuff, there? Oh, okay. I was wondering who's stuff that was."
Joe had the most amazing little metal tools in that 4' wide locked aluminum chest. Rare and special tools he'd acquired from catalogs and from friends. But people's lives, they don't really compute in the world of David Miscavige. They're not real. The daughter, the widow, a dead man's possessions... all equally overlooked as unimportant. Shadows... drifting by.
In other words, so TOXIC is David Miscavige in his influence over the top leaders of his own religion, that they have made the most staggeringly inane misstatement of all time: that the one man’s horrific crimes and all the skeletons in his personal closet = Scientology. In their little pea brains "Scientology = Criminality." Is it any wonder why the public at large looks at Scientology suspiciously? ...why people call it a “cult”? When the very leaders of the religion publicly link Scientology with criminality, what is the world at large to think?
Well, real Scientologists have a different message: Scientology is not about crime, it isn’t about David Miscavige or his crimes.
Scarface Miscavige and his gang bang of criminals equals Scientology? No it does not.
Sue Wilhere can go down in history as uttering the single most flagrantly stupid piece of verbal corruption that’s ever been uttered in the history of Scientology.
Exposing the crimes of David Miscavige is NOT an attack on Scientology.
But certainly, Scientology IS under attack: by those who would sink Scientology down the level of a vicious pervert named David Miscavige -- to cover up his crimes! They who would throw all of Scientology away to protect one man’s secret crimes. Written by Thoughtful