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The Great Dictator!
With the publication of the St. Petersburg Times articles and videos exposing Miscavige as a bullying, maniacal dictator the battle has begun and decision time has arrived. If you are in any way pro Scientology, even if only to the degree that you feel people have a right to believe and practice the faith of their choice then you should decide if you are for or against Miscavige and act accordingly.

That Miscavige wields total dictatorial power over Scientology is not in question, of that there is no doubt. And the fact that he just grabbed that power when he saw his chance is of course not the sole source of the problem. He could have used the power wisely and for the good of all. But if that had been the case thousands wouldn’t be protesting, we would have all given up and gone home long ago. And if that were the case Lisa McPherson would still be alive. She died because no one junior to him dare tell Miscavige that his “pet project” was in dire trouble, that he, Miscavige had meddled in affairs for which he was not trained and had mishandled her with his interference and that outside medical help was desperately needed.

Do you think for one moment that over the years Lisa was the only disturbed person seen at the Fort Harrison? No. But she was one of only two interfered with by Miscavige and it ended in utter disaster for Lisa and her family.

There is no doubt that key senior people made grave mistakes in handling Lisa. But I ask you, why did such trained and experienced people suddenly begin to make mistakes? Why did they seem so paralyzed? Why this case of all cases? And what was Miscavige doing directing the case handlings of Lisa in the first place? Where are his technical certs?  What class of C/S is he?  Well, he doesn’t have any such certs or C/S status.

Don’t confuse Miscavige’s dictatorial power with technical superiority. The only way you get tech certs is to place your butt in an academy chair and put in the hard time with study and practice, days, weeks, months, years. Miscavige has not done that. And per LRH, he who has the highest valid certificate is boss in the world of tech. So by LRH standards Miscavige is junior to most on technical matters and had no right interfering. That he did only shows the shameless arrogance of the man. Per the Scientology justice codes he could and should be declared suppressive for his operating in such a fashion, without technical certificates, anybody else would have been.

No, the problem is that despite his PR proclamations to the contrary, Miscavige has not used his stolen power for the good of all, quite the opposite, he a suppressive dictator and should step down and go and be replaced by social people and organizations that have the best interests of all at heart. And he can take his amassed personal fortune with him. Oh yes, while you’ve been working for peanuts or less, while you’ve earned only a few dollars a week, or you’ve been donating every penny you could get your hands on or you’ve sunk into extreme debt for the cause, Miscavige has been getting well over $100,000.00 per year, for many years. I would be surprised if he didn’t have in excess of a million dollars in the bank because, as a Sea Org member he also had many of his daily living expenses covered.

Now, its just plain wrong that he took that kind of money because per Sea Org policy, just like everyone else, he should have received something like $50.00 a week allowance. Instead, he has been on two to three thousand dollars per week. It’s obscene but not illegal, so he can take it with him, but go he must. And I fail to see what the big deal is if he goes. The mere fact that his integrity has been brought into question should result in him resigning and stepping down, just as many other people have in public life, unless of course he’s bought into his own grotesque PR lines that he is the “chosen one”, or should I say the “only one”?

Let me expand on the “only one” thing this way: anyone who has seen Miscavige operate and who knows anything about the history and character of Adolph Hitler cannot help but notice a striking similarity between the two. And no, I am not saying that Miscavige has committed mass murder; but I have to say that a number of people have remarked to me, (and I know it to be the case myself) that when they were looking into his eyes, mid one of his tantrums, they felt that it was only the constraints of criminal law that prevented Miscavige from going further than he did. And I have witnessed people maimed and injured at the Int Base solely due to the incessant and insane pressure Miscavige placed upon them to the point where they, in a frantic attempt to stave off his ire, disregarded even basic safety standards. And I never saw him give a hoot.

It’s no coincidence that both Miscavige and Hilter failed to finish high school, and that both chose to further themselves by latching onto the growing, vital, ideological movements of their day. Miscavige joined Scientology, Hitler the National Socialists.

Making up for what they lacked in height and physical stature both exhibited a fervent fanaticism for their respective movements. And by always demonstrating a greater zeal than those around them, they managed to beat all others to the punch and become noticed. In this way they rose through the ranks.

Neither were the highest or the most popular of the leaders of their respective movements but they both latched onto and controlled the information lines to and from the actual leaders, and used disinformation to “poison the well” so they could destroy their rivals and expand their own power. By the time the actual leaders died (President Paul von Hindenburg in Hitler’s case and L. Ron Hubbard in the case of Miscavige) they were close enough and sufficiently powerful to mount a coup and step into the vacuum to become the supreme leaders of their movements while continuing to destroy any opposition as they went.  

To cement their positions of power, over time they both continued to remove any other potential rivals while utterly dismantling and nullifying all apparatus of checks and balances, management and government leaving only themselves and a handful of close aides to rule over the multitude.  Hitler disbanded the German democratic parliament leaving himself as sole ruler. Miscavige wiped out CMO Int, Exec Strata, WDC and other units while installing himself as the overall corporate head of any church entities that might have challenged him.

And they both wooed the multitude they ruled over.  Powerful speakers, using all the audio and visual tricks of their day they convinced the doting crowds through repeated events that they were the messiah, the savior, that their way was the only way and that they would lead them to glory and the promised land.

They both then reigned supreme, as unelected, un-appointed but utterly unopposed dictators, able to do whatever they wished without obstacle or resistance.

But their posturing, smiling, cordial public image was just that and quite different from the one they exhibited in private. They both demanded utter and unquestioning, slavish obedience from their immediate followers and subordinates. They both flew into a rage and attacked anyone who dared question them. They both dreamed up strange ideas and plans for their campaigns and meddled in things for which they were not trained or fitted.  And when these things inevitably went wrong they both reacted in the same fashion, blaming others, punishing them most severely for what were in fact their own shortcomings. Many “unworthy” others were at fault because they were “always failing them”. They shared a common trait in that it could never be they who were the cause of any problem, any such suggestion would send them into a fit of reprisals.

Both dictators ruled by terror. Those closest to them feared them the most, the stress they all lived under was unbearable, never able to relax, not even for a moment, always on their guard such was the unpredictability of  the dictators’ reasoning, behavior, jealousies and the suddenness of attacks.

The dictators both used hate tactics on a continual basis to undermine and destroy the reputations of any they perceived might oppose them or their plans, vilifying them beyond belief, leaving them defenseless and open to attacks from supporters of the dictators, such attacks justified and allowed by policy issued by the dictators, the outcome of any resultant justice action a mere forgone conclusion for the condemned. But justice procedures were rare, the dictators’ personal decisions being sufficient, more often not.

All the while the dictators both amassed huge sums in the bank, extorted from people who had been members of their group. They both lavished themselves with expensive trinkets and built costly structures in their own honor.

Any who sought to leave their ranks were dealt with severely. Any who defied them were dealt with likewise. All the while their mental stability deteriorated and their perpetrated abuses increased in proportion, until even some of their most ardent Lieutenants wondered about their sanity and the wisdom of their actions.

Far from leading their respective peoples to success, the dictators led them to contraction, failure and disaster as their ever more audacious plans failed, their assistants working furiously towards the end in a desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable.


I’m not saying Miscavige is Hitler. I’m saying it’s the same valance or one extremely close to it. For both of them it was a suppressive but initially winning valence. And that’s where it gets complicated because that’s also true for anyone who came under their influence.

I’ll never forget one day at the Int Base, many years ago. I was walking from one location to another when I turned a corner and stopped in my tracks. Someone was getting it in the neck right there in the middle of the walkway.  The demeanor was unmistakable, the usual aggressive stance, legs apart, finger prodding the victims chest, the snarling attitude of hate, the over the top exaggeration of the victim’s offenses. I’d seen it many times before, Miscavige was meting out punishment. I made to find an alternate route, but while glancing back it shocked me to realize it wasn’t Miscavige at all but someone so completely in his valence I had been momentarily fooled.

Who it was is of no consequence because many of us adopted that  “winning valance” to some degree or another and a whole language of false and sadistic data grew up around it with such terms as “face ripping”, “SRA” (Severe Reality Adjustment),  he’s “toast” or “history”; terms that bore no resemblance to LRH policy.

For the record, and to give the true data, in HCO PL, 19 Sept 1958, LRH wrote:

“A hundred thousand years of future are looking at us – we can only measure up by doing our jobs as best we can today – with understanding, intelligence, helpfulness, courage and compassion – to the greatest good of the greatest number of dynamics. It is a large order but the first to fill it must be our executives.”

And in the same issue LRH wrote:

“No person can be driven to labor – as every slave society has found out. They always lose. When a man is whipped, that work he then does still stems from his willingness alone. Anger made it smaller.”

So it was never as simple as Miscavige is an SP, he suppressed us and that’s that.  But only because many of us committed overts on his behalf or while in his valance in some form or another which creates a very confused picture when we start to think about it. One in which we tend to target ourselves for what took place or accept blame from others for our part. No doubt there also exists chains of overts where we were expected to act in that destructive fashion and didn’t thus creating withholds of omission against that wacked-out, criminal moral code.

It’s very social and noble of us to take responsibility and blame ourselves and not assign correct cause for what took place but its poor data series application and even poorer PTS/SP tech.

And it’s ironic that the first to rub our noses in our overts was of course Miscavige. He’s a master at it. But then LRH says criminals love to rope in others and getting you to commit overts or crimes on his behalf was one of the ways in which he got you on board in the first place. Members of organized crime use the same trick.


So to cut a path through the confusion, let me ask you this. Who created that awful gnawing stress we all worked under? Remember that stress?

Why would staff practically soil themselves at the mere idea that Miscavige was going to visit them for an inspection or some such? Would that kind of stress have occurred if Miscavige had operated with understanding, compassion or helpfulness as LRH intended?

And I know that even if you never worked with or near Miscavige, even if you were never in the Sea Org, you still felt that stress reach out to you. You just didn’t know the cause or source, or you couldn’t put a name to it. Or perhaps you blamed the face that was visible to you. But believe me, just like Hitler’s men, those people were just following orders while gripped by their own fear.

And it’s all going from bad to worse. Miscavige has finally made it so that everyone wears all the hats these days, creating mass confusion and generating further stress. What little is left of management are just glorified book sellers (field hat) or have to go to orgs and do the work (local staff hat). And field OTs are charged by Miscavige with financing huge buildings for orgs (no one’s hat) or helping expand orgs (management’s hat) and Sacramento org has to help man up Dallas Org (what?) and orgs that have absolutely nothing to do with Las Vegas will shortly be asked to help man that org. Continental management units have to go out and do the work of their local orgs because management no longer functions anyway, thus bypassing the local orgs royally and putting them into non-existence so they collapse even further; and EVERYBODY but EVERYBODY sells  and buys books. It’s all a confused suppressive mess with lots and lots of stress. And as LRH points out, an SP loves that kind of confusion; it’s all the easier to hide in.

LRH says: “A person under stress is actually under a suppression on one or more dynamics. If that suppression is located and the person handles or disconnects, the condition diminishes.” He goes on to outline additional handlings that can be done to handle all the effects of the suppression.

The mistake some are making is that they think just disconnecting (getting away from it) is enough. But note, LRH says locating the source of the suppression comes first, before the handle or disconnect step and further steps might also be required to fully remove all aspects of the suppression.

Pretended PTS

The Famous Double Cross!
And what about Miscavige repeatedly and incessantly naming people as SPs on his lines?  He has named so many people as “Int SPs” I’ve lost count.  And he’s said that this, that and the other person has been suppressing him for years and other such nonsense, even going so far as to play the “Can We Ever Be Friends” tape to the entire Int Base, as if to indicate that many hundreds of staff have been suppressing poor old Dictator Miscavige.

Well, in C/S Series 118, Pretended PTS, LRH says:

“In other words, they were actively committing suppressive actions while pretending to be PTS. And were busy making people around them feel PTS. While apparently the effect of suppression or black PR, they were actually generating it themselves, originating black PR to cover their own overt acts.”

Do I need to say any more on this point?

It all resolves with PTS/SP Tech

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, as the old saying goes.

I’m finding that this tech is the only thing that resolves the frightening effects of Dictator Miscavige -- Scientology’s little Hitler. And it’s a great feeling to wake up each day free of that stress knowing that the world is once again a bright and happy place.

It was utterly unexpected and unpredicted that suppression would come from the top. None of us saw it coming. But it did. And once you realize that like Hitler, Miscavige just saw his chance for power and grabbed it, and that he was neither appointed nor anointed, you can begin to accept that Miscavige is just a man and a suppressive one at that. And that is the beginning of the road back for us as individuals and for Scientology.

But there is work still to be done. Just because we are free of it does not mean the suppression is not continuing. And do we really want to leave any of our friends toiling under his influence? Do we really want to allow him to keep messing up the scene?

Written by T. Paine


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